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1.1 Background of the Study

Language proficiency is an important component of effective communication and

academic success, especially in a globalized world where English serves as a lingua

franca in many academic and professional environments. Universities around the world,

including Tadulako University itself, have seen an influx of international students and

adopted English as the language of instruction. . Therefore, a differentiated understanding

of the language-related challenges faced by students, both native and non-native speakers

of English, is crucial. This thesis begins a comprehensive exploration of two interrelated

phenomena: vocabulary deficiency and language anxiety, as experienced by several

English students at the tadulako University.

The importance of this research lies in its potential to explain the complex

relationship between language competence and psychological well-being in academic

contexts. Because English language proficiency is an integral part of academic

achievement, it is important to know how a lack of vocabulary can hinder a student's

progress. At the same time, language anxiety, which is often a result of these deficiencies,

can have a detrimental effect on a student's self-esteem, participation, and overall learning


Given the global importance of English language proficiency and the unique

challenges faced by English-speaking students at universities, this thesis seeks to shed

light on the specific issues of vocabulary deficits and language anxiety. By providing

qualitative insights, it aims to contribute to the development of targeted language

education programs and support mechanisms that can empower university students to
achieve better English language proficiency and reduce language anxiety, ultimately

improving their academic and professional prospects in this global era.

1.2 Research question

Based on the explanation on the background, the researcher formulated

research question as follow as follow:

"How do vocabulary deficiencies contribute to the development and

persistence of language anxiety among English-speaking students at University,

and what coping strategies do they employ to manage these intertwined challenges

within the academic environment?"

1.3 Objective of the research

The primary objective of this research is to gain a comprehensive

understanding of the qualitative aspects of vocabulary deficiencies and language

anxiety experienced by English-speaking students at university. Specifically, this

study aims to:

1. Explore the perceptions and descriptions of vocabulary deficiencies among

English-speaking students, examining how these deficiencies manifest in the

academic context.

2. Investigate the nature and manifestations of language anxiety within this

student population, and how it may be influenced by vocabulary deficiencies.

3. Identify the coping strategies and mechanisms employed by English-speaking

students to address vocabulary deficiencies and alleviate language anxiety in

their academic pursuits.

4. Examine the role of sociocultural factors, such as peer interactions and

cultural adaptation, in shaping language anxiety experiences among English-

speaking students.

5. Provide recommendations based on the qualitative insights gathered, with the

goal of improving language education and support services for English-

speaking students at university, ultimately enhancing their academic

experiences and outcomes.

Through these objectives, the research aims to contribute to the existing

body of knowledge on language-related challenges in higher education and

provide practical insights for educators, administrators, and policymakers to better

support English-speaking students in their academic journeys.

1.4 Significance of the research.

The importance of this research is that it is multifaceted and extends to

various stakeholders, including students, educators, administrators, and policy

makers. research on vocabulary deficits and language anxiety among English-

speaking students at these universities is critical because it not only addresses the

pressing needs of this student population but also has the potential to provide

positive change in teaching practices, support services, and policies within higher

education institutions. This contributes to a broader discourse regarding language

education and student wellbeing, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and

supportive learning environment.

1.5 Scope of the research

This study aims to investigate and provide in-depth insight into the

vocabulary deficiencies and language anxiety experienced by English-speaking

students enrolled in university-level courses. The scope of this research covers

several main aspects namely, focusing on English-speaking students who are

currently enrolled in various academic programs at university level, examining the

extent of vocabulary deficiencies among English-speaking students, exploring the

concept of language anxiety among English-speaking students, investigating

Factors contributing to language anxiety, its manifestations, and its impact on

students' academic performance and well-being contribute to the existing

literature on language acquisition, language anxiety, and language teaching by

providing a nuanced understanding of the vocabulary deficits and language

anxiety experienced by English-speaking university students and explains

important aspects of language learning and their implications for students'

academic success and well-being.

1.6 Operational Definition of key terms.

The researcher provided the definition of some terms in this research in

order to ease the readers. The key terms used in this research are as follows:

1. Vocabulary Deficiencies refers to the limited and inadequate knowledge

and use of vocabulary demonstrated by English-speaking university


2. Language Anxiety is defined as a psychological and emotional state

experienced by English-speaking students, which is characterized by

feelings of worry, tension, nervousness, and fear when using English in

academic and social contexts.

