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Poster Making Contest

1. This competition is open to all Elementary, Junior High, and Senior High
School students from both Public and Private Schools.
2. There will be three categories (a) Elementary (b) Junior High School and
(c) Senior High School. ((Maximum of 3 entries per District and 1 entry per
High School)
3. Contestants are given 4 hours to finish their output.
4. Participants may be accompanied by one (1) teacher-coach. However,
teacher-coaches are only allowed to assist them during the setting up of
materials before the event starts.
5. Participants must bring their own coloring materials of their choice and
board (60cmx48cm)
6. Participants are not allowed to bring pictures or images as references to
their entries.
7. Participants must come on time. However, late participants shall still be
accommodated but time shall not be extended.

Criteria Percentage
Creativity 30
Originality: The uniqueness and freshness of the idea or
Innovation: Creative use of design elements, techniques, or
Artistic Expression: The level of artistic skill and imagination
Visual Impact 25
Composition: The overall arrangement and balance of design
elements (e.g., text, images, colors).
Aesthetics: The visual appeal of the poster, including color
choices and layout.
Eye-Catching: The ability of the poster to grab the viewer's
Adherence to the Theme 20
How well does the poster align with the contest theme?
The clarity of the message in relation to the theme.
Message Clarity and Effectiveness (20 points): 20
The effectiveness of the poster in conveying its intended message
or idea.
How well the message is communicated through visuals and
Engagement: The ability of the poster to engage and resonate
with the viewer.
Craftsmanship (5 points): 5

Technical Skill: The quality of execution in terms of drawing,

painting, or design techniques.
Attention to Detail: The level of care and precision in the work.

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