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Copyright © 2021 · Jonathan Otto and Health Secret, LLC

NOTICE OF RIGHTS: All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written
permission of the author.

DISCLAIMER: The Author and Publisher have strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this book. While
all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Author and Publisher assumes no responsibility
for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or
organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of results. Readers are
cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their individual circumstances and to act accordingly. This book is an educational
guide that provides general health information. The materials are “as is” and without warranties of any kind either express or implied.
The book’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the protocols (including
products and services) mentioned in the book should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician or
healthcare provider. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other
advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard. While every effort has been made to
ensure accuracy, these contents should not be construed as medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment to you or any
other individual, and are not intended as a substitute for medical or professional care or treatment.
Omicron Facts vs. Myths & Misconceptions ............................................................................................ 1

Booster Fail .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Uncovering the REAL Number of COVID Injuries and Deaths .................................................................. 8

Using Fear and Bribery to Force Compliance of Never Ending Boosters ............................................... 14

How Politicians and Vaccine Pushers Demonize the Unvaxxed as Domestic Terrorists ......................... 18

Denying the Unvaxxed Healthcare, Food and Work .............................................................................. 21

Vaccine Pushers Getting Rich from Omicron Hysteria ........................................................................... 25

Reclaiming Our Freedom........................................................................................................................ 29

Big Brother............................................................................................................................................. 32

About Jonathan Otto ............................................................................................................................. 36

Omicron Facts vs.
Myths & Misconceptions

One month into Omicron’s detection and almost two years trapped under the COVID narrative, the world continues
to grapple and thrive amid this fear-stricken pandemic.

The introduction of the Omicron variant sent the world into a media-driven panic mode once again. But while it
was found to be highly transmissible, numerous studies have shown that Omicron is far less severe than previous

What We Know So Far

• According to the CDC website, on November 24, 2021, a new variant was reported to the World Health
Organization and was tagged as variant B.1.1.529 (Pango Lineage). This new variant was first detected in
specimens collected on November 11, 2021 in Botswana and on November 14, 2021 in South Africa. On
November 26, 2021, WHO classified it as a Variant of Concern (VOC) and labeled it Omicron.
• Though Omicron was first reported from South Africa, its exact origin is still unknown. Scientists in South
Africa first confirmed detection of this variant that has about 50 mutations — 36 of which are in the spike
protein, allowing the virus to attach to human cells and invade them.These multiple mutations make
Omicron more transmissible and more likely to evade the body’s immune defense.

• Since December 1, when the first case was confirmed in the United States, Omicron has been reported in
more than 100 countries. It is expected to become the dominant variant worldwide.
• One of Denmark’s top virologists, Dr. Anders Fomsgaard, suggests that Omicron’s origins were perhaps
connected to HIV, as the virus could have come from an immunocompromised person whose body couldn’t
kill it off — allowing it to grow and mutate.
• Dr. Fomsgaard thinks that Omicron may deepen people’s immunity and could push the virus into something
less menacing (like the annual flu), but will not be able to eradicate it fully. It could jump into rodents and
back to humans again, and re-mutate into yet another variant. He described the coronavirus as a “master
mutator” and clearly, with vaccination, humans are driving the virus into a corner, where it can either
weaken or change. “It could come out on the other end even weaker,” Fomsgaard said. “But that is risky
business. It might hit another jackpot mutation”
Transmission and Seriousness

Since its emergence, Omicron has repeatedly been found to be more contagious, but less severe in terms of
sickness than the Delta variant. Hospitalization and death rates for Omicron are much lower than they are for
previous COVID infections.

• On December 14, 2021, the President of Cornell University notified students that its Ithaca, New York
campus, where it has about 25,600 students, would be shut down. This was due to a reported 903
COVID-19 cases among students between December 7-13, 2021. A high percentage of them were fully-
vaccinated individuals. Cornell’s overall vaccination rate among students is 99%, a portion of whom had
also received a booster shot.
• In South Africa, where the variant was first reported, hospitalizations may have reached their peak as
case counts have declined and are down by 20% in the last week. Notably, South Africa recorded nearly
27,000 new cases nationwide but those numbers dropped to 15,424 within a week — signaling that the
country’s dramatic surge in Omicron cases had peaked. That short wave has shown that it was not very
severe in terms of hospitalizations and deaths.
• The South African Medical Research Council conducted a significant study in collaboration with Discovery
Health, a large health insurance company that shows reduced risks of hospitalization and severe disease
in people infected with Omicron versus the Delta variant. This study looked at more than 200,000 COVID
cases in South Africa during the Delta-driven surge in September and October, and the beginning of the
Omicron-driven surge in November as it began increasing rapidly in the region. About a quarter of the
people in the study already have chronic illness, putting them at higher risk of severe COVID. Researchers
found that the risk of hospitalization for adults dropped 30% during the early days of Omicron surge
from the levels seen in September and October. Hospital admissions are the lowest of the 4 COVID
waves, and are ONE THIRD of what they were during the Delta surge.

