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Rabbani Sutantra 9.

- School Yard –

Assalamualaikum. Hello it's me, Rabbani. From grade 93.

And today, im going to describe and explaining everything
about this 57 junior highschool yard.first of all, ill explaining
about this school fields.

This school fields is so big and wide. The students will set
foot on this school field when flag ceremony will be held,
playing basketball, playing football, and more. The colors of
the field is red blue orange and white. In this field there are
two basketball ring that are used for students who want to
play basketball, on this right side we have a flag pole, and on
this left side we have a school garden. And, behind on this
basketball ring we have the cool gazebo, and also there is a
fish pond, but sadly, it dried. And there is an ablution faucet.

When i stand on this field, it feels like the wind through my

hair, this place is really comfortable for me when this place is
quiet, I can relax and sleep facing the sky in the middle of the
field. after I graduate from this school, I want to visit this
school yard again and again. So that's it, thanks for listening
to me describing this whole school yard. See you and thank
you! Assalamualaikum.

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