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Test Bank for Hole’s Human Anatomy & Physiology, 16th Edition, Charles Welsh Cynthia Prent

Test Bank for Hole’s Human Anatomy &

Physiology, 16th Edition, Charles Welsh Cynthia

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Student name:__________
TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
1) If the sacrum were to develop without its primary curve, it would be concave.

⊚ true
⊚ false

2) Bones in the human body are nonliving.

⊚ true
⊚ false

3) Bones are classified as irregular, flat, short, or long.

⊚ true
⊚ false

4) A bone shaft is the diaphysis; the expanded parts at the ends are the epiphyses.

⊚ true
⊚ false

5) In the humerus, the deltoid tuberosity is located on the diaphysis; the trochlea, capitulum,
and the greater/lesser tubercles are parts of the epiphyses.

⊚ true
⊚ false

6) Perforating canals form transverse channels in bone tissue.

⊚ true
⊚ false

7) If the supply of blood cells is deficient, yellow marrow may change into red marrow.

Version 1 1
⊚ true
⊚ false

8) Anemia could prompt the conversion of yellow marrow into red marrow.

⊚ true
⊚ false

9) Bone remodeling occurs as osteoblasts resorb bone tissue and osteoclasts replace the

⊚ true
⊚ false

10) Testosterone has a stronger effect on epiphyseal plates than do the estrogens.

⊚ true
⊚ false

11) The small intestine requires vitamin D to adequately absorb calcium.

⊚ true
⊚ false

12) Osteoclasts are bone-resorbing cells, whereas osteoblasts are bone-forming cells.

⊚ true
⊚ false

13) Blood cell formation is called osteogenesis.

⊚ true
⊚ false

14) The number of bones in most people is 206.

Version 1 2
⊚ true
⊚ false

15) The appendicular skeleton consists of the parts that support and protect the head, neck,
and trunk.

⊚ true
⊚ false

16) Gerri needs to have surgery to correct a fracture she sustained on one of her carpal bones.
The surgery is occurring in her foot.

⊚ true
⊚ false

17) The parietal bones meet each otheralong the sagittal suture.

⊚ true
⊚ false

18) Fontanels in the fetal skull permit some bone movement, enabling the fetus to pass more
easily through the birth canal during childbirth.

⊚ true
⊚ false

19) Intervertebral discs are composed of skeletal muscle.

⊚ true
⊚ false

20) The first cervical vertebra is the axis and the second is the atlas.

⊚ true
⊚ false

Version 1 3
21) Most people have 24 ribs.

⊚ true
⊚ false

22) The sternum is composed of three parts: the lower manubrium, the middle body, and the
upper xiphoid.

⊚ true
⊚ false

23) During a martial arts exhibition, Gregory receives a punch that causes his xiphoid process
to break. This suggests that the punch hit the pectoral girdle.

⊚ true
⊚ false

24) The pectoral girdle consists of two scapulae and two clavicles.

⊚ true
⊚ false

25) The deltoid tuberosity is part of the humerus.

⊚ true
⊚ false

26) A styloid process is part of the ulna.

⊚ true
⊚ false

27) The ilium is part of the pelvic girdle.

Version 1 4
⊚ true
⊚ false

28) An “open book” fracture occurs when blunt force trauma causes the two pubis bones of
the pelvic girdle to separate, opening the entire girdle from the front like a book. The section of
the pelvic girdle that would be broken in this injury is the pubic symphysis.

⊚ true
⊚ false

29) The ischium is the anterior part of the hip bone.

⊚ true
⊚ false

30) The femur extends from the knee to the foot.

⊚ true
⊚ false

31) Loriann has an abnormally narrow pelvic brim. This will most likely be a problem during

⊚ true
⊚ false

32) As a person ages, osteoblasts out number osteoclasts.

⊚ true
⊚ false

33) Men and women begin to lose bone at the same rate by about age 70.

⊚ true
⊚ false

Version 1 5
34) Osteoporosis is more severe than osteopenia.

