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(Received: June 20, 2023 Accepted: July 27, 2023 Published: July 31, 2023)

Revi Gina Gunawan*, Festiyed, Yerimadesi , Ilwandri , Rilla Gina Gunawan

Akademi Teknik Adi Karya, Kerinci, Jambi, Indonesia. 2,3Universitas Negeri Padang,
Indonesia. 5 Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci, Jambi, Indonesia.

This study analyzed publications on the integration of the Problem-Based Learning

(PBL) model with the integrated learning model in science education. The analysis of 15
articles showed that integrating these models effectively improves student learning outcomes
and has a positive impact on various aspects of learning. Integrated learning models such as
webbed, connected, nested, PBL, and integrated thematic learning have been shown to
enhance students' understanding of science concepts and overall learning outcomes. The
development of learning tools and modules also plays a significant role in science education.
Integrating integrated science learning tools with an integrative approach oriented towards
the PBL model can improve students' attitudes and knowledge competencies.

The integration of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model with the integrated learning
model in science education has gained attention in recent years. Researchers have explored
the effectiveness of this integration in improving student learning outcomes and developing
various teaching materials.

For example, a study conducted in Indonesia developed a problem-based integrated science

module with the theme of photosynthesis using a 4-D model (Define, Design, Develop, and
Disseminate) [1]. The module was found to be feasible based on expert assessments and
student responses, and it resulted in an improvement in students' critical thinking skills.

Another study focused on the integration of the Robin Fogarty model with science teaching
materials [2]. The research found that integrating the Robin Fogarty model effectively
improved students' understanding of integrated thematic learning, active participation in
learning, mastery of learning concepts, and overall learning outcomes.

Furthermore, the integration of the Connected type integrated science module based on Iqra
(Islamic religious education) was found to empower students' religious character [3]. The
module was categorized as feasible and integrated religious characters at each stage of

Several studies have also highlighted the positive impact of the PBL model integrated with
the integrated learning model on students' achievement motivation, critical thinking skills,
and knowledge competencies [4].

Overall, these studies demonstrate the potential benefits of integrating the PBL model with
the integrated learning model in science education. The integration has been shown to
improve student learning outcomes, critical thinking skills, religious character development,
and motivation to achieve high achievement

In conclusion, integrating the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model with the integrated
learning model in science education offers several advantages. It promotes the development
of critical thinking and problem-solving skills [1]. The integration allows students to connect
concepts from various subjects, fostering a holistic understanding of science [2]. It also
enhances creativity by encouraging students to generate innovative ideas [2]. Additionally,
the integration improves science process skills, such as understanding scientific concepts and
conducting investigations [3].

However, there are also some disadvantages to consider. Implementing the integrated
approach may pose challenges, such as the need for additional resources, time, and teacher
training [4]. Assessing student learning and evaluating the effectiveness of the integrated
approach can be challenging, requiring the development of new assessment methods [5].
Furthermore, curriculum constraints may hinder the integration due to standardized testing
requirements [6]. Overall, the integration of the PBL model with the integrated learning
model in science education has the potential to enhance student learning outcomes, critical
thinking skills, and creativity. However, careful consideration of implementation challenges
and assessment strategies is necessary to ensure successful integration.

Referensi :

[1] Metanesia, “Potensi Metaverse dalam Dunia Pendidikan,”, 2022.

[2] D. R. Hidalgo and D. Ortega-Sánchez, “El aprendizaje basado en proyectos: una revisión
sistemática de la literatura (2015-2022),” Hum. Rev. Int. Humanit. Rev. Int. Humanidades,
vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 1–14, 2022.

[3] P. Dillenbourg, Collaborative Learning: Cognitive and Computational.

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