3. Qualitative Insights relates to rich, detailed, and subjective information

obtained through qualitative research methods, such as interviews, focus

groups, and open-ended surveys. These insights provide a nuanced

understanding of vocabulary deficits and language anxiety, encompassing

participants' experiences, perceptions, emotions, and personal narratives.


The first study entitled "The Importance of Vocabulary in Language

Learning and How it is Taught" was (ALQAHTANI, 2015) Academy in Saudi

Arabia discuss the importance of vocabulary in language acquisition and teaching.

This research emphasizes that vocabulary learning is very important for foreign

language learners and plays a central role in language development. This thesis

reviews previous research on vocabulary acquisition and highlights the

importance of vocabulary knowledge for successful communication and language


The article states that many teachers face challenges in teaching

vocabulary effectively due to a lack of confidence in best practices. This journal

article also discusses the difficulties second language learners face in acquiring

vocabulary and the need for vocabulary for various language skills, briefly

touching on the education system in Saudi Arabia, especially the teaching of

English as a foreign language. It is stated that English is introduced to students in

fourth grade, and the authors state that vocabulary is very important for English

language learners, although grammar is often given priority. The author suggests

that teachers be provided with appropriate techniques and materials to facilitate

effective vocabulary teaching.

Overall, this article emphasizes the importance of vocabulary in language

learning, explores the challenges in teaching vocabulary, and provides insight into

the role of vocabulary in the Saudi educational system.

The second research was conducted (Sugiyati & Indriani, 2021)explored

the topic of public speaking anxiety among English Department students. This

research focuses on the anxiety that students experience in relation to public

speaking. This highlights that the pressure of speaking in front of an audience can

led to feelings of tension and anxiety. Students often try to avoid situations that

require public speaking for fear of making mistakes and negative judgment from


This study used the Public Speaking Class Anxiety Scale (PSCAS) to

measure the level of public speaking anxiety among the participants. The results

showed that 58.8% of students experienced moderate levels of anxiety. The main

causes of public speaking anxiety are identified as fear of negative evaluation,

communication concerns, and test anxiety. It was also noted that only about half

of students reported feeling comfortable when speaking English. This research

highlights the need for effective strategies to help students overcome their anxiety

and develop confidence in public speaking.

Overall, this study contributes to the existing literature on public speaking

anxiety among EFL students. This report emphasizes the importance of

addressing this issue and provides insight into the specific factors that contribute

to anxiety in the context of public speaking. The findings of this study can inform
the development of targeted interventions and support systems to assist students in

overcoming their anxiety and improving their public speaking skills.

The third research was conducted (Chen et al., 2022) with the titled "The

Relationship Between Language Anxiety and English-Speaking Performance".

This study investigates the correlation between language anxiety and the speaking

performance of Taiwanese students learning English. The participants were 59

students taking a semester-long English-Speaking Communication course at a

university in central Taiwan.

The article highlights that speaking skills are considered more challenging

to master compared to other language skills. The study suggested a moderate

negative correlation between FLA scores and second language achievement. This

article also discusses the impact of anxiety on academic performance, where

anxiety affects learning outcomes and contributes to a vicious circle of decreased


This research uses the Foreign Language Class Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) as

the main instrument to measure students' anxiety levels. Overall, this article

provides insight into the relationship between language anxiety and English-

speaking performance among Taiwanese college students and offers pedagogical

suggestions for second language educators.


ALQAHTANI, M. (2015). The importance of vocabulary in language learning

and how to be taught. International Journal of Teaching and Education,

III(3), 21–34.

Chen, I.-J., Cheng, K.-R., & Chuang, C.-H. (2022). Relationship Between

Language Anxiety and English Speaking Performance. English Language

Teaching, 15(11), 78.

Sugiyati, K., & Indriani, L. (2021). Exploring the Level and Primary Causes of

Public Speaking Anxiety Among English Department Students. Journal of

Research on Language Education, 2(1), 57.

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