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Test Bank for Foundations of Nursing Research 7th Edition by Nieswiadomy

Test Bank for Foundations of Nursing Research 7th

Edition by Nieswiadomy

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Foundations of Nursing Research, 7e (Nieswiadomy)
Chapter 8 Theory and Nursing Research

1) What is a set of related statements that describes or explains phenomena in a systematic way?
A) Concept
B) Theory
C) Construct
D) Proposition
Answer: B
Explanation: A) A concept is a word picture or mental idea of a phenomenon.
B) Theory is correct because a theory is a set of related statements that describes or explains
phenomena in a systematic way.
C) A construct is the term used to indicate a phenomenon that cannot be directly observed but
must be inferred by certain concrete or less abstract indicators of the phenomenon.
D) A proposition is a statement or assertion of the relationship between concepts.
Cognitive Level: Remembering
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation
Learning Outcome: LO 01. Summarize the key terminology for nursing theory.

2) A nurse is caring for a client who has just been transferred from the intensive care unit after
having open heart surgery. The nurse wants to use a nursing model, focusing on the person as a
total being, as opposed to a medical model, which focuses on the client's disease process. Which
nursing model theorist should the nurse reference?
A) Orem
B) Rogers
C) Roy
D) Neuman
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Concepts in the Orem model are self-care, self-care agency, self-care demand,
self-care deficit, nursing agency, and nursing system.
B) Rogers' model is unique in that the person is viewed as a unified whole. No parts or
subsystems are separated out.
C) Roy has pointed out that nursing focuses on the person as a total being, whereas medicine
focuses on the patient's disease process.
D) Neuman has proposed a model that focuses on the total person. The person or client system
(individual, group, community) is subject to environmental stressors that are intrapersonal,
interpersonal, and extrapersonal in nature.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Planning
Learning Outcome: LO 02. Compare types and distinguish scopes of nursing theories.

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.
3) A nursing student is learning the difference between theoretical and conceptual frameworks.
Which statement, if made by the student, indicates the need for further teaching?
A) A theoretical framework presents a broad, general explanation of the relationships between
the concepts of interest in a research study.
B) A conceptual framework helps to explain the relationship between concepts.
C) A conceptual framework is a less well-developed structure than a theoretical framework but
may serve as the impetus for the formulation of a theory.
D) A theoretical framework is based on many existing theories.
Answer: D
Explanation: A) This is a correct description of a theoretical framework; therefore, it
demonstrates that the student has knowledge of the topic.
B) This is a correct description of a theoretical framework; therefore, it demonstrates that the
student has knowledge of the topic.
C) This is a correct description of a theoretical framework; therefore, it demonstrates that the
student has knowledge of the topic.
D) A theoretical framework is based on one existing theory, not many. A conceptual framework
helps to explain the relationship between concepts. Rather than being based on one theory, this
type of framework links concepts selected from several theories, from previous research results,
or from the researcher's own experiences.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Evaluation
Learning Outcome: LO 02. Compare types and distinguish scopes of nursing theories.

4) The researcher is planning the work associated with a new project. In which stage of the
project should the researcher consider the theoretical or conceptual framework?
A) In the early stages
B) In the middle stages
C) In the late stages
D) In the poststudy analysis phase
Answer: A
Explanation: A) In the early stages of a research project, the researcher should consider the
theoretical or conceptual framework for the study. This framework is usually determined after a
thorough review of the literature. The framework helps organize the study and provides a context
for the interpretation of the study findings.
B) Because this framework provides the foundation for the study, it should be considered in the
early stages of the work.
C) Because this framework provides the foundation for the study, it should be considered in the
early stages of the work.
D) Because this framework provides the foundation for the study, it should be considered in the
early stages of the work.
Cognitive Level: Applying
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Planning
Learning Outcome: LO 02. Compare types and distinguish scopes of nursing theories.
Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.
5) The nurse researcher is conducting research on the effect of homelessness on how often a
woman performs self-breast examinations. Which theory would be of greatest interest to this
A) Pender's Health Promotion Theory
B) Mishel's Uncertainty in Illness Theory
C) Melzack's Gate Control Theory of Pain
D) Benner's model on novice to expert
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Pender's Health Promotion Theory focuses on the perceived benefits and
barriers to engaging in health promotion activities.
B) This theory deals with illness, not health practices.
C) This theory describes a possible process for transmission of pain and does not address health
D) This model deals with the development of a nurse from novice to expert and does not address
health practices.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation
Learning Outcome: LO 03. Describe how theory is integrated into nursing research.

6) Place the steps of using the research process to test theory in the correct order.
1. Determine implications for nursing based on the explanatory power of the theory.
2. Select a theory to be tested in the study.
3. Choose study instruments that are congruent with the theory.
4. Relate study conclusions to the theory.
5. Define study variables using the selected theory as the basis of the theoretical definitions.
6. Make recommendations for future research concerning the designated theory.
Answer: 1, 5, 3, 4, 1, 6
Explanation: 1: The findings of the study are not meaningful until the implications for nursing
are identified.
2: After reviewing many theories, the researcher must choose one to test.
3: The researcher must choose an instrument that will test the hypothesis or research question
that is also congruent with the theory being tested.
4: The findings of the study should be described in light of the explanations provided by the
5: The chosen theory should be used to define the study variable.
6: Most studies result in additional questions or the need for replication of the study in order to
support study findings.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation
Learning Outcome: LO 04. Summarize how nursing theory is developed, tested, and critiqued.

