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Reigniting growth

Advanced Materials Systems

Global Manufacturing Industry group

November 2012
Table of contents

Purpose 2

Overview 3

Introduction: The Advanced Materials Systems landscape 7

Transformational impact of Advanced Materials Systems 12

Hallmarks of the Advanced Materials System approach 20

Who will see the greatest opportunities in Advanced Materials Systems? 27

Decommoditizing the business model: Unleashing the value of Advanced

Materials Systems 31

Conclusion: Reigniting growth 40

Acknowledgments 42

Contacts 43

The development of functional solutions to address current global unmet needs and wants
is opening unique opportunities to deliver growth and profitability to shareholders and
to differentiate against competition with new, unique, and protectable offerings.1 This
comes at a time when the materials and chemicals industries are in need of approaches to
reignite growth after some decades of volatile returns.

This report describes a new approach for manufacturing sectors to pursue opportunities
in large markets, enabled by materials technologies, wherein innovation moves beyond
the frontier of new molecules and materials. This approach, called Advanced Materials
Systems, or AMS, has the potential to enable growth, value creation, and innovation
renewal by delivering functional solutions to markets and customers that desire or require
those solutions. The AMS framework calls for leveraging inventive combinations of
materials, process technologies, business models, partnerships, and collaborations. The
key insight is that global megatrends have opened up significant opportunities to capture
value in new markets through functional solutions and that these solutions are achievable
through systems-level engineering versus discovery of new molecules and materials. This
study is a call to action for players in the AMS ecosystem, across a variety of industries and
points along the value chain, to create and capture value in a complex, evolving landscape.

For this report, “functional solutions” refers to physical systems enabled by the specific performance
properties of materials, whether according to conventional classifications (e.g., polymers, metals, ceramics,
composites, and semiconductors) or newer categorizations (e.g., specialty monomers, polymers and polymer
materials, hybrid-material systems, nanostructured materials, biobased polymeric materials, and bio-inspired

Most chemical and materials companies encounter periodic

struggles to create and capture value, particularly using A unique opportunity exists to
traditional approaches of supplying product to market.
Practical challenges associated with the business model develop new functional solutions
of selling products by volume have been increasingly
apparent in overall industry performance for the last two from engineered materials to meet
decades, particularly in recent years.2 During this time,
loss of momentum in new-materials invention was clear, a large and growing number of
due in part to fundamental limitations on what could be
done at the molecular level.3 The resulting slowdown of unmet market demands
innovation and reduction in research and development
(R&D) yield has led to a series of structural changes in basic Countering this is the AMS approach to innovation and
and applied research, and reduced corporate innovation growth, which is gaining traction in many industry segments
further constrained materials innovation and growth. There that utilize materials to meet the needs of their customers and
was limited tolerance for trial and error development with markets. Convincing evidence suggests that what started as a
no clear market opportunity, as generations of stage- small cross-section of companies delivering functional solutions
gate processes were implemented to gain incremental to the marketplace is growing, and data indicates these
efficiencies.4 Basic and applied research ceased to be the companies are outpacing traditional materials and component
domain of many companies and was dramatically reduced makers in value growth.6 Across virtually all manufacturing
to that of a dedicated few. Meanwhile, competition became industries, the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) Global
more global as manufacturing asset investments were made Manufacturing Industry group has observed specific cases
all over the world to pursue new customers and lower of success in growth and innovation, success in bringing
labor costs. Materials and chemical manufacturers endured functional solutions to market using creative materials design,
commoditization and were polarized toward a focus of and a simultaneous struggle with legacy assets and business
price over value, which largely defines the situation today.5 models. The importance of traditional manufacturing is not to
be minimized; nor is the end of purveying products by volume
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) Global Manufacturing
Industry group, The chemical multiverse: Preparing for quantum anticipated. Yet it is noteworthy that those worlds are both
changes in the global chemical industry, 16 November 2010, www. mature and ever more competitive. This observation may also; DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry explain why leaders of several manufacturing industries are
group, The decade ahead: Preparing for an unpredictable future
in the global chemical industry, 10 December 2009, exploring new frontiers of innovation enabled by materials
com/thedecadeahead; World Economic Forum in collaboration with and process technology and systems-level engineering and
DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, Future of Manufacturing: are targeting specific unmet market needs, versus adopting a
Opportunities to drive economic growth, 24 April 2012,
com/futureofmanufacturing. “build it and they will come” mentality.
Based on the number of bonds an atom can make (e.g., carbon
can make only four) and the fundamental relationship between how In fact, the DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group
matter is structured (the organization of atoms) and its properties (how it
behaves), there are clear physical limits to inventing new compositions of has identified an elite group of manufacturing companies,
matter that also have unique properties. including traditional stalwarts in chemicals and materials,
DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, The chemical multiverse: looking to break away from conventional norms. These
Preparing for quantum changes in the global chemical industry, 16
November 2010,; DTTL Global companies have increasingly found differentiation and growth
Manufacturing Industry group, The decade ahead: Preparing for an to be possible through solutions based on systems-level design.
unpredictable future in the global chemical industry, 10 December These leading manufacturers are learning and benefiting by
2009,; World Economic Forum in
collaboration with DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, Future of
Manufacturing: Opportunities to drive economic growth, 24 April 2012, 6
Observation by the DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group through the various discussions with chemicals and material
Observation by the DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group manufacturers, February 2012 to October 2012. DTTL compiled a
through the various discussions with chemicals and material database of information on Advanced Materials Systems that was used
manufacturers, February 2012 to October 2012. to formulate the analysis for this paper.
Reigniting growth 3
engineering important properties into already discovered and functional solution? Do we know the difference between
available materials and new process technologies to create “good enough” and “overshoot”?
functional solutions designed to address specific needs in • Conscious understanding of what it takes to meet
global markets. a need: Is a “science project” (i.e., new molecule
discovery) the only answer, or will a “materials and
Twenty-first century market drivers differ from those of the systems engineering” approach (using already known
past century. New constraints have become evident, while materials) work just as well or be “good enough” to
others remain. For example, there are finite limitations on meet the need? Can we imagine the evolution of the
the ability of any player to invent new compositions of functional solution once we have gained a foothold?
matter at previous, historical rates, especially as required • Finding leverage in an open innovation network (i.e.,
for current product cycles and growth rates expected by pursuing innovation both internally and with external
shareholders. In the late 20th century, this limitation first sources, partners, or collaborators). As previously
posed a struggle, and then came to be accepted by many reported by the DTTL Manufacturing Industry group,
(but not all) as a given, which hampered companies in many many companies have cut R&D budgets for various
industries from inventing and commercializing new materials reasons related to cost and yield.8 Is it possible to
with their former vigor. meet a need alone? Is it plausible to find, introduce,
and sustain an optimal functional solution without
Yet there is a growing group of emerging industry leaders extending beyond the company’s domain? Is it possible
in the 21st century who have acknowledged the reality of to syndicate the risk of this investment and reduce time
finite invention at the molecular level and are focusing on to market with partners? Can exclusive partnerships
a different approach — an approach defined in this paper complement the intellectual property (IP) strategy and
as Advanced Materials Systems.7 enhance differentiation?
• Understanding of scaling principles and infrastructure
Fundamentals of Advanced Materials Systems choices: Are there options to consider related to scale
The AMS framework outlines how to utilize, engineer, and investment? Can solutions be manufactured in a
and market innovative combinations of materials, distributed and decentralized fashion, and would such
process technologies, business models, partnerships, and a solution enable faster scaling? How would a business
collaborations, across a variety of industries, leveraging model work in this context? Could it differentiate the
points along the value chain to create and capture value in supply chain and make capital more efficient?
an evolving landscape. The framework also urges players • Stretching the boundaries of value: Is it possible to operate
to determine how various entities in the ecosystem are effectively in value domains that are new and unfamiliar?
performing relative to the broader industry and identify Is it possible to develop and deliver a functional solution
areas where changes in business and operating models without operating in an extended ecosystem? Or can we
may open future opportunities. compete effectively beyond our traditional borders?

Application of the AMS framework also raises essential The DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group’s research
inherent concepts and questions: identified several companies across a spectrum of
• R&D with clear market direction: What market problem manufacturing and process industries that are significantly
are we solving? Can we define the need in terms of a altering their approaches in this space. An understanding is
thus taking shape, of how to find new growth frontiers and

For this report, “Advanced Material Solutions” (AMS) refers both to 8
DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, The chemical multiverse:
the technology/platforms in which materials are innovatively integrated Preparing for quantum changes in the global chemical industry, 16
into whole solutions to address specific market needs, as well as the November 2010,; DTTL
overall commercial development framework (including business models, Global Manufacturing Industry group, The decade ahead: Preparing for
partnerships, and intellectual property (IP) strategies) in which such an unpredictable future in the global chemical industry, 10 December
solutions are brought to market. 2009,
exploit them using a combination of materials engineering the very competitive positions companies wish to protect and
and sharper marketing. In addition, an increasing number fortify, practitioners should be prepared to be intrepid enough
of companies are staking out roles in relatively new and to disrupt themselves.11
evolving open innovation networks (see Decommoditizing
the business model: Unleashing the value of Advanced Such requirements are likely to put stress on conventional
Materials Systems) to access breakthroughs in materials management and operating methods. Applying an AMS
and process technology originating in basic and applied approach to think and act differently can be decisive in
research labs.9 As noted, the last 20 to 30 years have seen delivering functional solutions that global markets need and
something of a structural re-sorting of R&D in corporations want, but it is not for the faint of heart. Capturing value
and among universities, private venture-capital-funded will require companies to fill gaps in critical skill sets and
start-ups, and government laboratories. This restructuring to overcome their own legacy (in both assets and culture).
has enabled certain emerging industry leaders to invest in Yet those who make the leap can open themselves to an
developing systems-level design and integration capabilities unprecedented and growing number of potential market
to play heretofore unorthodox roles in value chains and opportunities that benefit society and business.
ecosystems.10 In essence, these leaders are raising the bar on
themselves and disrupting their own customer relationships, Historical context for AMS
their approach to marketing, and their own tried-and-true In the early 20th century, growth in the materials industry
business models. Trends toward open innovation and was largely driven by the drop-in substitution of natural
expanded value chain partnerships are undeniable; and materials with synthetic ones (e.g., lead pipes replaced by
while such actions reintroduce the risk of trial and error into polyvinyl chloride; leather seats, by vinyl; wooden and ceramic
players’ managerial frames, they also hold the promise of countertops, with Formica®).12 This period of substitution,
growth. Meanwhile, a revolution in materials engineering is which lasted from the 1920s through the 1960s, enabled
also taking hold in the start-up world. value creation and capture by materials companies and the
formation of important materials-based industries. The 1970s
Because the AMS approach is about creating functional through 1990s were a period of transition, from a focus on
solutions to satisfy specific market needs and maximizing substitution, to the creation of custom materials that provide
value across an ecosystem, a practitioner of this approach can tailored functionality (for example, the development of
bank on facing the challenges of changing how materials are polycarbonate13 enabled the invention of compact discs and
developed and processed, how business models are defined, the widespread use of optical storage media).
executed, and refined, and how advantage is established.
Success can often be found in a culture characterized as The promise of drop-in substitution is not the juggernaut
having unique capabilities; one that acknowledges and it once was and, in many cases, no longer seems to be a
appreciates the need for a multidisciplinary approach. viable demand driver. Today, materials are chosen based
Because success in an AMS environment calls for pushing on their ability to perform in sustainable systems designed
beyond comfortable value chain boundaries and redefining 11
Observation by the DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group
through the various discussions with chemicals and material
Observation by the DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group manufacturers, February 2012 to October 2012.
through the various discussions with chemicals and material 12
PVC Europe, “The history of PVC,” accessed on 29 October 2012,
manufacturers, February 2012 to October 2012.; Haartz website, Glossary, definition
See, for example, Solvay Live, Special issue: Solvay Innovation of “Vinyl,” accessed on 29 October 2012,
Trophy 2009, The Future, A question of innovation, July 2009, www. consumer_info/glossary/glossary.asp#V; The Vinyl Institute, “History of Vinyl: From Accidental Discovery to Worldwide Acceptance,” accessed
SL257_Magazine_EN.pdf; Ford News Center, “Ford and Dow Team Up on 29 October 2012,
to Bring Low-Cost, High-Volume Carbon Fiber Composites to Next- of-vinyl/; Formica website, “The Fifties: The Formica® Brand Comes
Generation Vehicles,“ 12 April 2012, of Age,” accessed on 29 October 2012,
center/press-releases-detail/pr-ford-and-dow-team-up-to-bring-36330; ContentPage.aspx?code=PAG_OURLEGACY_1950/.
BASF, “BASF and three top European universities team up on functional 13
Plastics Europe, The Plastics Portal, “The history of Polycarbonate,”
materials research,” 6 December 2011, accessed on 29 October 2012,
pressrelease/P-11-515. types-of-plastics/polycarbonate/the-history-of-polycarbonate.aspx.
Reigniting growth 5
within a complete functional solution. As a result, the more as megatrends — indicate the emergence of a growing
promising — and disruptive — opportunities are enabled number of unmet needs and desires, which this study
by materials optimized into a total solution; e.g., going defines as market opportunities. These market opportunities
from solar photovoltaic (PV) cells (material-optimized) to exist geopolitically, in companies, and for individuals
solar window systems (a whole-solution approach; see worldwide; examples include energy security, affordable
sidebar, Case study — Solar window technology). A and environmentally efficient housing, mobility, information
new era of engineering and advancing the function of connectivity and exchange, and increasing demands for
existing materials is taking shape, and it represents a large water, nutrition, and health care. There will be extreme
opportunity for value creation. In a systems-level design, pressure on companies not only to provide more-efficient
existing materials can be engineered using advanced and cost-competitive solutions than conventional products
manufacturing and process technologies, to enable but also to best utilize limited feedstocks and resources. Yet
functional solutions that perform well enough or better even with efficiency gains, meeting new market needs and
than those dependent on wholly new materials. Working wants will further increase the already significant demand-
with existing versus newly invented materials can likely and-supply pressures on natural resources.
also shorten development times, lower development costs,
and help mitigate risk. Further, existing materials can be Despite the often fleeting nature of market opportunities,
chosen and engineered not only for their performance certain solutions (such as environmental sustainability,
and economic characteristics but for their cradle-to-cradle health care, and energy) arguably warrant pursuit for the
environmental sustainability profile. sake of humanity; however, capital has become fickle and
less patient, especially when the technology experience
The power of megatrends base has not fully evolved and other critical competencies
Global societal changes reflected in demographic shifts are still surfacing. The long-held creative tension between
and changing patterns of income — frequently classified addressing environmental and humane concerns and
generating positive returns demands a new approach.
Chem2020 report series
A recent series of DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group reports, titled Chem2020, Core to many of these megatrend-influenced needs and
examined the state of the global chemical and materials industry as it headed into the wants are new functional solutions — again, advanced
second decade of the 21st century. These studies showed that chemicals and materials physical systems enabled by specific performance
companies are struggling to create and capture value. Specialty and commodity properties of materials. Many companies in industries such
suppliers are no longer differentiated in terms of resistance to cyclicality, and return as energy, health care, transportation, and manufacturing
on capital; 30 percent of the 200-plus companies included in the study did not show that are naturally positioned to address these abundant
returns greater than the cost of capital. But while there are significant challenges to the opportunities are, however, finding themselves in need
industry, some leading companies are pressing their financial position and know-how of new approaches to do so. How will they expand their
to break away from their competition. capabilities to develop different systems (not just an
adaptation of the legacy and not just the raw materials
The chemical multiverse The decade ahead
or components), accelerate time to market, and reduce
Preparing for quantum changes Preparing for an
in the global chemical industry unpredictable future
in the global chemical
their risks for development? What forces could compel
certain companies to think differently about innovation of
products and business models? What makes the learning
Global Manufacturing Industry Group
November 2010
A report by the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Chemical Group
and Deloitte Research (United States)
curve to protect and strengthen a competitive position in
an open innovation environment worth it? While neither
Source: DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, End market alchemy: Expanding perspectives to drive
growth in the global chemical industry, 19 October 2011,; DTTL
posing easy questions nor offering responses without
Global Manufacturing Industry group, The chemical multiverse: Preparing for quantum changes in the inherent risk, the AMS framework offers a means of
global chemical industry, 16 November 2010,; DTTL Global growing value by claiming the edge in developing and
Manufacturing Industry group, The decade ahead: Preparing for an unpredictable future in the global
chemical industry, 10 December 2009,
commercializing functional solutions.

