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VOL. 14, No. 43. Melbourne, Victoria, October 23, 1899. ONE PENNY.

into foam, till the wearied rower's found supposed that God-like form walking on
THE BIBLE ECHO. it impossible to maintain their struggle the waves to be a phantom or a ghost,
against the tempest. (the Greek word, here rendered spirit, is
An Exposition of Bible Truth and Signs of the Times. In that hour of danger and threatened phantasina, meaning an apparition or a
death, Christ appeared to speak words of spectre), and this thought added a new
FOR TERMS SEE LAST PAGE , cheer to the toilers. But the fishermen- horror to the danger of the hour.
disciples had not fully renounced all the How often in our' life, amid the sweep-
CHRIST ON THE SEA. ing of the tempest, we
behold some phantom-
Walking on the Wave--
spirit of dread, which,
The • Unknown Christ—
Veiled Messengers—Les= could we but read aright,
sons of Faith. would be seen as the
IN presenting Him- Creator of the ocean
self as a Saviour to man, and Ruler of the storm.
Christ willingly shared How often, Oh, how
the trials and dangers often! the soul is
of human life. As a terrified by some antici-
Divine helper He healed pated apparition of evil,
the sick, gave, sight to which, when the mists
the blind, made the have cleared away,
lame to walk, cast out proves to be a Christ
the demon spirits from
on the sea.
the tormented, fed the
When David had to
hungry, clothed the
flee from the court of
naked, comforted the
Saul and take refuge
sorrowing, and raised
with a band of outlaws
the dead.
in the cave of Adullam,
As a teacher He
he did not think that
placed God's holy law
God was preparing him
before man as the divine
to sway the sceptre of
ideal and standard of
Israel. When Joseph
life. He walked blame- was sold as a slave to
lessly in its precepts, the Egyptians, and
and gave us an example spent three years in
that° we should follow Pharaoh's prison-dun-
in His steps. geon, he did not know
In His experience as that God was fitting
a man, He was often him to rule and save an
weary and troubled; but empire. Yet so it was;
never discouraged. He and so it is still; the
was often hungry and dreaded phantoms that
thirsty; in fact He went rise from life's sea often
out of this world, on prove to be a Christ
the day of His cruci- that comes walking
fixion, beth hungry and upon the waters to save.
thirsty, for He never The Faithful and the Fearful in the Tempest. Oh for clearer vision
wrougth miracles to supply His own need. superstitious ideas connected with their that we might more readily see and under-
He met the tempest and the storm, and former calling, and as the outlines of that stand the veiled faces of God's messengers.
clambered the mountain steeps just as unknown Being flashed through the dark- Sometimes when wecannot hear because
men do to-day, and yet He could always ness, they deemed that the very spirit of of the storm, God draws near to whisper
stop to make the path smooth for others. the storm had , appeared to secure their the' blessed assurance, "It is I, be not
When, after feeding the five thousand, destruction. afraid." He who made the human' soul
the disciples were going to join with the To them the appearance of the unknown knows how wildly its chords vibrate when
multitude in proclaiming Him king, He Christ only brought thoughts of fear, just- struck by the hand 'of terror, and so
sent them across the sea. That night the as the revelation of the unknown God across every storm and tempest, His voice
storm-wind lashed the waters of Galilee brings fear to many hearts to-day. They still whispers, "Be not afraid."
346 THE BIBLE ECHO October 23, 1599

Jacob wrestled all through that long, the womb that bare Thee, and the paps seated upon the white cloud, coming to
night of agony with what he supposed to, which Thou hast sucked," He replied by reap the harvest of the earth (see verses
be an enemy seeking his life, but when saying, "Yea rather, blessed are they 14-16), it is declared, " Here is the patience
the morning dawned he found it to be an that hear the word of God and keep it." of the saints: here are they that keep the
angel bearing to him a new name and a Luke 11:27, 28. On another occasion commandments of God, and the faith of
new life. In the blindness of his terror, He said," My mother and My brethren Jesus." Rev. 14:12. In the twelfth
Jacob did not discern the aspect of that are these which hear the word of God, chapter, where the remnant church is
heavenly visitor. It was the supernatural and do it." Luke 8:21. brought to view, in .her closing conflict
touch that revealed the messenger of The promised blessing depends as much with the powers of darkness, we read as
God. upon doing as upon hearing. To those follows: "And the dragon was wroth
When the terrified disciples heard who profess to follow Christ, but refuse with the woman [the church] , and went
Christ's voice, they gladly received Him to do what He says, He addresses the to, make war -with the remnant of her
into the ship. Then the tempest ceased, following language.— seed, which keep the commandments of
and immediately they reached the harbour " And why call ye Me Lord, Lord, and do God, and have the testimony of Jesus
for which they had toiled so long.. not the things which I say ? Whosoever cometh Christ." Rev. 12: 17. That the com-
to Me, and heareth My sayings, and doeth them, mandments of God are among the things
In the life of His people the Creator I will show you to whom he is like: he is like a
still walks the heaving sea. That which man which built an house, and digged deep, and brought to view in this book to be kept,
laid the foundation on a rock: and when the, is evident from the blessing pronounced
human effort cannot accomplish, His flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon
word will perform. To those who receive that house, and could not shake it: for it was in the closing chapter, " Blessed are they
founded upon a rock. But he that heareth, and that do His commandments, that they
Him gladly into the ship, the haven of doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation
rest is sure. built an house upon the earth; against which the may have right to the tree of life, and
"Ye fearful saints fresh courage take, stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it may enter in through the gates into the
The clouds ye so much dread fell; and the ruin of that house was great."
Are big with mercy, and shall break Luke 6 : 46-49. city." Rev. 22: 14.
In blessings on your head." Reader, are you a doer of the command-
Great importance attaches to what we
ments of God? The ten commandments,
hear and how we hear. The Saviour's
as recorded in the twentieth chapter of
admonitions are, "Take heed what ye
the book of Exodus, verses 1-17, were
hear" (Mark 4 : 24), and, "Take heed,
IF Christ were here to-night, and saw me tired spoken by the voice of the eternal God
therefore, how ye hear." Luke 8:18. The
And half afraid another step to take, amid the most awful grandeur ever wit-
one thing that we are 'always safe in
L think He'd know the thing my heart desired, nessed by mortals. The Saviour says,
And ease that heart of all it's throbbing ache. 'hearing, is the word of God. No one
"Till, heaven and earth pass, one jot or
ever yet made a mistake in hearing what
If Christ were here to-night, I'd touch the hem one tittle shall in no wise pass from the
Of His fair, seamless robe, and stand complete. the Lord tells us in His word.
law, till all be fulfilled." Matt. 5 :18. Are
In wholeness and in, whiteness ; I, who stem "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing
Such waves of pain, to kneel at His dear feet. we at liberty to take away, or' set aside,
by the word of God." Rom. Io : 17.
any of 'these ten precepts of Jehovah ?
If Christ were here to-night, I'd tell Him all " But faith if it hath not works, is dead,.
The load I carry for the ones I love, Let us find the answer to this question in
being alone." A saving faith, therefore,
The blinded ones, who grope and faint and fall, the very last words of the Revelation :
Following false guides, nor seeking Christ above. is one which is based upon the word of
" For I testify unto every man that heareth
If Christ were here! Ah, faithless soul and weak,
God, and is a " faith which worketh by
love." Gal. 5:6. the words of the prophecy of this book,
Is not the Master ever close to thee?