• Scientists from the National Institute for Communicable Diseases, University of Witwatersrand, and the
University of Cape Town in South Africa studied 161,328 COVID-19 cases, reported nationally between
October 1 and December 6, 2021. They found that 2.5% of people with Omicron were admitted to the
hospital compared with 12.8% of people with the Delta variant during this time period.
• Researchers from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland studied data on 23,840 Omicron cases and
126,511 Delta cases, from November 1 to December 19, 2021. For Omicron, there were 15 hospital
admissions (0.06%) versus Delta having 856 hospital admissions (0.68%).
• In a study from the LKS Faculty of Medicine at Hong Kong University, Dr. Michael Chan Chi-wai and his
team also found that Omicron multiplies 70 times faster than Delta but replicates 10 times slower in the
lungs, an indication of lower disease severity.
• In London, England, where a large number of Omicron cases were reported, infected people were asked
about their symptoms through the ZOE COVID Study App under the ZOE Symptom Tracking Study. The
latest data shows most people reported having common cold symptoms: runny nose, headache, sore
throat, and sneezing. With fewer people getting severely ill, this study suggests that Omicron is indeed
a milder variant.
As science evolves, there is still a lot to be learned, and
data to be gathered, around the Omicron variant. What
happened in South Africa may not happen in other regions
due to different factors such as previously-acquired
immunity from prior infections. Though the emerging
research is promising, we are still on the first stage of getting
to know this new variant that has once again threatened,
not our life, but the freedom to live that life.

With concrete ground data from South Africa and study

results from Scotland, Hong Kong, and the UK indicating
that Omicron, though easily transmissible, has caused
fewer hospital admissions and severe cases than the Delta
variant, it is puzzling why governments around the world
are determined to enforce mask and vaccine mandates.
Why does the mainstream media continue to wreak fear
with news of a serious global risk when evolving science
on Omicron reveals the contrary? Why are we being led
to believe that another booster shot is necessary to fight
off the Omicron variant? Is there really a cause for panic
or are we just being driven into another rollercoaster ride
of vaccine-induced dystopia, where everyone’s freedom to
decide for their own life is at stake?


Booster Fail:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” — Albert Einstein

Government authorities and Big Pharma once promised us that “vaccines work”. They urged — and forced —
people to get vaccinated, repeatedly. With the discovery of the Omicron variant in late November 2021, they are
now promoting the need for a fourth shot to declare a person safe from COVID — despite several top medical
experts warning of serious consequences.

• On December 21, Israel became the first country in the world to approve the fourth shot for the elderly,
immunocompromised people, and its health care workers.
• The Israeli government’s health ministry panel recommended the country begin offering a fourth COVID
vaccine dose within 5 days. Prime Minister Naftali Bennet immediately welcomed it saying it’s “great news
that will help us overcome the Omicron wave that is spreading around the world.”
• However, on December 23, The Times of Israel reported that country’s health minister director-general,
Dr. Nachman Ash, may not endorse the panel’s recommendation, because he has been examining data
from Britain indicating the Omicron variant is less severe than the Delta strain.