Introduction: The Advanced
Materials Systems landscape

Why change?
The fundamental role of materials in providing functional Future of Manufacturing
solutions has changed, and industries that are enabled by The study titled Future of Manufacturing: Opportunities to drive
chemical and materials-based technologies are particularly economic growth, developed by the World Economic Forum in
well poised to capture value in current 21st century global collaboration with the DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group,
markets. From a recent series of studies of the global highlighted some of the challenges facing the manufacturing industry.
chemical industry by the DTTL Global Manufacturing An analysis comparing top innovators to research and development
Industry group titled Chem2020,14 it is evident that much spenders showed that the top 10 innovators in manufacturing
of the chemical industry is caught up in the struggle to significantly outperformed the top R&D spenders (as a percentage
overcome cyclicality, legacy assets, and hardwired cultures. of revenue) in terms of growth in revenue, net income, and market
In many cases, this survival mode is inhibiting the industry’s cap for the five years ending in 2010. This study also showed a 45-year trended decline
ability to rise to the challenge of value creation with AMS, of return on assets (ROA) for the metals and mining (30 percent), chemicals (49 percent),
despite companies’ being well positioned to contribute paper and wood (75 percent), and automotive (92 percent) sectors from 1965 to 2010.
and lead (see sidebar, Chem2020 report series). The ROA increased for the consumer products sector (6.7 percent) and aerospace and
defense (25 percent) over the same period of time.
At the same time, the broader manufacturing industries Source: World Economic Forum in collaboration with DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group,
Future of Manufacturing: Opportunities to drive economic growth, 24 April 2012,
seem to be hitting the limits of their ability to consistently
grow and create value in accordance with the demands
of their shareholders. A study by the World Economic
Forum in collaboration with DTTL, titled Future of
Manufacturing: Opportunities to drive economic growth15
(see sidebar, Future of Manufacturing), showed that
long-term trends in asset profitability in all but two sectors
of the manufacturing industry (consumer products, and
aerospace and defense) have seen significant rates of
erosion in their performance. Furthermore, increased
spending on R&D is not an absolute indicator of growth;
investments in broader strategies for innovation are
required to grow revenue, net income, and market cap.16

DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, End market alchemy:
Expanding perspectives to drive growth in the global chemical industry,
19 October 2011,; DTTL Global
Manufacturing Industry group, The chemical multiverse: Preparing for
quantum changes in the global chemical industry, 16 November 2010,; DTTL Global Manufacturing
Industry group, The decade ahead: Preparing for an unpredictable
future in the global chemical industry, 10 December 2009, www.
World Economic Forum in collaboration with DTTL Global
Manufacturing Industry group, Future of Manufacturing: Opportunities
to drive economic growth, 24 April 2012,
Reigniting growth 7
Figure 1: Return on net assets (2003 to 2011) For this study, DTTL analyzed the financial performance
Performance divergence between materials and and role (as a provider either of materials or of systems) of
Chart 3 (Line) over 6,000 companies, from 2003 to 2011,Chart from3a(Line)
of manufacturing industries engaged in or relevant to the
18% 4.0%
development and use of functional solutions. This analysis

Enterprise value to capital (percentage)

16% reveals that value (using return on net assets
3.5% a proxy)
Return on net assets (percentage)

14% favors companies with explicit strategies in systems-level

Systems 3.0%
integration (see Figure 1). Makers of materials hadSystems
returns on net assets than did the systems 2.5%
(i.e., those who ultimately made the solution2.0%
that went
8% into the end market and to whom materials are supplied);
Materials 1.5%
6% the system integrators were more valued by the marketMaterials
by a consistent ratio of one to one-and-a-half
1.0%times the
material providers. Also, from this analysis, the market
2% 0.5%
consistently rewards systems integrators over materials
n = 6,111 n = 6,111
0% providers: stakeholders saw a greater return on net
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2003 2004 2005 2006 2
assets for investments in solutions than in the creation
Year Ye
of materials themselves, particularly in the last few years
(using enterprise value to capital as the proxy; see Figure
2). Regardless of prevailing products or business models,
System value to capital (2003 to 2011)
Figure 2: Enterprise System
most, if not all of the companies analyzed need to either
Chart market
3 (Line)
…while consistently rewards systems players grow or sustain value.

Beyond a shift in focus from material compositions to
Enterprise value to capital (percentage)

3.5% systems-integrated solutions, innovation itself should be

3.0% reconsidered. A fundamental evolution has occurred in
materials science and engineering innovation, previously
achieved mainly by the large corporate R&D labs of the
2.0% mid-20th century and then in the academic materials
science and engineering departments of the late 20th
1.5% Consistent spread of
Materials century.17 Today, novel developments are increasingly the
1–1.5 times differential in
enterprise value/capital purview of interdisciplinary institutes emphasizing systems-
level engineering (many as public-private partnerships)
n = 6,111
and of start-ups efficiently bridging the gap between
0.0% technology and markets.
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Note: There were 6,111 companies included in the analysis that either
made materialsSystem
or were systems integrators that design solutions
enabled by materials.
Source: DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, October 2012 and
data from Capital IQ accessed on 29 September 2012.

Observation by the DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group,
October 2012.
Figure 3: The Advanced Materials Systems framework to support new approaches for innovation and growth


AMS framework provides a structured way

Needs to approach …
• Designing solutions around megatrends and
End markets unmet needs that can have a significant impact
on the market
• Developing functional solutions that best fit
Materials Impact Process
and value technologies the market requirements and are built from the
optimal combination of materials and process



ctu al pro p

technologies to maximize value creation potential

nct ns • Delivering for parallel structure, new solutions
i o n a l s o l u ti o
to the market with protectable business models
Business models
and partnerships that improve success rates and
and ecosystems minimize risk

O p e n i n v a ti o n

Source: DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, October 2012.

The Advanced Materials Systems framework This report proposes that an AMS framework is an
The AMS framework (see Figure 3) outlines an approach attractive alternative to variations on conventional
to develop, commercialize, and manage innovative business models, and thereby enables evaluation of how
combinations of materials, process technologies, business current players in the ecosystem are performing relative
models, partnerships, and collaborations to ultimately to the broader industry to identify areas where changes
grow new businesses. This report is meant to rally players in business and operating models may open future
in the AMS ecosystem, across a variety of industries and opportunities.
points along the value chain, to engage in the evolving
landscape and to learn and pioneer new approaches to Manufacturing industries, including chemicals and
value growth. materials, face significant hurdles to take this course
The growing portfolio of unmet needs with limited
This study will address three main purposes: resolution indicates that prevailing approaches (i.e.,
1. Review cases of how an AMS approach is used today to products made and sold by the chemicals and materials
create and capture value industries) are inadequate as compared to solutions
2. Develop an understanding of the AMS ecosystem and designed to meet specific needs and wants. The
describe the unique process of going from market current translation of unmet needs to specific market
needs (issues) to functional solutions (impact) opportunities, while promising, is still embryonic: to date,
3. Outline a process for creating value in specific end many investments in the development of these solutions
markets that are shaped by pertinent global trends have effected only minor improvements.18

Observation by the DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group,
October 2012.
Reigniting growth 9
If it is true, as growing evidence seems to suggest (see Manufacturing sectors — defined as manufacturing goods
Figures 1, 2), that value derived is likely to be higher and services related to transportation, aerospace and
for companies that provide solutions via systems-level defense, construction material and equipment, machinery,
integration than it is for materials providers, then where electronics, fine and specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals,
is the inflection point for a company to participate? It is textiles and garments, food and beverage, and personal
instructive to begin by examining current models; there are care — are challenged with the demands of meeting short-
four potential key reasons behind the lower growth and term financial goals, which often take precedence over
innovation performance of a materials-centric focus. First, longer-term market initiatives and growth strategies. Data
current approaches are often inefficient, with development indicates that innovating companies in the manufacturing
activities occurring in isolation among different players in sector have a potential advantage over their competition
the value chain and supporting ecosystem; this sometimes (see sidebar, Future of Manufacturing) growth through
results in mismatches between market requirements innovation for the manufacturing industry are sparse,
and the performance of solutions and their economics making these benefits difficult to realize.21
(e.g., solutions that are too heavy, too inflexible, or too
expensive to be competitive), leading thereby to increased
risk of commercial failure. For example, early attempts
to develop commercial airplanes out of fiber-reinforced
plastics failed because they did not take advantage of the
unique performance and design characteristics of these
engineered materials.19 Second, markets defined by these
needs have diverse demographics: customers are no longer
represented by one homogeneous target market with
pervasively similar requirements. Third, the engineering
capabilities (tools, techniques, and skill sets) needed for
development of solutions to problems are increasing in
sophistication and call for systems-level innovation. Fourth,
the benefits to value capture of providing a solution
continue to accrue further down the value chain, closer to
customers and away from the enabling technologies such
as materials science and engineering.20

It has been reported, for instance, that the Beech Starship composite
airplane failed because it did not leverage the performance potential
of composite materials; Air & Space magazine, “Beached Starship,”
September 2004, 21
World Economic Forum in collaboration with DTTL Global
html?c=y&page=1. Manufacturing Industry group, Future of Manufacturing: Opportunities
Observation by the DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, to drive economic growth, 24 April 2012,
October 2012. futureofmanufacturing.
This report identifies four central challenges to innovation strategic enabler for new and unique business models,
in the manufacturing industry: but the structure and culture of materials and chemical
1. Some companies have traditionally taken a more closed companies sometimes disrupt this direction.
approach to innovation; that is, they have focused 4. The benefits of traditional mass-volume production, i.e.,
their efforts on solving problems from within, or intra- through owning and operating large, centralized assets,
organizationally. Yet, by R&D spending as a proxy for are being challenged. It is becoming harder to compete
investment in innovation, it appears that the closed globally with this approach, as it is often too expensive
innovation approach does not correlate well with to continue to grow these assets. As demonstrated in
growth in revenue, income, or market capitalization The chemical multiverse report, 46 percent of chemical
(see sidebar, Future of Manufacturing).22 Furthermore, companies have limited means to reposition themselves
closed innovation by its nature forgoes seeking the best in the next decade.26 At the same time, companies may
available solutions with the most viable technology, in be understandably hesitant to make changes that put
favor of only of the best solutions in-house (and thereby at risk the tremendous investments already made in
potentially suboptimal). the types of capabilities (people) and assets (plants and
2. Innovation cycles take too long. The industry-common equipment) that have been the cornerstones of their
product development cycles of 20-plus years are no success to date — however much new opportunity
longer viable in current markets.23 In the United States, may beckon.
the time from consumer availability to 10 percent market
penetration was 30 years for electricity and 25 years for The challenges are significant, and the path forward for all
the telephone; slowly, technologies such as the television industries to achieve these objectives is not always clear,
and mobile phone began to reduce that time to just especially to product-by-volume suppliers like process,
over 10 years, but not until smartphones and tablets industrial products, and other manufacturing sectors. New
did this begin to change dramatically:24 smartphone systematic approaches are therefore needed that consider
manufacturing cycles reached 6.7 months in 2011,25 the entire market ecosystem from start to finish, access the
illustrating that, for big innovations, a more rapid cycle full breadth of capabilities to develop complete solutions,
time to commercialization is becoming the norm. accelerate time to market, and reduce development risk.
3. The chemical and materials industries may be skewed
toward selling products and bulk materials; companies
may therefore have few or limited systems-engineering
and integration capabilities, which are critical to
developing solutions beyond bulk materials alone. The
capability to engage in systems-level development of
solutions may increase speed to market and often be a

DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, The chemical multiverse:
Preparing for quantum changes in the global chemical industry, 16
November 2010,; DTTL
Global Manufacturing Industry group, The decade ahead: Preparing for
an unpredictable future in the global chemical industry, 10 December
MIT Technology Review, “Are Smartphones Spreading Faster
than Any Technology in Human History?” 9 May 2012, www.
faster-than-any/, with data sources including International
Telecommunication Union, New York Times, Pew Research Center, Wall
Street Journal, U.S. Census Bureau.
25, “Your new smartphone is already a dinosaur,” 3 26
DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, The chemical multiverse:
February 2011, Preparing for quantum changes in the global chemical industry, 16
smartphone/index.htm. November 2010,
Reigniting growth 11
Transformational impact of
Advanced Materials Systems

The opportunities and challenges in Advanced Materials size of potential end markets at roughly US$2 trillion, or 3
Systems are clear; but how to answer the challenge requires percent of global gross domestic product — with US$150
articulation. Many of the players that could effectively enable billion specifically as an opportunity for material providers, or
functional solutions are currently suppliers of materials and 20 percent of today’s global specialty chemicals market.29
process technologies, and most will face a need to do things
differently. This section explores how the AMS framework Twenty-first century factors driving manufacturing growth
unites materials and process technologies through systems- include political mandates for carbon-emission restrictions,
level design and integration to render AMS solutions that climate-change and environmental sustainability, increased
align with end market needs. global competition for limited natural resources and
feedstocks, ever growing demand for energy, demographic
As proposed herein, value capture and increased speed shifts such as expanding middle-class incomes and
to market with AMS will largely come from combining manufacturing power in developing regions like India
and reusing existing materials in innovative process and China, increased mobility and migration into cities
technologies rather than creating new materials to (urbanization) placing demands on infrastructure and
address specific targeted needs. This perspective implies construction, and, given an exponentially growing world
that the universe of materials currently available is largely population,30 unprecedented market demand for food,
sufficient for many solutions to emerging market demands, clean water, and health care.
when shaped and combined through novel processes
and brought to market through new business models Key evolutions in global markets
and interactions. Such process developments and open Present-day materials R&D and commercialization exhibit
innovation approaches stand to reduce risk and time to important common themes: flexibility of resource use
market against developing solutions based on totally new (to accommodate recycling and reuse of materials driven
materials, which must yet demonstrate compliance, safety, by either supply scarcity or challenges in accessibility),
scalability, competitiveness, and end-user acceptance. incorporation of renewable feedstocks into production
streams, deploying products and systems in a decentralized
Specific global and market trends define AMS fashion, systems-level innovation, increased customization
opportunities (to maximize competitiveness through differentiation in
The World Economic Forum identified nine global trends an increasingly full market space), and pressure to reduce
(megatrends) poised to define many global unmet needs product-development timelines and increase the speed to
of the 21st century27 (see Figure 4) that are tractable to market. In particular, three evolutions in global markets
AMS solutions. Companies that address these needs stand appear to be defining challenges and opportunities and
to accrue significant value. Assessing similar needs, the call for companies to fundamentally change how material
European Commission Directorate-General for Research solutions are manufactured and deployed:
and Innovation quantified market opportunities across five
major sectors of the global economy — energy, transport, Carbon-source-agnostic fuels and chemical feedstocks:
environment, health, and information and communication With concerns over energy costs and energy security, active
technology28 (see Figure 5). That analysis estimated the pursuit of alternatives to crude oil is seeing government
and investment-capital support worldwide. Primary
DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group analysis of World
Economic Forum (The Forum) data included in a presentation deck for a feedstocks are transitioning from petroleum to a range of
monthly Project Board guidance “WELCOM” virtual meeting and Chief
Innovation Officers of World Economic Forum Partner Organizations and pdf/technology-market-perspective_en.pdf.
bilateral discussions at The Forum in a slide titled “Nine global trends 29
selected for discussion,” (as developed by the Community of Chief 30
The world’s population passed the seven-billion mark during 2011
Innovation officers at The Forum) on 21 July 2009, www3.weforum. to 2012 and, according to the United Nations Population Division, will
org/docs/IP/2012/CH/WEF_CH_GlobalTrends_InnovationNeeds.pdf. increase to 9 billion by 2050. “World population will increase by 2.5
European Commission, Technology and market perspective for billion by 2050; People over 60 to increase by more than 1 billion,”
future Value Added Materials, Final Report from Oxford Research AS, United Nations Department of Public Information press release, 13
February 2012, March 2007,
Figure 4: Unmet needs spurred by global trends addressed through Advanced Materials Systems innovation

