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VOL. 14, No. 44. Melbourne, Victoria, October 3o, 1899. ONE PENNY. .

discerned through the flags and papyrus God could use him in working out His
THE BIBLE ECHO. reeds floating in his little boat. The design. Only once during 'the succeeding
DEVOTED TO pathetic romance of that scene touched forty years of national leadership did that
An Exposition of Bible Truth and Signs A the Times.. the heart of Egypt's proud princess, and man of patience put self in the place of
the future deliverer was himself delivered, God—" Must we fetch you water out of
and brought to be educated in the very this rock?"' But that neglect cost him
halls of-the king that, under other circum- his life and his portibn in Canaan.'
"THE LORD'S DOING." Israel finally reached the
Working the Impossible—Two promised land in triumph,
Historic Wonders—Christ and and were estathished there as
Moses—A Pictured Triumph— a wonder to the nations.
Great and Small. But the only men that God
Gon's, plans frequently could use in working out the
start with small beginnings, glory of that nation were
but they are destined to men who were tittle in their
become infinitely great. On own eyes.
the other hand, human Later down in history
operations often, start out another child was born,—
with great display, and then the Babe of Bethlehem, —and
dwindle until they become again the cruel hand of an
invisible. earthly king was stretched
It has been truly said out to destroy. But this
that "God moves in a child—the Deliverer of a
mysterious way His wonders world—was' " caught up to
to perform." He calls those God and to His throne."
things that be not "as though Christ was the greatest
they were," and from the character that God con-
unknown works out the nected with His plan, and yet
counsel of His will. it almost seemed as though
Next to the work of creation the beauty and power of
in the line of great historic that life would be crushed
events, God places the, out by human, greatness.
deliverance' of His people But where is that' greatness
from Egypt. They were now? Herod and Pilate, the
told to inquire back to the religious leaders, and the
days of Adam, and from one hooting mob, are all gone,
side of heaven to the other, but the Christ still lives.
if there had ever been such He is the living factor in a
a notable event since man scheme that is to reach out
was placed upon the earth. and touch every world in the
Deut. 4 : 32-35. Yet in universe of God.
working out that mighty Moses was a Christian.
deliverance, God selected as " He endured as seeing Him
His instrument a helpless who is invisible," and
child that had to be hidden Saving a Deliverer. "esteemed the reproach of
for three months to save its life from the stances, would have destroyed his life. Christ greater riches than the treasures
murderous hand of Pharaoh. When the Moses afterward learned of his de- of Egypt." Heb. iz : 24-27. And when
activity and vocal energy of that babe liverance from the lips of his own mother. on the mount of transfiguration God
developed so that he could no longer be In his early training he developed the revealed a picture of His kingdom, that
kept in secret, he was pla4ed in a rush-boat, characteristics that God required, but leader of Israel and the Redeemer of a
built by the hands of a 'devoted mother, through his association with the Egyptian world, both of which came into the world
and committed to the wavers of the Nile nobles, self became pr-ominent, and God through the helplessness of babyhodd,
--Egypt's sacred river. \, had to send the, prospective heir to the and were delivered to be , deliverers,
When in the mornitg Pharaoh's throne of Egypt into, the wilderness to appeared together in glory:
daughter came down to lathe in that feed sheep for forty years. There Moses That scene was 'a picture of, the
sacred stream, the little yoyager was learned meekness and humility, so that final triumph that awaits God's, plan.
I HE BIBLE ECHO October 30, 0399 ,
Whispered in the promise concerning the no account in God's sight ? 'rims some So , we understand that that which
" seed of the woman," it develops through would have us think ; but to such a proceeds from the heart declares the
human weakness, until finally every being preposterous idea we enter an earnest character of the man rather than that
in . heaven and on earth is heard saying, protest. which enters the mouth.
" Blessing, and honour,, and glory, and Correct deportment does not regenerate
The Bible teaches that "'whether
power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the heart; but a regenerated heart will
therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye
the throne,, and unto the Lamb for ever produce correct deportment. The power
do, do all to the glory of God." r Cor. 1o:
and ever." . of divine grace only can change the
31. But no man can glorify God who
Men have sometimes Secured great heart, and when this is, done outward
does not do so from the heart. Outward
results by the operation of great -forces, reformations will surely follow.
strictness of propriety is hateful in the
but` it remains for Deity to work out sight of Him who clearly sees hypocrisy G. C. TENNEY.
gigantic plans through the 'very Weakness
and impurity within.
that seems to make the project impossible.
No act of service or worship is accept- STUDIES IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION.
God has chosen ,the "weak things of this —No. 4.
able to God unless it be prompted, by the
world to :confound the . mighty." All
sincere desires of the heart._ It is vain to
glorification of self .is outside of God's THE SOURCE OF BLESSING.
try to cleanse the heart by washing.
plan. It is only when we are willing' to "Grace ,be unto you, and peace, from Him
the hands. Nor is it possible to purify which is, and which was, and which is to come ;
he accounted least that God can make us and from the seven spirits which are before His
the heart by rectifying the habits.
great. " He giveth power to the faint ; throne.; arid from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful
Correctness of deportment ,is what we 'witness, and the first begotten of the dead,
and' to thern that' have no might He ,and the Prince of .the kings of the earth. Unto
call civilisation, but civilisation and
increaseth strength.". Him. that loved us, and washed us from bur sins
sanctification are as distinct as whitewash in His own blood." Rev. I: 4-6.
and ivory, or as the gilding of a plaster HAVING considered. in our last study
ABIDE WITH US. model and an image of pure gold. the blessing pr6nounced upon all who
ABIDE with us ; the sombre shadows gather, 'The Pharisees were highly civilised. read this' book, we:now come to'examine
The light fades to the past,' And here is where the multitudes still the source ofhlessing.
