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Learning competencies:

At the end of the chapter, the learner should be able to:

• Discuss various ways of interpreting what is mathematics.

• Determine the concept associated with viewing mathematics as a study of
• Explain the idea associated with viewing math as a language.
• Illustrate the Fibonacci Sequence
• Differentiate the different patterns and diagrams.
• Illustrate the different types of symmetry.
• Differentiate the different types of transformation.
• Illustrate the different types of frieze pattern.


Mathematics has been defined differently. People have viewed it as a set of problem
solving tool, as a language, as a study of patterns, an art, or as a process of thinking. It is a set
of problem solving tool for we can solve problems in daily life through mathematics. As a
language for we can communicate effectively through mathematics. As a study of pattern,
for patterns are always associated with numbers. As an art, for it conveys design and
beautification and as a process of thinking, for we can find correct solutions in every problem
we may encounter though it may be critical or analytical.
Mathematics covers the biggest portion in the field of sciences. It is said that
mathematics is the king of all the sciences. Though Chemistry, Physics, Genetics, are pure
sciences it is always associated with mathematics. From arithmetic to derivatives, these are
just a little of what is mathematics all about.

What is Mathematics?
Mathematics is a branch of science, which deals with numbers and their operations. It
involves calculation, computation, solving problems and many others. It is exact, precise,
systematic and a logical subject. It reveals hidden patterns that help us to understand the
world around us. Now, much more than arithmetic and geometry, mathematics today is a
diverse discipline that deals with data, measurements and observations from science, with
inference, deduction, and proof; and with mathematical models of natural phenomena, of
human behavior, and of social systems. There are many definitions of mathematics but no
one definition of mathematics is universally accepted. Some of them are as follows:
According to Angels, “Mathematics is a science whose subject matter is special forms and
quantitative relationships of the real world”. According to Pierce, “Mathematics is the
science, which draws necessary conclusion”. According to Locke, “Mathematic is a way to
settle in the mind of children a habit of reasoning”. In a simple way we can say that
mathematics has originated from numbers and number system is a special field of it, from
which other branches of mathematics are developed. It is a systematized, organized an exact
branch of science.

1.1 Patterns

Patterns are specific designed, character, behavior that is visible in nature. Patterns
are associated with numbers, sequence, and progression. Patterns add beautification to
geometrical figure like floor tile, wall décor in a house. It can be seen in the petal
arrangement of a flower, arrangement of leaves of the plant, in the skin of animal like spotted
skin of a Dalmatian dog, the stripe on the skin of a giraffe. Patterns can be seen everywhere
even in the universe, in the sky where the formation of the stars at night are luminous.
Patterns can be associated with arts like in the paintings of, The Last Supper, the
Holy Family, particularly the Monalisa that depicts the Fibonacci sequence.

1.2 Fibonacci Sequence

Fibonacci Sequence is named after Leonardo of Pisa, it is a sequence of numbers

obtained by adding the last two numbers of the sequence forms, 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34…. This
could be seen in the petals of flower. Some flowers have one like calla lily; others have two
like Euphoria, three petals like trillium, and so on. Fibonacci sequence can be seen in the
spiral of sunflower and pineapple.

1.3 Patterns and Diagrams

A. Symmetry

Symmetry comes from the Greek word sym meaning together and metry which means
measurement. An object is said to be in symmetrical form if it can be divided into many parts
identically. It means that every part of the whole is identical to other parts. There are three
types of Geometrical symmetry, reflectional, rotational and translational symmetry.
• Reflectional Symmetry. It is a type of geometrical symmetry wherein half of the
image is exactly identical to other half of the image. Illustrations below are examples
of a reflectional symmetry.

• Rotational Symmetry. It is a type of geometrical symmetry wherein the object is

rotated to a certain degree about at axis like 45 degrees but the image of the object
does not change. Illustrations below are examples of rotational symmetry.

• Translational Symmetry. It is a geometrical symmetry wherein a particular pattern is

followed and the object is being moved from one place to another without change in
the image of the object. Illustrations below are example of translational symmetry.

B. Rosette Pattern. It is a pattern that does not repeat in any direction and whose
only symmetries are rotations about a single point and reflections through that point.
It describes the symmetries of a flower or a pinwheel. There are two types of rosette
pattern. Cyclic rosettes and dihedral rosettes. Cyclic rosettes do not have any
reflection symmetry like a pin wheel. On the other hand dihedral rosettes are those
that have reflection symmetry. Figure below illustrate a cyclic and dihedral rosette.

Pinwheel Sun flower

C. Frieze Pattern

A frieze pattern is a design on a two-dimensional surface that is repetitive in one

direction. Such patterns occur frequently in architecture and decorative art. It sometimes
called a border pattern or an infinite strip pattern. The term “frieze” is from architecture
which refers to a decorative carving or pattern that runs horizontally just below a roofline or
ceiling. Figures below are examples of frieze pattern.
Types of Frieze Pattern

The first frieze group, F1, contains only translation symmetries. Mathematician John
Conway created names that relate to footsteps for each of the frieze groups. According to
Conway, F1 is also called a HOP.