AMS innovation Global trends Global trends

Alternative sources of carbon-based materials (alternatives to oil: biobased molecules, biomass, Climate change,
and biofuels) environment, and
Alternative fuel and propulsion systems (adsorbed natural gas, hybrid vehicles, and fuel cells)
Rapidly growing
Alternative vehicle frame design and construction to reduce weight and downsize vehicles (reduce demand for energy
CO2 emissions, improve fuel-efficiency, and reduce energy for manufacturing)
Limited resources*
Improved systems to manage energy flow in buildings (insulation, active and passive solar, and
airflow) Increasing scarcity
New energy storage and transport systems (e.g., supercapacitors, batteries, power management and unequal
electronics, and superconductors) distribution of
New technologies to increase resource productivity and efficiency and reduce consumption
Growing demand
New technologies and solutions for recycling and reusing materials, components, and devices for food, nutrition,
and health
New technologies to scale up renewable energy solutions and reduced dependencies on strategic
materials (e.g., rare earth elements)
including shifting
Better technologies to extract resources and raw materials economically (e.g., shale gas) populations and
More-efficient systems for use of water in agriculture, industry, and households (desalination,
Shifting centers of
purification, waste management, and irrigation)
economic activity
Advanced technologies to improve food preservation and transport (often in the absence of a cold
Social life in a
Breakthrough technologies in diagnostics, monitoring, therapeutic administration, and medical
devices to provide high quality healthcare outside hospital settings
Corporate global
Technologies that enable more targeted and localized solutions (for energy, telecommunications,
* Note: Resource demand rapidly
New materials to build larger “mega cities” such as lighter and fast-drying materials outpaces supply (oil, gas, coal,
water, biomass, and other raw
New electronic systems for advanced manufacturing (e.g., new, high-performance semiconductor materials), price volatility.
technology, robotics, interactive applications, artificial intelligence, smarter solutions that use
external information to make judgments, and use sensing technologies to provide feedback)

Information technology and media solutions to enable more targeted and localized connectivity

New interfaces between humans and electronics — tactile, auditory, and optical stimulation and
Source: DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group analysis of World Economic Forum (The Forum) data included in a presentation deck for a
monthly Project Board guidance “WELCOM” virtual meeting and Chief Innovation Officers of World Economic Forum Partner Organizations and
bilateral discussions at The Forum in a slide titled “Nine global trends selected for discussion,” (as developed by the Community of Chief Innovation
officers at The Forum) on 21 July 2009,

Reigniting growth 13
Figure 5: Growth opportunity for Advanced Materials Systems within applicable end markets
Chart 1 (Mixed)

$8 $450
End market size

Materials opportunity (US$ billion)

$7 Materials opportunity $400
End market size (US$ trillion)

$350 Nickel-Metal Hydride

Lithium Ion
Nickel Cadmium
$100 Lead acid Inv
$1 $50
1760 1810
$0 $0
2008 2015 2020 2030 R

Source: European Commission, Technology and market perspective for future Value Added Materials, Final
Report from Oxford Research AS, February 2012,

carbon sources, including natural gas, coal, and biomass. biofuels (non-corn ethanol, non-petroleum);33 that is, true
Beyond cost management, alternative carbon sources “next-generation” technologies are required, which opens
may permit flexible production of materials from local enormous opportunities for industrial biotechnology and
feedstocks, potentially reducing dependency on foreign other AMS approaches in markets from agriculture, to
supply while decoupling production costs from volatile fuel chemicals and enzymes, to infrastructure. With advanced
markets. biofuel production yet lagging, adoption of the AMS
approach may prove advantageous to overcome the many
Biofuels are a prime example. The U.S. Energy technical and business challenges to commercializing
Independence and Security Act of 2007 increased these next-generation fuels, given the differential
100% between
the renewable-fuel requirement to be blended into cellulosic biomass feedstock availability34 and theLarge scale penetration
Penetration of synthetic materials

In the past, drop in substitut

transportation fuel in the United States, from 9 billion market-scale production capabilities demonstrated to for natural materia
gallons in 2008, to 36 billion gallons by 2022.31 The date.35 the creation and capture of
amended Renewable Fuel Standard (dubbed RFS2) materials companies

distinguished four separate categories of renewable fuel Sustainability as a potential profitable driver of
(cellulosic biofuel; biomass-based diesel; advanced biofuel, opportunity: Carbon-source-agnostic feedstocks
i.e., any renewable fuel except corn-starch ethanol; and inherently recognize sustainability as an equally important
renewable biofuel, which subsumes all biofuels, including business imperative. As resources like precious metals
corn ethanol), each meeting specific greenhouse gas-
emission reduction requirements.32 Of the 36 billion
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), U.S. Billion-ton0%
Update, Biomass
gallons of renewable fuel mandated by RFS2 by 2020, Supply for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry, August 2011,1930
1920 1950
21 billion gallons must be represented by advanced
National Research Council of the National Academies Board on
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “Renewable Fuel Agriculture and Natural Resources, Renewable Fuel Standard: Potential
Standard (RFS),” accessed on 24 October 2012, Economic and Environmental Effects of U.S. Biofuel Policy, National
fuels/renewablefuels/index.htm. Academies Press: Washington, DC, 2001,
U.S. EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, National php?record_id=13105&page=R1; Kelsi Bracmort, Congressional
Renewable Fuel Standard Program Overview, 14–15 April 2010, www. Research Service Report for Congress, Meeting the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Mandate for Cellulosic Biofuels: Questions and Answers,
overview.pdf. 11 January 2012,
(used for electronics and catalysts) and rare-earth elements penetration grew to 22 per 100 individuals in the first
(for electric motors and generators) become scarce36 or decade of the 21st century.40 Sub-Saharan Africa, despite
less accessible37 (whether from depleting resources or including 34 of the world’s 50 poorest countries, is now
intractable harvesting), economic opportunities emerge the fastest-growing wireless market worldwide.41
in the strategic recovery of these materials. Industrial
design of AMS solutions may likely include end-of-life 20th century materials development: A rich legacy
considerations for reuse and recycling to dramatically The manufacturing industries are well situated to meet the
increase the sustainability of these systems. market needs emerging in the 21st century by creatively
drawing from a rich existing inventory of building blocks
Decentralized production and distribution: Solutions for for commercial product development. Traditional materials
emerging high-growth markets will likely be deployable development over the 20th century yielded a vast number
in a decentralized fashion, as many of these markets will of available materials. A sampling from one of the major
not be based in traditional city-centers.38 Decentralization U.S. suppliers is illustrative: Sigma-Aldrich’s catalogue
may reduce capital costs by obviating capital-intensive lists over 5,000 different compositions of matter42 across
centralized development projects. An added benefit is the the standard categories of industrial materials, namely,
enabling of solutions customized for local conditions and polymers, metals, ceramics, and semiconductors or
of deployment among distributed populations that may electronic materials.
lack extensive infrastructure. Decentralized deployment
may also reduce risks of loss of service from natural The current inventory of available building blocks resulted
disasters and other disruptive forces such as war or acts of largely from the manufacturing industry’s previous focus
terrorism, given the absence of centralized systems to be on developing fundamentally new materials — completely
debilitated. novel molecules and compositions of matter, including
plastics (synthetic polymers) and semiconductor materials
The rapid spread of wireless communications in sub- doped with precise chemical elements to favorably alter
Saharan Africa shows how decentralized deployment can their electronic properties. Primary drivers of manufacturing
leapfrog customary forms of technology (landlines) that growth in the 20th century were World War and
may be less effective in rural and decentralized regions. reconstruction, the Cold War and space race, the growth
Full landline networks can be prohibitively expensive, of the U.S. and European middle classes and greater
especially in countries with poor roads, vast distances, disposable income, and supplies of cheap petroleum that
and low population densities. Mobile phone coverage spurred new product streams (from large-scale agriculture
in sub-Saharan Africa, by contrast, is primarily provided to mass processed-food production, to new consumer and
via a network of specialized base stations that provide household products). One theme in the development of
service to a 5- to 10-kilometer radius — a limited but these materials was replacement of natural options (e.g.,
effective service area for the target region.39 Solutions thus wood, leather, metal, glass) with synthetics that were
deployed can eclipse conventional alternatives: landlines cheaper, lighter, and functional enough to be adopted
were initially rolled out in places like Kenya to stagnate at over natural counterparts (i.e., “good enough”). Another
only 3.1 subscriptions per 100 people, but mobile phone theme was new functionality; for example, advanced
microelectronics products like personal computers and
U.S. DOE, Critical Materials Strategy, December 2011.
See, for example, Rech, Barbara K. and TE Graedel, “Challenges in
Metal Recycling,” Science, Vol 337 pp 690–695, 10 August 2012. 40
Sherry, Justine Marie, “Unlocking the potential of cell phones,” in
World Economic Forum in collaboration with DTTL Global Task Force 2009: From the Bottom Up: Rethinking U.S. Development
Manufacturing Industry group, Future of Manufacturing: Opportunities Assistance, pp 303–326, accessed on 24 October 2012, https://digital.
to drive economic growth, 24 April 2012,
futureofmanufacturing. TF_SIS495G_2009.pdf?sequence=1.
Aker, Jenny C, and Isaac M Mbiti, “Mobile Phones and Economic 41
IEEE Spectrum, “Africa Calling,” May 2006,
Development in Africa,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol 24 telecom/wireless/africa-calling.
No 3 pp 207–232, Summer 2010, 42
Sigma-Aldrich website,
files/2010/09/aker_mobileafrica.pdf. html, accessed on 24 October 2012.
Reigniting growth 15
mobile phones were enabled by the novel properties of Emerging innovations in materials
new semiconductor materials. This is not to suggest that innovation is materials
development is extinct but rather that it is being done
The fundamental creators of value in the 20th century differently than in the past century. The organization
were development of new materials and molecules and Joint Research Network on Advanced Materials and
large-volume scale-up of production of these materials. Systems, dubbed JONAS, exemplifies current materials
The basic materials industry43 grew from this foundation innovation in the AMS approach.49 Incorporated by BASF
and has been highly profitable (for instance, the Dow SE in 2011, JONAS includes three European academic
Jones U.S. Basic Materials IndexSM has been up more than partners: the ISIS Institute at Strasbourg University, Freiberg
two times the Dow Jones Industrial Average over the last University, and ETH Zurich.50 Founded to extend the
10 years).44 scientific basis and understanding of future materials and
systems, JONAS revised industry classification schemes
21st century materials innovation: Systems-level to describe emerging materials, in a way that recognizes
solutions and design the importance of innovation with existing materials.
Creating new molecules or compositions of matter is JONAS’s classification identifies specialty monomers
no longer enough to capture differentiable value in the (used as cross-linkers and in coatings), polymers and
market. The newest and most efficient materials for polymer materials (including both natural and synthetic
converting solar energy to electricity, for example, have materials), hybrid-material systems (composites of two
not proven competitive against less efficient materials that constituent compounds at the molecular or nanometer
offer lower total electricity costs (mainly through lower level), nanostructured materials (structural elements in the
up-front installation outlays).45 The solar AMS ecosystem 1–100 nanometer range), biobased polymeric materials
was initially enabled by adapting existing materials to (bioengineered polymers), and bio-inspired systems
an unmet need but has yet to be optimized to create (including biomimetics, both of biohybrid and “purely”
and successfully capture value. Thermoplastics illustrates synthetic materials).51
this further: polycarbonate, developed in the 1960s,46
initially captured a market premium. By the 1990s, these Inventive combinations of existing materials within an
materials were already commoditized, eroding margins for AMS framework may provide stakeholders a particularly
manufacturers.47 Thermoplastics still have properties that efficient means of leveraging these materials and material
make them of potential value in functional solutions but combinations into functional solutions, as demonstrated by
for them to surpass commodity status, new strategies will several case studies, described below.
be needed.48
Stretchable electronics: The processing of existing
semiconductor materials (typically rigid and brittle) into
For example, as catalogued by the 560 companies that make up extremely thin forms is allowing the creation of conformal
the Dow Jones U.S. Basic Materials Industry sector, http://bigcharts. electronics (see sidebar, Case study — Wearable
&startingIndex=0. electronics). By embedding the ultrathin microchips that
Variations in the Dow Jones U.S. Basic Materials Index, however, these materials enable, into films produced from existing,
show this increase characterized by more rapid upturns and dropping rubbery elastomeric materials, and by connecting them
more rapidly in downturns.
MIT Technology Review, “The Dog Days of Solar,” 26 July with metal spring-like wires, electronic devices become
2012, possible with similar flexibility properties as temporary
The Plastics Portal (Plastics Europe), “The history of polycarbonate,” tattoos worn easily on the skin. One application of such
the-history-of-polycarbonate.aspx, accessed on 29 October 2012.
ICIS Chemical Business, “Polycarbonate may gain increased share 49
Joint Research Network on Advanced Material Systems (JONAS)
of engineering plastics market,” 15 April 2011, website, accessed on 24 October 2012,
Articles/2011/04/15/9453128/polycarbonate-may-gain-increased-share- php/en/.
of-engineering-plastics.html. 50
Ibid. 51
technology is in high-efficiency solar arrays that may
be integrated into combat clothing, packs, and tents to Case study — Wearable electronics
provide portable personal power for military use. Another Technology start-up MC10 advances new class of high-
usage is in wearable electronic monitors that measure vital performance wearable electronics for applications in
conditions of athletes and soldiers, for peak performance numerous sectors
and to provide preemptive warnings against potential
pending injury.52 Unmet need: Sustainability, cost-efficiency, and demographic shifts are driving needs
to better understand the workings of the body, protect from injury, and generate
power, which can be addressed through wearable electronics. Conventional electronics
Bioabsorbable composites: Novel combinations of
systems are inflexible, rigid, and planar, fundamentally precluding their use in soft-form
existing biodegradable polymers are being designed
applications on or within the human body.
into implants mimicking the mechanical properties of
various human tissues, to replace diseased or damaged Material innovation: MC10 is commercializing a stretchable electronics platform
tissues. Once implanted in the body, these bioabsorbable of ultrathin, conformal electronics (i.e., that flex, stretch, and bend). Designed to be
composites support local tissue as it heals, before equivalent to current best-in-class rigid-microelectronic technologies, MC10’s platform
dissolving into the body once their function has been can be integrated into 3-D applications, dynamic or moving systems (such as the
served. First applications of these materials are being human body), and space-constrained areas. The technology combines conventional
demonstrated in scaffolds for treating diseased arteries (see electronics and novel mechanics that change the end-user’s functional relationship
sidebar, Case study — Medical device innovation).53 with electronics, beyond the common consumer-electronics goal of simply making
traditional electronics smaller. Instead, MC10 is designing wearable systems to be
Self-assembled materials: Self-assembly as relevant to virtually undetectable to the wearer while retaining performance and data quality.
AMS refers to the harnessing of natural forces between
different materials or molecules to guide their inherent Process technology: Innovative process technologies are applied to create sleek-
formation into an intentional structure. An easily profile, softer, stretchable versions of existing electronic materials. Solutions are
understood macroscale parallel is the inherent pull of being developed for new product applications and industries that would benefit
opposite magnetic poles (and repulsion of like poles). At from devices that diagnose and influence tissue function, and from sensory devices
the molecular scale, in the biophysical sphere, proteins, capable of monitoring key systems and functions (such as heart, brain, muscles, body
lipids, and other biomolecules aggregate to form cells and temperature, and hydration levels).
tissues in a living organism. Materials science is marshaling
such processes of self-assembly to build materials systems Ecosystem and business model: The company is working with private and
and composites through a “bottom-up” approach — government entities to commercialize the technology. The intent is to collaborate with
very different from traditional “top-down” materials leading stakeholders in end markets served by these products to maximize market
processing, which typically starts with actual chunks of access and customer demand.
material that are cut, ground, melted, or molded into a
final shape. Self-assembly is one strategy for producing Path to success: MC10 is seeking to build a diversified platform business to realize the
biomimetic nanocomposites. It is also being explored as an potential of stretchable electronics. The company staked an early claim in an industry-
alternative means of making nanoscale electronic systems revolutionizing use of electronics for existing and emerging markets, with a focus on
novel benefits realized by directly interfacing high-performance electronics with the
MC10 website, “Reebok-CCM and MC10 to Launch Revolutionary human body. Initially targeting the sports segment of the consumer products space,
Sports Impact Indicator,” accessed on 29 October 2012, http://mc10inc.
com/news/2012/reebok-ccm-and-mc10-to-launch-revolutionary-sports- the company’s pipeline of products will expand to include products in wearable health
impact-indicator; and MIT Technology Review, “EmTech: Reebok and care, medical devices, manufacturing, and defense.
MC10 will Launch an Impact-Sensing Skullcap for Sports,” 24 October
2012, Source: MC10 website, “Reebok-CCM and MC10 to Launch Revolutionary Sports Impact Indicator,”
mc10-will-launch-an-impact-sensing-skullcap-for accessed on 29 October 2012,
480 Biomedical website, “480 Biomedical Announces Initial revolutionary-sports-impact-indicator; and MIT Technology Review, “EmTech: Reebok and MC10
Observations from OCT Sub-Study of the STANCE Trial Evaluating the will Launch an Impact-Sensing Skullcap for Sports,” 24 October 2012,
First Self-Expanding Bioresorbable Scaffold for Superficial Femoral Artery view/429751/emtech-reebok-and-mc10-will-launch-an-impact-sensing-skullcap-for-sports/.
Disease,” accessed on 31 October 2012,
Reigniting growth 17
recalcitrant to traditional semiconductor approaches such
Case study — Medical device innovation as photolithography.
480 Biomedical’s bioresorbable scaffold technology targets
and improves on treatment of disease affecting 10 million-plus Biomimetic nanocomposites: Biomimetics copies existing
worldwide designs or design principles from nature to develop
synthetic materials or systems. Current R&D is looking
Unmet need: Patients suffering from superficial femoral artery (SFA) occlusive disease
to copy the design of seashells like abalone, one of the
that is not well managed by medical therapy alone may require a minimally invasive
strongest and toughest materials known.54 Its properties
procedure involving a metal stent to open the artery. The SFA vessel is subject to a
stem from a unique combination of nanometer-thick
high degree of mechanical force and deformation, which can increase the potential for
ceramic plates in a matrix of natural polymeric fibers
complications with metal stents (e.g., irritation, fracture, and difficulty of retreatment).
assembled by the organism into a composite structure
Material innovation: 480 Biomedical’s Stanza™ scaffold technology combines well- known as nacre. Industrial harnessing of this design
known biocompatible materials with innovative engineering to solve a technically could create armor ten times lighter and ten times more
challenging clinical problem. The scaffold is composed of strong polylactic-co- resistant to penetration than existing solutions. Such
glycolic acid (PLGA) fibers with an elastomer to deliver flexibility, radial strength, and approaches to composites production are a significant
resorbability to optimize the therapeutic impact. The Stanza self-expanding scaffold area of emerging materials research for applications across
technology supports the opened vessel during the critical healing period following an numerous industries; for example, new composites for
intervention and then resorbs, leaving no permanent implant behind. ultra-lightweight, high-strength construction materials,55
and options for replacing or regenerating hard tissues in
Process technology: In creating the Stanza scaffold, the company engineered polymer the body, like teeth and bone.56
materials into a unique design that enables self-expansion of the scaffold and radial
strength sufficient to maintain vessel patency (openness) post-intervention. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs): This class of
materials combines metal-oxide “hubs” with organic
Ecosystem and business model: By catering its design plans to the needs of an molecule “spokes” into three-dimensional Tinkertoy-like
existing customer base, the company is positioning itself for competitive success. latticeworks capable of absorbing large amounts of gas,
Similar to leading metal stents, the Stanza scaffold is deployed with a conventional parallel to a sponge’s capacity to absorb fluids. Compound-
retractable-sheath delivery system, while also providing the benefits of resorbability. specific absorption can be imposed such that these
materials might absorb one particular gas from among a
Path to success: The company targeted a desirable function (bioresorbability) to mixture (such as CO2 from air). MOFs are being developed
treat a specific market need (arterial disease) with innovative solutions using existing for applications such as removal of greenhouse gases
materials. 480 Biomedical’s proprietary scaffold platform is under investigation in both from the atmosphere, and for safe storage of combustible
vascular and nonvascular applications. gases (such as hydrogen and natural gas) in small volumes
and at low pressures for alternative or backup vehicular
Source: 480 Biomedical website, “480 Biomedical Announces Initial Observations from OCT Sub-Study of transportation fuels.
the STANCE Trial Evaluating the First Self-Expanding Bioresorbable Scaffold for Superficial Femoral Artery
Disease,” 10 October 2012,
Ionic liquids: Ionic liquids are salts that exist in liquid
rather than solid state. Although not strictly a new class

