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Elizaveta Shegay

Definitions to article “Importance of the Seat of Arbitration in International Arbitration” (A. Belohlavek)

Alexander Bělohlávek – independent arbitrator (decided over 600 international

commercial arbitration cases), chairman of the ICC Commission on Arbitration
(till 2017 and at present), member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration, member
of the ICC European Arbitration Group, professor at West Bohemia University
(Czech Republic), Humanum University (Poland).
[p. 1]
1) Seat of Arbitration
The legal or juridical home of an arbitration. • An arbitration award is “made” at
the arbitral seat. — Also termed place of arbitration; arbitral situs.
2) International Arbitration
n. (15c)
A dispute-resolution process in which the disputing parties choose one or more
neutral third parties to make a final and binding decision resolving the dispute. •
The parties to the dispute may choose a third party directly by mutual agreement,
or indirectly, such as by agreeing to have an arbitration organization select the
third party. — Also termed (redundantly) binding arbitration. See ARBITRATOR;
EXPERT DETERMINATION. Cf. MEDIATION (1). — arbitrate, vb. — arbitral,
3) Denationalization
1. Int'l law. The unilateral act of a country in depriving a person of nationality,
whether by administrative decision or by operation of law. • Strictly, the term does
not cover a person's renunciation of citizenship.
2. The act of returning government ownership and control of an industry or
function to private ownership and control. Cf. PRIVATIZATION. —
denationalize, vb.
Бессонова А.И. Признание и исполнение решений международных
инвестиционных арбитражей. Москва: Статут, 2020:
Так, например, французские суды склонны считать, что, даже
несмотря на отмену решения на территории государства, где было
вынесено решение, данное решение существует в международном
правопорядке и может быть признано и исполнено на территории
другого государства <1>.
Elizaveta Shegay
Definitions to article “Importance of the Seat of Arbitration in International Arbitration” (A. Belohlavek)

<1> См. подробнее о теории денационализации арбитража: Gaillard
E. Legal Theory of International Arbitration. Leiden, 2010; Paulsson J.
Arbitration in Three Dimesions / LSE Law, Society and Economy Working
Papers 2/2010, London School of Economics and Political Science Law
Department. The inaugural lecture, delivered on 24 November 2009
Асосков А.В. Коллизионное регулирование договорных обязательств. М.:
Инфотропик Медиа, 2012:
Тенденция к денационализации решения коллизионной проблемы в
арбитраже (denationalizing trend) подробно проанализирована в
работе Гр. Наона (Naon Gr. Op. cit. P. 183, 198 - 200).
Денационализация решения коллизионной проблемы может
пониматься не только как использование транснациональных
принципов, но и как обращение к таким национальным коллизионным
подходам, которые получили признание большинства государств.
Таким образом, денационализация решения коллизионной проблемы не
обязательно непосредственно связана с денационализацией процедуры
рассмотрения спора в международном коммерческом арбитраже и, в
частности, с вопросом о допустимых формах контроля
государственных судов за деятельностью международного
коммерческого арбитража. Поэтому было бы неверным полагать,
что денационализация решения коллизионной проблемы мыслима
только в рамках транснационального подхода к определению правовой
природы международного коммерческого арбитража.

4) Delocalize (Merriam-Webster)
to free from the limitations of locality
to remove (a charge or charge carrier) from a particular position
5) Definition
The meaning of a term as explicitly stated in a drafted document such as a contract,
a corporate bylaw, an ordinance, or a statute; a definiens.
6) Dismiss
vb. (15c)
Elizaveta Shegay
Definitions to article “Importance of the Seat of Arbitration in International Arbitration” (A. Belohlavek)