Deaf is thine ear; tHat can'st not hear Him speak,
If any man shall add unto these things,
Was not Abraham our father justified by,
Dim is thine eye, His face that cannot see. works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon God shall add unto him the, plagues that
the altar ? Seest thou how faith wrought with his are written in this book [see chapters
Thy Christ is here, and never far away, works, and by works was faith made perfect?
He entered with thee when thou tamest in ; And the Scripture was fulfilled which saith, 15 and 16] ; and if any man shall take
His strength was thine through all the busy day, Abraham believed God, and it [his faith which away from the words of the book of this
He knew thy need, He kept thee pure fiom sin. wrought with his works] was imputed unto him
for righteousness: and he was called the friend prophecy, God shall take away his part
Thy blessed Christ is in thy little room, of God." James 2 : 21-23. " But be ye doers of Out of the book of life, and out of the
Nay, more, the Christ Himself is in thy heart ; the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your
Fear not, the dawn will scatter darkest gloom, own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, holy city, and from the things which are
And heaven will be of thy rich life a part. and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his written in this book. He which testifieth
—Margaret Sangster. natural face in the glass: for he beholdeth
himself, and goeth his way, and straightway these things saith, Surely I come quickly.
forgetteih what manner of man he was. But Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus."
whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and
STUDIES IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION. continueth therein, he being not a forgetful Rev. 22 : 18-2o. A. T. ROBINSON.
No.-3. hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be
blessed in his deeds." James
These scriptures, and many others that THE CROSS.
"Blessed is he that readeth, and they that
hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those might be cited, show that the only
things which are written therein." Rev. t:3. practical faith in God's word is the faith THE uplifted Christ is the magnet of
No OTHER one book in all the Bible which reveals itself in doing and keeping the universe. The Divine testimony is,
carries with it so distinct and specific a that word. The special blessing promised " I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will
promise of blessing upon those who read in connection with the book of Revelation, draw all unto Me." Sacrificed upon that
and hear its contents as does the book of the study of which book we, are entering cross was the Lamb of God. Here was
Revelation. This book, as we have already upon, is to those who read and hear and revealed, not only to this world, but to
seen, is the revelation of Jesus Christ to keep the things which are,written therein. the inhabitants of unfallen worlds, and to
every devout soul who accepts Him as In the last chapter of this Wonderful book angels, the depth of infinite love. " He
revealed therein, and "in Him are hid all we hear the Saviour's voice repeating so loved." Sin unveiled that side of God's
the treasures of 'wisdom and knowledge." this same blessing which is promised in character. Jesus, speaking of His death,
This book is a mine of heavenly treasure the first chapter: " Behold, I come quickly : said for this cause He came, that the
into which the shaft of truth may be sunk blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of "Father should be glorified." John 12:
deeper and deeper, and from which may the prophecy of this book." Rev. 22 : 7. 27, 28. Yes! throughout eternity the song
be secured jewels, richer and brighter than We may therefore expect to find in this of praise shall ring telling of God's love.
ever adorned the crown of an earthly book some things to be kept. The cross is the power of God. So is
monarch. In the fourteenth chapter, just before the gospel. 1 Cor. 1:18 ; Rom. I : 16.
When one said to Jesus, "Blessed is giving a description of the Son of man The cross is in the gospel; the gospel is in
October 23, 1899 THE BIBLE ECHO 347
the cross,—they are one. Then in the earth for His Father's throne. Can this me in sorrows, and the moorings, the
preaching of the gospel the cross must be be true? Has Jesus, the changeless One, cable of science, broke like thread. Then
revealed. Unless that is so, the power is ever changed His mind or plans? Verily, I seized upon that help which many before
lacking. " The preaching of the cross is no ! He is " Jesus Christ the same had laid hold of. I sought and found
to them that perish foolishness, but unto yesterday, to-day, and forever." Christ, peace in God. Since then I have certainly
us which are saved it is the power of then, is the same to-day as He was when not abandoned science, but I have assigned
God." z Cor. I : 18. the earth came, into existence. His work, to it another place in my life."—New York
As we accept the gospel, the truth His plans, know of no change. He was Observer.
God, what does it bring ?—The cross. In then the Creator—" All things were made
all truth there is the cross. The Saviour by Him, and without Him was not anything SORROW'S LESSON:
says, " If any man will come after Me, Made that was made." Our heavenly ---
LIFE is full of broken measures,
let him deny himself, and take up his Father addressing Him said, "Thou, Lord, Objects unattained:
cross, and follow Me." The truth must in the beginning, bast laid the foundations Sorrows intertwined with pleasures,
go to every one, and to those who receive of the earth, and the heavens are the Losses of our costliest treasures,
work of Thine hands." For our God, who Ere the heights be gained.
it, to each there comes a cross. But every
cross is centered in the one great cross of created all things by Jesus Christ, loves Every soul has aspiration
Still unsatisfied ;
humanity,—the cross of Jesus. There is to honour His Son, whose life and work
Memories that wake vibration
everything in the truth because Christ is were expressions of His own power and Of the heart in quick pulsation,
in it. "Ye shall know the truth," says goodness. At the gifts denied.
Jesus, " and the truth shall make you How much we resemble the men who We are better for the longing,
free." Precious promise ! With the cross lived when Jesus came to earth, for He Stronger for the pain :
" was in the world, and the world was Souls at ease are nature wronging:—
the truth imparts joy and peace and free- Through the harrowed soul comes thronging
dom from sin. made by Him, and the world knew Him 'Seeds in sun and rain
It is the cross that the Lord uses to not" Jesus is the Creator, and we know Broken easures, fine completeness
accomplish His work in perfecting our it not. We think of Him as one like our- In the perfect whole :
character, "that we might be partakers selves, subject to change ; but this is not Life is but a day in fleetness ;
so. He made this world in six days, and Richer in all strength and sweetness ;
of His holiness." Heb. 12 : io. It brings
Grows the striving soul.
us into union with Him. Then only as rested the seventh, making it for all time —:Selected.
we accept the cross, united with Christ, the holy rest-day of angels and men.
rooted and grounded in His love, shall we From Sinai His voice proclaimed the LOVE AND DUTY.
be able, " to comprehend with-all saints law of the rest-day, and on Olivet's brow
what is the breadth, and length, and He declared that He had not come to GOD is the source of life and light and
depth, and height ; and to know the love change it. He could not, for He is un- joy to the universe. Like rays of light
of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that changeable. Jesus made the Sabbath for from the sun, like the streams of water
ye might be filled with all the fulness of man, because every man needs it. "The bursting from a living spring, blessings
God." Eph. 3 : 18, 19. Then will God still world knew Him not." Reader, do you flow out from Him to all His creatures.
make known, through His church, to the know Him ? Could you bear the thought And wherever the life of God is in the
principalities and powers in heavenly that your Saviour is liable to change ? hearts of men, it will flow out to others
places," His manifold wisdom" (love), and The One who said, "Let.there be light" in love and blessing.