Bhushan, Barat, “Biomimetics: lessons from nature–an overview,”
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Vol 367 No 1893 pp
1445–1486, 28 April 2009.
See, e.g., Kisailus Biomimetics and Nanostructured Materials Lab,
accessed on 31 October 2012,
For example, see Im, Owen, et al., “Biomimetic three-dimensional
nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite and magnetically synthesized
single-walled carbon nanotube chitosan nanocomposite for bone
regeneration,” International Journal of Nanomedicine, Vol 7 pp
2087–2099, 24 April 2012.
of materials (in that the first known were discovered over
120 years ago), there has been significant development of
new compositions with improved properties. Composed
of oppositely charged species (as table salt is made up
of positive sodium ions and negative chloride ions), ionic
liquids are efficient conductors of electricity, thereby useful
in new battery designs. Further, many have unique qualities
as solvents, selectively dissolving different components
within a mixture at high specificity. This specificity can be
designed for extraction applications such as waste recovery
and for replacement of more-toxic, volatile solvents used
in many industrial chemical reactions, making ionic liquids
attractive for green chemistry production platforms.

Reigniting growth 19
Hallmarks of the Advanced
Materials System approach

As suggested throughout this report, opportunities in AMS

Case study — Composite airframes emerge when unmet needs can be addressed through
A leading commercial and military aircraft manufacturer functional solutions enabled by the combination of
pursues composite airframes to reduce aircraft weight and fuel innovative materials, process technologies, and business
consumption models that can be competitive in a defined end market,
as illustrated in the AMS framework (see Figure 3). The
Unmet need: Ongoing trends related to sustainability and globalization have created potential for AMS to increase both speed to market and
demand for cleaner, lower-cost travel options for an increasingly mobile global the quality of the solutions is optimized when these
population. Fuel accounts for one-third of the total cost per available passenger seat, elements come together in systems-level design, in the
indicating the additional potential impact of reduced fuel consumption on stakeholder context of open innovation, and when system performance
operating costs. and cost are defined by the target market and not the
properties of the material.
Material innovation: Boeing recognized the impact of reducing aircraft weight on
its operating costs and identified existing materials to design planes whose bodies are Open innovation allows differentiated, protected
made up of carbon fiber infused with epoxy resin, enabling up to 20 percent less fuel value while optimizing AMS solutions
use than with similarly sized traditional aluminium frames. Open innovation describes companies’ use of both external
and internal ideas and paths to market in order to advance
Process technology: Process technologies involved in the application of materials their technology. The paradigm calls for “the use of
to create composite airframes include automated tape-laying to improve quality and purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate
reduce cost of frame fuselage and wing structure. internal innovation and expand the markets for external
use of innovation.”57 The AMS context expands this
Ecosystem and business model: By spinning off from and collaborating with concept of openness beyond technology development and
manufacturing entities involved in the materials and processes required to construct into aspects of commercialization and partnering; that is,
these frames, Boeing was able to control most of the system value. not only to create a solution but to take it to market. Doing
so may often involve public-private partnerships. (JONAS,
Path to success: The manufacturer started with an unmet need and identified the at the forefront of new materials science, mentioned
materials and process technologies necessary to create a solution. By determining the above, is one example).
proper application of these materials and related process technologies to address these
needs, the company also created business models and partnerships enabling them to Historical materials development was typically conducted
capture much of the ecosystem’s value. in a more guarded, closed innovation approach that
is proving ineffective in current markets.58 AMS allows
Source: Boeing Aero Magazine, “Boeing 787 From the Ground Up,” accessed on 30 October 2012, www. for optimal solutions with maximized value capture for; Design News, “Boeing
787 Dreamliner Represents Composites Revolution,” 4 June 2007, all stakeholders through protective IP strategies, calling
asp?doc_id=226256&dfpPParams=ind_183,aid_226256&dfpLayout=article. for optimal business models and partnerships that
preemptively protect IP from the outset. An example
from the aerospace and defense industry (see sidebar,
Case study — Composite airframes) illustrates these
points and the extent to which partnerships and business
models can capture large shares of value in the AMS
space.59 Another example is solid-state lighting, which was
Chesbrough, Henry, Wim Vanhaverbeke, and Joel West. Open
Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm. Oxford University Press: New
York, 2006.
Observation by the DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group,
October 2012.
Boeing Aero Magazine, “Boeing 787 From the Ground Up,”
accessed on 30 October 2012,
developed through open innovation yet retained individual
IP rights for stakeholders involved (see sidebar, Case Case study — Solid-state lighting
study — Solid-state lighting60), and for substantial value Solid-state lighting innovation addresses unmet need for more-
capture. The value of the IP of the start-up company that efficient artificial lighting and increased energy-efficiency
developed the novel solid-state lighting technology was a
Unmet need: Lighting accounts for between 13 and 18 percent
primary driver of its eventual acquisition by a large lighting
of total electricity generated in the United States. Increased market penetration of
provider, for nearly US$800 million (a 10-times multiple of
light-emitting diode (LED) light sources (one mode of solid-state lighting) could result in
energy savings of up to US$30 billion in 2030, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up
to 210 million metric tons of carbon, and decrease electricity consumption for lighting
Process innovation expands the functionality of
by roughly 46 percent (against a scenario with no LED market penetration).
materials for tailored solutions
Numerous possible pathways are available to move from Material innovation: Color Kinetics created an Advanced Material System around
the materials focus of the AMS framework (Figure 3; solid-state lighting using LEDs composed of existing compound semiconductors such as
left-hand side) to processes that design these classes of gallium nitride.
materials into different systems (Figure 3; right-hand side). Process technology: High-volume, high-yield production used scalable approaches
This section focuses on three key process technologies to manufacture LEDs for drop-in substitution of incandescent bulbs as well as custom
expected to be at the frontier of innovation in, and lighting solutions.
important enablers of, AMS commercialization.
Ecosystem and business model: Color Kinetics employed process innovations and
Nanotechnology62 permits heretofore unavailable levels systems-level innovation to assemble complete fixtures comprising individual LEDs,
of structural and functional precision at ultrafine scales, electronics, optics, and mechanical designs for thermal dissipation. Financial support
greatly expanding the possibilities for engineering of from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and open innovation collaborations and
numerous classes of materials. In one example, nano- partnerships with LED suppliers enabled competitively priced lighting solutions using
imprint lithograpy has allowed the introduction of patent-protected systems and designs.
structural design at much smaller scales than achievable Path to success: Color Kinetics increased its revenue from approximately US$15
million to US$80 million between 2000 and 2008.
aeromagazine/articles/qtr_4_06/AERO_Q406_article4.pdf; Design News,
“Boeing 787 Dreamliner Represents Composites Revolution,” 4 June Source: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), 2011 Building
2007, Energy Data Book, March 2012,
ms=ind_183,aid_226256&dfpLayout=article. pdf; U.S. Energy Information Administration website, FAQ, accessed on 24 October 2012,
Source: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Planning, Budget tools/faqs/faq.cfm?id=99&t=3; U.S. DOE EERE, Energy Savings Potential of Solid-State Lighting in General
and Analysis, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), 2011 Illumination Applications, January 2012,
Building Energy Data Book, March 2012, http://buildingsdatabook. ssl_energy-savings-report_jan-2012.pdf; U.S. DOE EERE, Solid State Light Research and Development,; U.S. Energy Information Multiyear Program Plan, April 2012,
Administration website, FAQ, ssl_mypp2012_web.pdf; U.S. DOE Color Kinetics, SEC Form S-1 filed on 9 April 2004,
(accessed on 24 October 2012); U.S. DOE EERE, Energy Savings Potential Archives/edgar/data/1048611/000095013504001808/b48986cksv1.htm; Philips, “Color Kinetics to release
of Solid-State Lighting in General Illumination Applications, January 2012, fourth quarter and full year 2004 earnings on February 3,” 26 January 2005, corp/news/pr/archive/2005-01-26-earningsdate.htm; Philips, “Color Kinetics reports record revenues and
savings-report_jan-2012.pdf; U.S. DOE EERE, Solid State Light Research earnings for fourth quarter and full year 2005,” 9 February 2006,
and Development, Multiyear Program Plan, April 2012, http://apps1. releases/2006-02-09_q4earnings.html; Philips, “Color Kinetics reports financial results for fourth quarter and; full year 2006,” 8 February 2007,
U.S. DOE Color Kinetics, SEC Form S-1 filed on 9 April 2004, www.sec.
htm; Philips, “Color Kinetics to release fourth quarter and full year 2004
earnings on February 3,” 26 January 2005,
corp/news/pr/archive/2005-01-26-earningsdate.htm; Philips, “Color
Kinetics reports record revenues and earnings for fourth quarter and full
year 2005,” 9 February 2006,
releases/2006-02-09_q4earnings.html; Philips, “Color Kinetics reports
financial results for fourth quarter and full year 2006,” 8 February 2007,
See also section on “Biomimetic nanocomposites,” above.
Reigniting growth 21
with optical lithography (the latter largely a tool of 20th Industrial biotechnology stands to be a major contributor
century microelectronics). Likely even more disruptive of highly disruptive platforms in numerous industries,
than ultrastructural capacities is the entire horizon of particularly in the energy and chemicals sectors67 with
truly novel functionalities (e.g., self-healing fabrics, potential revenues as much as US$165 billion by 2020 (in
digestible packaging, nanoscale sensors) afforded by biorefining outputs of biofuels, biobased bulk chemicals
nanotechnology that have yet to be brought to proof-of- and bioplastics, power and heat, and downstream
concept at commercial scale. Entirely new sets of unique chemistry).68 While research efforts are looking at creation
mechanical, optical, and electronic properties that emerge of new “materials” (e.g., completely novel bacteria created
at the nanoscale will eventually be enabled from existing through synthetic biology/genetic engineering), industrial
materials, with potential game-changing applications in biotechnology’s main contribution may largely stem from
every industry. novel methods of producing existing materials (with drop-
in substitution of processes and products, like drop-in
Government commitment of research dollars can be a alternative fuels or biobased-chemical intermediates). While
strong indicator of potential short- and medium-term cost-parity of biobased chemicals with petroleum-based
market trends. In the U.S., the 2003 signing of the 21st counterparts has yet to be achieved, concerns over energy
Century Nanotechnology Research and Development security, feedstock availability, and carbon-emission limits
Act was a significant milestone, creating a framework should keep industrial biotechnology as a main enabler of
for coordinating research spending among 26 different materials innovation in the coming decades.
federal government departments and agencies, from
the Department of Energy (DOE) to the Department of Additive manufacturing is an advanced manufacturing
Homeland Security.63 Total U.S. government spending on process that fabricates solid three-dimensional objects
nanotechnology initiatives increased to roughly US$1.5 composed of polymers, ceramics, or metals directly
billion per year in FY2011 (with US$1.8 billion requested for from a digital “model” (an electronic file containing the
FY2013); US$18 billion has been spent since the inception compositions and dimensions of the object to be created).
of the program.64 Funds are dispersed across basic research, The process of depositing and “curing in place” successive
development, and commercial-manufacturing process layers of material creates structures. This approach is
development. Funding recipients have included major distinct from traditional subtractive machining techniques,
multinational companies, university research labs, start- which again typically remove material by methods like
ups, and government-operated labs and research centers. drilling and cutting to render a final shape.
Internationally, the Nanowerk nanotechnology online
database counts 520 nanotechnology research initiatives, There are several reasons why additive manufacturing is
networks, and associations worldwide.65 The global an important emerging process technology. First, it is a
nanotechnology market, valued at nearly US$20.1 billion distributed means of manufacturing that affords scalable
in 2011, could generate total sales of as much as US$48.9 customization; that is, production at different orders
billion in 2017; nanomaterials, specifically, will account for
an estimated US$15.9 billion in sales in 2012, and up to 67
European Commission High Level Expert Group (HLG) on Key
US$37.3 billion in 2017.66 Enabling Technologies (KET), KET — Industrial Biotechnology Working
Group Report, June 2011,
U.S. Federal Government, 21st Century Nanotechnology Research kets/4_industrial_biotechnology-final_report_en.pdf; Erickson, Brent,
and Development Act, accessed on 24 October 2012, Janet E. Nelson, and Paul Winters, “Perspectives on opportunities in
fdsys/pkg/PLAW-108publ153/html/PLAW-108publ153.htm. industrial biotechnology in renewable chemicals,” Biotechnology Journal
National Science and Technology Council and Office of Science and Vol 7 No 2 pp 176–185, February 2012, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.
