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and act on the message we bring. For some a warm and cheerful
attitude is enough to help
understand your calling by making them feel special or important. When done
correctly, flirting will help soften the hearts of even the hardest hearted people and help them receive
you with open arms.

How did flirting help Esther do the lords work? How was it effective?
Esther 2:8-9, 15-17

How to Flirt
“For a Missionary to achieve His or
Flirting can best be accomplished as you
act like yourself, and make the other person feel noticed, Her full potential they must learn and
recognized, admired and sought after. As in all relat- Implement the powerful skill of
ionships be sure to listen closely to what they say. Flirting”
Your ability to listen, or seem like you are listening, -Elder Jayden Brophy
has more profound effect on people than does any other Address to missionaries without swag.

Elder Joseph D Peterson Washington Everett Mission 2014-2016

14 Flirt To Convert

approach. Always respond in a charismatic way to help them think that you care. Ask inspired
questions about themselves to begin inspired flirting. Do not however ask probing or intimidating
questions. These questions can make people feel awkward or uneasy. Some Easy ways to begin
flirting are to simply begin talking with them, give them a well-rehearsed smolder, and say
something funny.
It is not enough to complement someone else’s
“Flirting is not simply a onetime
appearance but you must also receive a complement on
event that results in a “Home Run” your outward appearance. You must be as Nephi of old
But is a way of life”. “Large in Stature”. That means using the time between
-Elder Chase Rasmussen 6:30 and 7:00am to its fullest potential is crucial to being
a Preach my Gospel Chapter 14 missionary. Your clothes
Las Vegas Nevada
can not look like trash. Without compromising your
personality try to look as good as you can while not
seeming fake.
The most important part of flirting is to show no lack of self-confidence. No one likes to be with
a person who thinks they are out of place, unattractive or stupid. Without seeming condescending or
narcissistic be comfortable with who you are and don’t think about what others think of you, doing
this will make you seem legit and confident. Remember “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he”.
(Proverbs 23:7)

Personal or companion study

Discus with your companion the effectiveness of these situations, and determine if they
would be effective times to flirt. Write impression in your study journal.
 Waiting at the bus stop  She is pushing a stroller
 Their parents are with them  After they say “I’m single”
 She’s 14 years old  When they are cute
 Their B/G friend is there  When they are not cute

When Has Flirting Been Taken too Far?

The scriptures teach us very clearly that flirting for our own prideful desires is against Gods
will. As the Lord saith of flirting “[you] must have no other object in view in [flirting]
but to glorify God” (JSH 1:46). If we flirt to get
our own gain in this life we can know that we
have taken flirting too far.
On page 33 of the Missionary Hand Book
we find that we are not supposed to “associate in
any inappropriate way with anyone of the
opposite sex”. Do not allow a situation of
harmless flirting become one of serous
transgression. Do not commence with hand
holding, footsy’s, kissing, prolonged hugging, or other heinous sins. Such actions may interrupt or
terminate your missionary service and affect your personal salvation.
Many scriptural accounts show how flirting was not used for the correct reasons and how the
consequences of such actions disrupted their progression. Consider the story of David. He had
acquired hundreds of wives and concubines by diligent flirting and having humility before the
Lord. But as he stood on the roof one night he used his God given powers for evil.

Scripture Study
How did these examples use their flirting skills effectively? How was flirting taken too
Genesis 39:7-8, 10-13 Matthew 14:5-8
Ether 8:8-12

Elder Joseph D Peterson Washington Everett Mission 2014-2016

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