⊚ true
⊚ false

35) If the sinus cavities located within the skull were instead completely filled with bone, the
skull would be much heavier.

⊚ true
⊚ false

36) A laminectomy is a procedure used to treat osteoporosis that removes part of the body of
a vertebra.

⊚ true
⊚ false

37) Kyphosis is an excess curvature in the thoracic part of the vertebral column.

⊚ true
⊚ false

38) Lordosis is an excess curvature of the thoracic part of the vertebral column.

⊚ true
⊚ false

39) A parathyroid gland that is unresponsive to blood calcium levels and that produces
abnormally high amounts of parathyroid hormone would result inbones rapidly breaking down.

⊚ true
⊚ false

Version 1 6
40) A parathyroid gland that is overresponsive to blood calcium levels will produce
abnormally high amounts of calcitonin and cause bones to rapidly gain calcium.

⊚ true
⊚ false

41) Kristen is in a car accident. When she regains consciousness, she notices a sharp pain in
her left arm. Looking down, she sees a bone sticking out. This is a compound fracture.

⊚ true
⊚ false

42) Kevin is born with a mutation that causes dehydrocholesterol to be unreactive when
exposed to sunlight. This will lead to Kevin developing rickets.

⊚ true
⊚ false

43) Ligaments are components of the skeletal system.

⊚ true
⊚ false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
44) The zygomatic bone is an example of what shape of bone?

A) Long bone
B) Flat bone
C) Short bone
D) Irregular bone

45) The calcaneus bone of the foot is an example of a(n) __________.

Version 1 7
A) long bone
B) flat bone
C) short bone
D) irregular bone

46) Which of the following is notassociated withspongy bone?

A) Trabeculae
B) Osteons
C) Canaliculi
D) Osteocytes

47) Which shape of bone is listed with an incorrect example?

A) Long bone- forearm bones

B) Short bone- wrist and anklebones
C) Flat bone- thigh bone
D) Irregular bone- vertebrae

48) Compact bone has __________, whereas spongy bone has __________.

A) spaces that reduce the weight of bone; tightly packed matrixthat is solid
B) osteons; trabeculae
C) trabeculae; osteons
D) osteocytes; no osteocytes

49) Where on a long bone is articular cartilage found?

A) On the outer surface of the epiphyses

B) Inside the medullary cavity
C) On the outer surface of the diaphysis
D) In the spaces of the spongy bone

Version 1 8
50) What type of tissue comprises articular cartilage?

A) Fibrocartilage
B) Spongy bone
C) Elastic cartilage
D) Hyaline cartilage

51) A six-month-old baby is admitted to the hospital with a broken bone. This is the third
fracture in the otherwise healthy child. The parents are arrested on charges of child abuse.
Thedefense lawyer gets the charges dropped after the results of genetic tests indicate which of
the following conditions?

A) Polydactyly
B) Osteoporosis
C) Osteogenesis imperfecta
D) Anemia

52) What is the process by which a bone grows in thickness?

A) Cell division in the medullary cavity

B) Increased production of bone matrixby osteoclasts
C) Increased activity within the epiphyseal plate
D) Deposit of compact bone beneath the periosteum of the diaphysis

53) What is the process by which a bone grows in length?

A) Cell division in the medullary cavity

B) Increased production of bone matrixby osteoclasts
C) Increased activity within the epiphyseal plate
D) Deposit of compact bone beneath the periosteum of the diaphysis

54) Osteoblasts are __________, whereas osteocytes are __________.

Version 1 9
A) bone-formingcells; bone-dissolving cells
B) mature bone cells; bone-forming cells
C) bone-forming cells; mature bone cells
D) bone-dissolvingcells; mature bonecells

55) What are osteoclasts?

A) Bone cells that secrete bone matrix

B) Mature bone cells that maintain the matrix
C) Immature bone cells that give rise to osteocytes
D) Bone cells that break down bone matrix

56) In a child, avitamin D deficiency results in __________, whereas a vitamin A deficiency

results in __________.