Technology Policy, The National Nantotech Initiative: Supplement to com/doi/10.1002/biot.201100069/abstract; Biotechnology Industry
the President’s 2013 Budget, 13 February 2012, Organization (BIO) website, “The Third Wave in Biotechnology: A Primer
default/files/pub_resource/nni_2013_budget_supplement.pdf. on Industrial Biotechnology,” accessed on 29 October 2012,
Nanowerk website, accessed on 24 October 2012, www.nanowerk. org/articles/third-wave-biotechnology.
com. 68
World Economic Forum, The Future of Industrial Biorefineries, pp 18–
BCC Research, Nanotechnology: A Realistic Market Assessment, 20, 2010,
September 2012, Report_2010.pdf.
of magnitude (be it 10 parts per unit, 1,000 parts, or bioengineering being employed for industrial applications
100,000) differs only in the instructions specified by the today. Systems biology (the study of systems of biological
computer file that drives the machines that make the components, be they molecules, cells, organisms, or entire
product. Each part, regardless of scale, may be unique species) and biological/genetic engineering (including
and customized without cost-variance, allowing for synthetic biology) seek to elucidate and combine biological
tremendous customization. This type of manufacturing building blocks into complex networks of the hundreds
also scales out rather than up: as users wish to double, of thousands of intermolecular interactions that occur in
triple, or quadruple production, they can simply increase each cell of a living organism. Systems biology requires
their inventory of production tools, instead of making any interdisciplinary collaboration among biologists, chemists,
particular equipment bigger. Finally, this approach allows physicists, electrical and chemical engineers, and computer
decentralized customization and production of objects that scientists, similar to the open innovation nature of the
cannot be made in any other way. This sort of customized partnerships that will capture value in the AMS framework.
distribution of manufacturing favors smaller-scale
localized facilities versus large centralized capital-intensive The AMS landscape, too, advocates an increasingly
production sites. systems-level approach. The present collection of available
materials comprises the building blocks, with well-
Additive manufacturing will potentially disrupt a breadth of understood physical and chemical properties that, together
manufacturing sectors, with an estimated global market of with innovations in process technologies and systems-level
approximately US$1.8 billion in 2012, reaching as much as design, are enabling new functional solutions. There are
US$3.5 billion by 2017.69 now several materials databases that document available
industrial materials,70 and some even claim a “genome”
Systems-level thinking and innovation in AMS are approach, akin to genetic databases cataloguing the
ushering in a new era of engineering elements of the human genome.
The shift in focus from discovery and development of new
compositions of matter, to innovation in the design of As in systems biology, the challenge and opportunity
systems and process technologies using existing materials, in AMS is to leverage existing building blocks within
represents a new era of “integration engineering.” The systems-level design, toward functional solutions. To do so
shift is analogous to what is happening in the life sciences. requires a breadth of expertise that, given both scale and
Twentieth-century advances in biosciences occurred technological knowledge needed, may be possible only
mainly in the realm of molecular biology, as constituent through novel collaborative innovations among materials
components were identified and functional pathways suppliers, industrial designers and engineers, and process
determined. Molecular biology was, and continues to engineers and systems integrators. As is also the case in
be, fundamentally about cataloguing the basic molecular industrial bioscience, a key accelerator for AMS innovation
building blocks of life — specific genes and nucleotide is high-performance computing and predictive modeling at
sequences that constitute the genomes of living organisms multiple length-scales, including at the material and system
and the proteins they encode to effect the molecular level.
mechanics of life.
Applying systems-level thinking to target a whitespace
Harnessing this genetic information in systems-level need can have game-changing effects on markets and
approaches is now the focus of the systems biology and stakeholders both. Consider the e-book reader, which
was enabled by electronic ink technology (see sidebar,
Markets and Markets, Global Additive Manufacturing Market
(2012–2017), By Application (Medical Devices, Automotives,
& Aerospace) and Technology (3D Printing, Laser Sintering, 70
Examples include the Materials Genome Initiative (http://
Stereolithography, Fused Deposition Modeling, Electron Beam Melting,, the Material ConneXion
& Tissue Engineering), October 2012, online database (
Market-Reports/additive-manufacturing-medical-devices-market-843. MaterialsLibrary/MaterialsDatabase/tabid/735/Default.aspx), and the
html. Materials Project (
Reigniting growth 23
Case study — e-Book reader). This technology opened
Case study — e-Book reader an entirely new market for e-reader devices, by permitting
Taking advantage of a material innovation for low-power production of low-power reflective displays that can be
electronic ink, Amazon created a market for e-readers and produced in high volume at viable cost. By integrating
captured significant value in that space technology developed by another company into a device
to appeal to a new market of e-reader users, the system
Unmet need: In response to a market demand for mobile access to a range of print provider captured a significant portion of the market’s
and media publications and entertainment, Amazon, in collaboration with E Ink value. The company achieved new revenues not only with
Corporation, shaped a market for e-readers. the e-readers and e-books themselves but, eventually,
through expanded sales of MP3 products, streaming video,
Material innovation: E Ink, a start-up, developed new materials that enabled applications, and advertisements, as well as data and
electronic ink with low power consumption in thin, light devices. network streaming for major carriers.71

Process technology: After seeing several smaller consumer applications, E Ink Success requires that the target market — not the
ultimately became the base display technology of Amazon’s Kindle™, the premiere material — define system performance and cost
example of an early, successful e-reader. In traditional commercial development of new-materials-
enabled systems, the first step is the invention of a new
Ecosystem and business model: By partnering to leverage E Ink’s technology and material. Specific systems made possible by that material are
the customer base and Kindle ecosystem that Amazon was looking to build, these two then envisioned, before any stakeholder goes to market. This
companies created a new ecosystem for not only e-readers but a variety of other types has been the development path typified in innovation from
of consumer products that constitute the present e-tablet industry. universities to start-ups. AMS turns the standard process on
its head and starts instead with the market. That is, players
Path to success: Using an innovative new-material technology, Amazon created a should look to understand what the market opportunity
new market for sales not only of the Kindle but also e-books, MP3 products, streaming is, as a function of end-user-defined performance criteria,
video, applications, advertisements, and data, each with opportunities for tremendous and focus on both performance and cost. Accordingly,
value capture, which Amazon has capitalized on. players must first understand the markets and performance
requirements to form solutions that adequately address
Source: Business Insider, “How Amazon Makes Money From The Kindle,” 18 October 2011, http:// specific unmet needs.
books; Mashable Business, “Ebook Sales Surpass Hardcover for First Time in U.S.,“ 17 June 2012, http://; Bloomberg, “Barnes & Noble Sinks Most Since June The development of new photovoltaic (PV) materials for
After Halting Dividend,” 22 February 2011, converting solar energy to electricity illustrates how this
after-dividend-halt-same-store-sales-rise.html; Brookings Institute, “Amazon’s Kindle: Symbol of American
Decline?” 25 February 2010, can be done effectively. A large library of PV materials that
were developed over time had been catalogued by the
National Center for Photovoltaics within the U.S. DOE’s
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).72 A recent

Business Insider, “How Amazon Makes Money From The Kindle,”
18 October 2011,
Mashable Business, “Ebook Sales Surpass Hardcover for First Time
in U.S.,“ 17 June 2012,
hardcover-sales/; Bloomberg, “Barnes & Noble Sinks Most Since June
After Halting Dividend,” 22 February 2011,
sales-rise.html; Brookings Institute, “Amazon’s Kindle: Symbol of
American Decline?” 25 February 2010,
U.S. DOE NREL website accessed on 24 October 2012, www.nrel.
gov/ncpv/ and U.S. DOE SunShot Initiative, “Photovoltaics Research and
NREL report estimates that the technical potential of PV
cells and concentrated solar power in the U.S. is as much Case study — Solar window technology
as 200,000 gigawatts, or enough to generate about Pythagoras Solar’s photovoltaic glass technology enables
400,000 terawatts of energy annually.73 To achieve market efficient windows that also generate energy
penetration, however, PV materials must ultimately be
attractive, in terms of performance and cost, to specific Unmet need: Ongoing trends related to sustainability and resource
target markets. This has posed a major challenge for scarcity have created a demand for more-energy-efficient buildings
the PV industry, likely attributable to the “materials first” that more effectively maintain, and generate energy by taking
thinking of the past, rather than the “market first” thinking advantage of available resources.
of AMS; but companies that surpass convention are taking
advantage of newly created opportunities (see sidebar, Material innovation: Start-up company Pythagoras Solar determined that technology
Case study — Solar window technology).74 using existing photovoltaic solar cells and prisms, embedded in windows to capture
solar energy, allows buildings to take advantage of natural sunlight to be used as a
In the AMS framework, then, the market is considered power source.
first, before the assessments of performance and cost
trade-offs possible that will ultimately define the market Process technology: By using innovative process technologies to apply existing solar-
opportunity in more granularity; it is the market, not capture and insulation materials into their windows, the company developed a product
the material, that defines the systems-level performance capable of generating similar amounts of energy as solar panels that could yet be
criteria. Different materials have characteristic cost effectively used in existing window glass systems.
structures and performance that can be plotted. (In the
case of PV materials, performance would be measured Ecosystem and business model: By establishing an innovation that fits within an
as efficiency.) One way to visualize the performance-cost existing system and promises to pay for itself within three to five years, the company
relationship is through what are called frontier curves was able to capture investments by larger companies, for more effective product
that plot performance as a function of cost, to define a commercialization.
“frontier” identifying the trade-off between performance
and cost that consumers would be willing to accept.75 Path to success: By identifying an unmet need and applying existing materials using
Companies that fall behind the delineation will likely not innovative process technologies and business models, this company created a new
see market success; those “ahead of the curve” will actually product with an existing end market and captured value in this space.
be creating a new frontier and disrupt the market.
Source: Pythagoras Solar website, “Pythagoras Solar Announces Photovoltaic Glass Unit (PVGU), First
Green Building Material to Combine Energy Efficiency, High Density Solar Power Generation and
Once a performance frontier benchmark has been decided, Transparency,” 18 May 2010,
the materials that might best provide a solution, and how glass-unit-pvgu-first-green-building-material-to-combine-energy-efficiency-high-density-solar-power-
generation-and-transparency/; Gigaom, “The vision for solar windows,” 24 June 2011, http://gigaom.
Development,” accessed on 29 October 2012,
U.S. DOE NREL, U.S. Renewable Energy Technical Potentials: A GIS-
Based Analysis, July 2012,
Pythagoras Solar website, “Pythagoras Solar Announces
Photovoltaic Glass Unit (PVGU), First Green Building Material to
Combine Energy Efficiency, High Density Solar Power Generation
and Transparency,” 18 May 2010,
power-generation-and-transparency/; Gigaom, “The vision for solar
windows,” 24 June 2011,
As described in Michael E. Raynor’s The Innovator’s Manifesto:
Deliberate Disruption for Transformational Growth, Crown Publishing
Group: New York, 2011, which focuses on Clayton Christensen’s
landmark disruption theory.
Reigniting growth 25
might they be accessed and integrated into a system
through strategically chosen partnerships, can be decided
upon. The best options may involve licensing the material
from a university, for example, or partnering with a materials
company that boasts the technology in its IP portfolio.

Players must finally determine how to put together the

overall open innovation framework to bring that material
to market in a business model that specifies how the
created value can be ideally shared across the participants
in the ecosystem. All the while, AMS opportunities are
considered from a systems-level standpoint, such as the PV
materials designed into solar-energy-generating windows.
Rather than just comprising PV modules that bolt onto a
roof or get deployed in a field, many PV systems that will
ultimately have a unique advantage in the marketplace will
come from integrating PV functionality into other existing
structures such as windows or shingles (as described in
sidebar, Case study — Solar window technology). This
approach to building integrated PV is growing rapidly,76
to demonstrated success: in the case of solar windows
converting sunlight to electricity while permitting the
passing of light, one company identified innovative whole-
technology solutions that fit within existing use- and
demand-patterns for efficient window glass. The result was
a window system both more efficient in retaining energy
within buildings (current use) and capable of generating
electricity from approximately 14 percent of traversing
sunlight (functional innovation).77 The takeaway is that
the technology solution was designed to meet end-user
defined performance and cost criteria.