• Also on December 23, The New York Times reported “some scientists warned that the plan could backfire,
because too many shots might cause a sort of immune system fatigue, compromising the body’s ability
to fight the coronavirus.”
• Along with the generally sparse knowledge about Omicron, the effect of a fourth dose against the new
variant is also unknown. But the country’s medical experts point to waning immunity in those 60 or older,
who were the first to receive the third shot starting in August. The presentation showed a doubling of
the rate of infection from Delta among the 60-plus age group within four or five months of the third
• “Prof. Hagai Levine, an epidemiologist and chairman of the Israel Association of Public Health Physicians,
said that Israel was not seeing a sharp rise in infections yet — daily infections are at around 1,200 a day,
down from 11,000 at the peak of the Delta wave in August — and there was no evidence that a fourth
shot was needed to prevent severe illness from Omicron.”
• Interestingly, Israel pioneered the “third shot” for at-risk people. Since then, over four million Israelis have
received the third dose. It begs the question that, if the third shot didn’t work, why do they think the
fourth shot will work?
• Germany was the second country to announce their plan for a fourth shot to tackle Omicron. Health
minister Karl Lauterback has ordered 80 million doses of BioNtech vaccine that is expected to arrive in
Germany by May. He also ordered 4 million doses of the newly approved Novavax and 11 million doses of
Valneva (which is still waiting for authorization).
• Dr. Anthony Fauci stated US health officials are discussing the prospect of rolling out the fourth COVID shot
for Americans. He added they would eventually change the definition of “fully vaccinated” to someone
who has received all vaccine doses.
• Not surprisingly, Pfizer’s chief executive, Albert Bourla, once projected that a fourth dose might be needed
12 months after the third shot. However, on CNBC’s “Squawk Box”, he said, “we may need it faster.”
• Pfizer is currently working on another COVID vaccine that specifically targets Omicron. They said it would
be delivered within 100 days, pending regulatory approval.
• Although Dr. Fauci, Bourla, and other health officials are keen on rolling out the fourth COVID shot,
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) chief scientist, Soumya Swaminathan said “The boosters are,
unfortunately, probably not the solution to this” — however, the WHO is not ruling out the need for
boosters in the future.
• It’s also worth noting the statement from another WHO official. In a recent briefing in Geneva, WHO’s
director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said “Blanket booster programs are likely to prolong
the pandemic rather than ending it.”
Omicron may have proven itself more infectious than its predecessors: however, it’s still unclear whether this new
variant is more severe than delta. Earlier data from South Africa’s private hospitals have shown that cases of the
new variant in the country appear to be much milder than the previous infection waves.


Uncovering the REAL Number
of COVID Injuries and Deaths

On December 20, The Defender on Children’s Health Defense website reported that the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) claim no deaths can be attributed to the COVID
vaccines – a very different story from the 8,986 deaths in the US alone reported in the Vaccine Adverse Events
Reporting System (VAERS) on November 26 – an impossible number to disregard.

Despite its flaws and drawbacks, VAERS is one of the better adverse event data collection systems in the world.
It’s a good tool to evaluate vaccine safety and detect safety signals that were missed during the premarket testing
or clinical trials.

The system was launched in 1990 and has gathered three decades of data for comparison. Investigations have
found, though, that only 10% to as little as 1% of injuries have been reported in VAERS. According to OpenVAERS,
which analyzes the VAERS data and reports results on its website, as of December 10, 2021, VAERS has gathered
around 965,841 COVID vaccine adverse event reports with 20,244 of these being COVID vaccine reported deaths.

How Does VAERS Acquire The Data?

Anyone can file a report (with penalties for those

who provide false reports). However, filing is time-
consuming and very exacting. It takes on average 30
minutes to fill out a report. Each page also times
out after an allotted period, forcing people to start
again from the very beginning.

Dr. Jessica Rose, Ph. D a researcher at the Institute

for Pure and Applied Knowledge in Israel, who is
currently applying her programming skills to the
VAERS database, shares that forcing people to
start again in filling out the forms is probably what
frustrates people. The time involvement was cited
as one of the main reasons why doctors don’t
report adverse events. And most patients don’t
know they can file on their own, so their adverse
events are likely to go unreported.

Despite this, Dr. Rose shared that the VAERS reports are a way to detect safety signals. “And it is functioning
that way because there are many, many safety signals [about the COVID jabs] being thrown out by the data. For
example, everyone’s heard of myocarditis … which is one of the safety signals being thrown off in VAERS. And so,
we’ve learned that it happens in young people, more so in boys.”

Here’s a look at the OpenVAERS analysis of the VAERS data as of December 10, 2021.

