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Assignment of Matriculation Research Method

Name : Nur Islamiyah

Id number : A12223005

Qualitative and quantitative research differences are based on principles,

characteristics, and all complete information about the differences between the

1. Qualitative and quantitative research differences are based on principles
a. The quantitative research is one of the scientific search efforts
(scientific inquiry) based on the philosophy of logical positivism
(logical positivism) operate by strict rules of logic, truth, laws, and
predictions (Watson, in Danim 2002)
b. qualitative research is constructivism which assumes that reality has
dimensions plural, interactive and an exchange of social experiences
that are interpreted by each individual (Sukmadinata, 2005)
2. Qualitative and quantitative research differences are based on
The qualitative approach has characteristics or characteristics that are
different from other approaches, such as the following:
a. Data Sources from the Natural Environment
The resources used in this research usually come from the natural
environment, namely various events that occur in social conditions
and situations. The research process is carried out through direct
interaction through observation, recording, and extracting sources
related to the events studied.
b. Descriptive Analytics
The process of collecting data is done by observing, interviewing,
analyzing and documenting. If these are not numeric formats, they
will be placed on the survey site. Data analysis is in the form of an
explanation of the situation under study while the presentation is in
the form of an explanation of the story.
c. Focus on the process
This study combined the required data and information with
questions to clarify the process. These questions provide an
explanation of the status of activities, procedures, stages, reasons,
and interactions that occur during the research process.
d. It is inductive in nature
In this case the investigation is inductive. That is, it uses discrete
but relevant data. This study usually begins in the field. That is,
starting with empirical facts that researchers must verify directly in
the field.
e. Prioritize Meaning
In qualitative research, transmitted meaning refers to people's
perceptions of the events being studied. For example, the study of
the teacher's role in student success at school. The accuracy of
participant data and information is communicated by researchers so
that research results can be interpreted correctly.

The characteristics of quantitative research are as follows.

a. Using deductive thinking patterns (rational-empirical or top-
down) which seeks to understand a phenomenon by using
general concepts to explain certain phenomena that are specific.
b. The logic used is positivistic logic or positivism. The research
process follows planned procedures.
c. The aim of quantitative research is to construct a nomothetic
science, that is, a science that seeks to make laws out of its
d. The subjects studied, the data collected, and the data sources
needed and the data collection tools used were in accordance
with what had been planned beforehand.
e. Data collection is carried out through measurements with
objective and standard tools.
f. Involves number crunching or data quantification.
g. Researchers position themselves separately from the research
object. This means that he is not emotionally involved with the
research subject.
h. Data analysis was carried out after all data was collected. In
data analysis, researchers are required to understand statistical
i. The research results are in the form of generalizations and
predictions, regardless of the context of time and situation.
j. Quantitative research is also called scientific research

Qualitative Method
According to Creswell in the book Research Design (2019), qualitative methods
consist of five types, namely phenomenological research, grounded theory,
ethnography, case study, and narrative research.
Phenomenological research is a type of qualitative research that is carried
out by collecting data accompanied by observation. It aims to find out the
essential phenomena of participants in their lives. Grounded theory is a type of
qualitative research carried out by researchers to draw generalizations about
things observed inductively, abstract theories about processes, actions or
interactions based on the views of research participants.
Ethnography is a type of qualitative research conducted on certain cultures
and natural conditions through observation and interviews. Case studies are
qualitative research conducted by researchers for in-depth exploration of
programs, events, processes, activities of one or more people. Meanwhile,
narrative research is qualitative research conducted by researchers to conduct
studies on one or more individuals to obtain data about history or narrative

Quantitative Method
Quantitative is used to examine a population or sample using measuring
tools or research instruments, quantitative or statistical data analysis with the aim
of testing the hypothesis that has been created. Generally, quantitative methods
consist of survey methods and experimental methods.
This method is used to obtain data in the past, about the behavioral
characteristics of research subjects, variable relationships and to test hypotheses
about sociological and psychological variables from samples taken from certain
populations. Usually, data collection techniques are carried out by interviews or
questionnaires. Meanwhile, the experimental method is a method used to
determine the effect of independent variables (treatment) on independent variables
under controlled conditions. The conditions in this study are controlled so that no
other variables affect the dependent variable. Experimental research tends to be
carried out in the laboratory.

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