Pike Research, press release, “Building Integrated Photovoltaics
Market Revenue to Quadruple to $2.4 Billion by 2017,” 21 August
SF Gate, “Pythagoras Solar windows and energy breakthrough,”
25 June 2011,
windows-and-energy-breakthrough-2366579.php; Daily Finance, “Glass
Ceiling: Solar Startup Wants to Electrify Your Skylights and Windows,”
19 May 2010,
Who will see the greatest
opportunities in Advanced
Materials Systems?

Value capture in the AMS landscape encompasses more The companies that stand to potentially benefit
than ownership and control of a particular material or from AMS solutions span value chains across
platform, irrespective of industry or size of company. several diverse industries
Awareness of market needs and of emerging markets Again, DTTL’s analysis has identified over 6,000 publicly
and agility in corporate culture are somewhat intangible traded companies, each with annual revenues greater than
but nonetheless important drivers of value capture and US$100 million, that have the potential to be involved
creativity — yet are often overlooked by traditional with functional solutions enabled by the AMS framework.
approaches in the chemical and materials space. These companies span a breadth of industries and end
markets, from manufacturing (sized at US$8 trillion
Based on analysis of several relevant cases, the unique globally78), transportation (US$77 billion79), construction
combination of attributes highlighted in the DTTL AMS materials and equipment (US$656 billion80), construction
framework offers companies in the AMS ecosystem a services (US$2 trillion81), machinery (US$230.7 billion82),
means to create and maximize value in the marketplace. electronics (US$2.5 trillion83), chemicals (US$3.4 trillion84),
Depending on the particular relationships that players pharmaceuticals (US$1.1 trillion85), and textiles and apparel
develop across the ecosystem (e.g., business models and IP (US$3 trillion86).
rights), the capture of this value can be isolated or shared
more broadly.

The Manufacturing Institute, Facts about Modern Manufacturing,
8th ed, 2009, accessed on 25 October 2012,
Dow Jones Industries Snapshot, “Air transportation, industrial
transportation, airlines, pipeline transportation, marine transportation,
energy, port and harbor operations, crude/natural gas transport,
airports, and railroads,” accessed on 21 August 2011.
Datamonitor, Global Construction Materials Industry Report, June
Datamonitor, Global Construction and Engineering Services Report,
July 2011.
MarketLine, Global Machinery Report, June 2012.
Datamonitor, Global Technology Hardware and Equipment Report,
June 2011.
MarketLine, Global Chemicals Report, July 2011.
Datamonitor, Global Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology, and Life
Sciences Report, May 2012.
MarketLine, 2012 Global Textile, Apparel, and Luxury Goods Report,
May 2012.
Reigniting growth 27
Shared value typifies Advanced Materials Systems merely a 20 percent improvement in fuel-efficiency across
development the country’s fleet represents a potential US$10 billion per
Companies that have leveraged new and unique year in cost savings.91
approaches, partnerships, and business models (see
Decommoditizing the business model: Unleashing the Market leaders are turning to AMS partnerships to
value of Advanced Materials Systems) to create and open new value chains
capture value using the AMS framework demonstrate the An agreeability to value sharing among large-market-
possibilities open to stakeholders across the value chain. cap companies is seeing certain manufacturing industry
Smartphones are an iconic example of systems-level value leaders look beyond conventional options for product
creation that distributes value across stakeholder networks. development. These companies are seeking to reinvigorate
The core functionality of smartphones is enabled by basic growth and innovation through partnerships and
advances in materials and process technologies in several collaborations according to the AMS-approach, examples
components (camera, touch screen, advanced memory, of which are given below:
etc.). Each individual advance effectively creates value only
insofar as it integrated into the functional solution of the Cost-competitive production processes through
resulting “whole-solution technology” (the smartphone); strategic positioning: With funding from the U.S. DOE,
that is, through systems-level integration, each component Ford Motor Company is developing composite automobile
captures value from specific customer and end market body panels for lighter-weight vehicles,92 affording greater
needs. Such systems-level integration affords opportunities fuel-efficiency and manufacturable with less energy.
for shared value. In the case of smartphones, one leading Vehicles with composite frames weighing 225 pounds (25
manufacturer captures approximately 40 percent of the percent less than conventional 300-pound steel frames)
value of its market share as the system designer and enabler; would consume 1.6 percent less fuel than standard
the remaining 60 percent of that value is distributed across vehicles, greatly reducing overall fuel usage over the life
the multinational suppliers of the component parts.87 of the automobile.93 The automaker has partnered with a
Interestingly, this approach captured substantial value in large chemical company (The Dow Chemical Company),
nontraditional markets for the company88 by combining an which is providing the core materials technology, and
attractive functional solution made with advanced materials with U.S. DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL),
in a system that includes a retail network, online content providing cost effective process technology for making
shopping, and a plethora of applications. fibers for the composites. Ultimately the aim is to render
composite panels that are cost-competitive with metal
The performance of industrial-products companies that
have started to evolve in similar directions indicates value
potential is high (see sidebar, Case study — Composite 91
Advanced Materials and Chemicals, Composite Materials Promise
airframes).89 In the case of airlines, commercial fleets in Increased Fuel Efficiency, Research and data for Status Report 94-
the U.S. alone spend US$4 billion per month on jet fuel;90 02-0040 were collected during October–December 2001, www.atp.; ICRA, Auto & Auto Components
Industry: Relevance of frugal engineering to increase in the backdrop
Kraemer, Kenneth, Greg Linden, and Jason Dedrick. “Capturing Value of rising commodity and fuel prices, 2010 to 2011,
in Global Networks: Apple’s iPad and iPhone.” July 2011, http://pcic. Files/ticker/Auto&Auto-Note-June-2011.pdf; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Transportation Energy Consumption Surveys energy
Data from comScore MobiLens shows that iPhone users now used by vehicles, accessed on 25 October 2012,
account for one-third of the 114 million U.S. smartphone users, www. rtecs/contents.html. 92
Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL), Innovations in Manufacturing:
Design News, “Boeing 787 Dreamliner Represents Composites Ford–Dow Partnership Linked to Carbon Fiber Research at ORNL,
Revolution,” 4 June 2007, accessed on 25 October 2012,
asp?doc_id=226256&dfpPParams=ind_183,aid_226256&dfpLayout=arti success_stories/CF_Ford-Dow.pdf.
cle. 93
Advanced Materials and Chemicals, Composite Materials Promise
U.S. Energy Information Administration, “High airline jet fuel Increased Fuel Efficiency (Research and data for Status Report 94-02-
costs prompt cost-saving measures,” 13 June 2012, 0040 were collected during October to December 2001), www.atp.nist.
todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=6670#. gov/eao/sp950-3/budd_co.pdf.
body panels (see sidebar, Case study — Public-private
partnership: Carbon-fiber composites).94 Case study — Public-private partnership: Carbon-fiber
Strategic partnerships to extend core capabilities Stakeholders Ford Motor Company, The Dow Chemical
and define new markets: A large digital wireless Company, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory partner to
telecommunications company (market cap of US$100 billion) explore carbon-fiber composites for low-cost, energy-efficient
is pursuing wearable health-monitoring technology to permit transportation
cost-effective diagnostics and patient monitoring outside of
hospital settings. The company is accessing core materials Unmet need: Ongoing trends related to sustainability and energy-efficiency have
and process technologies through partnerships with an resulted in a need to decrease high-volume-vehicle weight and reduce energy
array of smaller companies and start-ups. The intention is consumption.
to produce high-performance electronics for wear on the
body such that they are invisible to the wearer and cost- Material innovation: The manufacture of lighter-weight vehicles calls for carbon fiber
effective for the health care system (see sidebar, Case study to be developed at lower cost and high volume. The Dow Chemical Company (Dow)
— Wearable electronics). Many of the solutions being has partnered with U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory
developed will also be appropriate for medical diagnostics (ORNL) toward the expansion of sources of precursors for the carbon fibers (beyond
and health monitoring in emerging markets that currently the traditional use of polyacrylonitrile) needed to make composites affordable for the
have little to no access to centralized health care. automotive industry.

Highly differentiated, IP-protected solutions for Process technology: Process and design technologies that enable these materials to
high-value market: A large international integrated be applied to composite automobile frames, as well as manufacturing methods for
medical device company (market cap of US$40 billion) is high-volume applications, will be key for success. Frames made with these innovative
developing minimally invasive, implanted medical devices designs and manufacturing processes could potentially reduce vehicle weight by up to
for treating cardiovascular diseases, a rapidly growing 750 pounds.
market that should evolve to reach over US$97 billion
by 2015, up from nearly US$85 billion in 2010.95 The Ecosystem and business model: To best leverage their combined expertise in materials,
company is leveraging innovations in materials and in process technologies, and federal research grants, Ford Motor Company (Ford), Dow,
strategic partnerships to target whitespace opportunities. and ORNL established a partnership in April 2012 to develop these lower-cost energy-
In one case, the company partnered with a start-up to efficient vehicles, to which the U.S. DOE committed US$9 million in June 2012.
bring bioabsorbable implantable devices to market that
treat diseases and then dissolve into the body. Separately, Path to success: This example of an Advanced Materials System was jump-started
by an unmet need for more-energy-efficient automobiles. Ford, Dow, and ORNL are
U.S. DOE, Press Release, “Energy Department Announces New merging their abilities to devise a cost-effective solution to this unmet need, ultimately
Investments in Innovative Manufacturing Technologies,” 12 June to create shared value.
investments-innovative-manufacturing-technologies-0 and www. Source: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Press Release, “Energy Department Announces New; U.S. DOE ORNL, Investments in Innovative Manufacturing Technologies,” 12 June 2012,
Innovations in Manufacturing: Ford–Dow Partnership Linked to Carbon department-announces-new-investments-innovative-manufacturing-technologies-0 and www.eere.
Fiber Research at ORNL, accessed on 25 October 2012,; U.S. DOE ORNL, Innovations in Manufacturing: Ford–Dow
sci/manufacturing/success_stories/CF_Ford-Dow.pdf; U.S. DOE ORNL, Partnership Linked to Carbon Fiber Research at ORNL, accessed on 25 October 2012,
“Dow team including ORNL receives $9 million for carbon fiber R&D,” manufacturing/success_stories/CF_Ford-Dow.pdf; U.S. DOE ORNL, “Dow team including ORNL receives $9
Energy & Environmental Sciences Quarterly No 6 p 1, 2012, www. million for carbon fiber R&D,” Energy & Environmental Sciences Quarterly No 6 p 1, 2012,; Budd Company Design sci/ees/newsletters/EESNo62012.pdf; Budd Company Design Center, Advanced Materials and Chemicals,
Center, Advanced Materials and Chemicals, Composite Materials Composite Materials Promise Increased Fuel Efficiency, Research and data for Status Report 94-02-0040
Promise Increased Fuel Efficiency, Research and data for Status Report collected October–December 2001,
94-02-0040 collected October–December 2001,
BCC Research, press release, “Global Market For Cardiovascular
Devices To Be Worth $97.4 Billion In 2015,” 15 December 2009, www.
Reigniting growth 29
the large integrated medical device company partnered were: microelectronics and semiconductors, biorefining
with another start-up to integrate electronics onto small and industrial biotechnology, solar, batteries, solid-state
catheter devices for minimally invasive detection of sources lighting, medical devices, nanostructured materials, water
of disease inside the body. In both cases the new medical treatment, displays, and wind energy.
devices are enabled by a novel combination of materials
and process technologies for a functional solution directly Direct interviews of lead partners at many of these firms
targeting an existing market and unmet need. In each, a about their standards for investment in materials-technology
highly differentiated solution was protected by an extensive start-ups identified three consistent themes.97 First, the
array of patents. Importantly, much of the innovation start-up ideally has a solution that addresses an unmet
was done outside of the “four walls” of the large medical need in a large, existing market. Second, the start-up’s
device company via strategic partnerships. technology solution should be at least “two generations”
better in performance than existing solutions (non-price
Start-ups play a vanguard role in the AMS ecosystem value) and not cost more than existing solutions (price
In addition to large publicly traded companies in the AMS value). Third, the solution should be capable of moving from
ecosystem, DTTL assessed emerging start-ups, reviewing concept to market in less than eight years and ideally less
the portfolios of 18 top venture capital firms known than five years. These criteria are in addition to the baseline
to invest in materials-related technologies (see sidebar, standards of strong IP protection and a capable team.
Venture capital investments in Advanced Materials More often the start-up should also already have in place a
Systems start-ups).96 The venture capital firms were strategic relationship with a large partner that can help to
invested in a total of 268 different AMS-related companies; bring the solution to market and help fund development
the top 10 areas of focus of these companies, in turn, through equity and other types of investments. This report
suggests that start-ups may represent the forefront of the
DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, February 2012 to AMS framework. (Consider again the case of the company
October 2012.
that captured sufficient value with its solid-state lighting
innovation to be acquired by a major materials company;
Venture capital investments in Advanced Materials Systems start-ups see sidebar, Case study — Solid-state lighting).
The DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group examined 18 top U.S. venture
capital firms (as at 31 July 2012) that collectively invested in a total of 268 different Regardless of market capitalization or revenue, particular
Advanced Materials Systems-related start-ups (first investment made between industry, or where a player sits along the value chain,
2010 and 2012). Although venture capital is a global industry, the top U.S. firms companies seeking to master the AMS approach have
(in terms of total dollars under management, total dollars invested in AMS-related a learning curve ahead of them. They will come to
companies, and top return on investment) do reflect the leading trends in early- understand how to creatively design — and redesign
stage investments in AMS-enabled start-ups. The top 10 areas of focus for the — production processes and business partnerships with
start-ups point to the attractiveness of Advanced Materials Systems opportunities in integrative solutions that address specific needs. They may
the following areas: well find themselves bolder and more agile in positioning
• Microelectronics and semiconductors • Solid-state lighting (18) themselves for leadership success in newly emerging
(40)* • Medical devices (15) economies, particularly through early responsiveness to
• Biorefining and industrial • Nanostructured materials (13) emerging market trends.
biotechnology (38) • Water treatment (9)
• Solar (26) • Displays (9)
• Batteries (25) • Wind energy (8)

* Number in parentheses is number of start-up companies engaged in each focus area.

Source: DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, October 2012.
Observation by the DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group
through the various research on chemicals and material manufacturers,
February 2012 to October 2012.