1. To send (something) away; specif., to terminate (an action or claim) without

further hearing, esp. before the trial of the issues involved.
2. To release or discharge (a person) from employment. See DISMISSAL.
7) Party
1. Someone who takes part in a transaction <a party to the contract> .
“Note, that if an Indenture be made between two as Parties thereto in the
Beginning, and in the Deed one of them grants or lets a Thing to another who is
not named in the Beginning, he is not Party to the Deed, nor shall take any Thing
thereby.” John Rastell, Les Termes de la Ley 471 (26th ed. 1721). “A person who
takes part in a legal transaction or proceeding is said to be a party to it. Thus, if an
agreement, conveyance, lease, or the like, is entered into between A. and B., they
are said to be parties to it; and the same expression is often, though not very
correctly, applied to the persons named as the grantors or releasors in a deed-poll.”
Stewart Rapalje & Robert L. Lawrence, A Dictionary of American and English
Law 930 (1883).
2. One by or against whom a lawsuit is brought; anyone who both is directly
interested in a lawsuit and has a right to control the proceedings, make a defense,
or appeal from an adverse judgment; litigant <a party to the lawsuit> . • For
purposes of res judicata, a party to a lawsuit is a person who has been named as a
party and has a right to control the lawsuit either personally, or, if not fully
competent, through someone appointed to protect the person's interests. In law, all
nonparties are known as “strangers” to the lawsuit.
3. Any one of two or more groups of people contending for rival opinions or
policies within a society or community; political party.
4. Partisanship; party zeal.
5. A number of people assembled for some purpose, esp. for amusement or
entertainment; also, an entertainment to which a number of people are invited.
6. A detachment within a company of soldiers or other people.
7. Someone concerned in or privy to a matter; esp., someone involved in either of
two sides in an affair <he was party to those secrets> .
8) Negotiate
vb. (16c)
Elizaveta Shegay
Definitions to article “Importance of the Seat of Arbitration in International Arbitration” (A. Belohlavek)

1. To communicate with another party for the purpose of reaching an

understanding <they negotiated with their counterparts for weeks on end> .
2. To bring about by discussion or bargaining <she negotiated a software license
agreement> .
3. At common law, to transfer (an instrument) by delivery or indorsement, whereby
the transferee takes the instrument for value, in good faith, and without notice of
conflicting title claims or defenses <Jones negotiated the check at the
neighborhood bank> .
4. Under the UCC, to transfer possession of an instrument, usu. by delivery or
indorsement and delivery, whereby the transferee becomes its holder.
Transfer of possession may be involuntary (as through theft), and the transferee
does not have to meet any additional due-course requirements. UCC § 3-201.
9) Arbitration agreement
An agreement by which the parties consent to resolve one or more disputes by
arbitration. • An arbitration agreement can consist of a clause in a contract or a
stand-alone agreement and can be entered into either before a dispute has arisen
between the parties (a predispute arbitration agreement) or after a dispute has
arisen between the parties (a postdispute arbitration agreement or submission
10) Arbitration clause
A contractual provision mandating arbitration — and thereby avoiding litigation —
of disputes about the contracting parties' rights, duties, and liabilities.
11) Dispute
n. (16c)
A conflict or controversy, esp. one that has given rise to a particular lawsuit. —
dispute, vb.
12) Issue
n. (16c)
1. A point in dispute between two or more parties. • In an appeal, an issue may take
the form of a separate and discrete question of law or fact, or a combination of
Elizaveta Shegay
Definitions to article “Importance of the Seat of Arbitration in International Arbitration” (A. Belohlavek)

2. Securities. A class or series of securities that are simultaneously offered for sale.
— Also termed bond issue; stock issue. Offering.
3. Wills & estates. Lineal descendants; offspring.
4. Commercial law. The first delivery of a negotiable instrument by its maker or
13) Arbitrability (Jus Mundi)
Arbitrability indicates whether a dispute is “arbitrable”, i.e. capable of being
settled by arbitration
Гражданское процессуальное право: учебник: в 2 т. / Т.К. Андреева, С.Ф.
Афанасьев, В.В. Блажеев и др.; под ред. П.В. Крашенинникова. 2-е изд.,
перераб. и доп. Москва: Статут, 2022. Т. 2: Особенная часть.
Производство по отдельным категориям.
Под термином "арбитрабельность" понимается легальная возможность
спора быть предметом третейского разбирательства. Рамки
арбитрабельности определяются законодательством конкретных
государств и не являются идентичными.
14) Arbitrable dispute
A dispute that can properly be resolved by arbitration.
"Арбитражный процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации" от
24.07.2002 N 95-ФЗ
Статья 33. Споры, подлежащие передаче на рассмотрение третейского
(в ред. Федерального закона от 29.12.2015 N 409-ФЗ)
1. Споры между сторонами гражданско-правовых отношений,
подлежащие рассмотрению арбитражными судами в соответствии с
настоящим Кодексом, могут быть переданы на рассмотрение
третейского суда при наличии между сторонами спора действующего
арбитражного соглашения.
15) Governing law (Cornell University)
Contractual provision (also known as a choice of law provision) that determines
which law shall apply in the event of a dispute.
16) Choice of law
Elizaveta Shegay
Definitions to article “Importance of the Seat of Arbitration in International Arbitration” (A. Belohlavek)

