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EDSE 213 Assignment Project Based Learning

Due Date: 16 October 2023 12.00

As a Technology Education student, one is required to engage in project work which requires
collaboration with team members to ensure that the task is completed successfully. Keeping
this in mind answer the questions that follow.

1. Explain in detail the following learning strategies that can be utilized when working
as part of a team and show how this was used in your particular group.
1.1 The Jigsaw Technique (5)
1.2 Think-pair Share (5)
1.3 Brainwriting (include brainstorming) (5)
2. List and explain 5 (five) Design factors that should be evaluated when working on a
design project. (5)

Submission Instructions
1. All submissions must be in MS Word with Times New Roman, size 12 font and 1.5
2. Assignments MUST have the following details reflected:
2.1 Name and Surname
2.2 Student number
2.3 Declaration that it is your own work and all references are included.
2.4 Please type in the question and then the answer for ease of reference.
3. Word documents must be uploaded to Learn 2021.
4. NB. Any work that is deemed to be plagiarized/ copied from peers will not receive
any mark. (These students will be punished and referred to the proctor for further
disciplinary action).
5. Therefore, it is your own interest to acknowledge all your sources by thorough
6. Please use the APA 7th referencing technique.


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