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By Tharini
Abortion is a medical process in This issue is very significant, especially due
which a pregnancy is intentionally to some of the radical opinions people have
and recent government action that has
terminated by artificially removing
caused outrages on social media. In today's
a fetus from the uterus. It is
society, teens who are sexually active who
done mainly in the first trimester don't use contraceptives are 90% more
of pregnancy, once the woman likely to become pregnant. More than half
chooses to abort the baby. end in abortion because many can't
It can be done medically, financially or emotionally support a child and
through a pill, or surgically, give the child a good life. In today's day and
which involves physically age, in 2023, teen pregnancies are so
common because of the amount of
removing the fetus.
unprotected sex teens have in unstable
relationships, rape and/or molestation cases.
Pro Life
Moral Conflict? Meaning they choose to believe
that the fetus is a human being,
Yes, abortion is a moral
abortion is murder and the fetus
dilemma because different should be kept no matter what.
people have different opinions
on when exactly in a
pregnancy, a fetus becomes a
Pro Choice
life. people also have different
Meaning they believe
opinions on whether a woman
that it should be the
should be able to make
woman's decision as it is
choices for her own body.
her life under impact.
Sin + Alienation
A sin that could be involved with this issue is premarital sex and/or
rape. In some cases, abortion can be a result of teen pregnancy, which
is a significant example of premarital sex. Another sin that could be
associated with abortion is rape. Many young girls get raped and
pregnant from their perpetrator. Rape is a grave sin in Church
teachings because it strips a person of their dignity and integrity.
Teens can be alienated among their peers or in their environment
because of people' s beliefs about rape culture and thoughts about
teen relationships. People may choose to blame the victim for being
raped because of their clothes or their own actions, which is unjust.
They also might use derogatory terms for a teen mom, and define her
based on her actions, choices, mistakes etc. and strip her of respect.
Church Continued
The church teaches that life

Teachings begins at conception and every

life beyond that point is valid and
The most commonly used Church should be protected, respected
teaching used against abortion is and treated as a valid individual.
the Fifth Commandment, "Thou
shalt not kill." The Church sees sex
as a gift that is meant for a man Continued Pt. 2
and a woman in the context of
Abortion is considered murder
marriage. When consenting to sex,
because since life begins at
the Church says the couple must
also be open to new life. The conception, medically terminating
Church also says that abortion is the fetus is killing it, therefore
an indirect method of murder. breaking the 5th Commandment
Exodus 20:13
Scripture "You shall not murder"
I chose these two verses from the
Bible because they accurately describe
pro life opinions about abortion and
prove it in a religious context. The
first passage is simple, and a
commandment from God to protect
ourselves and each other. The second
Jeremiah 1:5
passage is a quote from God, saying "Before I formed you in the womb
that a child in the womb is as valid as I knew you, and before you were
a full grown adult.These passages help born I consecrated you; I appointed
clarify the pro life point of view.
you a prophet to the nations."
There are many organizations for advocacy of one's body,
for example, The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada or
the National Abortion Federation. A teen struggling with a
pregnancy could contact Power to Decide, which helps teens
find safe abortion care, based on their location.
Permanent Measures
The safest method to avoid a pregnancy is abstinence, meaning avoiding
sex in general to keep yourself safe. There is a chance of rape but that
isn't as common. One can also engage in safe sex, take advantage of the
resources provided such as contraceptives and protection.
Abstinence and natural family planning aligns with the
Catholic teaching because the Church believes that sex
and pregnancy should always be in context of a
marriage and couples should be open to new life and
change, which are examples of God's gifts and grace.
Human Dignity
Human dignity is the worth and special value of every individual on
Earth. The Catholic teachings believe that every being should have the
rights to life and gifts from God and necessities to live.

Every teen, no matter the choices, mistakes etc. they have made, have
human dignity and have had it since the moment they entered the
world. Even if a teen chooses an abortion, they should be treated with
respect the same human dignity they were born with. You could help
them in many ways, doing small favours and supporting them through
hardships, even just being there and listening.
It is important to not devalidate them and treat them inferiorly
because of their actions, mistakes and choices.
“100 Bible Verses about Abortion.” What Does the Bible Say
About Abortion?, Accessed 4
June 2023.

“Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada.” Abortion Rights Coalition of

Canada, Accessed 4 June 2023. “Home.” GotQuestions.Org, 10 July 2004,

“Home.” National Abortion Federation, 28 Sept. 2022,
The End
thank you <3

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