The chilling gloon of doubt is all around need to be cautioned as much, as in those " From Him which is." When Moses
And night has come at last! •
olden days. A punctilious observance of was about to go to the . children of Israel
We need Thee in flife',S daytime, when the :sunlight
all the forms and ordinances of religious to lead them' out of Egyptian bondage,
Gilds everything we see ;
For joy is only joy as Thou art with us— faith does not touch the heart or make it he asked the Lord what he should say to
All gladness comes from Thee. better in the least. the people should they ask him concerning
'But G! we 'need Thee sorely when the darkness But some will say, Do not correct the name of the God who commanded him
Droops downward, like a pall ; • habits of living, produce., a correct char- to deliver them. " And Godg said unto
When joy has spread her wings, .her nest forsaken,
acter ? And we have to answer, No. Moses, I AM THAT I AM : and He said,
And tears like raindrops fall.
Unless a man adopts right habits of eating Thus shalt 'thou say unto the children of
When by the grave of our dead hopes we linger,
And silence meets our cry,' and living from right considerations, it Israel, 'I AM hath sent me unto you."
We look to heaven, but only see the storm-clouds— will not affect his moral and spiritual Ex. 3 :14. " I AM" means the Eternal
No stars are in, the sky. condition in the sight of , God. A Man One., One of the sayings of Jesus for
Abide with us! then darkness has no terror, who is deterred from a sinful act only by which the 'unbelieving Jews took up stones
And doubt and fear shall cease ; selfish considerations, while he secretly to 'stone Him was in taking to Hiniself
Our deepest griefs shall all be soothed to silence, this name of God. " Jesus said unto
longs to commit the act, is no better in
Lulled by Thy perfect peace:
God's sight than the man who does it. them, Verily, verily, I say unto you,
—Annie Clarke.
From within, from the heart, proceed Before Abraham was, I am." John 8: 58.
every defiling thing. Many actions that It was, " I AM," the Eternal One, who
HEART DEFILEMENT. appeared to -Moses in the burning bush.
are right and pure under certain condi-
Acts 7 : 30. He was in the church in
"And He called the multitude, and said unto tions would be hideous sins and crimes
them, Hear and understand : Not that which under other circumstances ; and that the wilderness. Acts 7 : 38.
goeth into the mouth defileth a man ; but that "In all their affliction He was afflicted, and
which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a which determines the 'character of the act the angel of His presence saved them ; in His
man." Matt. 15:10, ir. is the motive that prompts it. Hygienic love and in His pity He redeemed them ; and
THE emphatic way in which our reform, which calls upon individuals to He bare them, and carried them all the days of
old.. . . Then He remembered the days of old,
Saviour makes this statement attests its break off 'the use of intoxicants, Moses, and His people, saying, Where is He that
importance. Through the long centuries tobacco, tea, and coffee, the use of flesh brought them up out of the sea with the shepherd
of His flock? Where is He that put His holy
since it was uttered it has lost nothing of foods, benefits the individual physically, Spirit within him ? That led them by the right
its pertinence. Men are just as much and renders the path of moral and hand of Moses with His glorious arm, dividing
the water before them, to make Himself an ever-
inclined to trust in outward performances spiritual reform more practicable. But lasting name ? That led them through the deep,
to render them acceptable to God as every moral reform must emanate from the as an horse in the wilderness, that they should
not stumble ? " Isa. 63 : 9-13.
ever they were. It is difficult always to heart. As from the evil, unregenerate
The same Eternal One who made a way
remember and to realise that God regards heart proceeds every evil thing, so out- of
of escape for His people through the mighty
the heart rather than the outward the renewed and purified heart only can
appearance ; that motives rather than any good thing come. deep; who spoke the tehcomniandments
amid thunders and lightnings 'at Mount
actions form His criterion of judgment ; A rnan may break off smoking or drink-
Sinai; and who was with His people in
that thoughts and desires speak louder to ing, yet while his heart yearns after those
their forty years' wanderings in the
God than words and deeds. defilements he is in the bonds of iniquity,
wilderness ; who,'when the fulness of the
But the' right application of this em- and his correctness of habit is not
'time was come, '" was made flesh and
phati,c declaration of principles is generally acceptable to God., Health, reform, like
dwelt among us, . is the' same Being who
lost sight of,, and its true meaning is every other right step, must be prompted
addresses Himself to His people in this
frequently unperceived. Does the Master by a heart that is in full syrnpathy with its
Book of Revelation..
intend that we shall understand that principles, and the various steps must be
outward appearances go for nothing ? That the spontaneous out-springing of an
"And which was." The pre-existent
One who was from the beginning.
personal cleanliness, right habits of eating enlightened conscience, and a fervent love
" In 'the begiihning was the Word, and' the
and drinking, and a,careful observance of to God, or, ,morally and spiritually, it Word was with( God, and the Word was God.
the rules relating to a proper diet, are of counts for nothing. The same was ,tin the beginning with God. All
bcteber 30, i899 "TH E BIBLE ECHO 355
things were 'made by Him ; and without Him witness unto the' truth:" John 18: 37: THE HOUR OF PRAYER.
was not anything made that was Made. . . . He
was in the world, and the world was made by Paul testifies that Christ thus " witnessed
Him; and the World knew Him not. . , ,. And the a good confession." I Tim. 6 : Is. He BLEST hour of prayer ! unmarked in fleeting time
Word was made flesh, and dwelt among 'us. By any period like the day or year-;
John t : "For by Him were all things afterward sealed this testimony with the,
God sets no star, nor tide, nor outward sign,
.created; that are in heaven, and that art in earth, shedding of HiS own blood, thus He To wait and watch for ere we'venture near
visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or became the " faithftil and true, witness." To ask for pardon at His gracious ear.
dominions;. or principalities, or powers ; all things
were created by Him, and for Him; and He is " First begotten of the dead." Not that Now is the appointed time, no need,to wait ;
;"before all things, and by Him all things consist." Pray now, 0 man, to-night may be too late!