Deaths: 20,244
Hospitalizations: 106,129
Urgent Care Visits: 106,308
Doctor Office Visits: 151,187
Anaphylaxis: 8,516
Bell’s Palsy: 12,127
Miscarriages: 3,297
Heart Attacks: 10,229
Myocarditis/Pericarditis: 19,039
Permanently Disabled: 33,675
Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelet: 4,807
Life Threatening: 22,953
Severe Allergic Reaction: 35,529
Shingles: 11,126

Janssen - 1,686
Moderna - 4,996
Pfizer 13,488
Unknown 74

Unknown - 7590
Ages 5 to 11
Ages 12-24 - 158
Ages 25-50 - 1,107
Ages 51-60 - 2,194
Ages 66-80 - 4,491
Ages 81 - 4,702

• According to VAERS, more than 20,000 deaths have been reported in 2021, compared to 605 reported
in 2019.
• COVID vaccine-related deaths in 2021 peaked during April with almost 2,500 deaths reported. In May,
deaths decreased to over 1,700, increased slightly in June, and then remained relatively level around
1,900 deaths per month until dropping again in November to less than 1,500 deaths.
• Most of the reported COVID vaccine-related deaths were from Pfizer inoculations with 13,488.

Healthy, Young People Dying from Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis

Myocarditis is one of the most dangerous side effects experts have seen from the mRNA vaccines, especially on
healthy young people. On November 2, during Sen. Ron Johnson’s panel meeting with experts and COVID vaccine-
injured victims and their families, a distraught father, Ernest Ramirez from Texas, talked about his 16-year-old son
who had recently died following his Pfizer vaccination. Mr. Ramirez’s previously-healthy son collapsed suddenly
while playing basketball, and passed away from myocarditis.

Japan recently placed a Myocarditis warning on COVID vaccines. In October 2021, Japan labeled COVID vaccines
to warn of dangerous and potentially deadly side effects, which include myocarditis. They also emphasized,
“informed consent and bodily autonomy” for those who wish to be inoculated by the vaccine.

Japanese health authorities are especially concerned about the risk of myocarditis among young men injected
with either Pfizer or Moderna. They are enforcing a legal reporting requirement of side effects that must take
place within 28 days from the injection.

There are other reports of rare heart problems, which were found to be caused by vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna).
On September 11, French health authorities advised against the use of Moderna for people under 30 after

confirming a slight risk of cardiac inflammation associated with mRNA. It checked on people from ages 12 to
50 who were hospitalized for myocarditis and pericarditis between May 15 to August 31. Results showed that
vaccines from both Pfizer and Moderna increased the risk of these illnesses within seven days of vaccination.

Sadly, in December 2021, Netflix reality TV star, Maya Vander told her fans her devastating grief for delivering her
stillborn baby after 38 weeks of pregnancy. A month before this tragic news, her photo was posted -- a picture of
health -- and was even described by US Magazine as “fully vaccinated”.

Stillborn deaths are one of the noted side effects of the vaccines. In addition, experts have noted miscarriages
and reproductive issues, which have been also reported under the VAERS system.

• From The OpenVAERS Analysis Of VAERS COVID Vaccine Myo/Pericarditis Reports

• Post COVID vaccine myo/pericarditis reports are significantly higher compared to those reported from
a flu vaccine. The highest cases reported were from ages 15 to 25, with age 18 having the highest number.
• Comparing post dose 1 with post dose 2, the highest myo/pericarditis reports were from ages 14 to 23
post dose 2. Ages 15- and 19-year-olds reported the highest number of cases.
• The highest number of people reporting myo/pericarditis after their first dose was from 18- to 24-year-
olds, with age 20 having the highest number of cases.
• For every year since 2010, 2021 has the highest number of myo/pericarditis cases reported from all
vaccines with over 20,000. The highest previous year was in 2018 with 122 reported cases.
• Half of the myo/pericarditis cases reported were of unknown ages.
• Most of the myo/pericarditis cases were from those who took Pfizer, with more than three-quarters of
the total number reported. Moderna ranked next with almost a quarter, while Janssen had the least.

Finally, A Claim...

After almost a year since the vaccines were first rolled out, and after 965,843 adverse events were reported (as
of December 10, 2021), first claims for the COVID vaccine and countermeasures related injuries were confirmed.
According to the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), “One COVID-19 claim has been
determined eligible for compensation and is pending a review of eligible expenses.” However, CICP did not reveal
the terms of the compensation.