A) pituitarydwarfism; rickets
B) rickets; retardation of bone development
C) excess calciumabsorption; osteomalacia
D) soft bones; rickets

57) Pituitary dwarfism results from a decreased secretion of __________ , which in turn
decreases the rate of cell division of __________.

A) thyroid hormones;osteocytes in the periosteum

B) growth hormone;fat cellsin the medullary cavity
C) thyroid hormones;osteoclasts in the compact bone
D) growthhormone; cartilage cells in the epiphyseal plate

58) Which of the following is not a step in endochondral bone formation?

Version 1 10
A) Hyaline cartilage develops into the shape of the future bone.
B) Periosteum forms from connective tissue outside the developing bone.
C) Hyaline cartilagechanges to adipose tissue.
D) Osteoblasts deposit osseous tissue in place of disintegrating cartilage.

59) Consider the following situation. During endochondral bone formation, the secondary
ossification center never begins to form. What will the developing bone look like?

A) The bone will remain in its cartilaginous model form.

B) The bone will remain cartilaginous in the middle (the diaphysis) until adulthood,
when the cartilage will ossify.
C) No epiphyseal plate will exist between the two formed ossification centers.
D) The ends (epiphyses) of the bone will remain cartilaginous during development until
adulthood, when the cartilage will ossify.

60) Which of the following is an example of an intramembranous bone(s)?

A) Bones of the cranium

B) Phalanges of the fingers
C) Humerus
D) Femur

61) What does the presence of an epiphyseal plate in a bone indicate?

A) The bone is lengthening.

B) The bone is no longer lengthening.
C) The bone is increasing in diameter.
D) The bone has completed ossification.

62) At what age are nearly all bones completely ossified?

Version 1 11
A) Birth
B) 5 years
C) 15 years
D) 25 years

63) What is the function of osteoblasts?

A) Osteoblasts are large, multinucleated cells that break down the calcified bone matrix.
B) Osteoblastsdeposit bone matrix around themselves and become osteocytes when they
areisolated in lacunae.
C) Osteoblasts secrete collagen fibers and then mature into osteoclasts.
D) Osteoblasts secrete an acid that breaks down the epiphyseal plate.

64) It is possible to determine if a child's long bone is growing by examining a radiograph of

the bone and looking for a(n) _________.

A) diaphysis
B) medullary cavity
C) epiphyseal plate
D) articular cartilage

65) Endochondral ossification __________, whereas intramembranous ossification


A) replaces hyaline cartilage with bone; replaces undifferentiated connective tissue with
B) forms bone of the cranium; forms bone of the limbs
C) inhibits osteoblast activity; increases osteoclast activity
D) increases osteoclast activity; inhibits osteoblasts

Version 1 12
66) What would happen if the ossification center was removed during the process of
intramembranous ossification?

A) Bone would stop growing.

B) A hollow space would develop in between the two layers of compact bone.
C) Surrounding mesenchymal cells would breakdown the periosteum.
D) Blood vessels would be encouraged to invade the area.

67) What is the action of the thyroid hormone thyroxine on the skeletal system?

A) To increase cartilage production in the epiphyseal plate.

B) To stimulate osteoclasts.
C) To stimulate replacement of cartilage with bonein the epiphyseal plate.
D) To remove calcium from bone.

68) What is the effect of sex hormones on the skeletal system?

A) They inhibitosteoblast activity.

B) They stimulateossification of the epiphyseal plates.
C) They stimulate osteoclasts.
D) They cause a thickening of the diaphyses of long bones.

69) What is the effect of exercise on bones?

A) Results in thickening and elongating of bones

B) Results in weakening and elongating bones
C) Results in thickening and strengthening bones
D) Results in thinning and weakening bones

70) Red bone marrow functions in the formation of __________.

Version 1 13
A) red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets
B) red blood cells only
C) white blood cells only
D) red and white blood cells only

71) Which of the following does not describe the function(s) of the skeletal system?

A) It interacts with muscles, providing movement.

B) It storesinorganic salts.
C) It protectsorgans, especially in the head and thorax.
D) It generates the movements of the limbs.