Col. t ; 16, 17. God . . . hath in these last, days He was the first in point of :time to rise
spoken unto us by His Son, whom He bath from the dead; as several were raised rray now, the, harmonies of heaven are hushed,
appointed heir of all things, by whom also He, Lest they should drown the faintest human cry.
made the worlds. Who being the brightness of
before He came forth a'triumphant con- Yea, if a soul with sin and sorrow crushed,
His glary, and the express image of His person,. queror over death and the grave ; but He Should breathe in faith a penitential sigh:,
and upholding all things by the word of His is the first begotten of the dead, from the It's echoes ring throughout the cqurts on high ;
Power; when He had by Himself purged our sins, And lo! the answer, ere they cease to roll,
sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on fact that it waSonlYby virtue of His death
" Rise up, My son, thy faith hath made thee whole."
high." Heb. i : and .resurrection that any were raised
"And' now, 0 Father, glorify Thou Me with Main.
Thine own self with the glory which I had with before His time.
,Thee before the world was." " Father, I will that " But now is Christ risen from the dead, and
they,also, whoin Thou bast given Me, be with Me THE WORLD'S RAILWAYS.
become the firstfruits of them that, slept." " For
Where I am ; that 'they may behold My glory, as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be
.Which Thou hast .given Me ; for Thou lovedst made alive. But every man in his own order ;
Me before the foundation of the world," John Round the Globe in. Thirty Days—Financiers
Christ the firstfruits, afterward they that are Puizied—Closing Boundaries—The Iron Horse ,
24. " Forasmuch as ye know that ye were Christ's at His coming." r Con' 15 : zo, 22, 23.
:,trot redeemed with corruptible things, . . but " And He is the head of the body, the Church : in Africa—Gospel Witness.
'with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead ; AMONG the most remarkable signs of
without blemish and without spot ; who verily that in all things He might have the preeminence."
Was foreordained before the foundation of the Col. : 18. the times are the great railway projects
world, but was manifest in these last, times for which the nations are at the present
yen." t Pet. t :,18-2o. " But thou, Bethlehem "Prince of the kings, of the earth." He'
.,Ephratah, though thou be little among the thou- moment carrying out. In many instances
who testified to the truth that He was
,. sands of Judah, yet out of thee shall He come 'these railways, from a financial point of
forth unto Me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose born to be a king, "submitted Himself to
goingS forth have been from of old, from the days be Mocked and scourged by the rulers of view, can never be expected to pay,; but
of eternity." Micah 5 :2, margin. contrary to the usual practice of "men
this world, and finally died an ignominious
And which is to come." "Jesus Christ of the world," this question, "Will
death upon the cross.
the same yesterday, to-day,' and forever." it pay ?" is apparently being lost sight of,
"Wherefore God also bath highly exalted Him,
Help. 13: 8. and given Him a name which is above every ,the nations vieing with each other in
" And Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid name : 'that at the name of Jesus every knee bringing closer together their utmost
the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are should' bow, of things in heaven, and things in
the works of Thine hands : they shall perish ; earth, and things under .the earth,; and, that boundaries.
but Thou remainest ; and they all shall wax old every tongue ,should confess that Jesus Christ is
as doth a garment; ,and as a vesture shalt Thou Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Phil. In Asia, the Russians are' rapidly
fold them up, and they shall,be changed; but 2 "The eyes of your understanding being completing their great transcontinental
Thou art the same, and, Thy years shall not,fail." enlightened, that ye may knoW . . . what is the railWay, which, it. is said, will reduce the
Heb. r re- t2. "'I am Alpha and Omega, the exceeding greatness of 'His power to us-ward who
beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which believe, according to the working of His mighty time now occupied in traversing round
is, and which was,. and which is to come, the power, which He , wrought in Christ, when He the globe from sixty-five to thirty-three
Rev. raised Him from ,the dead, and set Him at His
"And from the seven spirits"." Blessed own right hand in the heavenly placeS, far above days. Bythe construction of this,railway
all principality, and- power, and might, and Australia will be brought several days
assurance that nothing .escapes the dominion, and every name that is named, not
'watchful eye of the Eternal One. only in this world,, but also in that which is to nearer ,to England, and the interchange
come." Eph. 18-zi, between these colonies and our • Asiatic
" For who hath despised the day of small
,..things ?' since the seven eyes of the Lord shall " Unto Him that loved us." " Herein is neighbours will be wonderfully increased.
rejoice, and shall see the pluinmet in the, hand love, not that, we loved God, but that He The, prospects of this railway ever
of ,Zerubbabel with those seven ; they are
the eyes, of the 'Lord, which run to and fro loved us, and sent HisSon to be the pro- proving a financial success, and the -
through the whole earth." Zech. 4 : to, margin, pitiation for our sins." i John 4 : 10. opinions which are held in some quarters
".And I beheld, and lo, . . . a lamb as it had
been slain, having seven hbrns and seven eyes, " Christ also hath loved us', and -bath regarding its construction, are significantly
whidh are the, seven spirits of God sent forth into given HirnSelf for. us ,an offering,. and a hinted afin the following remarks, which,
all the eartbx." Rev. 5 :6. " For the eyes 'of the
'Lord run t.S and fro throughout the whole earth,
,sacrifice to God fbr a sweet-smelling it is reported, were recently made by that
to show Himself strong in the behalf of them savour." Eph, 5: 2:. "Christ also-loved eminent Russian statesman and financier,
whose heart is perfect toward Him." z Chron. the church, and: gave Himself for it." Herr Rothstein:—
r6 :9.- " The eyes of the Lord are in every place,
beholding the evil and the good." Prov. 15: 3. Eph. 5 : 25.. ":Greater love hath no man " This railway, like many others of the same
„" Neither is there any creature that is not than this, that a man lay down his life for nature, is being built under the compulsion of an
.,manifest in His sight; but all things are naked impulse or an instinct which it is impossible to
and opened unto the eyes 'of 'Him with whom we his friends,"- John 15: 13.
justify on financial, political, or military grounds.