It is, however, unclear whether the claim will be for the COVID vaccine reactions or other COVID-related treatment.

CICP was established under the aegis of the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act of 2005.
The PREP Act was developed to coordinate the response to a “public health emergency.” The law remains in place
until 2024.

The CICP program focuses on countermeasures, such as “a vaccination, medication, device, or other item
recommended to diagnose, prevent, or treat a declared pandemic, epidemic, or security threat.” Individuals
can also claim death benefits for someone who died as a result of a countermeasure. It is run by the Health
Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
and is separate from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), which covers injuries related to
vaccines that are routinely administered to children and pregnant women.

Remember: the high number of vaccine-related deaths and injuries reported to VAERS are only 1% to 10% of
total cases. If all vaccine adverse effects were actually reported, imagine how much higher the numbers would
be now.


Using Fear and Bribery
to Force Compliance of
Never Ending Boosters

Almost two years into the COVID pandemic, the narrative from our public officials and health authorities has had
little to no change. Time and again, “getting the jab done” was offered as the best solution to counter numerous
COVID strains, although authoritative health officials have clarified since the beginning that the vaccines do
not grant immunity nor do they prevent transmission of the virus from one individual to another.

To make matters worse, in spite of the never-ending fear mongering, mandates, coercion, and bribery, we are
nowhere near the finish line. After being deluged with the narrative that getting both doses of the vaccine was the
most effective course of action, we were again dumbfounded when the same officials announced months back
that the vaccines require a booster shot — allegedly to counter new strains or to prolong the “effectiveness” of
the vaccines. It would seem that, for as long as the virus continues to exist and new strains are discovered, the
number of booster shots would also increase.

Now, with the occurrence of the new COVID strain, the Omicron variant, known to be far more contagious yet
much less severe than the Delta variant, officials are again pushing the same failed narrative to get the jab done.
And as occurred when the COVID-19 vaccines first became available, they are utilizing fear and bribes to incentivize

• New York CIty restaurant owner, Danny

Meyer, founder of Burger Palace and
Gramercy Tavern, announced that starting
January 1, all diners, staffers, and new
employees must get a booster shot if
they want to eat or work at his three
restaurants. These individuals will be
required to show proof of their booster
vaccination at the door.
• And as a way of motivating the masses
to get the shot, Meyer highlighted on
his social media account the city’s $100
incentive for anyone who gets a booster.
The incentive was the order of the city’s
Mayor Bill De Blasio, reviving the $100
payout for booster shots received by
December 31 at eligible clinics around
• Walmart reintroduced its COVID vaccine
incentive for frontline associates to receive
$150 after they become fully vaccinated.
• West Virginia is offering a $50 incentive to
their citizens to become vaccinated.
• In Vermont, rather than targeting hesitant adults who often aren’t persuaded to get a vaccine or booster
for cash, Gov. Phil Scott and the Agency of Education announced the School Vaccine Incentive Program in
which schools that achieve a student vaccination rate of 85% or higher will be eligible for a minimum award
of $2,000 and a potential maximum of $15,000 for schools over 90% vaccinated.
• Governor Kathy Hochul of New York announced the new ‘Ski for Free’ COVID-19 vaccine incentive
sweepstakes for children ages five to 11 and booster shot recipients.
• The New Jersey Department of Health leveraged a child to pressure parents by running a commercial of
a boy asking Santa for the COVID-19 vaccine instead of games and toys.

Israel became the first nation in the world to administer a fourth shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for
individuals over the age of 60 and its medical personnel. That’s because getting only the first two doses leaves
individuals vulnerable and at a higher risk of getting Omicron — since immunity gained from the first two shots
wanes within a few months.

This plan was met with a warning from some scientists concerned that a fourth shot might cause immune
system fatigue, severely compromising the body’s ability to fight the coronavirus.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the U.S, along with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, are
considering the idea of administering a fourth shot to Americans in the coming months as well.

Premier Mark McGowan confirmed that Western Australia became the first jurisdiction to introduce mandatory
COVID-19 booster shots to more than one million workers in its essential industries. These include those who
are working in healthcare, aged care, quarantine, and mining. McGowan said, “You need to start thinking about
booking a third dose as soon as possible before Omicron comes into our community.” Although booster shots
are not compulsory for the rest of WA’s population, McGowan did not rule out its possibility and confirmed that its
scope may widen in the future, especially for those who want to attend concerts and sporting matches — in other
words, anyone who wants to do normal day-to-day activities.