the fellowship of the mystery, " which is at the world's creation, says, Let there be Our Saviour's joy was in the uplifting
Christ, in you, the hope of glory." Thus light in your heart, and it is present. He, and redemption of fallen men. For this
as the eye of the universe saw God's love in response 'to your prayer, will reveal He counted not His life dear unto Him-
manifested on Calvary, so is it still Himself as the Creator of a new heart, self, but endured the cross, despising the
beholding the same in those redeemed. cleansed by His blood. shame. So angels are ever engaged in
Let this be our highest thought, to know Jesus, the unchangeable One, is seeking working for the happiness of others. This
nothing save Jesus Christ and Him cruci- for those who will worship the Creator, is their joy. That which selfish hearts
fied, for it is the power of God. by remembering to rest with Him on each would regard as humiliating service,
MARY SCHOW,E. holy day with which the week is always ministering to those who are wretched,
closed. Jesus has not changed His rest and in every way inferior in character and
to the first day. He never changes His rank, is the work of the sinless angels.
plans ; they are perfect. His plans are The spirit of Christ's self-sacrificing love,
UNCHANGEABLE ! IS it possible that never Jewish; they are Heaven's plans, is the spirit that pervades heaven, and is.
there can be found one who never made to be adopted by the Christians of the very essence of its bliss. This is the
changes his mind, and whose plans always every age and clime. D. STEED. spirit that Christ's followers will possess,.
remain the same? the work that they will do. When the
We are well accustomed to see changes love of Christ is enshrined in the heart,.
A POOR FOUNDATION. like sweet fragrance, it cannot be hidden,.
going on all around us ; in fact, everything
with which we come in contact is subject Its holy influence will be felt by all with
to change. We are, therefore, not by any HEGARD, ' the Professor of Philosophy whom we come in contact. The Spirit of
means surprised 'to hear of earth's in Copenhagen, was, until a few years ago, Christ in the heart is like a spring in the
greatest men changing their minds. That the apostle of atheism in his country. desert, flowing to refresh all, and making
which a few months ago seemed to them Three or four years ago, he published a those who are ready to perish eager to
to be ,a perfect plan, now appears to invite second edition of one of his works, in the drink of the water of life. ,
certain failure, and the work to which introduction to which he says : " The ex- Love to Jesus will be manifested in a
they had devoted their lives will, of periences of life, its sufferings and griefs, desire to work, as He worked, for the
necessity, be forsaken. It seems quite have shaken my souj, and have broken the blessing and uplifting of humanity. It will
natural to attribute change of mind, work, foundations upon which I formerly thought lead to love, tenderness, and sympathy
and plans, to every intelligence, even God I could build. Full of faith in the suffi- toward all the creatures of our heavenly
Himself. ciency of science, I thought to have found Father's care.
Christians may be heard talking of God in it a secure refuge from all the contin- The Saviour's life on earth was not a
having one plan for four thousand years, gencies of life. This ilhision vanished lite of ease and devotion to Himself, but
and another ever since Jesus left this when the tempest came which plunged He toiled with persistent, earnest, untiring,
THE BIBLE ECHO October 23, 1899
effort for the salvation of lost mankind. Spirit upon all flesh." Then the last days THE NEW AND EVERLASTING
From the manger to Calvary He followed had been reached in Peter's time, and the
the path of self-denial, and sought not to manifestation of the Spirit on that occa- A CERTAIN lawyer once questioned
be released from arduous tasks, painful sion was in fulfilment of the 'word of God Christ, saying, " Master, which is the
travels, 'and exhausting care and labour. spoken by the prophet Joel. Three thou-. great commandment in the law ? Jesus
said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord
He said, " The Son of man came not to sand received it on that, day, and were
thy God with all thy heart, and with all
be ministered unto, but to minister, and baptised. The Spirit was in the message
thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is
to give His life a ransom for many." This that was delivered that morning, for it.
the first and great commandment. And
was the one greats object of His life. was the Spirit that spoke and gave them
the second is like unto it, Thou shalt
Everything else was secondary and sub- utterance, and as long as they remained love thy neighbour as thyself. On these
servient. It was, His meat and drink to of one accord, they continued to be two commandments hang all the law and
do the will of God and to finish His work, mediums for the Spirit, and the Spirit the prophets."
Self and self-interest had no part in His continued to witness to the message It is true by the fact of our existence
labour. whenever it was presented. that a relation exists between ourselves
So those who are partakers of the grace But was the provision made by God for and God, and that another exists between
of -Christ will be ready to make any sacri, the supply of the Spirit only applicable to man and man. Christ has told us in the
fice, that others for whom He died may the days immediately succeeding Pente- Scripture quoted that love is the thing
share the heavenly gift. They will do all cost"?—" The promise is unto you and to that must characterise both these relation-
they can to make the world better for your children, and to all that are afar off, ships, and that if this principle of love be
their stay in it. This spirit is the sure even as many as the Lord our God shall established in our hearts toward God and
outgrowth of a soul truly converted. No call." Has He not been calling for the toward our neighbour, all the require-
sooner does one come to Christ than there past- eighteen hundred years, and is He ments of the law of God and of the
is born in his heart a desire to make known not still calling, and has He not been prophets will be carried out by us. It is very
to others what a precious friend he has pohring out His Spirit as the message has easy to see this when we examine the law
found in Jesus ; the saving and sanctifying been presented by men of God, and has of God, for the first four commands
truth cannot be shut up in his heart. If it not reached human hearts, and the of the decalogue show our duty to God,
we are clothed with the righteousness of arrow of conviction accompanied the and what we will do if we love God; and
Christ, and are filled with the joy of His presentation of the truth ? Why is it not the last six show our duty toward our
indwelling Spirit, we shall not be able to being poured out to-day ? " Ask, and it neighbour, or the attitude we must bear
hold our peace. If we have tasted and shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; to him if we would love him.
for every one that asketh receiveth, and The breach that came in between man
seen that the Lord is good, we shall have
he that seeketh findeth." Your heavenly and God in the beginning, came as the
something to tell. Like Philip, when he
found the Saviour, we shall invite others Father shall give the Holy Spirit 'to them result of a broken law. God sent Jesus
into His presence. We shall seek to that ask Him. God has given His Spirit, into the world to repair the breach, first
present to them the attractions of Christ, and it is in the gospel message, and is by keeping all the divine precepts Him-
and the unseen realities of the world to ready to be bestowed upon all who desire self, and also by giving man power, through
come. There will be an intensity of desire it. " Have you received the Holy Ghost the everlasting covenant, to do- the same.
to follow in the path that Jesus trod. since you believed ? " "As many as are Thus He fulfilled the Scripture, " I will
There will be an earnest longing that led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons magnify the law, and make it honourable.".
of God." " Now if any man have not the There is only one covenant made to
those around us may behold "the Lamb
Spirit of Christ, he is none of His." This, save man, and that is the " everlasting
of God, which taketh away the sin of the
then, is one of the things necessary to sal- covenant" that was made when sin first
world." MRS. E. G. WHITE.