Mosaic Border
Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos
Cordoba, Spain

The second frieze group, F2, contains translation and glide reflection symmetries. According
to Conway, F2 is called a STEP.

The third frieze group, F3, contains translation and vertical reflection symmetries. Conway
named F3 a SIDLE.

Tile Frieze
Palacio de Velazquez
Parque de Retiro
Madrid, Spain

The fourth frieze group, F4, contains translation and rotation (by a half-turn) symmetries.
According to Conway, F4 is called a SPINNING HOP.
Meander Frieze
San Giorgio Maggiore
Venice, Italy

The fifth frieze group, F5, contains translation, glide reflection and rotation (by a half-turn)
symmetries. Conway calls F5 a SPINNING SIDLE.

Nuestra Senora de la Almundena
Madrid, Spain

The sixth frieze group, F6, contains translation and horizontal reflection symmetries. Conway
named F6 a JUMP.

Cordoba, Spain

Finally, the seventh frieze group, F7, contains all symmetries (translation, horizontal &
vertical reflection, and rotation). According to Conway, F7 is named a SPINNING JUMP.
Back of a Bench
Banos de la Maria de Padilla
Reales Alcazares
Seville, Spain

D. Wallpaper Pattern.

A wallpaper pattern is a plane figure which has more than one direction of
translation symmetry. It must repeat from left to right in order to hang in strips, and it must
repeat vertically so that multiple strips can be cut from the same roll. The multiple
translation directions compel the pattern to cover the entire infinite plane. A finite portion of
a wallpaper pattern is enough to establish the translation symmetry which is used to extend
to the entire plane. In a wallpaper pattern, the lattice of translations is the collection of all
translated images of a point.

The example below is adapted from a pre-Columbian Peruvian fabric pattern. In the
left portion, the basic pattern is shown. The center portion has the lattice marked with red
dots, and the right portion connects nearby lattice points with lines to show that points lie on
a rectangular grid.
1.4 Transformation. It is a process of moving an object from its original position to a new
position. The object in the new position is called the image. Every point in the object is
mapped to another point in the image. There are four types of transformation, namely,
• Translation. It is the simplest type of transformation. The object moves in a fixed
distance and in a fixed direction. Illustration below is examples of translation.

• Reflection. It involves “flipping” the object over a line called the line of reflection.
Illustration below is an example of reflection

• Rotation. It involves “turning” the object about a point called the center of rotation.
Illustration below is an example of rotation.

• Dilation. It involves a resizing of the object. It could result in an increase in size

(enlargement) or a decrease in size (reduction). Illustration below is an example of
Figure below is an illustration of the four types of transformation.

Application of Mathematics in the modern world.

Economics and finance, mathematics is used in order to analyze what financial

markets are in demand, and to decipher out the best strategy to pursue in order to uplift
economic stability, maximize profit and reduce risk through mathematical model.

Epidemiology, mathematics is used to find out how a disease spreads through a

population, develop a mathematical model that is fit to the disease and use this model to
understand the disease better and come up with ways to fight the disease.

Computer science. Mathematics is used to estimate how quickly an algorithm to run

the given size of the input. It can also be used to find shortcuts to reduce the time an
algorithm has to run.

Cryptography is associated closely with information technology. Its application

includes creation of ATM cards, computer passwords, and electronic devices, private or
public key which are associated with numbers and automation.

Political Science, political analyst analyze the result of the past election to determine
the possible changes in voting patterns, voting behavior, switching of votes through
mathematical model and statistics.

Music and Arts, the rhythm of musical notes through innumerable combinations are
associated with numbers. The numbers of beats, the number of patterns are just a few to
consider. Arts are synonymous to design and design is associated with indefinite

Archaeology, archaeologist, one who studies archaeology, uses statistics to record the
gathered relics, fossils, and present the study to shed light on past human behavior and
Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score : ______

Activity # 1.1
Determine what symmetrical pattern is shown in the following illustration.

1. 6.

________________________ ____________________________

2. 7.

_______________________ ____________________________
3. 8.

________________________ ___________________________
4. 9.

. _________________________ ___________________________
5. 10.

__________________________ ___________________________
Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score : ______

Activity # 1.2

From the given figure , illustrate the different type of frieze pattern.

1. Hop



4. Sidle

5.Spinning Hop

6.Spinning Jump

7.Spinning Sidle
Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score : ______

Activity # 1.3

From the given figure , illustrate the different type of frieze pattern.

1. Hop



4. Sidle

5.Spinning Hop

6.Spinning Jump

7.Spinning Sidle
Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score : ______

Activity # 1.4
Determine what type of transformation is shown in the following illustration.

1. 6.

________________________ ____________________________

2. 7.

_______________________ ____________________________
3. 8.

________________________ ___________________________
4. 9.

. _________________________ ___________________________

5. 10.

__________________________ ___________________________

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