How Politicians and Vaccine
Pushers Demonize the Unvaxxed
as Domestic Terrorists

Severe prejudice towards unvaccinated individuals is sadly not a new occurrence — but the media-driving fear
mongering and social media shaming is taking this prejudice and hurtful rhetoric to frightening new levels.

• Washington Governor Jay Inslee likens the unvaccinated to domestic terrorists. “Thirty-four percent
of Washingtonians are walking around with a time bomb in their backpack because they’re not
vaccinated,” he said at a press conference. Seattle talk-radio host Jason Rantz spotlighted Inslee’s
“ridiculous” remark, pointing out that the governor’s administration acknowledges there are people who
can’t receive a vaccine for medical reasons or have “deeply held religious convictions.”
• Politicians like Gov. Inslee blame the unvaxxed for the spread of COVID cases, although vaccinated
individuals can transmit the virus.
• Companies unilaterally terminate employee contracts if the employee chooses to forgo the experimental

• Statutes are legalized, which make COVID vaccinations mandatory and non-compliance subject to
imprisonment and hefty fines.
• Unvaccinated people are barred from sports and entertainment venues, and many places of business.
• Individuals post comments on social media, pressuring people to get the jab to protect themselves and
others, with an implied “shame on you for not caring enough about others if you don’t get it done.”
• President Joe Biden, in a recent speech to the nation, blamed unvaccinated individuals for the continuing
disease when he said, “Those unvaccinated against COVID will be looking at a winter of severe illness
and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.”
• Dr. Anthony Fauci even urged Americans to disinvite unvaccinated family members from Christmas
gatherings, “We’re dealing with a very serious enough situation now that if there’s an unvaccinated
person, I would say, I’m very sorry, but not this time. Maybe another time when this is all over.”
• Government officials in the Austrian city of Linz, home to around 200,000 residents, are treating unvaccinated
individuals as suspects — to be monitored and penalized. Linz now offers paid employment to private
citizens who would like to work as “vaccination inspectors” — monitoring the unvaccinated and ensuring
they pay non-compliance penalties. Vaccination inspectors will be paid an annual income of $43,794.
• Starting February 1, all Austrian citizens will be required by law to receive all FOUR COVID-19 shots
(including the second booster). Anyone who refuses will be named and shamed (added to a registry of un-
jabbed members) and subjected to a hefty fine of $4,000. Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein confirmed
unvaxxed individuals must continuously pay the fine until they are able to show proof of compliance. Many
residents would have no choice but to “get jabbed” rather than to pay this penalty.
• In addition to the $4,000 fine and inclusion in the registry, Austrian politician Sussane Fürst of the Austrian
Freedom Party is spearheading an amendment to the country’s Administrative Enforcement Act, which
allows the government to imprison for up to a year those who refuse to pay COVID fines.
• Wychwood Barns Farmers Market in Toronto denied an unvaccinated man entry to buy food, alleging
that proof of vaccination must be shown at the door. The employee who was enforcing their alleged
‘policy’ stated that the unvaccinated man could stand outside and make an order there. The security guard
threatened to call the police on the man for trespassing. (The Retail Council of Canada (RCC) states that
Ontario retail shops, medical services,and essential retail (grocery stores, pharmacies) do NOT require
proof of vaccination.
• The New South Wales (NSW) government is considering a radical proposal where unvaccinated patients
could be forced to pay their own hospital bills for COVID-related admissions.
• Rad Hadley, an Australian radio broadcaster, claims that although the proposal doesn’t have the support
of the state’s top health bureaucrats, he believes the proposal should be pushed through, that the
unvaccinated should be treated with disdain. Hadley said, “It would be radical if they did it. But we are in
desperate times and desperate measures are called for.”


Denying the Unvaxxed
Healthcare, Food and Work

Should our right to buy food, access healthcare, and earn a dignified living depend upon whether or not we
choose to have an experimental COVID-19 vaccine injected into our bodies?

Countries around the world are issuing and enforcing an increasing number of mandates and regulations that
remove equal rights from those who refuse to get jabbed.

How has it come to this?