The question of which jurisdiction's law should apply in a given case. Cf.
17) Substantive law
The part of the law that creates, defines, and regulates the rights, duties, and
powers of parties.
18) Procedural law
The rules that prescribe the steps for having a right or duty judicially enforced, as
opposed to the law that defines the specific rights or duties themselves. — Also
termed adjective law.
19) Annulment
n. (15c)
1. The act of nullifying or making void; VOIDANCE.
2. A judicial or ecclesiastical declaration that a marriage is void. • An annulment
establishes that the marital status never existed. So annulment and dissolution of
marriage (or divorce) are fundamentally different: an annulment renders a marriage
void from the beginning, while dissolution of marriage terminates the marriage as
of the date of the judgment of dissolution. Although a marriage terminated by
annulment is considered never to have occurred, under modern ecclesiastical law
and in most states today a child born during the marriage is not considered
illegitimate after the annulment. — Also termed marital annulment; declaration of
invalidity of marriage. Cf. DIVORCE.
3. A rescission.
20) Annulment of judgement
A retroactive obliteration of a judicial decision, having the effect of restoring the
parties to their pretrial positions. • Types of annulment include reversal and
vacation. See REVERSE; VACATE (1).
21) Set aside
vb. (18c)
Elizaveta Shegay
Definitions to article “Importance of the Seat of Arbitration in International Arbitration” (A. Belohlavek)

(Of a court) to annul or vacate (a judgment, order, etc.) <the judge refused to set
aside the default judgment>.
22) Proceeding
1. The regular and orderly progression of a lawsuit, including all acts and events
between the time of commencement and the entry of judgment.
2. Any procedural means for seeking redress from a tribunal or agency.
3. An act or step that is part of a larger action.
4. The business conducted by a court or other official body; a hearing.
5. Bankruptcy. A particular dispute or matter arising within a pending case — as
opposed to the case as a whole.
23) Arbitral award
A final decision by an arbitrator or panel of arbitrators. — Also termed
24) Exercise
vb. (14c)
1. To make use of; to put into action <exercise the right to vote>.
2. To implement the terms of; to execute <exercise the option to buy the
commodities>. — exercise, n.
25) Power
1. The ability to act or not act; esp., a person's capacity for acting in such a manner
as to control someone else's responses.
2. Dominance, control, or influence over another; control over one's subordinates.
3. The legal right or authorization to act or not act; a person's or organization's
ability to alter, by an act of will, the rights, duties, liabilities, or other legal
relations either of that person or of another.
4. A document granting legal authorization. See AUTHORITY.
Elizaveta Shegay
Definitions to article “Importance of the Seat of Arbitration in International Arbitration” (A. Belohlavek)

5. An authority to affect an estate in land by (1) creating some estate independently

of any estate that the holder of the authority possesses, (2) imposing a charge on
the estate, or (3) revoking an existing estate. Power of appointment; Permit.
6. Physical strength.
7. Moral or intellectual force.
8. A person of influence <a power in the community>.
9. One of the great countries of the world <one of the world's two great powers>.
Protecting power.
10. The military or unit of it, such as a troop of soldiers.
26) Juge d’appui (supporting judge)
A judge who rules “as in summary proceedings” and deals with difficulties that
may arise when implementing the procedures for appointing the arbitrator(s). This
is the case, in particular, when one of the parties refuses to appoint an arbitrator on
the grounds that the arbitration clause is manifestly null and void, or that it is
insufficient to enable the arbitral tribunal to be constituted.
27) Supervisory (Free Dictionary)
Of, involving, or limited to supervision: a supervisory capacity.
28) Supervisory control
The control exercised by a higher court over a lower court, as by prohibiting the
lower court from acting extrajurisdictionally and by reversing its extrajurisdictional
acts. Mandamus.
29) Function
n. (16c)
1. Activity that is appropriate to a particular business or profession <a court's
function is to administer justice>.
2. Office; duty; the occupation of an office <presidential function>.
30) Court
n. (12c)
1. A tribunal constituted to administer justice; esp., a governmental body
consisting of one or more judges who sit to adjudicate disputes <a question of law
for the court to decide>.
Elizaveta Shegay
Definitions to article “Importance of the Seat of Arbitration in International Arbitration” (A. Belohlavek)