72) Which of the following is the most abundant form in which calcium is found in the
inorganic matrix of the bone?

A) Calcium oxalate
B) Hydroxyapatite
C) Calciumpyrophosphate
D) Calciumcarbonate

73) Which of the following is not a function of bones?

A) Contraction
B) Attachmentformuscles
C) Blood cellproduction
D) Storage of inorganic salts

74) Which of the following bones are found within the axial skeleton?

Version 1 14
A) The upper and lower limbs and pelvic and pectoral girdles
B) The skull, hyoid bone, thoracic cage, and vertebral column
C) The radius, ulna, carpals, and phalanges
D) The femur, tibia, and fibula

75) What bony feature cradles the pituitary gland?

A) Sella turcica
B) Cribriform plate
C) Sphenoidal sinus
D) Mandibular fossa

76) What two bones form the hard palate?

A) Sphenoid and ethmoid bones

B) Nasal conchae and vomer bones
C) Zygomatic and lacrimal bones
D) Maxillary and palatine bones

77) The processes of which two bones form the zygomatic arch?

A) Zygomatic and temporal bones

B) Zygomatic and maxillary bones
C) Maxillary and temporal bones
D) Temporal and parietal bones

78) Which of the following bones is not part of the orbit of the skull?

Version 1 15
A) Ethmoid
B) Sphenoid
C) Vomer
D) Frontal

79) Bacteria infecting the mucous membranes in the air cells of the mastoid process most
likely spread from the __________.

A) middle ear
B) meninges
C) frontal sinus
D) maxillary sinus

80) A cleft palate results from incomplete development of the __________.

A) ethmoid bone
B) maxillae
C) mandible
D) vomer bone

81) What are the primary curves of the vertebral column?

A) Cervical and lumbar curvatures

B) Cervical and thoracic curvatures
C) Thoracic and sacral curvatures
D) Lumbar and sacral curvatures

82) What are the secondary curves of the vertebral column?

Version 1 16
A) Cervical and lumbar curvatures
B) Cervical and thoracic curvatures
C) Thoracic and sacral curvatures
D) Lumbar and sacral curvatures

83) What three bones fuse to form the hip bone?

A) The ilium, the femur,and the pubis.

B) The ilium, the sacrum, and the pubis.
C) The ischium, the coccyx,and the pubis.
D) The ilium, the ischium, and the pubis.

84) The atlas is one of the __________ vertebrae.

A) lumbar
B) thoracic
C) cervical
D) sacral

85) If the atlas and axis were replaced with typical cervical vertebrae, __________ would be

A) the ability to move the arms

B) protection of the spinal cord
C) the ability to pivot the head from side to side
D) stability of the cervical intervertebral disks

86) Ribs that join the sternum directly by costal cartilages are called __________ ribs.

Version 1 17
A) true
B) false
C) floating
D) vertebrochondral

87) Which of the following describes the clavicles?

A) Provide attachments for muscles of the back, chest, and upper limbs
B) Part of the vertebral column
C) Provide attachments for muscles of the pelvic girdle and lower limbs
D) Part of the axial skeleton

88) What are the names of the three borders of the scapula?

A) The frontal, pivotal, and dorsal borders

B) The superior, lateral, and medial borders
C) The acromion, coracoid, and glenoid borders
D) The supraspinous, infraspinous, and subscapular borders

89) What are phalanges?

A) Skull bones
B) Forearm bones
C) Finger and toe bones
D) Wrist and ankle bones

90) Where are the capitulum and trochlea located?

Version 1 18
A) At the proximal end of the humerus
B) At the distal end of the humerus
C) At the distal end of the ulna
D) In the hand

91) If the trochlea was fractured, what joint would be affected?

A) The elbow joint

B) The shoulder joint
C) The thumb joint
D) The wrist joint

92) Having extra digits is termed __________.

A) polydactyly
B) polyuria
C) polyploidy
D) polydipsia

93) Which of the following is/are not a component(s) of the pelvic girdle?

