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PREFACE OR CENTURIES GOD’S PRESENCE ON EARTH was associated with the sanctuary. It was through Moses that the command first came: “Make Me a sanc- tuary; that I may dwell among them.” Ex. 25:8. When the tabernacle, as the first sanctuary was called, was finished, “a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.” Ex. 40:34. Henceforth God communicated with His people “from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim which are upon the ark of the testimony,” in the most holy, the second apartment of the tabernacle. Ex. 25:22. As God’s earthly dwelling place, the sanctuary must ever be of deep and abiding interest to God’s people. When we understand that the services conducted in the tabernacle and later in the temple were symbols of a higher service in the true tabernacle above; that all the ritual and all the sacrifices pointed to the true Lamb of God, the sanctuary becomes of still more importance. In it the gospel is revealed. Christians would do well to study the sanctuary and its services. They contain precious lessons for the devout student. Christ is seen as the great High Priest, a role which to many church members has lost its significance. And yet, Christ’s work as High Priest is the very essence of Christianity, the heart of the atonement. It is the hope and prayer of the author that this little book may lead some, perhaps many, to a deeper apprecia- tion of what Christ means to them and of what He is doing for them; and that they may, through the new and the living way which He has consecrated for them through the 13

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