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Case Study

5 Pcs

The present study conducts a marketing mix analysis of FreshBath's (FB) product, which is a handheld
showerhead that is positioned as a superior quality product with a marginally lower price point
compared to other showerheads available in the market. The showerhead is capable of facile
installation into pre-existing bathroom pipelines and can additionally be affixed to a wall stand to
facilitate usage in a stationary position. The product is characterized by its superior quality,
adaptability, straightforward installation process, reasonable cost, and inventive design, all of which
differentiate it from competitors and offer FB a distinctive competitive advantage.

Smart Sanitary has established a pricing strategy that is marginally lower than the prevailing market
rates for showerheads, suggesting their intention to engage in price-based competition. The
consideration of pricing strategies may be necessary for the purpose of effectively distinguishing the
product and conveying its worth to the consumers.

Smart Sanitary has implemented a distribution strategy that involves making their product easily
accessible at prominent supermarkets within the city. Additionally, the company provides the
convenience of free home delivery for customers who place orders through their online platform or
by phone. The aforementioned approach appears to be a viable tactic for enhancing customer
accessibility to the product. However, there exist prospects for broadening the scope of distribution
channels, including the possibility of collaborating with plumbing professionals or hardware retailers.

Smart Sanitary has initiated multiple promotional initiatives across television and social media
platforms to emphasize the advantages, excellence, and cost-effectiveness of their novel handheld
showerhead. Nonetheless, the enterprise has failed to observe a consistent surge in sales volume
resulting from these campaigns, suggesting the possibility of complications with the messaging or
targeting strategies.

SWOT Analysis
The SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportuni
ties, and threats of a business or organization. It is commonly used in the business world to assess th
e internal and external factors that may impact the success of a company. The analysis involves identi
fying and analyzing the company's strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threat
s that exist in the market. This information can then be used to develop strategies that capitalize on s
trengths, address weaknesses, and take advantage of opportunities while mitigating potential threats

Smart Sanitary has introduced a new handheld showerhead of superior quality that is priced slightly
lower than the currently available alternatives.
The product has garnered positive feedback from both consumer trials and focus group discussions.
The corporation provides complimentary residential transportation and has ensured the accessibility
of the merchandise at notable grocery stores.

Product differentiation could potentially pose a challenge, given the existence of alternative handhel
d showerheads in the market.
The organization's overreliance on advertising initiatives, without due consideration of alternative pr
omotional tactics or precise targeting, may be a cause for concern.
It may be necessary to broaden the distribution channels in order to extend the reach to a more exte
nsive clientele.

Potential avenues for broadening distribution channels could involve collaborating with plumbing pro
fessionals or hardware retailers. It is recommended that the company explore alternative pricing stra
tegies in order to effectively convey the product's value proposition to its customer base. Possible ac
ademic rewrite: It is possible that there exist opportunities for introducing complementary bathroom
accessories and fixtures to the market.

The existence of rival products in the market that provide comparable characteristics and advantages
is a possibility. The demand for bathroom accessories and fixtures can be affected by economic condi
tions or alterations in consumer preferences. The potential obstacles that the company could encoun
ter include difficulties in broadening its distribution channels and establishing brand recognition.

Smart Sanitary ought to devise tactics to effectively distinguish its product from the prevailing alterna
tives. This could be achieved by accentuating distinctive attributes or advantages that are not current
ly offered by other showerheads. The implementation of alternative pricing strategies, such as the pr
ovision of bundle deals or discounts, may be a viable option for the company to encourage customer
s to make purchases of the product. Smart Sanitary could potentially enhance its market reach by div
ersifying its distribution channels beyond supermarkets. One viable strategy could be to collaborate
with plumbers or hardware stores to broaden its customer base. It is recommended that the organiza
tion explore alternative promotional tactics beyond conventional television and social media advertis
ing, such as influencer marketing or focused digital campaigns.
The introduction of complementary bathroom accessories and fixtures by Smart Sanitary could pote
ntially enhance brand recognition and foster customer allegiance.


Differentiation Product strategy: To stand out in a crowded market, FreshBath can think about
emphasizing a special feature or advantage that distinguishes its offering from rivals, such a longer
hose length or a water-saving function.

Expand Product Line: FreshBath may think about adding other bathroom fixtures and accessories to
its lineup in order to serve a larger spectrum of clients.

Enhance quality: FreshBath might continue to raise the standard of its goods and spend money on
research and development to create cutting-edge new features.


Penetration pricing: FreshBath can think about using a pricing penetration strategy by lowering the
price point for its product in order to gain market share and draw in customers who are sensitive to

Red and Blue Ocean: FreshBath may also think of using a red ocean approach to set itself apart from
rivals in a congested industry, or a blue ocean strategy to generate new demand through innovation
or target unexplored areas.

Pricing that is competitive: FreshBath might research the prices of its rivals and modify its own prices
to do so.


B2B market: In order to boost sales, FreshBath may want to focus on the B2B market, such as lodging
facilities or apartment buildings.

Increase distribution: FreshBath may increase its online sales and collaborations with other
merchants of bathroom fixtures and accessories.


Push to pull approach: By concentrating on generating brand recognition and demand via advertising
and promotions, FreshBath might change its marketing strategy from a push to pull strategy.

Customer testimonials: FreshBath might use good customer feedback to establish credibility and
trust with future clients.

Influencer marketing: To promote its product and reach a larger audience, FreshBath might
collaborate with influencers in the home improvement or decorating industries.

FreshBath may enhance its marketing mix and raise the likelihood of sustained growth for its
handheld showerhead product by putting these corrective actions into place.

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