have to de." Heb. 4:13. " WaShed in His, own blood.": Blessed The sacrifices which their construction entails
As in many other instances in this book, transaction, completed on the cross of will never be repaid, at 'least -to the men who
make them. ,
the number, seven is here used to represent Calvary; for every one, who"accepts by "From a financial point of view, I could name a
perfection and completeness. How emi- faith the merits of a crucified and risen score of other methods of investing money within
, nently qualified to bear a message of Saviour. "I .am crucified .with Christ." the empire that would pay handsomely, .pay far
better than this transcontinental railway can ever
hope and comfort to His people is the Gal. 2 :20. "But' God' forbid that I hope to do. But nations appear to be sometimes
One whose eyes are in every place, taking should glory, save in the cross of our possessed by an uncontrollable passion to bring
together the utmost ends_ of a continent, quite
notice of everything that concerns the Lpord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is irrespective of rational motives. It is a kind of
creatures of His hand, and without whose crucified unto me, and I unto the world." demon which drives them ; and I can only suppose
that the impulsion is intended to promote the
notice not a sparrow falls to the ground ; Gal. 6 : 14. general good of mankind. Certainly in our case
and whose care for each one ' of His With what assurance and delight may the sacrifices are much more obvious than the
gain to Russia."
children is such that " even the very hairs we continue 'the study of this book, which
of your head are all numbered." is the revelation of Him who has given That which is leading men to construct
"Jesus Christ, the faithful witness." The Himself to the'human family. great railroads all over the world, while
word witness in the Greek of this passage "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! it may, be a matter of surprise to the
is martus, and signifies one who gives 0, .what a foretaste of glory divine.!' shrewd, financial politician, need by no
testimony to the truth • at the expense of Heir of salvation, purchase of God, means be so to the student of prophecy.
his life. Christ testified before Pilate Born of HiS Spirit, washed in His blood." More than eighteen hundred years ago
that He came into the world to ."bear A. T. ROBINSON- the Saviour said, "This gospel of the
356 THE BIBLE ECHO October 3o, 1899

kingdom shall be preached in all the It matters not how great the sins nor sends a great host to take him. That was
world for a Witness -unto:all nations; and how many. He has placed upon them no a strange thing to do. We find ourselves
then shall the end come." And in harmony limitation. " Though your sins be as scar- wondering why he thought it necessary to
with that statement we see stupendous let, they shall be as white as snow." " He send a large army to capture only one
,efforts being made everywhete to open, up will abundantly pardon." "Where sin man.. But even then the army was not
those countries " that sit in darkness" abounds, grace does much more abound." large enough to accomplish it. Instead
to civilisation and to the enlightening Do not stop to ask'hbw He can do this. of capturing the Lord's prophet, they were
influence of the gospel. Do not question the divine alchemy. Let captured by him ! Astonishing ! a whole
Into darkest Africa. "the iron horse" is this Suffice. You have no hope; you can host taken captive by a single man! What
steadily pushing its, way, so that in the have no hope in yourself. No mortal can was the secret of it ?—Ah,_" the mountain
course of a few years the union of the help you ; "none of them can by any was full of horses and chariots of fire
Cape with Egypt- by a transcontinental means redeem his brother or give to God round about Elisha."
railway will probably be accomplished. - a ransom for him." But Christ has re- One angel was enough to work deadly
About twenty-five centuries ago the deemed you. He died to save you. He havoc among the, hosts of Assyria—
prophet Nahum had a vision of a modern stoops to lift you up. He •took your sins enough to slay' one hundred and eighty-
i-ailway train. He describes what he saw that you might have His righteousness. five thousand men ; and now the mountain
thus: "The chariots shall, be with flaming He has caused thousands to rejoice; He is full of angels. No wonder Elisha knows
torches in the day of His preparation, will take away your sins, if you will but no fear. The hosts of the king of Syria
and the fir trees shall be terribly shaken. let H im.—Signs of the Times. were smitten with blindness in answer to
. . . They shall seem like torches, they the prophet's prayer, and he actually led
shall run like the lightnings." Nahum his would-be captors over to Samaria, the
2 : 3-5. Truly in this age we see the city of their enemy. Then God opened
chariots running like the lightnings, but Goo does not say, " Be beautiful, be wise," their eyes. No doubt fear and trembling
Be ought that man, as man, would oyerprize
it should not be overlooked that this was Only "Be good'! " the tender Father cries.
seized them when they saw the trap into
to take place "in the day of His preparation:" which they had been led. And well they
We mount and climb the still ascending stair
While men are busy inventing and To greatness, glory, and the crowns they bear ; might have trembled, had the king of
constructing rapid Means of locomotion, We mount, to fall heart-sickened in despair. Israel pursued the policy of a nineteenth-
God is sending a message to the world to The purposes of life misunderstood century ruler ; for they must surely at
prepare for the coming of the Lord in Baffle and wound us, but God only would ' least have been made prisoners. What a
the clouds of heayen, and it is certainly That we should heed His simple words, " Be good ! " relief it must have been to those frightened
more than a mere coincidence that —Selected. men when, they heard the decree spoken
during the last fifty years, in which God by the man of God, whom they had so
has been calling out a people to make "SHALL WE SMITE THEM ?" recently sought to destroy.
ready for the coming King, "the chariots " Shall I. smite them,? " says the king.
