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Practical Research

Title: The impact of Using Social Media on Academic Performance of Grade

12 GAS at Mulanay Institute

Submitted to:

Mrs. Vivian Iman

Submitted by:

Janezelle L. Pasion

Mhariecar B. Loveria


Social media is viewed as having bridged the gap in communication that

existed. In addition, communication with peers through social networks can help

a student socialize, find new friends, discuss with them issues related to studies.

Summing-up, social networks becomes an integral part of the students ’ full life,

took up most of their free time. In social networks, there are also things useful

for the development of the students. These websites and social forums are way

of communicating directly with other people socially. Social media has the

potentials of influencing decision-making in a very short time regardless of the

distance. This study is carried out in order to highlight the potentials of social

media in the academic setting by collaborative learning and improve the students'

academic performance.

Today the Internet has taken a firm place in people's lives. Social media are

online technology platforms that help to connect people together far and near. It

is used to build a relationship among people. With their help, we can

communicate with each other, even on different continents, listen to music, read

books, look at photos and much more. Addiction to the using of social media

has extremely increased in recent times. The effects on the academic

performance of the over-involved students are disturbing. Academic performance

which is depicted by the grades of students is a great concern student that

spends excessive time on social networks become dependent on it and it is

believed that their academic performance diminishes proportionately. Social media

has exploded as a category of online discourse where people create content,

share it, bookmark it and network at a higher rate. ( Asur and Huberman 2010)


Social media is captured within the use of internet through facebook,

whatsapp, twitter, skype, myspace, as well as yahoo messenger for

communication sharing of ideas, sharing of photos and videos by users.

Teenagers and young adults have especially embraced these sites as a way to

connect with their peers, share information, reinvent their personalities, and

showcase their social lives. The more students use FaceBook, the more it affects

their academic performance. The most of the younger students use social

networking sites mainly for socialising activities, rather than for academic purpose.

Students use social network mainly for making friends and chatting and some
other students when using it will distracting. It is against this background that it

has become necessary to conduct this research aimed to investigate the impact

of using social media on academic performance of Grade 12 GAS students at

Mulanay, Institute.


Generally, the main focus of the study is to know all about the impact of

using social media on academic performance of Grade 12 GAS students at

Mulanay, Institute. Specifically it sought to answer the following:

1. What is social media and why students use it?

2. Does the use of social media sites have any impact on student ’s academic


3. How much time do students spend using social media?


The purpose of this study is to examine the question of what the effect of

social media have on their users, in particular, how the use of social media

affects the academic of students. This study will discover this information, giving

the researchers an opportunity to explore and gain new knowledge. Furthermore,

it can be used for future studies.


This research focus on The Impact of Using Social Media on Academic

Performance of Grade 12 GAS students at Mulanay Institute. Now, majority

students are using social media that can affect their Academic Performance. The

researcher’s will gather data though a observation and interview based on their

experience. The researcher’s limits their study with 5 respondents on interview

each them will give an questionnaire to answer and 26 respondents on

observation. Respondent is randomly selected to prevent a bias result.


Social media continuously keeps changing and as such it is difficult to assign

a fixed definition to it as Jacka and Scott (2011), argued that ‘’there is no single

recognized definition for social media’’. However some scholars have defined it in

different perspectives over the past years. Kaplan and Haenlein (2010), defined

social media as a group of internet based applications that build on the

ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and allow the creation and

exchange of user-generated content. The Oxford dictionary (2011), also defined

social media as “websites and applications used for social networking”. Another

definition of social media is that it is a ‘’communication channel which is very

popular, extremely fast and broad, has proven to be highly effective, as well

as trusted by billions of people, to share and discover content concerning

individuals, brands, information, entertainment and knowhow’’ (Dearborn, 2014).

One theme that all these definitions underpin is that social media involves some

form of communication between individuals over the internet. Social media

began in the late 1990s with the first recognized social media network called

“SixDegrees “ in 1997 and this technology enabled people to upload a profile

and make friends. From 1997 to 2001 a number of community tools; Asian

Avenue, black planet and MiGente began supporting various combination of

profile and publicly articulated friend (Boyd, Danah, Ellison and Nicole, 2007).

According the outcome, students’ academic performance is affected the more

they use Facebook. Social platforms are mainly used by students for socializing

activities rather than academic purpose (Oye, 2012). In addition (Oye, 2012) said
that majority of students feel that social platforms have positive impact on

academic growth. In a different research conclude by Shana (2012) it was

ascertain that students use platforms mainly for chatting and making friends. “the

consequences of internet and social platforms on students academic growth ” a

study by Young (2006) it was seen that internet has spread its wings to reach

teenager’s school life. It was also observed by Young that students are more

dependent on internet to access information that pertain their academic life as

well as entertainment. Additionally, Young said that internet though take a lot of

time, and have less impact on studies. It was observed by Wang (2011) that

impact of social platforms rest on the degree of usage. Jeong (2005) observed

that internet addiction is significantly and negatively related to students

“academic growth, as well as emotional attributes. Seo (2004) confirms Jeong

statement when he opined that the negative influence of internet is only on

excessive users and not on all users. Rather (2013, P. 69) averse that: the

social platforms which are being used today with great desire and enthusiasm

have altered the way of using internets in this modern age by defining online

tools and utilitys which allow users for communication, participation and

collaboration of information online.


