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keep the wrong day. But the principle is the same.

In both cases it is a Sabbath of created by

man based on tradition and not the Sabbath which God made at creation.

The conflict in Christ’s day was actually over the Sabbath made by God versus the Sabbath
made by human tradition, and to keep a Sabbath made by man is to practice false worship!!

Intention to Kill

It must be underlined that the Pharisees not only broke God’s Sabbath by abstaining from
doing good on the Sabbath but they also broke the Sabbath by intending to kill Jesus on it
(Mark 3:6; Matthew 12:14; John 5:14).

Irony of ironies, they condemned Jesus for healing on the Sabbath but they wanted to kill on it
because he did not keep it as they thought He should!! Certainly their rules of Sabbath
observance had made of none effect the commandment which says: ‘You shall not kill.’

Does this also ring a bell? Is there as time coming when the Christian world will want to kill
those who do not keep their Sabbath, that is, a Sabbath of human invention? Revelation 13:15
says that this is just what will happen.

Is Sabbath Keeping Legalism?

It has always been an enigma to me how the Christian world can accuse Seventh-day Adventists
of being legalists for keeping the Sabbath and then turn right around some day and say, ‘You
either keep the Sunday or we will kill you!’ What worse legalism could exist than to keep the
Sunday for fear of death rather than out of love for God?

We also know that the Christian world will teach that the increasing natural disasters in the
world are due to God’s wrath because of the desecration of Sunday as the day of worship.
They will say: ‘Let us return to God, keep Sunday, and then God will bless America once again.’
This is legalism—attempting to earn God’s favor or turning away His disfavor by keeping

Roman Catholics and the Sabbath

A challenge to Protestants by John Eck, the enemy of Luther:

“The Scripture teaches ‘Remember that you sanctify the day of the Sabbath; six days shall you
labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God’, etc. But
the Church has changed the Sabbath into the Lord’s [day] by its own authority, concerning
which you have no scripture. . . The Sabbath is commanded many times by God; neither in the
Gospels nor in Paul is it declared that the Sabbath has ceased; nevertheless the Church has
instituted the Lord’s Day through the tradition of the apostles without Scripture.” (Johann Eck,
Enchiridion Locorum Communium . . . Adversus Lutheranos [Handbook of Common Places

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