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Theme 1:eand ySurroundiues

We are continuously

1 PANDEMIC learning about the

unpredictable powers of

newinfectious threats to human health that
nature. This is nowhere
more true than in the
continuous evolution of
emerge - often
without warning - from the natural environment.
these first two decades of the 21st century, the Already in
world has
been sharply reminded time after time of the degree to which
people in all countries and on all continents remain chronically
vulnerable to infectious diseases, known and unknown.
The novel corona virus is a new virus that was first described in Wuhan, China in
December 2019. It can infect all age groups but mortality
of COVID-19 is high in the elderly age group of more
than65 years and alsoyoung children. Most of the cases
of COVID-19 in children are mild symtoms like other viral
infections. But there is a high probability, it can be fatal
inchildren with underlying chronicdiseases like heart
disease,liver diseases, kidney diseases, malnutrition
andchildren with immune deficiency. There is no
definite treatment of COVID-19 except vaccination
against this deadly virus as of now. Here are some measures to reduce or prevent the
risk of infection of this deadly virus.
Here are a few precautions parents and children can take to avoid infection:
This is the best time to inculcate.positive hygiene practices in your children. This
includes washing hands thoroughly, using hand sanitizer, the importance of personal
hygiene, avoiding any sort of social gathering, especially if they want to play with
other children.
You must teach your children the right way and right time to wash their hands. You
can refer to the guidelines set by WHO; the guide will take you through the right way
to wash and disinfect your hands, especially between your fingers and
your fingernails. You should also teach the child to wash their hands with a good soap
before touching their face or eating.
Wash hands frequently using soap and water for at least 20 seconds or frequently
Use alcohol-based hand rub. Wash hands especially after coughing, sneezing or
touching objects like door handle which are likely to be touched by others as well.
Educate your child to cover the mouth and nose with atissue or flexed elbow while
and sneezing. Dispose the used tissueimmediately and wash hands with
and water or use alcohol-based hand rub. Do not touch any objects or face
ater coughing or

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