A) Hip bones
B) Coxal bones
C) Femurs
D) Sacrum

94) If the acetabulum was malformed, which joint would be affected?

Version 1 19
A) The elbow joint
B) The knee joint
C) The hip joint
D) The ankle joint

95) What is the acetabulum?

A) A depression in the hip bone that receives the head of the femur
B) A protuberance in the hip bone that attaches to the head of the femur
C) The prominence of the hip
D) The anterior portion of the hip bone

96) Which of the following describes a female's pelvis compared to a male's pelvis?

A) A cavity that is wider in all dimensions, with lighter bones.

B) A cavity that is narrower in all dimensions, with lighter bones.
C) A cavity that is wider in all dimensions, with heavier bones.
D) A cavity that is narrower in all dimensions, with heavier bones.

97) Which of the following describes the female pelvis compared to that of the male?

A) The angle of the female pubic arch is smaller.

B) The distance between the female ischial spines is greater.
C) The obturatorforamen is more oval in a female.
D) The female iliac bones are less flared.

98) Where is the femur located?

Version 1 20
A) In the thigh
B) In the pelvic girdle
C) In the arm
D) In the shin

99) The talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid, and lateral, intermediate, and cuneiform bones
are all part of the _________.

A) foot
B) hand
C) pelvis
D) skull

100) Height begins to decrease on average after age _________.

A) 25
B) 30
C) 50
D) 65

101) What is a compound fracture?

A) An incomplete break of the bone in more than one place

B) A longitudinal break in the bone
C) A broken bone exposed to the outside
D) A complete break in the bone in more than one place

102) A landscaper accidentally had their leg crushed by a tree. Their femur was impacted with
such force that a section of the bone completely shattered into fragments. What type of break is

Version 1 21
A) A comminuted fracture
B) A fissured fracture
C) An oblique fracture
D) A greenstick fracture

103) Which of the following correctly lists the steps of fracture repair in sequence?

A) A hematoma forms, granulation tissue and fibrocartilage develop, osteoclasts and

phagocytes clear away debris, bony callus forms.
B) A hematoma forms,osteoblasts arrive and produce new bone tissue, osteoclasts and
phagocytesclear away debris, granulation tissue forms.
C) Phagocytes clear away debris, osteoblasts remove damaged bone tissue, and a
hematoma forms.
D) A hematoma formsfollowed by formation of a bony callus that fibrocartilage

104) Cells that remove excess bone tissue after fracture repair are __________.

A) fibroblasts and osteoblasts

B) chondrocytes and osteocytes
C) osteoblasts and osteoclasts
D) osteoclasts and phagocytes

105) If a certain individual’s phagocytes were non-functioning, what would occur during
fracture repair?

A) A hematoma would not be able to form inside the break.

B) The hematoma clot and other damaged tissue would not be cleared from the area
during healing.
C) Fibrocartilage could not be produced within the gap between the sections of broken
D) Excess bone tissue would not be removed toward the end of the healing process.

Version 1 22
106) Eighty-year-old Evelyn takes a bisphosphonate drug once a month to keep her bones
strong. What condition does she most likely have?

A) Polydactyly
B) Osteogenesis imperfecta
C) Osteoporosis
D) A hematoma

107) Bisphosphonates are drugs that help build new bone. These are drugs that slow the
progression of what condition?

A) Rickets
B) Heart disease
C) Osteoporosis
D) Fractures

108) Which of the following is not an abnormal curvature of the spine?

A) Lordosis
B) Scoliosis
C) Multiple sclerosis
D) Kyphosis

109) One of your friend’s femurs is abnormally short and curved. When asked about it, they
tell you that when they were very young, they fell from a tree and fractured the femur at the
distal end.Their pediatrician urged the parents to allow your friend to receive surgery for the
fracture, but they refused. What most likely happened to result in the abnormal femur?