IN these days of wars and rumours of
have been running like the lightnings." Smite them ?—Nay,, verily, says the
wars—these days when we are gravely
This is the day of His preparation. prophet. Let us return good for evil.
assured, by professed teachers of the true
Let us haste and make ready so that Set food before them, and let them eat,
religion of Christ, that it is commendable
"when He shall appear we shall be like and send them away in peace.
and Christian to fight 'under certain
Him," -It will not be long before this circumstances,—it is pdsitively refreshing And so, behold, the wonderful spectacle
gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to read the little story so beautifully of a hostile army'being royally entertained
in all the world for a witness to all nations; narrated in the sixth chapter of 2 Kings. at the expense of the victorious enemy,
and "then shall the end come." The king of Syria warred against Israel. and allowed afterward to return home
A. W. ANDERSON. Israel was on the defensive. We are not unharmed.
Well, what was the result of this Chris-
told just what was the cause of this
tian manner of disposing of an enemy?
particular trouble, but the Syrians were
JESUS—SAVIOUR. —We are told that "so," for this reason,
at least angry enough with the Israelites
because of this treatment, they came no
to fight them. But when the Syrian king
SAID the angel: "Thou shalt call His more to fight with Israel. What a
wished to make a fine strategic movement,
name Jesus; for He His people splendid way to make peace ! 1 What a
and instructed his warriors - accordingly,
from their sins.": Matt. .I : 21. glorious revenge! How Christlike ! Would
behold, in some unaccountable manner,
" Jesus" means saviour ; " and the it not be a good idea for. Christian people
the enemy was apprised of it, and every
world needs a saviour. It is lost. Sin, of to-day to learn a lesson from this
plan was thwarted. Then Ben-hadad
diseaie, :disappointment are everywhere. wonderful narrative ?
decided that there was a spy, .a traitor, in'
Death, the ripened fruit of, sin, has spread "Take, my brethren, the prophets . .
the camp. But the whole affair 'seemed
its gloomy pall over all creation. Men for an example."
wrapped in mystery ; his plans had been
sin and suffer, despair and 'die, withdut laid very carefully, and none but his most MRS. L. D. AVERY-STUTTLE.
hope._ tried and true captains had been entrusted
Into such a world as this came the Son
Into. with his secrets. The heart of the heathen THE MIND OF CHRIST.
of God—not a Saviour afar off, but one king waxed faint. There must be treachery
with humanity. Divinity stooped to the somewhere ! Finally, in the midst of THERE was much in the life of the
level of humanity to lift humanity to his searching to find out the spy, one of Saviour as a child to detract His mind
Divinity. He became one with all men in bis servants assured him there was sane- from dwelling upon heayenly things. He
order that He might make all men one thing supernatural about the affair—there grew up amid the evil surroundings of
with Him. was a God in Israel, who was a revealer Nazareth, yet His life was untainted. He
TO every soul who longs for a Saviour of secrets. "waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom,
from sin, Jesus meets, hat longing. He " Ah," said he, " there is Elisha. He and the grace of God was upon Him."
does not save in sin ; He could not do it, is the one you are after, I have no doubt. In the sunshine of His Father's favour
Sin is -ever and always destructive. He Why, he tells the Israelitish king the very Jesus " increased in wisdom." His daily
who eventually identifies himself with sin secrets which you whisper in the silence communion with Heaven was the source
will perish with sin. Jesus came to save of your bed-chamber!" of the great spiritual strength and foresight
from that destruction by saving from Somebody suggests that the prophet is of His character. The light and beauty
the sin. in Dothan, and forthwith the Syrian king of God rested upon Him.
October 30, '1899 THE. BIBLE ECHO' 357
We are,enjoined to walk "in His steps." take that which does not belong to them
"And think ye so in yourselves as Jesus to supply their needs. Have we done all from the
the Messiah also thought. And I beseech that we might have done- in, these and
you, my brethren, by the name of our similar lineS for our fellow creatures ? If THE MOTHERS OF MEN.
Lord Jesus Messiah, that to you all there not, we have come short. We have
THE bravest battle that ever was fought,
may be one language: and that there transgressed. We have left undone what Shall I tell you where and when ?
may be no divisions among you, but that we ought to have done. We have sinned. On the map of the world you'll itnd it not—
ye may become perfectly of one mind, and But if we confess our sins, He is just and 'Twa6 fought by the mothers of men.
of one way of thinking" (Phil. 2:5), faithful to forgive. Nay, not with cannon or battle shot,
—Syraic Version. David said, " Against Thee,' Thee only, With sword or nobler pen ;
Provision has been made whereby we have I sinned." It is.God's requireMents Nay, not with words of eloquence fraught
can have the mind of Christ and that our From the mouths of wonderful Men.
of which we come short. We transgress,
heart's language may be one. By beholding and the condition of forgiveness is that But deep its the walled-up mother's heart,
we become changed from image to image. A mother that will not yield,
we recognise and acknowledge. to Him
But patiently, quietly bears her part--
If,our mind rests only upon "whatsoever when we have come short. But He is To them is this battle-field.
things are pure, whatsoever things are faithful and just to forgive.
No marshalled troops nor bivouac song,
just, whatsoever things are lovely, and The primary meaning of the word No banners that gleam or wave,
-wh'atsoever things are of good report " faithful is trustworthy, reliable. If we But oh I those battles, they last so long—
‘(Phil. 4:8), it will then corrie into harmony confess, then He will never fail to forgive. From babyhood-to the grave.
with the Divine He has pledged His word. He is just,— — :pavan
If we have the mind of Christ, we shall absolutely true and fair,—and will
"be filled with, the Spirit." These two precisely fulfil His promise; and what He MELBOURNE HELPING HAND MISSION.
injunctions are as much commands as says is that He will forgive us our sins.
any part of the moral law. To "be filled There can be no doubt abOut the matter. THE foster-mother of the little girl,' May
with the Spirit, we must partake of the Here is a positive statement on which all Thornton, reports that she is very pleased
Spirit-filled life of the Master, who says, can rely. Was not that the very reason with her charge. May's father called to see
"The words that I speak unto you, they that Christ offered Himself a sacrifice, so us a few days ago, and said that he could
are spirit, and they are life." John 6: 63. that He might be able to forgive?, not express his gratitude for the home found
,The cultivation of a Christ-like mind is He takes our sins,, and gives us in the for his child.
absolutely necessary, in the formation of place of them His perfect character of We have now two other children for whom
true character. righteousness. But on what terms ?—The homes are wanted. One is a bright, sturdy,
When all God's people have the mind recognition on our part of where we have good-looking boy nine years of age. He has
of. Christ, they will see "eye to eye." come short, and the acknowledgment to dark eyes and hair, and is a manly little
There will be no "divisions" among them Him of our shortcOmings. All our acts fellow. The other is a baby gfrl only three
when. the Master comes. All hearts will which have not been in perfect harmony months old—a dear little mite that one could
beat in glad unison. not help loving. Full particulars will
with His requirements we renounce, and
be willingly given upon application to the
. " I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by He takes the responsibility of our failures.
