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Question 1
Given Starbucks’ training approach, benefits package, work/life program, and partner relations
mechanisms, what insights have you gained about their approach to employee motivation?
Explain your answer:

Answer: My Insights that I gained about their approach, Starbucks emphasizes challenging
employees to be their best. This approach creates a culture of excellence, where employees are
encouraged to continually improve their skills and contribute to the company's success.
Question 2
What needs does Starbucks appeal to through its training approach, benefits package, work/life
program, and partner relations mechanisms?
Answer: Starbucks appeals to its employees by recognizing their requirements for skill
enhancement, professional advancement, healthcare, financial stability, work-life equilibrium,
and a feeling of inclusion and acknowledgment through its training, benefits, work/life programs,
and partner relations.
Question 3
What is important to you in terms of your personal work motivation? How do the things that
motivate you fit with Starbucks’ approach to motivating partners?

Answer: What is important to me in terms of my personal work motivation is being

acknowledged for my contributions and having opportunities for growth and development in my
role. Starbucks' approach to motivating its partners through recognition and career development
corresponds with the factors that personally motivate me in a work environment, making it a
potentially appealing workplace for individuals who value these aspects of motivation.

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