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.
7) The nurse researcher is considering the relationship between the two variables in a study.
What predicts this relationship?
A) A theory
B) A concept
C) A proposition
D) A hypothesis
Answer: D
Explanation: A) A theory is a set of interrelated constructs (concepts), definitions, and
propositions that present a systematic view of phenomena by specifying relations among
variables, with the purpose of explaining and predicting the phenomena.
B) A concept is a word picture or mental idea of a phenomenon.
C) A proposition is a statement or assertion of the relationship between concepts, not variables.
D) A hypothesis is written to predict the relationship between the variables in the study.
Cognitive Level: Applying
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Planning
Learning Outcome: LO 01. Summarize the key terminology for nursing theory.

8) Which statement, made by a research student, indicates understanding of the use of theoretical
or conceptual frameworks in nursing research?
A) "A theoretical or conceptual framework is only necessary when conducting qualitative
B) "Theoretical and conceptual frameworks are not necessary for nursing research unless it is
clinical research."
C) "A theoretical or conceptual framework is only necessary when conducting quantitative
D) "A theoretical or conceptual framework is always necessary when conducting either
quantitative or qualitative research."
Answer: D
Explanation: A) Quantitative research should also include a theoretical or conceptual
B) Nursing research should always include a theoretical framework whether or not the study
pertains to clinical research.
C) Qualitative research should also include a theoretical or conceptual framework.
D) A framework for a research study helps to organize the study and provides a context for the
interpretation of the study findings. Either a theoretical or a conceptual framework should be
used in all nursing studies.
Cognitive Level: Applying
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation
Learning Outcome: LO 01. Summarize the key terminology for nursing theory.

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.
9) The nurse's research focuses on how a person defends himself or herself from daily stressors.
Which theorist's work would likely be fundamental to this researcher's work?
A) Roy
B) Neuman
C) Rogers
D) Orem
Answer: B
Explanation: A) In Roy's theory, humans are considered biopsychosocial beings in constant
interaction with the changing environment. People are viewed as adaptive systems with cognator
and regulator coping mechanisms that act to maintain adaptation in four response modes:
physiological, self-concept, role function, and interdependence.
B) Neuman has proposed a model that focuses on the total person. The person or client system
(individual, group, community) is subject to environmental stressors that are intrapersonal,
interpersonal, and extrapersonal in nature. The client is protected from stressors by a flexible line
of defense that is dynamic.
C) In Rogers' model, humans and their environment are viewed as two energy fields that are
always open to each other. Each human field is unique, and change is always toward increasing
complexity and diversity.
D) Concepts in the Orem model are self-care, self-care agency, self-care demand, self-care
deficit, nursing agency, and nursing system.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Planning
Learning Outcome: LO 02. Compare types and distinguish scopes of nursing theories.

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.
10) A nurse's research is testing Martha Rogers' Science of Unitary Human Beings. The
researcher has chosen to study the growing diversity in the individual field pattern of older adults
moving to assisted living centers. The study predicts that, if these patterns follow Rogers' theory
and are indeed becoming more diverse, the subjects have a greater chance of adapting well to the
move. What kind of reasoning is this nurse using?
A) Deductive
B) Inductive
C) Propositional
D) Grand theory reasoning
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Deductive reasoning proceeds from the general (Rogers' theory) to specific
(older adults adapting well to moving).
B) Inductive processing involves data that are gathered from a real-life situation and the
researcher making a general explanation of that behavior.
C) The term propositional statement is used in research to assert the relationship between
concepts, not to describe a type of reasoning.
D) Grand theories address a broad range of phenomenon in the environment. This is not a type of
Cognitive Level: Evaluating
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Evaluation
Learning Outcome: LO 03. Describe how theory is integrated into nursing research.

11) The staff nurse notices that newly admitted patients appear calmer after the nurse has
completed their admission interview and physical assessment and has discussed their plan of
care. The nurse wonders if this is related to alleviation of fear of the unknown. What kind of
thinking is this nurse pursuing?
A) Extension
B) Inductive
C) Review
D) Deductive
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Extension is not a type of thinking.
B) Inductive reasoning proceeds from the specific situation (patients appearing calmer) to
general (alleviation of fear of the unknown).
C) Review is not a type of thinking.
D) Deductive reasoning proceeds from the general to specific. In this case, the nurse is thinking
from specific (patients appearing calmer) to general (alleviation of fear of the unknown).
Cognitive Level: Evaluating
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Evaluation
Learning Outcome: LO 03. Describe how theory is integrated into nursing research.