Evangelist of ;the Helping Hand Mission.
the mercies of God, that ye present your He takes the failure and bears the
Our reading room library has received a
bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable punishment Himself, and we receive the very welcome addition of about one hundred
unto God, which is your reasonable service. satisfaction of His having complied in every excellent books, for which we would heartily
And be not conformed to this world ; but be respect with the requirements 'of His thank the kind donor. We have also received
ye transformed by the renewing of your' Father's will. several sacks of rags and old clothes. These
mind, that ye may prove what is that good, Oh, wonderful plan of salv'ation, by are most acceptable donations. We could
and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." which we can - thus be cleansed from all do well with a great many more, and would
Rom. 12: I, 2. LILY WILLIAMS. unrighteousness, and stand before God suggest that every reader of the ECHO keep
accepted, and clothed in a faultless a mission sack and put into it all rags that
garment of perfect righteousness ! Oh, would otherwise be destroyed. When the
wonderful. Saviouil! willing to give us so sack is full, address it plainly, and send it,
" If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just much, in exchange for our many defects. carriage prepaid, to the Helping Hand
to fOrgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all Who would not gladly comply with such Mission, 224.226 Latrobe St., Melbourne.
unrighteousness." simple requirements ?- MISSION EVANGELIST.
WHAT a precious promise! Will But this forgiveness is conditional. God
cleanse us from' ' all unrighteousness. deals with us on the same terms with
And on what terms? If we confess.— which we treat our fellow-creatures. It GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO READ.
Who ? John says we. Surely this includes may be only a trespass against our
everyone. All have sinned and come judgment of right and wrong. We must SOME twelve months ago a young man
short of the glory of God. Do we all sin? take their shortcomings and give them attended our tent services in the north of
How often we come short. AU our sins credit for our better judgment. If so we New Zealand, and manifested considerable
are not' sins of commission. We may will never fail to forgive. interest in the truth preached. He seemed
have fulfilled every known duty to God, Who wishes to be clothed with that convinced of the claim the Lord had upon
but have we each day fully realised our perfect garment? . his time and talent, and yet he did not
duty to our neighbour ? The fatherhood " Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, respond by obedience. At this Juncture he
and stood before the angel; and He answered informed us that he was expecting to sail for
of God and the brotherhood of man often and spike unto -those that stood before Him,
pass unrecognised by even professed saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. England. What could 'we do for him now?
Christians. " Our Father" is the term And unto him He said, Behold, I have caused was our first question. We decided to give
thine iniquity to pass from-thee, and I will clothe him something to read. We collected some
Christ has taught us to use. We are thee with change of raiment. . . . So they set a
related more closely to our fellow beings fair mitre upon his head, and clothed him with back numbers of our excellent preacher, the
than we'often realise. garments." BIBLE ECHO, several issues of The Signs of
Have we complied with God's 'require- What a wonderful transformation ! the Times, and a few copies of the Review and
ment in loving our neighbour as our- Reader, this can be, your experience. It Herald and Present Truth, to read upon the
selves ? The command, " Thou shalt must be your experience if you would voyage.
not steal," implies duty on our part to enter the heavenly city. " There shall in • After his arrival in England, we received
supply their needs as far as lies in our nq wise enter into it anything that a letter telling us how eagerly the passengers
power, so that they will not require to defileth." C. P. MICHAELS. had read the papers, and how that which lee
358 THE BIBLE ECHO October 3o, x8g0

had heard in the tent had been so clearly by diving to the bottom and holding the mouth HE ONLY ATE IT, AS MANY
enforced in the papers, that he was now of the bags over fountain- jets—this, too, OTHERS DO.
obeying the commandments of the Lord. • Without allowing the salt water of the gulf
A letter from him, received September 28, to mix with it. The source of the submarine PROFESSOR CONISTOCI<, of Cornell, in speak-
says: "I have about five people who agree fountains is thought to' be in the hills of ing to his class recently of the trials of
with me that the seventh day is the Sabbath. Gismond, 400 or 5oo miles away. Being scientists, told this authentic tale of the
I have procured the " History of the Sabbath" situated at the bottom of the gulf, it is a." experience of a professor of invertebrate
from the society in London, and I am mystery how they were ever discovered, but zoology in a sister institution, which had
delighted with it. I have loaned it for a week the fact remains that they have been known better be left nameless. Trichinoe in pork,
to a young friend of mine. He seems to be since the- dawn of history.—Selected. the cause of the frightful disease, trichinosis,
interested in the book. Who knows but what in human consumers, give a peculiar appear-
he may become a messenger of truth! I "HOLD ME TIGHT, : JOHN." ance to meat, which is studded with little
have hopes that, ere long, we both will be at cysts ; it is then known to the trade as
Avondale School training for the work. I "Now, Nellie," said her mamma, as she " measly, pork." The learned scientist,
am willing, aye, longing, to give my whole life tied the snowy White sun-bonnet over the wishing some for study, went to the butcher,
to the service of Him who died for me. I yellow curls and dewy blue eyes of her three- and asked if he ever got any measly pork.
wish I was at the school now t " year "old darling, " you may take dolly and sit " Sometimes," said the butcher cautiously,
What the people need is something to read. upon the front steps in the sun ; but remember, " but I always throw it away."