Version 1 23
A) Lack of physical therapy caused the muscles of the leg to not heal correctly,
inhibiting bone growth.
B) Because the epiphyseal plate was not repaired, any subsequent growth in the bone
was stunted and abnormal.
C) The hematoma stage of the fracture never filled in with fibrocartilage, which caused
the bone to never heal properly.
D) Because he was young, the femur healed so rapidly that it grew incorrectly and no
medical intervention prevented this from occurring.

110) Which bone marking does not serve as an articulating surface?

A) Head
B) Epicondyle
C) Condyle
D) Facet

111) What would be the effect on bone growth of insufficient dietary calcium?

A) The bone matrix would be softer.

B) The bone would beless flexible.
C) The epiphysealplates would ossify earlier in development.
D) The formation of spongy bone would be increased.

112) Which bone forms by intramembranous ossification?

A) Zygomatic
B) Radius
C) Axis
D) Hamate

Version 1 24
113) Consider the classifications of bone, and examples of each. Which classification applies
to bones used primarily for movement rather than protection?

A) Short bones
B) Long bones
C) Flat bones
D) Irregular bones

114) Not paying attention while walking and texting, Jenny trips over a curb and falls. She
reaches out to break her fall, but unfortunately breaks the bone in her wrist that is distal to the
radius. What bone did she break?

A) Scaphoid
B) Ulna
C) Humerus
D) Hamate

115) Which of the following is not a component of the skeletal system?

A) Skeletal muscle
B) Ligaments
C) Cartilage
D) Bone

FILL IN THE BLANK. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or
answers the question.
116) The medullary cavity of a long bone is lined with a thin cellular layer called the

117) The tough, fibrous vascular tissue that encloses a long bone is the __________.

Version 1 25
118) Secretion of excess __________ hormone causes acromegaly.

119) Bone-forming cells are called __________.

120) Blood cell formation is called __________.

121) The two divisions of the skeleton are called the axial skeleton and the __________

122) The membranous soft spots of a newborn's skull are called __________.

123) The intervertebral discs are composed of the tissue __________.

124) A baseball player is hit in the face with a baseball. The impact breaks the two front teeth
and fractures the bone immediately above them. The fractured bone is the __________.

125) The xiphoid process is part of the bone called the __________.

126) The scapula is part of the __________ girdle.

127) The bones of the wrist collectively are called the __________.

Version 1 26
128) The two pubic bones are connected at a joint called the pubic __________.

129) During a soccer game, Peter receives a blow tothe front of the knee and collapses. The
bruised bone is the __________, commonly called the knee cap.

Version 1 27
Answer Key

Test name: Prentice7

11) TRUE
12) TRUE
14) TRUE
17) TRUE
18) TRUE
21) TRUE
24) TRUE
25) TRUE
26) TRUE

Version 1 28
27) TRUE
28) TRUE
31) TRUE
33) TRUE
34) TRUE
35) TRUE
37) TRUE
39) TRUE
41) TRUE
42) TRUE
43) TRUE
44) D
45) C
46) B
47) C
48) B
49) A
50) D
51) C
52) D
53) C
54) C
55) D
56) B

Version 1 29
57) D
58) C
59) D
60) A
61) A
62) D
63) B
64) C
65) A
66) A
67) C
68) B
69) C
70) A
71) D
72) B
73) A
74) B
75) A
76) D
77) A
78) C
79) A
80) B
81) C
82) A
83) D
84) C
85) C
86) A

Version 1 30
87) A
88) B
89) C
90) B
91) A
92) A
93) C
94) C
95) A
96) A
97) B
98) A
99) A
100) B
101) C
102) A
103) A
104) D
105) B
106) C
107) C
108) C
109) B
110) B
111) A
112) A
113) B
114) A
115) A
116) endosteum

Version 1 31
Test Bank for Hole’s Human Anatomy & Physiology, 16th Edition, Charles Welsh Cynthia Prent

117) periosteum
118) growth
119) osteoblasts
120) hematopoiesis
121) appendicular
122) fontanels
123) fibrocartilage
124) maxilla
125) sternum
126) pectoral
127) carpals
128) symphysis
129) patella

Version 1 32

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