Code of Conduct

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USQ Engineering Professional Practice Conference Code of Conduct: PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES “) ‘The following shall be the agreed standard of behaviour at all times, and it shall be observed by all conference attendees. Ethical conduct and professional accountability during conference attendance as demonstrated by: + Not engaging in fraudulent, corrupt or criminal conduct, but engaging in the program in accordance with USQ statutory requirements and with professional engineering commonly accepted standards. ‘+ Understanding and application of ‘due-diligence’ by careful analysis and weighted evaluation in Professional Practice course processes, + Awareness of the fundamental principles of intellectual property rights and protection and obligations, ‘This includes referencing of relevant presented or published works and data in presentations. Use of effective oral and written communication during the conference as demonstrated by being as Proficient as possible in listening, speaking, reading and writing, including: Respectfully comprehending critically and with faimness the viewpoints of others; Engaging in discussion, expressing views information effectively and succinctly, Presenting arguments and jusiication, debating and negotiating contents of technical presentations; Using appropriate textual, diagrammatic, pictorial and graphical media best suited to the context; ‘Appreciating and limiting the impact of body language, personal behaviour and other non- verbal communication processes, as well as observing the fundamentals of decent and respectful human social behaviour, especially in regard to any cross-cultural differences. Being creative and innovative with a pro-active demeanour as demonstrated at the conference by: + Utilising the opportunity for learning of new developments in the engineering discipline and specialisations. * Further developing your awareness of broader fields of science, engineering, technology and commerce from which new ideas and interfaces may be drawn; and readily engaging with multiple engineering disciplines to exchange ideas. Engaging in Orderly management of oneself and professional conduct at the conference by demonstration of + Critical self and peer review and performance evaluation against appropriate criteria as a primary means of tracking personal development needs and achievements at the conference. + Being a participant in the professional and intellectual community at this conference. ‘+ Managing time and processes effectively, while prioritising competing demands to achieve personal, and future career goals and objectives as part of this conference. + Presenting a professional image in all circumstances, including relations with fellow conference participants regardless of culture of origin or engineering discipline. + Be considerate, respectful, and collaborative, always mindful of your surroundings and of fellow participants, paying altention during the presentations and refraining from surfing the net, playing games, dozing off etc. + Attondance of all and complotion of each of the sessions, not departing the room without scanning ut, always and only using your own conference ID barcode at every instance. + Participation as an effective conference member in the diversity of engineering attendees, including those with multi-level, mult-disciptinary and multi-cultural dimensions, ‘= Timely attendance and competent completion of all conference tasks. + Recognising the value of alternative and diverse viewpoints, diverse cultural perspectives, respectful scholarly debate and the importance of professional networking + Present a professional image (Le. this includes appropriate engineering business-like dress. code}, in all circumstances with fellow stakeholders across a wide range of engineering disciplines. 1 hal Poudel understand that failing to comply with this code of conduct may be treated as academic misconduct and/or may result in fail grade in this course. As an enrolled conference member, !am aware that failing to successfully complete this course might delay my graduation by one year. Nischal Poudel 18 08 2023, Signature: Dated: // ') exracted and paraphrased fom Engineer's Australia, STAGE 1 COMPETENCY STANDARD FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, Section 3 PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONSL ATTRIBUTES, 2012 © Engineers Australia

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