Give it to them, and you will reap a rich dear, you must not run away as you did yesterday." "Well," said the professor, "the next
harvest. This is not an isolated case. I have " I'll be dood, mamma, don' be 'fwaid," was time you have any, I wish you'd send me up
met with many like it, but in the past I the self-reliant response of the little woman some," meaning, of course, to his laboratory.
have been guilty of keeping the good news to as she received the good-by kiss, and with The butcher stared at him, but said he 'Would.
myself. Give the souls for whom Jesus died dolly hugged to her happy heart trotted down Three weeks passed, when the professor,
something to read ; they are hungry and the staircase to the street door. She knew growing impatient, again dropped in,
lonesome. In our good papers they will find the penalty attached to running away, but " Haven't you found any measly pork yet "
the " Bread of life," and no man is lonely forgot the temptation which had twice before " Why, yes," said the butcher, " I sent up
who has the companionship of a good book assailed her in the shape of two goats tethered two pounds a week ago."
or paper. Give them something to read by to a post in the far corner of a vacant A sickly grin broke over the professor's
passing the BIBLE ECHO to your neighbours sand-lot' across the street. Nellie lived in a face.
and friends. D. STEED. newly opened quarter of San Francisco. " Where did you send it ? " said he.
Scarcely was she seated and had begun her " Why, to your house," said the butcher,
'survey when the baa-baa of a young kid of course."
4 home and health.* startled her.
" Yes, Goaty, I hears you a-tallin' me, but
I tan't turn 'cause I mus'n't 1" she shouted. PA'S PRAYERS.
"Asx God to give thee skill Nevertheless she stood on tiptoe and
In comfort's art, ONCE upon a time sickness came to the
stretched out her little neck toward the spot
That thou may'st consecrated be
from whence the sound proceeded. She family of the poorly-paid pastor of a country
And set apart
Unto a life of sympathy; could distinctly see , the kid frisking around church. It was winter, and the pastor was in
For heavy is the weight of ill its mother, and in its gambols tossing up the financial straits. A number of his flock
In every heart, light sand which fell back again in a light decided to meet at his house and offer prayers
And comforters are needed much for the speedy recovery of the sick ones, and
Of Christ-like touch."
Adjoining- Nellie's house was her papa's for material blessings upon the pastor's family.
coal and wood-yard, in which, near the While one of the deacons was offering a fer-
FRESH-WATER SPRINGS UNDER gate-way, stood John, his hired man, sacking vent prayer for blessings upon the pastor's
THE SEA. coal. She did not know that her mamma was household, there was a loud knock at the
watching' her from a door in the rear : she door. When the door was opened, a stout
THE hottest region on the earth's surface only knew that, without some help she could farmer's boy was seen, wrapped up comfort-
is oi the south-western coast of Persia, on not "be dood" as she had promised. ably.
the border of the Persian Gulf. For forty Running up to John and seizing his " What do you want, boy ? " asked one of
consecutive days in the months Of July and blackened hand with one of 'her .tiny white the elders. " I've brought pa's prayers,"
August mercury has been known to stand ones, while with the other she pointed to the replied the boy. "Brought pa's prayers?
above roo in the shade night and day, and goats, she said most earnestly— What- do you mean ? " " Yes, brought his
to run 'as high as 13o in the middle of the " Don, Don, won't 'oo pease hold me tight prayers, and they're out in the waggon. Just
afternoon. At Bahrein, in the centre of the so I tan't yun -away ? " help me, and we'll get 'em in." Investigation
most- torrid part of this most torrid belt, as " Indeed I will," he said good-humoredly, disclosed the fact that "pa's prayers"
though it were Nature's intention to make as he lifted her upon the top of a high consisted of potatoes, flour, bacon, cornmeal,
the, place as unbearable as- possible, water wood-pile, and left her laughing and delighted turnips, apples, warm clothing, and a lot of
from wells is something unknown. Great at the novelty of her position. jellies for the sick folk. The prayer meeting
shafts have been sunk to a depth of roo, zoo, " What a lesson to us older children ! " adjourned in short order.—Selected.
300, and even 500 feet, but always with the said the thankful and appreciative mother.
same result—no water. Notwithstanding " Did we, in the hour of temptation, mis-
this- serious drawback, a comparatively trusting our own strength to resist it, but
numerous population contrives to live there, put our hands in that of the heavenly THERE is no chance, no destiny, no fate,
thanks to copious springs which burst forth Father, and ask Him, with that lOving Can circumvent, or hinder, or control
from the bottom of the gulf more than a mile confidence which my little Nellie has shown The firm resolve of a determined soul.
from the shore. The water from these springs in John, to hold me tight,' He would not Gifts count for nothing ; will alone is great ;
All things give way before it, soon or late.
is obtained in a most curious and novel only keep us from running into forbidden
What obstacle can stay the mighty force
manner. Machadores (divers), whose sole paths, but lift us 'into new heights of Of the sea-seeking river in its course,
occupation is that of furnishing the people of enjoyment and safety."—New Voice. Or cause the ascending orb of day to wait ?
Bahrein with the life-giving fluid, repair to Each well-born soul must win what it deserves.
OTHER boys may be brighter than you, but Let the fool prate of luck. The fortunate
that portion of the gulf where the springs are
none, need be more truthful. Others may Is he whose earnest purpose never swerves,
situated, and bring away with them hundreds have more intellectual power, but none need Whose slightest action or inaction serves
of bas full of the water each day. The be more trustworthy. Others may shine The one great aim.
water of the gulf where the springs burst more in- society, but none need more truly Why, even death stands still
forth is nearly . 400 feet deep, but these represent Jesus Christ among men. All of And waits an hour sometimes for such a will.
macliadores manage to fill their goat-skin sacks the true life is within your reach. —Ella 14Theelev W ile0X
..'igctobier 30, 1899 THE BIBLE ECHO 359


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36o THE -BIBLE ECHO VOL. 14, 140 4l

Are You Waiting ?' Paul speaks of the recognition he brought an offering that
Thessalonian Christians as having " turned had life to represent - the life that Christ
THE BIBLE ECHO. from idols to serve the living and true- would give for man. It was this faith in
God; and to wait for His Son from the testimony of God concerning His
Melbourne, Victoria, October 30, 1899. heaven." This must be the attitude of Son that made- Abel's work and offering
Christians-. to-day. Every ray of light acceptable with God: Cain Missed
I. WE seed out no papers that ha ie not been ordered; if per that God sends will, reveal some form of everything in not recognising the promised
sons receive the BIBLE Bono without having ordered it, it is sent- idol that must be renounced by those who Redeemer. It is just the same to-day.
them by some friend, and they will not be called upon to pay,.
