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Program Studi : S1 Sistem Informasi, S1 Teknik Informatika
Jl. Raya Majenang Cimanggu KM 8 No. 99 Cilempuyang Kec. Cimanggu Kab. Cilacap 53256 Telp
(0280)6265594 web : email :


AKADEMIK 2021/2022
Mata Kuliah : B Inggris 1 Dosen : M Mustangin, M.Pd, Gr
Prodi : Semua Prodi Hari, Tanggal : Menyesuaikan
Semester : 1 (satu) Waktu : 90 Menit (1,5 jam)
Sifat Ujian : Online

1 Baca Do’a sebelum mengerjakan dilembar jawaban yang disediakan 2 Dilarang bekerjasama dalam bentuk
apapun antar peserta ujian.
3 Jujur pada diri sendiri merupakan perilaku akademik mahasiswa.

4 Pada lembar jawaban anda awali dengan



NIM : 215520046

Soal :
1. Please write your argument about this topic at least three paragraphs! (50%) Topic: should
we legalize about abortion?
Abortion is a medical procedure performed to terminate a pregnancy by
removing the fetus from the uterus before the fetus has the ability to survive outside
the womb, causing the fetus to die. In Indonesia, the case of abortion is no longer a
taboo subject, in fact there are many incidents of teenagers who carry out abortions
which are usually due to pregnancy outside of marriage. In fact, it's not only
teenagers who do this abortion, there are also housewives who have abortions on
the grounds of leaking contraceptives and other reasons.

Whereas in Indonesia, abortion law is regulated in Law Number 36 of 2009

concerning Health and Government Regulation Number 61 of 2014 concerning
Reproductive Health. The law states that abortion in Indonesia is not permitted, with
the exception of medical emergencies that threaten the life of the mother or fetus, as
well as for rape victims. So not just anyone can do an abortion. If a person who
does not meet the requirements is allowed to have an abortion as described in the
article above, then that person is considered to have committed a crime.

In my opinion, we should not pass the abortion law in Indonesia to the public
for several reasons. The first is for religious reasons, the act of abortion means the
same as the act of taking a person's life, especially a fetus that is still holy, there are
many verses that state that the fetus in the womb is very noble. The second reason,
as for the psychological side. Basically a woman who has an abortion will
experience things such as loss of self-esteem, screaming hysterically, nightmares
repeatedly about the baby, wanting to commit suicide. began to try drugs, could no
longer enjoy sexual relations and was filled with feelings of guilt that did not go away
for many years of his life.
2. Please rewrite your answer in number 1 and underline the noun word, cycle the adjective,
and cross the verb! (50%).

Abortion is a medical procedure performed to terminate a pregnancy by

removing the fetus from the uterus before the fetus has the ability to survive outside
the womb, causing the fetus to die. In Indonesia, the case of abortion is no longer a
taboo subject, in fact there are many incidents of teenagers who carry out abortions
which are usually due to pregnancy outside of marriage. In fact, it's not only
teenagers who do this abortion, there are also housewives who have abortions on
the grounds of leaking contraceptives and other reasons.

Whereas in Indonesia, abortion law is regulated in Law Number 36 of 2009

concerning Health and Government Regulation Number 61 of 2014 concerning
Reproductive Health. The law states that abortion in Indonesia is not permitted, with
the exception of medical emergencies that threaten the life of the mother or fetus,
as well as for rape victims. So not just anyone can do an abortion. If a person who
does not meet the requirements is allowed to have an abortion as described in the
article above, then that person is considered to have committed a crime.

In my opinion, we should not pass the abortion law in Indonesia to the public
for several reasons. The first is for religious reasons, the act of abortion means the
same as the act of taking a person's life, especially a fetus that is still holy, there are
many verses that state that the fetus in the womb is very noble. The second reason,
as for the psychological side. Basically a woman who has an abortion will
experience things such as loss of self-esteem, screaming hysterically, nightmares
repeatedly about the baby, wanting to commit suicide. began to try drugs, could no
longer enjoy sexual relations and was filled with feelings of guilt that did not go away
for many years of his life.

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