vation. " The faith that is unto salvation entered our world. God is no respecter
is 'not a mere intellectual assent to the , of persons, but has one great plan in both
truth. Genuine faith is life," and all that dispensations to save the fallen sons of
is not of faith is sin. But faith is entire Adam. The substance of this covenant
dependence upon the word of God, and is recorded in Heb. 8 :8-12, and may be
UNFORTUNATE Christendom, rent by
the word says, " Repent and be baptised thus briefly stated : God will forgive all
innumerable divisions, answers this ques-
everyone of you, and ye shall receive the sin and iniquity, and will write in the
tion in a variety of ways. Believe and be
gift of the Holy Ghost." " Have you heart', by His Spirit, the divine law, and
saved, is the popular cry to-day. But is
received the Holy Ghost since ye believed ?" will then recognise the individual as a
belief only sufficient to salvation ? " Re-
If not, has your belief been of the right member of His great family in heaven and
pent and be baptised, everyone of you,"
kind ? Has your repentance been deep earth.
was Peter's answer to just such a - It is through this covenant we are made
enough ? Why is it that the gospel, as
question. But this was followed by the sharers in the promise made to Abraham
popularly preached to-day, is powerless
statement, "And ye shall receive the gift
to reach men, and that true conversions of the hew earth (2 Peter 3 : 13), and when
of the Holy Ghost." Acts 2 : 38.
are so rare ? Is it not because the very this is realised, we shall see God's once
" Have ye received the Holy Ghost conditions implied in true belief are want- broken law made " honourable," and the
since ye believed ? " was Paul's inquiry of ing ? When men will say, as did those love of God shed abroad in the hearts of
the disciples at Ephesus. Did Paul think at Pentecost, " What shall we do ? " with' men.
the reception of the Holy Spirit necessary The promise is to "whosoever will; "
the same desire to do just what the Spirit
to salvation ? " Except a man be born but before God can bestow the blessings
shall present as duty, no matter what the
of - the water (iMmersion) and of, the of the covenant upon' anyone, there must
cross or the sacrifice involved,the same
Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom be a submission, a yielding up of self, a
results must follow. " Then they that
of God." John 3 : 5. Then the baptism total surrender of all our past sinful ways,
gladly received His word were baptised, and the offering will then be accepted.
of the Spirit is a necessity to salvation. and the same day were added unto them " If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall
And has not God provided for this about three thousand souls. . . . More- eat the good of the 'land; but if ye refuse
feature of the plan of salvation ? over, the Lord was adding those being and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the
" This is that which was spoken by the saved, day by day, together." Acts 2 : 47. sword; for the mouth of the Lord hath
prophet Joel, and it shall come \to pass in Rotherham's Translation.. spoken it." Isa. I : le, 2o.
the last days, that I will pour out My C. P. MICHAELS. FRANK LYNDON.
October 23, 1890 THE BIBLE ECHO 349

iron, and all household effects, torn into frag- effective, and fragrant. They live to give
w Trout the 'field. ,41 ments, had been scattered in shapeless piles, and give to live.
or sown broadcast over the land. Horses Sin has certainly marred their glory, and
and cows and chickens were lying dead, with brought in decay, disease, and death. But
WITH quivering heart and trembling will
The word bath passed thy lips, lumberand brick and stone piled- on them, that will yet be removed, and the fadeless
Within the shadow cold and still, or lying alone on the prairie. beauty of Eden will yet be restored by the
Of some fair joy's eclipse.
"Thy will be done ! " Thy God bath heard,
Up to the present time over one hundred power of Him who died to save that which
And He will crown that faith-framed word. human bodies have been discovered, and it was lost.
Thy prayer shall be fulfilled --but how ? is supposed many more are yet undiscovered, At the conclusion of the meeting two men
His thoughts are not as thine : and many more than this number' have been made a surrender of their hearts, and pro-
To those who Only weep and bow,
He saith, " Arise and shine!" wounded. One little sketch will serve to fessed to find peace with God, and one
Thy thoughts were all of grief and night, illustrate bow nearly whole families were backslider returned.
But His of boundless joy and light.
destroyed. Among the wounded was S. W. The subjoined report will enable our
Thy Father reigns supreme above ;
He wills to sanctify Hawkins, suffering from severe internal readers to form some idea of the amount and
The, subjects of redeeming love, injuries and a broken leg. A newspaper man character of the work done in the Mission
Throughout eternity ;
And thou hast asked all joys in one leaned over the ambulance and asked his during the past quarter.
In whispering forth, " Thy will be done." name. The man was suffering greatly, but
replied with cheerfulness, evidently forced :— • SEPTEMBER 30, 1890.
" Hawkins, sir, but it don't make much GENERAL MANAGEMENT.
CYCLONE AT NEW RICHMOND, U.S.A. difference ; my wife, my two daughters, and Penny meal tickets worked for .. 11,460.
my son, were all killed in the same place. Sixpenny bed tickets worked for .. 1,367.
UNDOUBTEDLY the cyclone and tournado Penny meal tickets paid for .. 9,455.
both combined which passed-over the North- They are all gone." Sixpenny beds paid for .. 1,499.

west the evening of June 12, and destroyed Volumes might be written telling of Penny meal tickets given by friends 7,266.
Sixpenny bed tickets given by friends 395.
the city of New Richmond, was one of the similar pitiful stories, but such things are Free medical treatments .. 98.
most destructive that has ever visited this becoming so common they, receive but a Garments given away 50.
Men found employment 5.
passing notice. Cash received for tickets . , f 45 6s. od.
country. As the writer had the privilege of
Skeptics read of strange and wonderful
visiting the fated city a few hours after the EVANGELIST'S REPORT.
experiences in the Bible, and call them fables
cyclone had done its awful work, these words Gospel meetings held in Hall 91.
of the Saviour as He wept over Jerusalem and falsehoods, while stranger and more Gospel meetings held in open air 12.
unexplainable things are happening all around Bible studies .. 102.
before its destruction came to mind : "Be- Attendance in Hall .. 2,712.
them, and still they go on, doubting and Attendance in studies
hold your house is left unto you desolate. 917.
finding fault with God. But God is ever Professed conversions 19.
• . . There shall not be left here one stone Testaments given away .. 21.
merciful, and goes on warning the world and Pages of tracts given away
upon another, that shall not be thrown down. 2,000.
speaking to hearts that we are living in MISSION EVANGELIST,
. . . And there shall be famines, and pesti-
perilous times; yet the warning is unheeded.
lences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
Men's hearts are failing them for fear, and
All these are the beginning of sorrows." HOW MUCH HAVE YOU DONE
for looking after those things that are coming FOR CHRIST?
