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Name_________________________________ Date___________

Kinematics Equations Worksheet #1

Instructions: 1. Read each problem

2. Write down the given information and what you are looking for
3. Write the equations that you need
4. Substitute and solve (put in units)

(1) A ball is rolling down a hill at 4.0 m/s. The balls rate of acceleration is 2.0 m/s 2. What is the ball’s
speed 5.0 seconds later?

(2) A car is traveling at 10 m/s, it accelerates at a rate of 4.0 m/s2 for 8.0 seconds. How far does the car
travel during this time?

(3) A car is accelerating at a constant rate of 5.0 m/s2. The car covers a distance of 114 meters in 6
seconds. How fast was the car moving initially?

(4) A rocket, initially at rest, fires its engines and accelerates at a rate of 12 m/s 2. How fast is the rocket
traveling after covering 37.5 meters?

(5) A car, traveling at 20 meters per second, slams on its brakes to avoid an accident. The car stops after
traveling 40 meters. What was the magnitude and direction of the car’s acceleration?
(6) A 747 at MaCarthur airport needs to be traveling at 45 m/s to take off. If this speed is obtained after
traveling down 2,800 m of runway, determine its acceleration?

(7) A car slows down from a speed of 25 meters per second to rest in 5 seconds. How far did it travel
during this time?

(8) A person driving a car at 15 m/s approaches a person standing in the middle of the road. The car is 30
meters from the person. If the car’s maximum value of deceleration is -6 m/s2, will the car stop short
of the person without hitting them?

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