2. The judge or judges who sit on such a tribunal <the court asked the parties to
approach the bench>.
3. A legislative assembly <in Massachusetts, the General Court is the legislature>.
4. A place where justice is judicially administered; the locale for legal proceedings
<an out-of-court statement>.
5. The building where the judge or judges convene to adjudicate disputes and
administer justice <the lawyers agreed to meet at the court at 8:00 a.m.>. — Also
termed (in senses 1 & 2) law court; (in sense 5) courthouse.
31) Procedural act
n. (14c)
1. Something done or performed, esp. voluntarily; a deed. — Also termed action.
2. The process of doing or performing; an occurrence that results from a person's
will being exerted on the external world; ACTION (1). — Also termed positive
act; act of commission.
3. The formal product of a legislature or other deliberative body exercising its
powers; esp., Statute.
4. A writing; esp., a legal instrument.
32) Implement
1. To put into action or use
2. To carry out the functions, requirements, or terms of
3. To compel observance of
33) Hearing
1. A judicial session, usu. open to the public, held for the purpose of deciding
issues of fact or of law, sometimes with witnesses testifying <the court held a
hearing on the admissibility of DNA evidence in the murder case> . — Also
termed judicial hearing.
2. Administrative law. Any setting in which an affected person presents arguments
to a decision-maker <a hearing on zoning variations>.
3. In legislative practice, any proceeding in which legislators or their designees
receive testimony about legislation that might be enacted <the shooting victim
spoke at the Senate's hearing on gun control> . See PRELIMINARY HEARING.
Elizaveta Shegay
Definitions to article “Importance of the Seat of Arbitration in International Arbitration” (A. Belohlavek)

4. Equity practice. A trial.

5. English law. Oral Argument. (1823) An advocate’s spoken presentation before a
court (esp. an appellate court) supporting or opposing the legal relief at issue. —
Also termed (BrE) hearing.
34) Resolve
vb. (14c)
1. To find an acceptable or even satisfactory way of dealing with (a problem or
difficulty) <they resolved their conflicting claims>.
2. To reduce to elementary principles or relations by intellectual analysis; to solve
<he resolved the geometry problems>.
3. To make intelligible; to explain in a way that minimizes the perplexities <the
hieroglyphics were finally resolved by a clever puzzle expert>.
4. To make a definite decision to (do something); to set one's mind to (a course of
action) <she resolved never to marry again> .
5. To make a formal decision, as by voting <the board members resolved to accept
their colleague's resignation> .
6. To render fixed in purpose; to cause to decide or determine <the defeat resolved
him to try even harder> .
7. To change in form of organization, as when a deliberative assembly might
displace one mode of procedure for another (in a reflexive sense) <the standing
committee resolved itself into a style committee of the whole> .
35) 8. To separate (something) into constituent parts; to take to pieces
<the DNA samples were obtained and then resolved> .
9. Civil law. To become void; to lapse <the gift resolved by ademption> .
10. Archaic. To consult <she resolved with her lawyer about the problem> .
36) Distinguish
vb. (15c)
1. To note a significant factual, procedural, or legal difference in (an earlier case),
usu. to minimize the case's precedential effect or to show that it is inapplicable
<the lawyer distinguished the cited case from the case at bar> .
2. To make a distinction <the court distinguished between willful and reckless
conduct> . — distinction, n.
Elizaveta Shegay
Definitions to article “Importance of the Seat of Arbitration in International Arbitration” (A. Belohlavek)

37) Venue
1. The proper or a possible place for a lawsuit to proceed, usu. because the place
has some connection either with the events that gave rise to the lawsuit or with the
plaintiff or defendant.
2. The territory, such as a country or other political subdivision, over which a trial
court has jurisdiction. — Also termed (in senses 1 & 2) proper venue.
3. Loosely, the place where a conference or meeting is being held.
4. In a pleading, the statement establishing the place for trial.
5. In an affidavit, the designation of the place where it was made.

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