As we stepped from the train about
upon the earth, and there is only one place
midnight, we were met by a national guard Rom. 6: to:. " As ye have yielded your members
that is safe, where men and women can flee,
armed with gun and bayonet, and escorted servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity ;
and that is to Christ, the only City of Refuge even so now yield your members servants to right-
to the next guard, who passed us on tovthe
where the storms of life cannot enter to eousness unto holiness."
next, till we reached the end of the picket Prov. 15:23: " A word spoken in due season,
destroy or make sad hearts weep. He is the
line, and when we asked where we could find how good is it !"
only sure foundation on which to build our Prov. 27: 6: "Faithful are the wounds of a
lodging, he directed us to the Congregational
hopes and anchor our lives. All other hopes friend."
church as the only possible place where we
and aspirations May fail, but God's word A PREACHER, ill walking the length of the
might find lodging. Arriving there, we found
and promises never. L. B. LosEy. hotel promenade at a summer watering-place,
that the church, being in the edge of the path
met a lady hastening toward the breakfast
of the storm, was partially torn down, but it
room. It was late in the morning. A casual
furnished a shelter for the living as well as
HELPING HAND MISSION. remark of the gentleman as to the lateness
the dead. It had been turned into a morgue
of the hour led to the following reply : " I am
and hospital, and sheltered that night ON Sunday evening, Oct. 1st, the Gospel late because I was tired. I danced last night
seventeen of those who had perished without Hall at the Melbourne Helping Hand until I blistered my feet."
a moment's warning. Tired surgeons were Mission was gay with flowers. Lilies, roses, " May I ask one question ? " the preacher
there lying on the floor after a hard day's marguerites, Australian heath, carnations, said, ,and with consent he asked, ".Did you
work of caring for the dead and dying., After and other sweet blooms, made the, platform ever blister your feet in the service of your
a few hours' sleep on the floor of the church, beautiful with the glories of spring. The Redeemer ? " A scornful look and a hasty
we went out to view the devastated city. flowers were gathered for the purpose by retreat were the result. A bystander and
Such a scene of desolation and destruction interested friends at Hawthorn, Windsor, mutual friend remarked that the question was
our eyes had never beheld before. As we and Williamstown, and a few at North faithful, though rather severe. The two
walked over those ruins we could only think Fitzroy. fn expectation of the "flower" wondered what would come of it.
that the four winds of heaven had been let service the hall was well filled, and everybody For several days the lady avoided her
loose, for that was literally true. seemed pleased and gratified. Several appro- friends, and, in fact, was invisible. Nearly
The weather observer had discovered priate hymns were sung, and followed by a a week passed. Then followed an interview,
before the storm that the wind, had been lesson based upon our Saviour's words in at the request of the offended lady, who, with
blowing from every quarter towards the Matt. 6:23-29, and Hosea 14: 6-8. real distress, confessed that, although angry
storm centre, which was at this fated city. It was shown that the flowers prove the at the preacher's question, she had been
How an unseen force could twist and turn existence of, a Designer whose mind is full of unable to justify herself, nor had sleep been
and break and pile up and tear down iron beauty and love, and who desires the progress possible since the morning of her confusion.
and wood and stone as it did there, is more and happiness of all His creatures ; that He " God has forgiven me," she said. " I come
than human mind can comprehend. I could regards man especially with tender care, to ask your pardon, and that you will tell me
only, imagine that some giant fiend had and would have him learn from nature to how I can blister my feet in the service of
stalked into that beautiful city, bent on trust Him and obey His laws. Christ. I am ready to do it now, and before
destruction, literally tearing every building in Then, too, the flowers contain a promise I do anything else ; I want to do it very much
reach from its foundation, and not satisfied of fruit—a future of realised hopes and solid indeed ; I want to make myself weary in His
with simply destroying the buildings, had satisfaction. Without reasoning about it, the service. I will do anything to atone for the
passed them through a huge thrashing- flowers simply let God do with them what waste and folly of the past. It has been so
machine, after which the wood and stone and He will, and thus grow beautiful, sweet, heartless of me."--Medical Missionary Record.
'THE BIBLE ECHO `OctOber 23 1800
somehow become very thick, and when he his wild, vicious, and unmanly actions, has
Niue and bean.* tried to speak, out would come an oath." broken his mother's heart, and caused you
UNFINISHED STILL. " But the good man did finally accomplish the one deep sorrow of your life.'
his great work ? " I said. "`Yes ; but what has this to do with my
A BABY'S boot, and a skein of wool,
" Yes, he finished it," said the deacon, his use of alcoholic stimulants ? '
Faded and soiled and soft ;
Odd things, you say, and no doubt you're right, eyes moistening with tears. " Wait a moment,' I replied ; you have
Round a seaman's neck this stormy night, " Oh I should so like to see it ! " I said. a daughter who is now upon the borderland
Up in the yards aloft. " Come with me, " said my informant of insanity, and if, by skilful treatment, this
Most likely it's folly, but, mate, look here : sadly, " and I will show it to you. It stands unhappy condition is averted, still her life as
When first I went to sea in a beautiful part of the city where five well as your own will be filled by one
A woman stood on the far-off strand
streets meet. Most men put such things in endless round of dark forebodings, anxiety,
With a wedding ring on the small, soft hand
Which clung so close to me. a cemetery. But John had his own way, and suffering. But wait still another moment,
My wife, God bless her ! The day before and put it on one of the finest lots to be you have another daughter who is, to all
She sat beside my foot, found." intents and purposes, an imbecile.'
And the sunlight kissed her yellow hair, " Does it look like Grant's monument ?" Doctor, do you mean to say that these
And the dainty fingers, deft and fair, " Yes, it is a good deal like Grant's monu-
Knitted a baby's boot. unhappy and afflicted children owe in the
ment. It is a grand house. There it is— least their miserable condition to my
The voyage was over ; I came ashore;
look ,at it ! " said the deacon, pointing to a moderate habit of drink ? '
What think you I found there ? •
A grave the daisies had sprinkled white, beautiful mansion. "See ! it is high and large,
" Think about it,' I replied ; ' we will not
A cottage empty, and dark as night, with great halls and fireplaces, and such
discuss the subject at any great length. By
And this beside the chair. velvet carpets, and oh, what mirrors ! Isn't
referring to my note books I could place be-
The little boot—'twas unfinished still— it rich and grand ? "
The tangled skein lay near; fore you many other cases of a like nature,
" And who lives in it, deacon ? "
But the knitter had gone away to rest, but these must suffice for the present.' "
" Why, the man who sold Jonathan
With the babe asleep on her quiet breast, Present Truth.
Down in the churchyard near. Rigdon nearly all the whisky he drank. He
—Selected. lives there with his family, and they wear the
richest and finest clothes, and—"
" And poor Jonathan ? "
"JONATHAN RIGDON died very poor, didn't " Why, he's in the paupers' graveyard.
Alas ? " sighed the deacon, "the world is MY simple fare is as consistent with happi-
he, deacon ? " I said.
full of such monuments built by poor ness as with health. A table set with fruit,
"Yes, they buried him in a pauper's grave.
drunkards who broke the hearts of devoted grain, and nuts nourishes not only the body
Poor Rigdon ! And he had a big heart,"
wives and starved sweet children to do it."— but the soul. I eat not merely with the
said the deacon. "He spent his whole life
Eli Perkins. appetite of the flesh, but my soul's hunger
and a big fortune building a monument to
for beauty is fed as well. When my table
another man."
is set it is a fit subject for an artist. But
"Was the monument ever finished deacon?"
