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The article entitled “The influence of web-mediated, blended and pure

online learning on EFL learners' writing achievement in the Iranian context:

A comparative study” by Masoumeh Dousti and Zahra Amirian explores the
impact of different teaching methods on English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
learners' writing skills) in Iran. The study compared the effectiveness of web-
mediated learning, blended learning, and pure online learning in improving EFL
students' writing achievement. This study shows that integrating technology-
enhanced instruction (TEI) such as web-mediated learning, blended learning, and
pure online learning can improve EFL learners' writing skills by providing
innovative learning and teaching opportunities. This article highlights the
importance of writing skills in EFL learning and the challenges faced by learners.
It emphasizes the potential of technology-enhanced instruction in improving
writing skills and compares the effectiveness of web-mediated learning, blended
learning, and pure online learning in the Iranian context. These findings suggest
that integrating TEI can have a positive impact on EFL students' writing
achievement. In the research, the author discusses the importance of writing skills
in language teaching and learning. They emphasize that writing requires cognitive
abilities and a good command of the target language to express thoughts and ideas
effectively. However, writing is considered one of the most challenging language
skills for EFL learners due to the complex cognitive processes involved and the
need for integration of various aspects of language such as grammar, spelling, and
To address these challenges, researchers proposed the integration of
technology-enhanced instruction (TEI) to improve EFL learners' writing skills.
They argue that TEI can provide students with more engaging and interactive
learning opportunities, expose them to authentic material, and increase the
activation of their prior knowledge. This study focuses on three specific TEI
modes: web-mediated learning, blended learning, and pure online learning. Web-
mediated learning refers to the use of the World Wide Web to enhance traditional
teaching. Blended learning combines online learning with face-to-face teaching,
allowing learners to benefit from both modalities. Pure online learning, as the
name suggests, involves completely online teaching without any face-to-face
The authors attribute differences in achievement to various factors. They
discuss technology-related dimensions, where the use of web-mediated and
blended learning allows learners to interact with digital resources and engage in
online activities that enrich their writing skills. The interaction dimension
emphasizes the collaborative and communicative aspects of blended learning,
which may contribute to better writing outcomes. Finally, the authors mention the
conventional perspective regarding educational dimensions, suggesting that the
combination of traditional face-to-face teaching and online learning may have
provided a more comprehensive learning experience for the WML and EVBL
groups. Overall, this research highlights the potential of TEI in improving EFL
learners' writing skills and provides insights for educators and stakeholders to
consider the use of more technologically advanced approaches in EFL contexts.
By utilizing the benefits of web-mediated learning, blended learning and purely

The article titled "A Study of Changes in Vocational Training Education

Considering the Key Capabilities Needed in the 21st Century Fourth Industrial
Revolution - Focusing on Architectural Vista Design" explores the impact of the
Fourth Industrial Revolution on vocational training education and suggests
necessary changes in higher education. The study specifically focuses on the field
of architectural vista design within the context of urban planning and architectural
planning. The article emphasizes the importance of developing core competencies,
including problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence,
in students to prepare them for the changes brought about by the Fourth Industrial
Revolution. It highlights the need to analyze various factors such as color, spatial
form, noise, lighting, and traffic lanes in the urban landscape environment.
Additionally, understanding local urban planning, architectural laws, and broader
societal and environmental aspects is deemed crucial.
The research methodology involves analyzing relevant data and papers
related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, employing theory and practice in
educational engineering. The article discusses the characteristics of the Fourth
Industrial Revolution, such as the fusion of technologies and its transformative
effects on economic and social structures. Furthermore, the article addresses the
evolution of student evaluation methods over time, noting the shift from tutor-
based teaching and learning to the current system of knowledge transfer and
assessment. It highlights the role of professors as mentors who understand and
cater to students' curiosity and learning styles, as opposed to the contemporary
emphasis on grades and reputation.
To adapt to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the article suggests that
universities need to revise their teaching and learning processes to equip students
with the core competencies required in this era. The Fourth Industrial Revolution
is characterized by the integration of advanced technologies like automation,
artificial intelligence, and internet connectivity across various industries.
Consequently, the job market undergoes changes, with some jobs being lost and
new ones emerging. The authors propose that universities focus on developing
competencies such as complex problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity,
human resource management, collaboration, emotional intelligence, and logical
judgment to prepare students for success in this new landscape.
The article argues that traditional approaches to education, which
primarily focus on imparting academic knowledge, fall short in the face of the
Fourth Industrial Revolution. Instead, education should emphasize competency-
based learning and encourage professors to act as partners in students' learning
journeys, helping them realize their full potential. While information and
communication technology (ICT) has made access to knowledge easier, the article
cautions that academic knowledge alone is insufficient due to its constant
evolution and potential obsolescence. Therefore, the focus should be on teaching
students how to acquire, analyze, and apply knowledge effectively.
The research article titled "Blended Learning Model in TEFL Workshop to
Students of English Language Education Department: A Case Study" explores the
application of a blended learning model in a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign
Language) workshop for students in the English Language Education Department.
The study aims to address the challenges faced by students in practicing teaching
skills in an online learning environment and proposes the blended learning model
as a solution.
The research adopts a descriptive qualitative approach and involves
students from the 2018 cohort as participants. Various instruments, such as
observation guidelines, online platforms (Virlenda LMS), offline classroom
interactions, and questionnaires, are used to evaluate the learning process and
student opinions. The collected data are analyzed descriptively.
The findings indicate that the blended learning model provides an
appropriate teaching method for conducting the TEFL workshop in the new
normal era. The model combines online and offline activities, integrating
technology-based learning media and face-to-face interactions. Before the face-to-
face sessions, students engaged in online activities that included lecture contracts,
assignments, and assessments. During the face-to-face sessions, students
discussed tutorial videos, presented assignments, and participated in guided
student practicums. After the face-to-face sessions, students submitted video
recordings of their work through platforms like YouTube and Google Drive. It
enhances student engagement, enables self-study and self-discipline, and
facilitates the achievement of learning goals. The study emphasizes the
importance of integrating technology in language teaching and learning.
The researchers also observed that more than 50% of students faced
difficulties in comprehending online-only teaching materials and lacked
confidence in integrating teaching techniques with technology-based learning
media. To address these challenges, the researchers proposed the use of a
Blended-Learning Model, which combines online and offline activities to create a
more comprehensive learning experience.
The study highlighted the benefits of the Blended-Learning Model, as
identified in previous research. These benefits include the success of the learning
process, the shift from lecturer-based to student-based learning, motivation for
self-study and self-discipline, practical and efficient learning, and diverse learning
methods. The model also emphasized the use of various technology-based media
and the collaboration between students and lecturers through online learning
Overall, the research study demonstrates the effectiveness of the blended
learning model in enhancing the teaching and learning process in the TEFL
workshop, promoting student-centered practices, and addressing the challenges
posed by the online learning environment.

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