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Ryza Kristine A. Irabagon Mrs. Jaybie Love S.

De Vera
Grade 11 – STEM Andromeda Oral Communcation in Context – Manuscript

Abortion has been a contentious topic since ancient times. Abortion is defined as the termination of
a pregnancy through the removal or expulsion of a fetus or embryo from the uterus prior to viability. Abortion is
a subject that affects all of society because it raises ethical, moral, and religious questions for many people.
Explore the previews of opinion pieces that present a variety of viewpoints on reproductive rights after reading
the overview below to gain a comprehensive knowledge of the subject. Abortions have become one of the most
common ways to end a pregnancy. However, abortion is not the only option.

The question of whether or not women should be able to abort a child has long been a source of
contention between "Pro-Life" and "Pro-Choice." Many pro-choice supporters will contend that the fetus is not
a living being but rather is a product of the woman's body and is therefore subject to her will. Adoption, waiting
until the child is born, and finding the child a suitable family to care for them are additional options for women.
Any preventative measure, in my opinion, is preferable to abortion since it gives the unborn child a chance at
life. Abortion is morally and scientifically wrong because an unborn child in the womb possesses all the
characteristics necessary to be considered alive. Before, there wasn't much of a problem, but recently, the rate of
abortions has been rising quickly. Abortion is legalized in some nations, but I strongly reject this conception.
Because of the reasons listed below why I disagree with abortion, I think it should be illegal. First and foremost,
everyone needs to take accountability for their actions. Some people believe that abortion is a simple way to
prevent getting pregnant. Abortion involves putting a woman's body in danger and ending a new life. There are
ways to avoid having a baby before pregnancy if you don't want to have one. It seems that people who have an
abortion easily think the fetus is just a "thing."Therefore, if they only use abortion, they are abdicating all
accountability. Second, I already mentioned how harmful abortion is to a woman's body. Recently, many people
have tried to get an abortion, which causes confusion. Abortion is not as simple as people may believe. It's
possible that a woman's body will no longer allow her to become pregnant. Additionally, it's possible that it
causes women to pass away. Unfortunately, a lot of people are unaware of the truth. It's due, in my opinion, to a
lack of knowledge about abortion. Pregnant women are unaware of the effects abortion has on their
bodies.Third, the child has the right to live whether or not they are born. Who is to say that the baby is without
hope? The baby's life may be superior to ours in some ways. A newborn baby cannot be killed by us. In
addition, I believe that only people can have abortions. The only other animal that intentionally kills its young is
a human.

To summarize, abortion clearly poses many risks to the woman, endangering not only her life but also
the life of the baby in subsequent pregnancies. The dangers range from physical to psychological to biological
in nature. However, it is unfortunate that many abortion cases, consequences, and even those who participate in
the illegal act go unreported. There are also numerous myths surrounding the practice. However, even from the
religious point of view abortion cannot be justified. As Mother Teresa said, "There are two victims in every
abortion: a dead baby and a dead conscience." This means that every time we make morally wrong decisions,
we move further away from God's light, and our conscience shrinks until it is dead. Notice how you feel guilty
the first time you do something wrong, but the longer you rationalize, the easier it becomes.

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