A PHYSICIAN'S STATEMENT CONCERN= what artist would choose a rib of beef or a
"Yes, and Jonathan did it." ING HEREDITY. muttbn chop for a picture? A golden musk
" How ? "
melon, fragrant and sweet ; a bunch of purple
" Well," said the deacon sadly, " Jonathan THE following incident was told by Dr.
or white grapes ; a few peaches and plums ;
commenced it early. He commenced putting Gardiner, of Napa, in his interesting lecture
a section of watermelon, with its brilliant
money into the monument at 17, and finished on the important subject of heredity, recently
black seeds set like gems in the rich red
it at 50." given in San Francisco. ' The picture is a
tissue ; a plate of ripe, red tomatoes, glowing
" And he gave his whole time to it ? " very common one, and aptly illustrates the
with colour ; such food as this would furnish
" Yes, he worked night and day, often all folly of thinking that because effect does not
a subject for a picture. .
night long, and on the Sabbath. He seemed immediately follow cause, man can escape
to be in a great hurry to get it done. He the evil that must follow the transgression of We are told that fruits, grains, and nuts
spent all the money he earned upon it—some a natural law. A strong man may possibly will not furnish the body sufficient nutriment,
say $5o,000 (Cio,000). Then he borrowed resist the immediate effect, yet it is sure to and that meat and coarse vegetables must
all he could ; and when no one would lone come, even though it be delayed to the third be added. I cannot decide the question for
him any more he would take his wife's dresses and fourth generation. another, but it seems to me that what is
and the bed-clothes and many other valuable " In conversation with a gentleman not purest and best in me is well nourished by fruits
things in his home and sell them to get more long ago, the question of using alcoholic and nuts. If there is a beast in me craving
money to finish that monument." stimulants was discussed. He maintained' for flesh, I prefer to let him starve. He
" How self-sacrificing! " that the moderate use of stimulants for many cannot die too soon for the good of my higher
" Yes, Jonathan sacrificed everything for years in succession would injure no person, nature.' To speak more distinctly, I believe
this monument," said the deacon sadly. "He and offered himself as an example as to the that our diet is chiefly an indication of our
came home one day and was about to take truthfulness of his statements. He is a large constitution, and our habits of thought and
the blankets that lay over his sleeping baby, man, straight as an arrow, and, as far as life. If I can live purely enough, dwelling
and his wife tried to stop him ; but he drew external appearances are concerned, the very in the highest realm of my being, I believe
back his fist and knocked her down, and then picture of health. According to his own state- that the daintiest and purest foods will satisfy
went away with the blankets, and never ment, he had used alcoholic stimulants in a my needs-. But if I live coarsely, I must eat
brought them back,, and the poor baby moderate way for at least forty years. His coarsely. The beast in me eats only when
sickened and died from the exposure. At argument seemed to be unanswerable. I had he is active., If I can put him to sleep, he
last there was nothing left in the house. known the gentleman and his family for will not growl for his meat.
The poor, heart-broken wife soon followed years, in fact, known them as only the phy- I do not advocate a reform by arbitrary
the baby to the grave. Yet Jonathan kept sician can know those who need his services methods. 1 do not believe that character is
working all the more at the monument. I during the time of sickness, sorrow, and determined by diet, but diet by character. I
saw him when he was about 5o years old. trouble. I said to him : As far as your wish to reform the man, and then let him
The monument was nearly done ; but he general appearance enables me to judge, it reform his diet. When higher ideals have
had worked so hard at it that I hardly knew would seem that you have the better of the taken possession of the mind, when the soul
him, he was so warn ; his clothes were all argument ; but, pardon me, you have a son to loves purity so much that impurity and
in tatters, and his face and nose were terribly whom you have extended every advantage ; uncleanness in food have become offensive,
swollen. And the wretched man had been so since his birth he has been surrounded by then a reform is instituted which will be
little in good society all the while that he all those influences which in themselves are lasting. But to eat from prescription, to
was building that he had about forgotten how ennobling, and tend to produce a useful and weigh and analyse one's food, to feed by rule,
to use the English language ; his tongue had honourable manhood ; still this boy, through I would not sanction. --Solon Lauer.
October 23, 1899 THE BIBLE ECHO 351

The Wilson
Publishers' Department. 4 Items of Interest. It Common Sense Ear Drum
The War Department of the United States is Invisible, Comfortable, Efficient. -
Sketches of Bible Child=life. A Book now spending money at the rate of £40,000,000
They fit in the Ear. Doctors Rec-
ommend them. Thousands testify
for the children with 22 illustrations and 144 annually. to their perfection, and to benefit.
pages. Fifty steamers have been chartered by the Information and book of letters
PRICE: Bound in cloth, 1/6, postage 4d. English Government to convey troops to the from many users posted free.
AGENT: J CHALMERS, 229 Collins Street, Melbourne.
It is stated that Spain supports from her .

,Mention the Bible Echo.1 piloo

treasury 117,000 monks, nuns, and other persons
under religious vows.
have just issued a new series of tenets which are
At a recent bull-fight in Paris, a tortured bull
prepared especially for use in mission work. The
leaped the barriers of the arena, rushed the spec- Accountant, Sec.,
tidings of salvation will, we trust, be carried by
tators, and wounded sixteen of them.
these silent messengers to many thirsty souls. yo EIAZABETII STREET, MELBOURNE
These will be a valuable aid to every Christian The Russian Government is planning to spend
the sum of 87,500,000 roubles (about £13,125,000)
worker, as well as to those engaged directly in in naval extensions in Iwo. What is Catarrh?
rescue work. They will bear the title of- caiatth is inflammation of the lining
Forty-five thousand refugees from the Trans- membrane of the nose and adjoining pas-
sages. If this inflammation is not arrested
vaal are now being cared for in Cape Colony.
The Helping Hand Series £20,000 have been spent in relief during the last
it invades the passages which lead from
the nose to the head, ears, throat and lungs.
It injures the sight and hearing, destroys
few months. the sense of taste and smell, renders the
We now have the 'following ready:— The weight of water passing over Niagara Falls breath offensive, breaks down the affected
4 pages ; t/- per too ; post flee. tissues, consumes the nasal cartileges and
My Sister .. is estimated to exert about 7,000,000 horse-power. rots away the small frontal bones of the
Unexpected News 4 n /I This force is greater than the whole human race skull. The putrid discharge passing through
An Open Letter ... 4 ., the lungs and stomach causes dyspepsia,
is capable of exerting. also consumption. Do you want relief and
What Must I Do to be cure? If so, try our great remedy. It has
Saved .. •• 4 ,, tl- It During the last eighteen months 33,692 pounds no equal.
A Message of Love 2 6d. of opium have been brought to Queensland. Duty RAMEY'S MEDICATOR Cures, Ca-
How One Sinner was to the amount of £33,692 was paid on this amount, tarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, Headache, Neu-
, •• 2 „ 6d. ralgia. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma,
Saved the tariff being 20J- per pound. Hay Fever, 'La Grippe, etc. Price complete
Prepare to Meet Thy with four months'. treatment by mail, 10/-
God 2 6d. .A watchmakers' " trust," that will include all TRIAL FREE AT OFFICE.
the watch-mount manufacturers in the country, Write for booklet, free, or send order
Address your Tract Society. direct to
is being formed in America. It is said that this
trust will represent the sum of £6,000,000. HOME CATARRH CURE CO.,
231 Collins St., Melbourne.
You Would Be Interested ! ! Strong drink to the value of £66 was sent from
America to the Philippines in 180. But during
the first five months of 1899, the export of liquor TRACTS.
. THE. to that locality reached the sum of £17,360. So
much for civilisation!
Coming Among sailors the average length of life is said
The Alarm of War
The State of the Dead ..
32 pages
Immortality of the Soul .. 32 „ zd.
King to be forty-six years ; mechanics, forty-eight ;
physicians, fifty-two ; lawyers, fifty-four; mer- Christ and the Sabbath .. •• 4 d.
Interests all. chants, fifty-seven ; teachers, fifty-nine; farmers, Reasons for Sunday Keeping Ex-
sixty-five; and clergymen, sixty-six. amined .. •• 16 rd.