Decommoditizing the business
model: Unleashing the value of
Advanced Materials Systems

In hindsight, it seems as though advances in materials expansion phase of the mid-20th century.99 The core
technology might be inevitable. In actuality, the business of “product-by-volume”-based strategies and business
of advancing materials in markets is difficult and risky. To models was as much about capital-efficiency as about
position even the most promising new Advanced Materials growth. As a result, business models were not so much
System in an emerging or existing industry requires a a point of differentiation as they were a discipline. While
leadership team to consider additional variables to those a tremendous amount of commerce in materials should
of more conventional business strategies and business continue to be through product-by-volume business
models. This report has presented new perspectives on models (commoditized products will yet have their
open innovation, changing the time scale of idea to place), the AMS framework argues in favor of innovative
solution, systems-level engineering as the primary driver approaches to selecting business models and even new
(versus inventions of new compositions of matter), and business models themselves that preemptively allow for
new opportunities created by tectonic shifts in societies dynamic adjustments once in play.
Surpassing convention: A role for new business
As IP pioneer Hiroyuki Itami argues, “Until technology has models in the AMS approach
been put to use, three types of uncertainty are important Business models are about how a business adds value and
to the strategist: discovery does not always result from makes money. Business model definitions are diverse and
technology development efforts; markets do not always many. It is beyond the scope of this report to impose any
result from technology development efforts; and newly overriding consensus. The Advanced Materials Systems
developed technology can become obsoleted.”98 While approach to business models calls for a reevaluation of the
these observations are still valid, an addition to this is role of business models themselves (see Figure 6). Selecting
that the likely success of a promising technology can business models within this framework acknowledges that
be made or broken depending on how it is positioned there are important ecosystem components and variables
in the value chain, the way it is brought to the market to be considered in commercializing new functional
and to emerging industries, and how key success factors solutions, such as markets, customer behaviors, and
and control variables are measured. Said differently, if a environmental forces such as economy, ecology, culture,
business model is meant to describe the rationale and and IP landscape (see Figure 6).
measurement of how an organization creates, delivers, and
captures value, and if the scope of value is determined not There are critical elements to hold in view while selecting
only economically but socially, culturally, and in other ways business models to target — ranging from understanding
(e.g., in terms of sustainability), then an Advanced Material core capabilities within the four walls of a business, to the
System is as dependent on its business model and the nature of a company’s IP and how that IP would factor
team that delivers it, as on its technology. into the overall ecosystem, to engagement with technical
and commercial development partners and customers. In
Numerous successful materials technologies have the AMS framework, a business would define its partner
been developed and scaled as broad end-market and network, if and as required, to better develop and deliver
customer-product plays, especially during the industry- solutions to market, recognizing that both internal and
external partner capabilities are anchors to configuring
Itami, Hiroyuki and Thomas W. Roehl, Mobilizing Invisible Assets.
Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1991, http:// value creation and capture within the ecosystem.
88&dq=Itami,+Hiroyuki+and+Thomas+W.+Roehl,+Mobilizing+Invisible Situating the business in the value chain and against
1&source=bl&ots=CFI3SOlgx2&sig=DTUDq6lMzH9GNswuatBBR-BtOK competition brings focus to the design and implementation
E&hl=en&sa=X&ei=vtaTUMLoPIuP0QGC5oCIDw&ved=0CCEQ6AEw of conventional business strategy and operating elements
W.%20Roehl%2C%20Mobilizing%20Invisible%20Assets.%20 99
Observation by the DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group
Harvard%20University%20Press%3A%20Cambridge%2C%20 through the various discussions with chemicals and material
Massachusetts%2C%201991&f=false. manufacturers, February 2012 to October 2012.
Reigniting growth 31
Figure 6: Definition of what a business model does
Defining a solution Creating value

Core relationships

Value Position Products and

configuration in value chain services

Technical partner
partner networks

Design Execution

Capital Operating Revenue

investments costs sources

Capturing value
Source: DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, October 2012.

(see Figure 6): product and market focus, competitive AMS business models weight the ecosystem
positioning, positioning influences, location and scale perspective heavily
of production, operations to execute on a target market No matter the technology solution, systems-level design
opportunity, identifying and building customers, and is an underpinning, early step toward meeting market-
developing distribution networks. Meanwhile, allocation of performance requirements to capture market share. As
capital and measurement of returns encourage capital to noted, it was most common in the past for companies to
be used efficiently and operating costs to be competitive. first conceive an innovative material or process technology
If the entire business model framework is optimized, before considering where to market that material.
revenues will likely grow. Decisions to proceed and scale up were often based on
potential share and cost of products and homologues.
This walk through business models will be a very familiar As stressed herein, this strategy no longer appears
story for manufacturing companies — and reinforces the to be sufficient to identify and capture new market
notion that commoditization has spread from product opportunities, and AMS players in the current landscape
lines to business models themselves. Hence, opportunities can likely no longer rely on such traditional approaches to
arising from the more novel concepts of systems-level maintain or grow market share.
design as a starting point, development of functional
solutions using extant materials, and delivery of solutions Conventional wisdom, for instance, suggests that a
that address a real and urgent market need, call for a differentiated system based on any given material should
rethinking of business models and design. likely aim to capture only a circumscribed percentage of
the target market, simply because the material might have
performance limitations as compared to the requirements
of the more demanding segments in the larger market.
The AMS framework proposes a different line of thinking, Internal and external triggers are likely to be encountered
encouraging companies to continue iterating solutions— in AMS-solutions development. Preemptive anticipation
without being restricted to only a single, or starting of, and agile response to triggers may enable certain
material being used — in order to gain a more ideal strategies, require strategies to be altered, sway decision
initial foothold. That is, AMS principles urge companies to pathways, or strike other opportunities or options from
continuously identify how to maximize value and address consideration altogether. Internal triggers, particularly,
the largest market need. may become milestones that guide, gauge viability, or set
the progress of commercialization efforts. All triggers can
In prioritizing smart, systems-level design, the ultimate AMS have a fundamental and creativity-inducing impact on how
solution brought to market may or may not be a material companies focus on the market and innovate systems to
that the company itself has invented or previously acquired. address new market needs. The AMS framework stipulates
A company remaining true to an iterative process of honing a means of addressing these even while AMS solutions are
material and process technology to optimize an end solution in development.
will encounter both different challenges and broader
opportunities along the way. Also, because factors like open AMS business models as dynamic systems for value
innovation (in practical terms, here referring to scientific creation
and value chain partnerships) and speed to market are such An AMS approach to business models (see Figure
decisive variables in the success of AMS, individual business 7) overlays several key concepts onto conventional
models in this space may look very different, even with the approaches (see Figure 6), by considering standard
common elements described herein. variables in light of specific aims, outlined below.
• To understand and translate market requirements into
Flexibility: AMS business models are preemptively a viable functional solution designed for delivery within
responsive to “triggers” a system; that is, to design a system for the material
When changes arise during the development process, solution and a system for delivery of the solution.
an effective response requires flexibility and agility — • To establish a concrete understanding of the customer
especially for key market deviations and critical decision base and clear definition of potential performance
points (i.e., occurrences, milestones, technical hurdles, requirements such as cost and functionality. Once these
market changes, etc., herein referred to as “triggers”). parameters become clear, companies evaluate and
exploit their core internal capabilities, as well as those
Triggers tend to have both a technical and commercial available in the broader ecosystem.
dimension. Emergence of a new market or the discovery • To establish a differentiated network of capabilities
of a technological element may point to a change in that, along with IP, creates competitive barriers. In many
focus due to a new, better fit elsewhere, or the market cases, given the magnitude of the “problems” (market
may suddenly be subject to fundamental change, such as needs) that AMS solutions are positioned to address,
through introduction of a government subsidy.100 it may be necessary to consider viable, and potentially
complex, collaborative networks as a business-model
In alternative energy solutions, for instance, infrastructure has fundamental, given the risks of going it alone. In some
not kept up to speed with technical innovation, i.e., the technical cases formal acquisitions and ventures may be better
capabilities have often been shown in proof-of-concept and
demonstration-scale production, but cost-parity through volume alternatives than less formal measures (i.e., partnerships)
production and market demand have not yet been realized (see, e.g., as a means of market and technology access. Of course,
Bracmort, Kelsi, Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, these decisions are heavily influenced by the IP position
Meeting the Renewable Fuel Standard [RFS] Mandate for Cellulosic
Biofuels: Questions and Answers, 11 January 2012, of various players in the ecosystem, and mapping this
crs/misc/R41106.pdf). Given energy-security concerns, governments
have been proactive in introducing subsidies and funding for alternative
transportation fuels (see, e.g.,
financial_opportunities.html). The intent has been to bridge existing alternative-energy markets yet find themselves before they can bring
economic gaps at the critical large-capital-investment stage, in which mass-scale refineries online.
Reigniting growth 33
Figure 7: The Advanced Materials Systems approach to business models expands on conventional approaches with a focus on bringing functional solutions to
market and iteratively assessing performance along the way

2 1
From market needs to
Strategic decisions around where to Value creation is improved when
functional solutions
participate in the value chain can specific customer needs and
guide decisions how to interact with requirements are effectively
development partners translated into functional solutions

Defining a solution Creating value

3 1
2 Customer
Core relationships

Understanding the Value Position Products and

ecosystem to configuration in value chain services
define roles 4
Technical partner
partner networks

Design Execution

Capital Operating Revenue

investments costs source

3 4
Assessments of the current and
Capturing value Selection of the right commercial
potential ecosystem, internal core
capabilities, and intellectual property partners to bring new functional
landscape can drive decisions around solutions to market can be as
technical development partners Drive from development critical as selecting the right
to execution technical partners

Source: DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, October 2012.

early on to create clarity of how the market works and as “revenue before cost” or “better before cheaper.” With
where constraints exist is critical. priorities established for making strategic choices, one
• Once the above parameters are understood, build out moves into the process of functional solution and system
a value chain position and value network that can be design. This involves asking a series of questions about
configured for flawless and consistent execution in the who does what (e.g., “Who designs? Whose materials?
market and as a foundation for further development. Who manufactures?”), each decision steered by strategic
The AMS perspective on business models also reflects the
collective decisions about the “who, what, and how” in In the AMS framework, successful businesses cannot hold
going from targeted needs to commercializing a functional onto rigid approaches and methodologies for system
solution. Therefore, business models in this view are development and commercialization, even if it means
neither, strictly, templates nor frameworks but rather going so far as to change, mid-development, a specific
a dynamic collection of tactics along the development material one has started with. Companies may need
cycle. The process starts with definition of a guiding to evolve a solution and their perspectives on business
strategic philosophy (see Figure 8) that could be as broad models they are targeting to a second, third, or nth
iteration before actually taking it to the market. Even in Figure 8: Business model selection strategy

absence of triggers (unanticipated variables arising once

development has started), the flexibility called upon by the Sys
AMS approach should be evident from the outset: having c

identified an ideal business model or role in the ecosystem

Who manufactures

to maximize value capture will not likely override a lack of Who designs
core capabilities that would argue against commencing Whose materials System level inte
Who integrates Differentiated pa
development or business model execution at all. Further,
Whose processes
an anticipated partner — one that may not be open to
partnering or acquisition — may yet fill that market spot.

Intellectual property activity

To the best degree possible, AMS thinking preemptively
accommodates for all contingencies. ca
How to price

How to sell
Open innovation: Partnering to impel technical and How to protect
commercial development How to govern next generations
What standards are required
In the past, materials companies seemed to focus mainly on
How to select target markets
what was achievable in-house. When a desired innovation How to recover or support
could not be realized internally, some might choose to find
contract developers or development partners, in order to Bus
share the risks and rewards of product/process development; ss

but a large majority of companies might abandon an idea


el s

altogether if they could not be in dominant control of the


main aspects of any venture. Sel m


te l
s y s Sel e
r vic
Information flows, analytics, and exposure to open se
architectures have evolved to allow Advanced Materials Sell
Systems players to more comfortably and proactively build performance
partnerships in an ecosystem or to build out an ecosystem
itself. Such alliances and the business models behind them
are increasingly common. Partnerships between mobile
phone makers and network service providers, between
satellite radio networks and automakers, and between
Source: DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, October 2012.
aircraft manufacturers and carbon-fiber composite fabricators
(see sidebar, Case study — Public-private partnership:
Carbon-fiber composites) exemplify this option.

Ultimately, in selecting partners, the best possible

capabilities across technical and commercial development
should be sought, whether in-house or externally. Still,
although prioritizing optimal solutions over in-house
isolationism seems logical and practical, it can prove
difficult when an organization has imbedded-capital and
dedicated organizational resources at stake. Nonetheless,
external experience and resources are often available
to access strategic technical know-how and new
technological capabilities, including through engagement
Reigniting growth 35
with government entities and universities. As such, AMS The differentiation afforded by strategic partnerships
partnering networks are not only worthy of consideration and relationships that are difficult to replicate can be an
but often the source themselves of differentiated and important adjunct to IP infrastructure, setting a company’s
protectable new platforms. AMS apart from other potential competitive solutions.
This type of strategic positioning through partnerships
Ultimately the AMS approach summons companies to think may prove even more protective than IP: it is usually
very differently about risk and exposure, both in terms of incredibly difficult to replicate the leverage gained through
cash and invested capital. A large chemicals company, for collaborations strategically entered for the specific,
instance, may come to market with a new solution but may unique contribution of given companies or organizations
not, in the end, be the principle manufacturer of the initial- (for instance, a start-up’s IP-protected microorganism
stage materials, if another party can be identified that has a production platform integrated with a leading chemical
more cost-effective production platform. This point may be company’s market and distribution channels and end-
of particular relevance to big process industry companies. product design, integrated with a major national lab’s
A healthy humility and goal-focused intelligence will best biocatalytic enzyme).
inform partnership strategies to potentially create new
and immense value streams that could dissipate struggles In cases like the aforementioned partnership between
with massive capital invested in infrastructure and generate Ford Motor Company, The Dow Chemical Company, and
continued returns year over year. U.S. DOE’s ORNL, the unique combination of specific
players largely defines this system, one whose capabilities
AMS opens options for IP protection and any potential competitor would be hard-pressed to
differentiation duplicate as they would not have access to the same
Choosing to partner within an AMS open innovation platform resources.101 Intelligent, preemptive selection of
framework begs the consideration of value protection partners and collaborators can enable a certain “x factor”
within the partnership. While challenging, IP should be inaccessible to would-be competitors. Among the national
a core component of a company’s strategy (see sidebar, labs and big original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), for
Case study — Solar window technology). instance, there may only be a few possible partners that
offer a particular competence. By combining platforms,
Clearly, as a company moves down different paths into
developing new systems and pursuing different business
Strategic partnerships can erect substantial technical and commercial
barriers against would-be competitors but the businesses models
models to capture value beyond “merely” a material describing such partnerships must be well thought-out to optimize
itself, strong IP will help to protect against loss of value agreeable value capture across the partnership. The aim of the unique
to other players in the space. Ideally, players will protect partnership between Ford Motor Company, The Dow Chemical
Company, and U.S. DOE’s ORNL is to drive low-cost production of
their positions from the start (early development), not materials for vehicle manufacture. Technical development is being
just the point of market entry. If one has devised a new supported by a US$9 million U.S. DOE grant, as part of a U.S.
molecule, AMS component, or whole solution, it would government program to improve energy-efficiency through advanced
manufacturing; that program focused on unmet needs and supported
be wise to patent not just the specific development proper unique ecosystems and business models very much aligned with the
but, preemptively, the fullest extent of applications that AMS framework. The ultimate path to success in that partnership
development might see; that is, to protect both materials may lie in how the three organizations work together to bring the
solution to market. Within an AMS approach, the business model
and applications (see Figure 9). An effective IP strategy must define who will specifically develop the experience in engineering
not only provides a good defense to value, but could also the carbon-fiber composites, both from a manufacturing and design
become a key component of an offensive market strategy. perspective. Other successful players who have attained value in the
market for aircraft-frame composites had to develop their own tools for
Business models within an AMS framework incorporate modeling large composite structures, as well as process technologies
shared value and, therefore, call players to effectively for laying those composite materials over very large areas, which they
maneuver IP concerns with collaborative stakeholders. largely outsourced into their supply chain. The takeaway is that such
partnerships identify how constituents will work together to produce
While posing challenges, there are strategic benefits to be that supply chain and who will earn which parts of the value created in
gained through targeted partnering activity. the new AMS ecosystem.
Figure 9: Protected, differentiated solutions within an Advanced Materials Systems framework consider intellectual property (IP)
activity and strategic partnerships

IP strategy should evolve in concert with

commercialization plans
Initial potential focus: e.g., Other crucial components of
fundamental composition of the broader system
matter or process technology
The central IP position may originate from
System-level IP that material development, but not required
becomes foundational
IP activity

Strength comes from IP extensions that build

up around materials into solutions

Unique relationships may also establish

protective barriers for new entrants

- Level IP

Source: DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, October 2012 and data from Capital IQ accessed on 29 September 2012.

through partnerships with players who are clear leaders in Power networks: Exploiting points of value across
a particular space and whose success in a market or type the ecosystem
of innovation would be challenging to emulate, strategic Figure 10 illustrates the simplified view of a potential AMS
partnerships afford preemptively protective access to skills, ecosystem, showing inherent complexities and possible
capabilities, resources, and, potentially, markets themselves value-creation opportunities. “Materials and process
(e.g., if one partner is a state-owned entity). discovery” (Figure 10, upper left) outlines several avenues
by which new matter or molecules are developed. Certain
In sum, according to an AMS framework, value creation entities may demonstrate excellence in formulating new
and distribution for players seeking the highest-value compositions of matter and processes, such as universities
opportunities can be achieved organically, i.e., by like MIT and Stanford, and national labs worldwide —
developing in-house IP with a company’s own materials such as the U.S. DOE’s ORNL, Idaho National Laboratory,
as part of the Advanced Materials System, or through and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Australia’s
partnerships, licenses, or acquisitions (if the highest-value Cooperative Research Centres; National Research Council
markets are not otherwise naturally accessible), all the of Canada’s National Institutes for Nanotechnology and for
while intelligently garnering patent protection, whenever Biological Sciences; the French National Center for Scientific
possible and, as relevant and to the extent available, Research (CNRS); and numerous others.
establishing unique relationships to create competitive

Reigniting growth 37
Figure 10: Overview of the Advanced Materials Systems ecosystem

ver System i
ss disco y nteg
proce rat
sa Sub-system


Material Final customers



manufacturers (OEM)
Independent Systems/
engineering/ Products and
Startups Designers solutions

a te
ria l
nt development

Source: DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group, October 2012.