2 When you send money to the Office to apply on your subscrip
are to be prepared /for Christ's second If your offering or your worship has not
„ion to the BIBLE ECHO, notice the date on the wrapper of your coming. Are you waiting for that,event? in it the recognition of the promised,
Doper, and see that it is correctly changed.
3. All matter appearing iv the BiatiECHo without credit may
If so, let the word of God do its sanctify- crucified- and living Christ it is only sin
:enerally be understood as coming from the Editor. ing-work, so that,no idols shall be allowed , before God, " for whatsoever is not of
to remain in the soul-temple. From such faith is sin." " He that believeth not
the glad song will at last arise, " Lo, this God hath made Him a liar, because he
"CLosE your eyes to truth and you is our.God, we have waited for Him, . . . believeth not the record that God gave of
tumble into the ditch of error." He will save us." His Son."

SELFISHNESS must defile all with which Serpent Worship. In Dahomey, a Return of Israel. The Zionist Congress
it mingles, even though that be the kingdom of Western Africa, there is a recently held at Basil, Switzerland, proved
worship of God. temple known as the " temple of serpents." to be somewhat of a stormy gathering.
In it the priests keep and feed over one The Reformed and Orthodox Jewish -
" No drunkard shall enter heaven ; " thousand reptiles of all shapes and sizes. representatives seemed to have widely
then surely there will be no one there that In the beginning Satan used the serpent, different ideas about the return to
helps manufacture drunkards. then a beautiful flying animal, to deceive Palestine. The Refornied Jews supported
our race. Later on God used the likeness a motion to-found the modern Zion on the
of the fiery flying serpent as an object Island of Cyprus instead of at Jerusalem.
LIFE is made up largely of expectation ;
toward-which Israel might look and live. This, of course, met with a violent
character is built up by action. It is the Soon after that men began to worship protest. The conclusions arrived at
work of the hour, not the anticipations of that thing of brass, and since then Satan convey the idea, that it will take at
the future, that makes man a blessing to has planned to get all nations to join in least ten years to secure the revival of
his fellow. this worship in some shape or form. In the Jewish nation. Oh that they might
this ,he has really led the nations to see that the Jerusalem that God has for
THERE is only one agency known that worship himself, for the serpent is his His people is not on earth, but in heaven.
can successfully accomplish God's work representative. He' is that " old serpent It i.4 not to be obtained by any national
—His Holy Spirit. Political operations called the devil and Satan." movement, but by personal acceptance of
can never touch the conscience of man; the Christ that the nation rejected. It
failing in that, it cannot transform the The Unknown God. There is a tradition is the city for which Abraham looked,
individual. " Not by might nor by power, among the people of Athens that once " whose builder and maker is God."
but by My Spirit, saith the Lord." When their city was being- depopulated And if the. earthly seed of Abraham
by a terrible plague, the worshippers would share in that habitation it must be
A Large Idol. In the face of a rocky sacrificed to each of their 30,000 deities, through having the faith of Abraham.
cliff overlooking the city of Kia-Ting, with the hope of having the plague stayed,
China, there is' cut out a great stone image but in vain. Finally a number of sheep were Seventh=day Baptists. The ninety-
representing Buddha. It is over 300 feet turned loose in the city. After wandering seventh annual conference of the Seventh-
high, and is perhaps the largest idol in for a time the 'sheep lay down, and on day Baptists was recently held at Ashaway,
the world. It is supposed to protect the that -Spot the Athenians built an altar, Rhode Island, U.S.A. Upwards of five
city which it overlooks. and sacrificed the sheep to the unknown hundred delegates attended. The place
god of the plague. After this the plague of meeting was the first Hopkinton church,
ceased, so they numbered among their closely related to the first Sabbatarian
IN a recent examination among, the
gods the "unknown God who stopped the church in America. The Sabbath message
students in China, the young Emperor
had a question about the " Flood" put in plague." Paul passed by that altar, and was brought to America by Stephen
the examination papers. This caused declared unto them the unknown God as Mumford in 1664. This was three years
considerable stir among the people, and the " God who made the worlds and all after the martyrdom of John James, a
things therein." Seventh-day Baptist minister, who was
sent the students in crowds to the
hanged, drawn, and quartered, and had his-
missionaries to get Bibles so that they
might find the answer. Courage and Cowardice. In. Korea the head set up on a pole in White Chapel,
bone's of a tiger are considered a specific London, opposite the place where his
A Memorial Fountain. The Woman's for cowardice. They reason thus: " The meeting house stood. Stephen Mumford
tiger is very strong ; his bones are the was the first missionary sent over to
Christian Temperance Union of King's
strongest part of him ; therefore soup America by the Seventh-day Baptist
County, New York, has in hand a
made from his bones must be pre-eminently Society of England. Another, by the
movement whereby the children of
strengthening." But courage cannot be name of William Gibson, was sent over in
Brooklyn are to raise money for the
learned nor cowardice dissipated in that 1675. The first church was organised in
erection of a memorial fountain to the
way. It is only in association with the 1707, and in 1802 the General Conference,
memory of Frances E. Willard. The
" Lion Of the tribe of. Judah" that man consisting of 113o members, held its first
monument will bear the inscription,
can learn -true courage. Christ faced the session. The denomination now numbers
" The Willard fountain. Presented by
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