Christ and the Sabbath (Prescott).. 32 ad,
An editor in Georgia, U.S.A., writes : " Gold
The King's Royal Life Insurance
Many words of ap- is found in thirty-six countries of this State, silver Society •• 6 td,
preciation reach us in three, copper in thirteen, iron in forty-three, The Second Advent .. • • 32 2d,
from those who have diamonds in twenty-six, whisky in all of them ; The Coming of the Lord .. 8 Ad.
read it. Arid what and the last,gets away with all the rest." How the Sabath Came to me 48 xid.
they appreciate per- Anarchy and Antinomianism
haps you will appreci- News has been received of the Dundee whal- • • 32 ad
ing ship, Ent, and of the rescue of her crew, after Benefits of Bible Study .. 8 Ad..
ate too. God's Memorial ..
being frozen in for two years in Hudson's Bay. 16 Id.
Living by Faith .. 16 Id,
When discovered, all provisions were exhausted,
PROFESSOR W. W. PRESCOTT Says:— The Origin of Evil 16 • rd.
and the crew were on the point of starvation.
" The subject is presented from such a standpoint, Righteousness; Where it is to be
and is handled in such a manner, that it will be sure According to late customs returns, the people found 8 Ad.
to command attention." of Victoria consume annually 152,707 tons of The Way to Christ .. 16 id.
flour, But the consumption of beer reaches Origin of the Sabbath .. •• 4 id.
DR. WAGGONER says :—
13,494,998 gallons ; wine and spirits, 1,628,875 Which Day do You Keep and Why 8 Id.
" It is really a pleasure to look through its pags. Startling Facts About Tobacco .. 24 tAci.
The book is one that every lover of truth will rejoice gallons; and tobacco, including cigars, 2.4041978
pounds. Without Excuse'.. 4 id.
to see have a large circulation, for it can not but do
Arguments for Tea and Coffee
good." Dr. Massey, of Ohio, U.S.A., claims to have Answered .. 8 Ad.
290 pages, beautifully illustrated by 15o engravings, found a method of treating cancer successfully, Proper Diet for Man .. 6d.
bound in cloth. by diffusing salts of mercury through the affected Scripture References to Many Sub-
tissue by electric action. Out of ten cases jects • • 32 ad.
Presentation Edition, bevelled edges, gilt top, gold operated upon, he claims to have cured nine by The Perpetuity of the Law of God 24 cd.
stamp, 7s. 6d. Post free, this method. Law and the Gospel .. 16
Plain Edges, Aluminium stamp, 5s. Post free..
A London cablegram states that Dr. James
Colquhound, LL.D., late treasurer of the city of
Glasgow, has been convicted of embezzlement of Public Services are held each Sabbath (seventh day)
in the following cities, to which all are cordially
the city funds, and sentenced to five years' im-
HIS GLORIOUS g prisonment. The amount of the defalcations is
placed at 1:100,000.
School. Church.
Adelaide-Bible Christian Chapel, Young St. 9.3oa.m. u.oea.m
Auckland-Machelvic St., Surrey Hills .. 2.3op.m. xo.3oa tn.
APPEARING g Twelve dynamite guns are now on_the way to
the Philippine Islands, to be used by the. Ameri-
Ballarat-Society's Hall, Grenville St.
Brisbane - Oddfellows' Hall, Brunswick St.
.. zoop.m. 3 3op.m.

can forces. These guns are of a most destructive Valley (upstairs) to.00a.m. It ooa.m.
Heelong-Trinity Schoolroom, Lit. Myers St. 3.00p m. a ooa.m.
character. The projectile used is the form of Hobart-S.H.A. Church, Warwick St. .. 2 3op.m, II 004.M.
A Lucid Exposition of a shell filled with dynamite. The explosion Hawthorn-Park St. Chapel, Glenferris xo.00a Ea. tx,x3a.m.
Matthew 24. destroys every living thing within a radius of fifty Mel bou rne -S.D.A. Church, Alfred Crescent,
North Fitzroy 9.3oa m. 7x ooa.m,
feet. Parramatta-The Tabernacle, Charles St. xo.00a.m. xx 3oa.m
c.,GX Personal. Perth -Protestant Hall, Beaufort St. to
Pe-LerSham-S. D.A. Church, Cannon St., It °min.
near Parramatta Road 9 30a.m. 3.00P.m.
Christ's Answer to the Pastor A. G. Daniells is attending the camp-
Rockhampton- Oddfellows' Hall,Denham St. to.00a m, xt.15a.m'
- Question : meeting in Queensland. Sydney-Carlisle St., Ashfield . , 43a m. u.00a.m
Williamstown-FrecwasonsHall.Electra St. aca m, xt.coa.m.

" WHEN SHALL Two young men, George' and Horace Howse, Windsor-Protestant Hall, Cecil Place, Prahran,
opposite Town Hall, 9.3o.a,m. fi.00a.m
THESE from Tasmania, are now numbered with the Echo
employees. Note.-In the foregoing list the design is to give the name and
THINGS BE ? " address of one Seventh day Adventist church in each large city
A.W. Anderson, from Tasmania, has connected or seaport town only, for the benefit of travellers, and not a coin
with the Echo Office as general agent for the plete fist of churches in the colonies.
It Contains 128 Pages, F. J. Brainerd, Superintendent of the Echo Orders for any publication advertised in the, Bible
factory, has returned to take up his work again Echo, unless stated fia the contrary, should be ad-
including dressed to the following agents. -
22 Illustrations. after a short tour in N. S. Wales. Australian Tract Society, 214 Chapel St., Prahran, Vic.
W. D. Salisbury, manager of the Echo Publish- N.S.W. Tract Society, 25 Sloane St., Summer Hill, N.S.W.
z ew Zealand Tract Society, 37 Taranaki St.,Wellington, N .Z.
ing Company, is visiting New South. Wales in the Queensland Tract Society, Petrie Terrace, Brisbane, Q'land.
interests of the Company's work. W, A. Tract'Society, 263 Newcastle St., W, Perth, W.A.
ageMd In Leatherette (post free)
352 THE BIBLE ECHO VOL. 14, No 43.

Native Heroism. News from New The Common Salvation. In dealing

THE BIBLE ECHO. Hebrides tells, of serious fighting among with man God has but one object in view
the Tanna tribes. Several attempts have —the restoration of the Divine image.
also been made on the lives of missionaries. He has provided but one Saviour—" the
Melbourne, Victoria, October 23, 1899. Lamb slain from the foundation of the
At Lenakel a treacherous native raised
his gun to shoot a missionary, Frank H. world." He plans to save from but one
r. AVE send out no papers that ha re not been ordered; if per thing—" sin, which is "the transgression
sons receive the BIBLE Em) without having ordered it, it is sent
L. Paton, when a native teacher who was
them by some friend, and they will not be called upon to pay. watching the action stepped between the of the law," and its result. Only one
2. When you seed money to the Office to apply on your sub scrip. gun and missionary, received the bullet, faith is offered to man—the faith of Jesus.
