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Even since my law school journey began, I developed an avid interest in researching and
writing academic articles. My research interests range from diverse social to legal issues.
Initially this range did not include any financial or mercantile issues. These were the issues I
was always intimidated by. However, over the course of past one year, I have started to read
about these topics and have realised how fundamental and important they are for social and
economic health of our country. Since then, my fascination for the same has only surged. These
issues offer a wide scope of research, growth and change which I wish to contribute to.

My desire to be a part of the RFMLR editorial board stems out of various reasons, firstly, it
will provide me with a wide range of learning opportunities. Working here will not only hone
my academic writing and research skills but will also embed me with professional and ethical
communication skills. Further, it will allow me to be exposed to various niche areas of
corporate laws and develop an understanding of the same. I see this opportunity to work at
RFMLR as the perfect platform to grow, both personally and professionally.

Additionally, I believe that my past experiences have prepared me well to be a part of the
editorial board as working on team projects like moots, blogs, and ADR competitions and
navigating my teams during times of crisis has helped me develop my leadership skills. I
possess excellent communication skills and strive to build a highly professional attitude. I can
seamlessly work in a team and take criticisms in my stride. Even during my school days, I was
keen to work with everyone while still distinguishing myself as a strong individual. My
strengths include having an analytical and problem-solving approach towards problems and
being able to identify and chance in on opportunities. I believe in taking on each challenge with
a brand-new outlook and perspective while taking lessons from my previous experiences. I
seek the chance to join the editorial board and prove myself as a valuable member.

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