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.
12) Which issue is of concern to nursing?
A) The grand theories of nursing often do not take environment into consideration.
B) The level of theory that drives much research in nursing is generally from other disciplines.
C) The majority of nursing research is guided by grand theories.
D) There are no middle-range nursing theories.
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Nursing theorists consider health, environment, person, and nursing.
B) Middle-range theories have been shown to be more valuable to nursing research than grand
theories. The majority of middle-range theories used in nursing research are from other
C) Middle-range theories have been shown to be more valuable to nursing research than grand
D) Middle-range theories do exist in nursing.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation
Learning Outcome: LO 03. Describe how theory is integrated into nursing research.

13) A nurse is reading a research study that is based on Martha Rogers' Science of Unitary Being
model. The nurse notices that Rogers is not listed in the article references. How should the nurse
interpret this finding?
A) This is likely a simple error of omission in the reference.
B) The researcher erroneously identified Martha Rogers as the developer of that model.
C) The researcher used secondary sources to learn about Rogers' theory.
D) Since Martha Rogers is no longer living, it is not necessary to include her in the reference list.
Answer: C
Explanation: A) This would be a huge mistake in a reference list and is likely not what
B) Martha Rogers is the developer of the model.
C) Martha Rogers' theory is well integrated and well known in nursing research. It is likely this
researcher used secondary sources to learn about the model.
D) The researcher should reference all works used, whether the author is living or dead.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Evaluation
Learning Outcome: LO 04. Summarize how nursing theory is developed, tested, and critiqued.

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.
14) The nurse wishes to critique the conceptual framework of a recently published study. Place
the steps of this process in correct order.
1. Determine if the theory is from nursing or from another discipline.
2. Determine if there is a clear explanation of the relationship between the concepts presented in
the study.
3. Determine if the study findings support the study framework.
4. Determine if a framework for the study was identified.
5. Determine if the theory is appropriate for the study.
6. Determine if the theoretical concepts presented have operational definitions outlined in the
Answer: 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3
Explanation: 1: After identifying the theory, it is important to know if it is a nursing theory or a
theory borrowed by nursing.
2: The concepts should be clearly presented and their relationship should be clearly described.
3: The last step in this critique is determining if the findings of the study support the framework
4: The first step of this critique is identifying the framework if it exists.
5: Appropriateness of the theory for the study is the next step.
6: Once the concepts are identified and their relationship described, the researcher should offer
operational definitions for the concepts.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Evaluation
Learning Outcome: LO 04. Summarize how nursing theory is developed, tested, and critiqued.

15) What is TRUE regarding testing of theory in a nursing research study?

A) This is not a purpose of nursing research.
B) Studies generally test several theories at one time.
C) An entire theory is rarely tested in a single research study.
D) Theories are only tested in qualitative studies.
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Nursing research is often done for the purpose of testing a theory.
B) Each study should test only one theory.
C) This is a true statement. Theories are often broken down into parts, with the parts being tested
in different studies.
D) Theories are tested in qualitative and quantitative studies.
Cognitive Level: Applying
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Assessment
Learning Outcome: LO 04. Summarize how nursing theory is developed, tested, and critiqued.

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.
Test Bank for Foundations of Nursing Research 7th Edition by Nieswiadomy

16) A nurse researcher is searching for a theory or concept to use as the framework for an
upcoming study. While conducting this search, which guidelines should the researcher follow?
Select all that apply.
A) It is permissible to use only nursing theories or concepts.
B) Combining theories from more than one nursing theorist is not acceptable.
C) It is sometimes helpful to combine nursing theory with a theory from outside the discipline.
D) Theories from outside nursing can be used if they match the study purpose.
E) It is permissible to skip the identification of a theoretical or conceptual framework.
Answer: A, C, D
Explanation: A) Many studies are conducted using only nursing theories.
B) In some cases, it is best to combine theories from more than one nurse theorist.
C) Combining nursing theories with theories from outside the discipline is permissible.
D) Theories from outside the discipline can be used as the framework for nursing studies.
E) Research should have a defined theoretical or conceptual framework.
Cognitive Level: Applying
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Planning
Learning Outcome: LO 03. Describe how theory is integrated into nursing research.

17) A beginning nurse researcher is having difficulty applying nursing theory to practice and
learns that this problem is called the theory-practice gap. The nurse determines to focus personal
research on closing this gap. The nurse should focus on studies that use which types of theories?
Select all that apply.
A) Grand theories
B) Middle-range theories
C) Theories from outside the discipline
D) Practice theories
E) Theories from nursing theorists only
Answer: B, D
Explanation: A) Grand theories are often complex, hard to understand, and hard to apply to the
day-to-day practice of bedside nursing.
B) Middle-range theories are more focused on practice.
C) Theories from inside the practice of nursing could be useful to this researcher.
D) Practice theories are specifically focused on improving practice.
E) Theories from outside the discipline of nursing could be useful to this researcher.
Cognitive Level: Applying
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nurs./Integ. Concepts: Nursing Process: Planning
Learning Outcome: LO 03. Describe how theory is integrated into nursing research.

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

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