:ion to the BIBLE Echo, notice the date on the wrapper of your
caper, and see that it is correctly changed. and died the next day through the wound. Only one dispensation marks God's day
3. All matter appearing in the BIBLE ECHO without credit may The murderer then snatched a gun from of salvation for the sons of Adam—the
generally be understood as coming from the Editor. another native, and again fired at the dispensation of grace. Only one form of
missionary, but this time he missed the baptism is enjoined—baptism into His
death. Only one hope brightens the
No person can be a follower of the Lord mark. The dark places, of the earth are
future—the blessed hope of His coming.
and go with the multitude at the same yet full of the habitations of cruelty.
It is only the gospel of Jesus Christ that Only one class of individuals will be saved
time. can transform savages into self-forgetful —" he that overcometh." Human ideas
heroes. of nationality and dispensations mean
HE that would have the Lord as his nothing to God. "In every nation he that
companion must not hold communion Young Men of the Day. Speaking feareth God and worketh righteousness
with the devil. recently in a valedictory address to the is accepted with Him." Only one
members of the Wesleyan Debating covenant affords man the possibility of
Society at Albury, the Rev. Mr. Maddern salvation—to us the "new covenant," but
THE greatest motive power in human said that he had serious misgivings as to the
to God His everlasting covenant of mercy.
or Divine life is that of love. God so ultimate end of a portion of the young men.
loved that He gave His Son for man. In " With a certain class," he said, "there Was
recognition of this gift the man that loves no high purpose in life, no exalted A Floating City. The S.S. Oceanic, of
must give himself to God. ideal, and no worthy ambition. With the White Star Line, is the largest ship
many of the young men of to-day, their in the world. She is 704 feet in length
A Large Library. The city of Boston, highest ambition seemed to be an aimless (24 feet longer than the Great Eastern),
U. S. A., owns one of the largest libraries existence, consisting mainly of dawdling 68 feet across, and 49 feet deep. Accom-
in the world. The building alone cost round the street corners, expectorating modation is provided for 1,75o passengers,
over half a million pounds. The central tobacco juice " God is looking for young besides accommodation for a crew of 450.
building has twenty-seven branch stations men to-day upon whom He can place When under full steam 700 tons of coal
to which books are sent on miniature elec- responsibilities for service. But He wants will be her daily consumption. In
tric: railways. The library has 65,000 them to be pure men—men of spirit and providing for her human freight, she will
subscribers, and receives an income of purpose. Life is too short to spend in carry 66 oxen, 283 sheep, 5,070 head of
over E50,000 a year. aimless dawdling round the street corners, poultry and game, 3,000 lbs. of fish, 25,000
with the devil as a companion. eggs, xo,000 lbs. of sugar, and 45 tons of
potatoes. It is now but ninety-two years
Our Next Special. "The Eastern Fishing for Men. In selecting His since Fulton launched his steam-boat,
Question" will be the subject matter of early followers, Christ chose a number of but in that measure of a lifetime the
our next special, which will bear date of fishermen, placed them among His development in this mode of travel has been
Nov. 6. The demand for the last special disciples, and then sent them out to fish marvellous—almost miraculous. We are
number was so great that several orders for men. In the angler's work great skill truly. in the days spoken of by Daniel,
which reached our office at the last is required by the fisherman in catching when many would run to and fro, and
moment could not be filled. We regret fish that they may die ; in the gospel knowledge would be increased. To the
this very much, and would suggest that fisherman's work still greater skill is worldly mind these great developments
orders for the next special be forwarded ' needed in catching men that they may appear to predict a continuous future, but
at once. Let our agents see that their live. To be successful in catching fish to the child of God they all indicate the
orders reach us in good time. the angler must be careful to keep himself " time of the end."
out of sight. So in the gospel work
A New Industry. A new plant, some- success can only be attained when self is 1111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111!1111111
what resembling a large beet-root, is now hidden. The angler exercises great care
being cultivated in the State of Florida. in arranging his appliances so that the E Dressoutting WIlEt M ISI ROLM STA f.
says :.—
State School,
In the West Indies this plant bears fish may lay hold upon death. The gospel E TAUGHT BY POST. ScotpioaleWest, Ea
the name "Cassava," while in Eastern worker must exercise the same care so ...101.17.,..
•-- qv)
It is with the great- E.
tropical countries it is known as Manico, that men may be induced to lay hold upon •
••••‘4,‘I. • i
-tii. est pleasure that I
ig -7
, x...von= rocommend to all my =.
and in Brazil as " Mandicoa." This life. In the one case men must fish for sex the Compass =
11 0"074'4: .-' Dresscutting system, =
gigantic root produces a flour that is prey, but in the other they must pray for a. ge ? , IV which I consider one =
said to rival the best of wheat, while the fish. %Pr+ 1\\J
of the greatest boons =
....... conferred upon ladies =
juice makes an excellent table preserve. of this enlightened =
I The COMPASS century. It is simpli- =
Large factories are now being erected in Among the Dead. During some recent DRESS CHART superior city itself, and far i---_-
excavations in an old cemetery near in every way
Florida for the manufacture of cassava = Send for particulars: to the Scientific.
Thee. J. Cheshire,
starch. The root produces sixteen tons Williamstown, Victoria, the workmen 110 Westbourne Grove,
= Northcote, Melbourne.
to the acre, from which 7,000 pounds of came upon a coffin made of American iii11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111=
iii 4/00
starch can be obtained. Ash. This covering for the dead was
strongly built and hermetically sealed.
When opened, it was found to contain THE BIBLE ECHO
Anti-Kissing League. A society bear- the body of a beautiful young woman.
ing this title has recently been formed by She was wrapped in a winding sheet, and In the Interests of Moral Culture and Bible Truth..
some influential women in America. It appeared perfect as in life. This old
PRICE, payable in advance:.
appears that Lieutenant Hobson was burying place, one of the earliest used in For the year, post free 6/.
kissed by ten thousand women as a recog- the colony, had been closed since 1857. For six months, post free 3/3
Two copies to one address in Victoria (each) 4/-
nition of his heroic action in connection The young woman had evidently died on Six copies to one address in the Colonies (each) 3/6
To other Countries in the Postal Union
with the Merrimac exploit, but this is not board some ship, and had been preserved SINGLE COPIES (postage extra)
the cause of the formation of the league. for interment. Beauty still lingered in the
The step has been taken with the object buried dust. What will it be when Bible Echo, Best Street, North Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia.
of saving children from being kissed by God finally puts the touch of immortality AGENTS :
everybody. Disease is frequently com- upon His people ?—They will be brought Australian Tract Society, 214 Chapel St., Pm/wan, Vic.
N .S.W. 2 fact Society, 25 Sloane St., Summer Hill, N.S.W.
municated in this way, and parents would forth from the grave wearing a diviner Q. Tract Society, Petrie Terrace, Brisbane.
New Zealand Tract Society, 37 Taranaki St., Wellington, N.Z
do well to see that. every one has not the beauty than they had ever known before. International Tract Society, 59 Paternoster Row, London.
West Australian Tract Society. 263 Newcastle St.,' W. Perth
right to kiss their babies. No doubt the kiss The skill of man may preserve the dead W.A
is employed as an expression of affection, from decay, but it requires the touch of
but it not infrequently retrogrades into a Divinity to place the living beyond the Printed and published by the Ecato PUBLISHING COMPANY,
LTD.. 14 and 16 Best Street, North Fitzroy, and registered as a
senseless habit, power of death, newspaper in Victoria.

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