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Lauren Sakamoto

Dr. Malashewski


22 August 2023

Intertextuality Reflection

Comparing different literary texts from the Vietnam War has allowed me to

understand the trauma of war from a deeper perspective. For example, “Facing It” and

“Kissing in Vietnam” have established a similar emotional struggle. The soldier and

grandmother experience the same emotional struggles. They both feel trapped in the past

without the ability to move on. It’s as if these two characters feel helpless, unable to seek

the help they need. In Atwood’s poem “It is Dangerous to Read The Newspaper” the

main character has developed a sort of guilt. They were unable to help those fighting for

their life which initiated a sort of helplessness. After all, they could only read, publish,

and repeat. This goes to show the concept of helplessness has been present throughout all

individuals involved in the war. Not only soldiers but rather bystanders, reporters,

publishers, nurses, etc. This translates into today's society as we begin to take the steps

towards verbalizing our internal struggles. As a result we have been able to see positive

outcomes from this. Such as connecting with others, building empathy and relatability

towards one another. But also working cohesively as one in order to break down

challenges that stop us from flourishing into our fullest potential. Overall I have seen a
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development in our society as we start speaking out on our struggles. Stripping away any

sort of unachievable “expectations” we hold ourselves to.

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