From a corporate perspective, leading material providers, What Figure 10 and this section highlight is that, in
product makers, and system integrators devote a small but this ecosystem, not only the entities themselves but
important fraction of total resources to “pure innovation.” their interactions determine value creation and capture.
Figure 10 describes “Material component development” Historically, system integration in materials and component
(see Figure 10, bottom center), which has seen a new development took a more myopic view (for example,
set of players focus on commercial development of players collaborated only directly upstream or downstream
novel materials. Such stakeholders include start-ups and of their position along the value chain). With the AMS
smaller companies that develop system components or approach, companies instead establish networks that
even complete systems, incorporating new materials integrate different avenues and optimize all components
and technologies into broader solutions. This space also in the value system. This sort of evolution calls for players
includes independent engineering and design firms that not only to maneuver the existing value chain and the Tier
contract or engage with system integrators to bridge One (direct supply to OEMs), Tier Two (supply to suppliers
gaps in incorporating a solution in the market. “Systems/ to OEMs), and Tier Three-plus relationships fostered in the
Products and solutions” (see Figure 10, lower right) past, but to boldly create a unique ecosystem, with new
subsumes system-integration activities (which often involve kinds of partnerships and strategies, catered to market
large OEMs for industrial products), transportation, and need.
any other players that help transition materials from
business to consumer.

Value-capturing innovators in AMS apply creativity building and leading the best in-house teams capable of
to attracting talent and measuring and incentivizing bringing those concepts to fruition.
In maximizing resources across the AMS framework, Contribution-based evaluations focus on employees’
from materials to partnerships to business strategy, the capacity to make meaningful contributions rather than
importance of an adaptive, forward-thinking approach to solely on bottom-line impact. Employees receive credit on
human resources cannot be sufficiently stressed. Fresh- their evaluations for completing trainings that enhance
mindedness breeds innovation, and the AMS framework their ability to contribute to their teams. Further, ratings
specifies strategies to develop the right talent to enable are not only tied to positive contributions but to the ability
success. Looking to best practices among creative of players to extract lessons from both successes and
start-ups, certain strategies stand out that, adapted and failures, which encourages risk taking and entrepreneurial
implemented, will allow AMS players to emulate the mind-sets to innovative ideas.
creative cultures that see start-ups taking their concepts
to market with such rapid, effective agility. These best Creative development encourages employees to focus on
practices include: their interests and passions through side projects, thereby
• Selective recruitment keeping them engaged in their work and fostering an
• Flat-lattice hierarchy optimal environment for spurring innovation. With this
• Contribution-based development approach, “sponsorship” of “pet projects” provides internal
• Creative development funding, other resources, and allowed time to pursue
early-stage development initiatives typically associated
In selective recruitment, players look for candidates with with significant early-stage risk and not ready for full
a mix of business skills, personality traits, and the ability to investment. The expectation is that such projects have the
tolerate ambiguity. Efficacious AMS approaches identify, potential to create value.
motivate, and incentivize self-starters who can work
without a lot of direction and structure and independently This strategy broadens leadership-development tracks; e.g.,
identify business needs. Companies should hold out for allowing technical persons to develop some marketing
the right fits for these positions. This is a very different skills or even to evolve a hybrid role combining technical
approach to that taken by companies with legacy hiring and business development responsibilities. This approach
cultures that focus more often on well-defined job may expand the capacity for demonstrating value and
specifications than the unique beneficial qualities of realizing innovation, as it encourages creativity and
potential hires. innovation in support of direct bottom line impact.

The flat-lattice hierarchy is a concept drawn from the

successes of certain smaller companies and start-ups
that operate largely without assigned job titles among
staff. These organizations instead adopt flexible teaming
structures that encourage peer accountability and allow
staff members to take on a variety of leadership roles. Any
individual with a development concept is given freedom
to explore the idea or initiate product development within
a healthily, intraorganizational competitive environment;
the best ideas and concepts rise to the top. The concept-
initiators are then given responsibility to recruit the
development team. This encourages staff not only to come
up with good ideas but also to assume the leadership of

Reigniting growth 39
Conclusion: Reigniting growth

This report calls on manufacturers and integrators of on the strength of successful strategies to date while
materials to boldly rethink value creation and the means of heavily weighting the new complexities and breadth of
achieving it, to revisit innovation, and forge new frontiers possibilities.
of opportunity. It proposes building upon and expanding
beyond traditional mind-sets of product development, The foundations for the future of Advanced Materials
partnering, and business models. Opportunities exist to Systems appear to be building in an increasing number
successfully approach and fulfill global unmet market of companies, large and small. Tenets of the Advanced
needs that require new functional solutions — especially Materials Systems approach are being developed in labs
functional solutions that incorporate existing materials, and funded by governments. Worldwide, university
through inventive processes, into differentiated offerings. scientists and investors, as well as corporations and
Substantial market share stands to be captured across entrepreneurs, are looking deeply at the potential of
numerous segments by companies willing to transcend and systems-level thinking and multidisciplinarity as catalysts
venture beyond conventional paradigms. for technology breakthroughs. New open innovation
partnerships are announced with increasing frequency.
The Advanced Materials Systems approach is not a new
industry pursuit but a distinct roadmap to guide future Still, it remains to be seen whether the Advanced Materials
innovation. Reigniting growth has aimed to delineate the Systems approach will reach critical mass sufficient to
major anchors through the Advanced Materials Systems become mainstream. Certainly the global economy can
framework and endeavored to synthesize observable data use a growth engine; certainly, society will continue to
and trends in a developing area. This report has explored demand solutions and products that solve problems and
discernible prevalent aspects of the Advanced Materials elevate standards of living. In fact, end markets requiring
Systems framework as it is being adopted by companies Advanced Materials Systems are projected to reach over
to date: US$7 trillion in revenues by 2030, from under US$3 trillion
• Open innovation encourages differentiated AMS today, and the materials provider contribution alone is
solutions but makes IP and value-sharing arrangements expected to grow from less than US$100 billion currently
more complex. to US$400 billion in the same time period (by 2030).102
• Worldwide, end user needs, increasingly defined by
global, shifting megatrends, are defining new markets The Reigniting growth report begins to decode Advanced
while demanding deft balancing of performance and Materials Systems, to examine the role Advanced Materials
cost. Systems play in meeting the needs of a growing world
• Systems-level design and process innovations like and to elucidate the composition and dynamics of
nanotechnology, industrial biotechnology, and additive present and future ecosystems. While this report has
manufacturing could provide an abundance of new documented an encouraging set of examples of Advanced
capabilities, but their adoption can be thwarted by Materials Systems and approaches, it has also presented
company cultures hesitant to assume the associated the complexity, degree of difficulty, and scarcity of
risks. certain capabilities. Reigniting growth further discussed
• Collaborative partnership networks may expand a new managerial framework in which cycle times for
as players increasingly see the value of combining new innovation will compress and in which solution
capabilities and assets to shorten development times development could depend both on effective partnerships
for whole solutions. This may stretch some boundaries and the need to coexist with potentially powerful
between large-market-cap companies, start-ups, systems integrators (or become one). The report has also
universities, and government research labs. questioned whether companies might find success best

For those willing to leap forward with the new growth

World Economic Forum in collaboration with the DTTL Global
Manufacturing Industry group, Future of Manufacturing: Opportunities
possibilities the Advanced Materials Systems approach to drive economic growth, 24 April 2012,
offers, adaptive business models will be needed that build futureofmanufacturing.
attained by venturing further into the global value chain analyzed through the same methods as today? Will the
and occupying unfamiliar positions in the ecosystem. solutions focus of Advanced Materials Systems alter the
way markets are understood and managed?
These and other issues explored herein create a tension • What will be the impact of successive waves of
and uncertainty about whether Advanced Materials innovation and solutions-focus? Where will the
Systems will be adopted either universally, pervasively, or technology breakthroughs of the future develop, and
minimally among a small few leading companies — the how will those breakthroughs influence the Advanced
latter, as has been the case until now. The future view Materials Systems approach?
will be the subject of the next phase of the DTTL Global
Manufacturing Industry group’s Advanced Materials Inasmuch as commoditization of most, if not all, 20th
System research. The forthcoming study will highlight century materials is probable, developers and assemblers
progress, analyze future potential and trends, discuss of materials have powerful motivation to find new ways
possible scenarios for Advanced Materials Systems to reignite innovation and growth. While it is tempting
evolution, and explore enabling questions such as: to consider Advanced Materials Systems solutions as a
• How will companies decide whether an Advanced potential approach to this end, it is important also to
Materials Systems approach makes sense? What are the weigh the profound change and disruption the framework
prerequisites? How would a company best get started? would usher in. Few companies, having invested significant
How will value be ascribed and measured? efforts to capture as much value as possible from current
• Will the dominant nature of IP in the materials industry platforms, will likely be able to fully change course without
shift from claiming compositions of matter instead massive changes in their portfolios. But whether or not an
to functional solutions, business methods, and go-to Advanced Material System or other approach is adopted,
market approaches? How might a shift in IP focus it is clear that scores of companies across numerous
and open innovation partnerships change the basis of manufacturing industries are at a crossroad between
competition? honoring the core business and growing (or growing
• Might the scope of current materials and process enough). The opportunity is to reignite growth and the
technologies support a viable open-source innovation of materials to meet emerging and future needs
infrastructure, as in the software industry? Would such of markets and customers.
an infrastructure be accessible by players across enough
industries and segments to allow assembly of Advanced
Material Systems solutions?
• Will norms or standards emerge to reflect the impact
of compressed cycle times from idea to market? From
where would such standards arise? How will companies
adapt to faster cycles and a shift to a solutions-focus, as
developers and as a competitive threat?
• As partnerships evolve and collaborative networks
become more common and more broadly accepted, will
coalitions become important? How will current public-
private partnership models evolve?
• What changes will be necessary in companies’
methods of managing market and technical risks
in the development of system-level solutions? How
can ecosystem risk be better understood? How will
competitive response be determined?
• How can the markets of the future be explained, and
how will they be defined? Will emerging industries be
Reigniting growth 41

The DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group wishes Special acknowledgment goes the report’s executive
to acknowledge the many professionals worldwide from sponsor Tim Hanley, DTTL Global Leader, Manufacturing.
Deloitte member firms and outside organizations who Tim’s strong leadership and endorsements throughout the
contributed to the research, writing, and production of DTTL global network were key drivers for the genesis of
this report. Duane Dickson, DTTL Global Chemicals Sector the report, as well as the ongoing development process.
Leader, led the development of the report along with Generous sponsorship contributions were made by the
Jeff Carbeck, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, DTTL Global Industries group led by Gary Coleman, and
Materials Science and Engineering, and Tom Aldred, the Deloitte United States’ Process and Industrial Products
Senior Manager, Strategy and Operations, Deloitte United Consulting practice, led by Mark Gardner, Deloitte
States (Deloitte Consulting LLP). Duane’s perseverance, United States (Deloitte Consulting LLP). Additionally, Jim
visionary thinking, and bold leadership were the inspiration Manocchi, Principal, and Robert Krawiec, Senior Manager,
for the study topic and development of the report. Jeff’s both with Deloitte United States (Deloitte Consulting LLP)
deep technical knowledge, as well as his innate talent provided critical analysis and wise counsel.
to hypothesize, explore, and challenge new frontiers
were the catalysts for the study’s innovative direction. A team of specialists provided invaluable industry insights
Tom’s extraordinary dedication and countless hours of during workshop sessions: Walker Lewis, Chairman,
contributions toward research, client interviews, strategy Devon Value Advisors; Carmichael Roberts, PhD, General
and business proposition, and writing were exemplary in Partner, North Bridge Venture Partners; Amy Manocchi,
the evolution of the report. Postdoctoral Fellow, U.S. Army Research Laboratory; Mark
Gulley, Principal, Gulley & Associates LLC; Bee Animashaun,
Sincere thanks to the following individuals who also DTTL Senior Manager; and John Ofori, Specialist Leader,
provided significant insights and research and were Deloitte United States (Deloitte Consulting LLP).
instrumental in the execution of the report: Krishna
Venkatesh Raghavan, Senior Consultant; Eric Flor, Senior The DTTL Global Manufacturing Industry group is
Consultant; Caitlin Souther, Consultant; Alex Boches, appreciative of the support from colleagues who provided
Business Analyst; Ross Barney, Senior Consultant, all a thorough and diligent review of the report: Ellen Yang,
with Deloitte United States (Deloitte Consulting LLP). Business Analyst; Sean Graber, Consultant; and Alex
Special gratitude is extended to Dave Losch, Independent Dickson, Analyst, all with Deloitte United States (Deloitte
Consultant, who provided strategic wisdom and invaluable Consulting LLP).
industry insights; Nina Kreuter, Summer Intern for Deloitte
United States, served as a valuable analytical resource; Special thanks to Suzannah Carrington, Senior Designer,
Jennifer McHugh, DTTL Senior Manager, gave leadership Deloitte United States (Deloitte Services LP) for production
guidance and shared experienced recommendations for the and design.
report’s production and promotions; Ellyn Kerr, Principal
Writer with Helyx Communications, contributed clear,
concise technical communications support; Mimi Lee, DTTL
Director, gave relentless dedication in support of the overall
project; and Jim Guill, Sector Specialist, Deloitte United
States (Deloitte Services LP), shared pragmatic industry
knowledge and sound advice. Thanks are extended to the
Deloitte United States India team that assisted in critical
and detailed research to develop the study’s objectives.


Duane Dickson
Global Chemicals Sector Leader
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL)
+1 203 905-2633

Tom Aldred
Senior Manager, Strategy and Operations
Deloitte United States (Deloitte Consulting LLP)
+1 203 708 4287

Jeff Carbeck
PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Materials
Science and Engineering
+1 617 894 8931

Reigniting growth 43
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