To determine the impact of using social Media on the academic performance

of the student a interview and observation was conduct from the students who

used different social networks. In survey a questionnaire was used to collect data

from the students.


The researcher chosen research design is Ethnography because it is focused

on a small groups and that may require an active participant. This research

design is focused on The Impact of Using Social Media on Academic

Performance of Grade 11 GAS students at Mulanay, Institute.

Types of Sources of Data

The Sources of Data used for this research is interview and observation.

The researcher used the participant observation and by using diary to take note

what is happening on the day of observation. In interview this also help the

researcher to get information to support the study.


The researcher findings was some of the students in Grade 12 GAS are

affected in using of social media. According to the study when using it there ’s

a lot of tendencies to get addicted into it. Also it can affect of the academic

performance because if ever that there’s an examination, but the chooses of

students is to use social media the whole attention is to use it. It should be

noted that social networks, becoming an integral part of the students ’ full life,

took up most of their free time. Often the student does not have time to absorb

the information received in the lessons. . According to the results of the

interview, it was found out that 5 respondents are strongly agreed that social

media has negative effect on their academic performance. It was revealed on

interview with the respondents that sometimes they don’t have time to make

assignment or study because they had long been on social media.

The study was conducted to examine the about of social media and for

using of students. Social media is the collective of online communications

channels dedicated to community based input, interaction, content-sharing and

collaboration. The use of social media in education provides students with the

ability to get more useful information, to connect with learning groups and other

educational systems that make education convenient. The impact of student’s

use of social media sites on their academic performance. Impact is sometimes

they don’t have time to make assignment or study because they had long been

on social media. The students spend time while using social media or social

networking. On average, students spend at least on hour a day for social

media use.

The researcher made some recommendations as follows;

1. Students with phones having internet facility should be encouraged to

either use it to supplement their academic work rather than the usual

chatting with friends all the time.

2. The students should create a balance between chit-chatting and academic

activities. More attention should be directed to academic activities.

3. There should be a decrease in the number of time spent by students

when surfing the net which will help them to focus on their study.

4. Should focus on making pleasant things useful promoting social networks

as a tool not only for communication and entertainment but also for


Asur, S. & Huberman, B.A. (2010). Predicting the Future with social media. WI-IAT’10

Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web

Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, 1. DOI:10.1109/WI-IAT.2010.63.

Retrieved from

Boyd, D. M & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: definition, history and

scholarships. Journal of computer-mediated communication, 13(1) (2007) pp.210-230.

DOI:10.1111/j.1083- 6101.2007.00393.x. Dearborn, E., (2014). My official definition of

social media. Retrieved from


Jacka, M., & Scott, P.R., (2011). Auditing social media: A governance and risk guide.

ISSN: 978-1-118-06175-6. Retrieved from

Kaplan, A.M. & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite: The challenges and

opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53(1)59-68. DOI:


Oye, N. D., Mahamat, A. H. & Rahim, N., Z. (2012). Model of Perceived Influence of

Academic Performance Using Social Networking. International Journal of Computers

and Technologies, 2 (2), 24-29.

The Oxford dictionary, (2011). Definition of social media. Retrieved from

Name:____________________________ Strand:___________


Title: The Impact of Using Social Media in Academic Performance of Grade 12

GAS at Mulanay Institute

Research Questions:

1. In using social media does it effects in your academic performance?

2. What are the positive and negative Impact of Social Media on Academic


3. How can you avoid addiction on using social media?

Social media is started whenpeoplestart to communicate. Social means human society, as interference of people&

the groups and word media is the medium of expressions.Most of the forms of social media are not digital.

Itgenerates a large number of innovations and Social Media is one of the biggest inventions of technology, which is

now most popular and widely used. We defineSocial Media as “technologies that made social communication easy

and enable discussions among its participants”. While in our study, the word social media means a web-based

mobile application that allowspeopleor companies to make, interact with, and share new user-generated or

current material, in digital environment. Students are consumers and producers of media.
Independent variable is that who

influence the dependent variable Dependent variableis researcher‟s aim to understand and describe the

dependent variable



The sample for this study was drawn from the population of Grade 12 GAS students in Mulanay

Institute. The convenient sampling method was employed for this study because the population of

the respondent in GAS 12 were few therefore, did not permit the use of probability sampling

method. Thirty-five respondents were randomly selected which included students in GAS 12


However for the purpose of this study of social media is captured within the use

of internet through Facebook, Whatsap, Twitter, Skype, MySpace as well as

Yahoo Messenger for communication sharing of ideas, sharing of photos and

videos by users. The increased use of Social Networking Websites has become

an international phenomenon in the past several years. What started out as a

hobby for some computer literate people has become a social norm and way of

life for people from all over the world (Boyd. 2007). Teenagers and young adults

have especially embraced these sites as a way to connect with their peers,

share information, reinvent their personalities, and showcase their social lives.

Social networking websites provide tools by which people can communicate,

share information, and create new relationships. It is against this background that it

has become necessary to conduct this research aimed to investigate the impact

of using social media on academic performance of Grade 12 GAS students at

Mulanay, Institute.

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