Our most basic necessities should not be withheld by governments seeking to advance their own agendas.
Ironically, it’s often progressives — the most vocal about “human rights” — who are at the forefront of denying
them to unvaccinated people.

• The Senate of Germany implemented the 2G, 2G Plus, and 3G rule, making proof of vaccination or
recovery coupled with a negative PCR or rapid test mandatory before one can access essential and
non-essential retail and grocery stores, public transportation, and even physically attend work.
• Under the 2G rule, individuals must first present proof
of full vaccination or recovery from infection before
they can access all non-essential shops, restaurants,
et cetera. Under the 3G rule, proof of full vaccination
or recovery coupled with a negative rapid or PCR test
is required before they can access all modes of public
transportation, except taxis, in Berlin. Employers are
also mandated by the 3G rule to check for vaccine
passports and negative tests. With the implementation
of those regulations, unvaccinated individuals who
are unable to present proof of recovery coupled
with a negative PCR or rapid test would be denied
access to grocery stores and their workplace, among
• On a positive note, a German court in Lower Saxony
ruled against denying access to retail stores for
individuals who fail to provide documentation under
the rule. The Hanover court ruled in favor of a retail
store operator, arguing among other things that the
German Senate recently found that reliable evidence
about infection in the retail sector is lacking. The
court also pointed out that “the vast majority of contacts between customers takes place in the food
and grocery sector, which is currently not subject to the 2G rule.” The 2G rule in retail was temporarily
repealed by the Higher Administrative Court Lüneburg, stating that “the measure was not necessary to
further contain the coronavirus and is also not compatible with the general principle of equality.”
• On the other hand, the New South Wales (NSW) government in Australia considered a proposal to force
unvaccinated patients by choice to fork out their own medical expenses during Covid-related hospital
admissions. This was confirmed by the state’s health minister, Brad Hazzard, who said, “This is an option
under consideration by the NSW government.”
• Former NSW premier Bob Carr called for Australia to follow Singapore’s example that started to charge
individuals who are unvaccinated by choice. Citing two reasons why they should pay their own medical
bills, Carr said, “First, overstressed frontline workers in our healthcare system. They shouldn’t have to look
after simpletons who believe rubbish on the web and ignore medical advice. Second, Australians with
manageable conditions like diabetes or asthma may face a life-or-death crisis from contracting COVID.
They have rights, too.”

• The proposal represents a radical and drastic departure from the country’s system of universal healthcare
and was greatly opposed by the president of the Australian Medical Association, Dr. Omar Khorshid, as
unethical. “The big issue from a medical point of view is that it’s really not ethical or the right thing to do
to limit access to healthcare based on people’s previous health choices. If you follow that same logic,
are you going to ask smokers to pay for their healthcare? I think it would be a real shame if through
this pandemic we lose our compassion, we lose our humanity, and our care for fellow Australians, even if
they’ve made choices we think are unwise or incorrect or even completely antisocial.”
• Dr. Khorshid also grounds his premise on the fact that the cost for a Covid-related hospital admission was
“astronomical” and that there was “no way” an average Australian could have any capacity of paying the
bill, especially when a great majority of patients admitted in the country’s intensive care are unvaccinated.
• Google is threatening to fire its employees who remain unvaccinated by choice. The company gave its
employees until the 3rd of December to upload proof of vaccination or receive approval for a medical or
religious exemption. Anyone who doesn’t comply by the 13th of January will be placed on a 30-day paid
administrative leave. If the employee still refuses to send proof within the 30-day period, they could be
placed on unpaid leave for up to six months and then terminated.


Vaccine Pushers Getting Rich
from Omicron Hysteria NOW MANDATING BOOSTERS

Since the outbreak of the COVID pandemic began, a number of Big Pharma executives and shareholders have
made billions of dollars in personal gains from COVID vaccine patents.

• In 2021, over $10.31 billion in wealth was gained by just eight shareholders of Pfizer and Moderna.
• Global outcry over Omicron sent Moderna’s shares up 28%. In contrast to the S&P 500’s 2.5% drop, Pfizer’s
stock has risen 6% and BioNtech’s stock has gained 15% in the United States over the same time period.
• Pharmaceuticals analyst at GAMCO Investors, Kevin Kedra said, “They are clear COVID plays and anything
that ramps up the intensity of COVID is going to benefit them. They (vaccines) are the front line of
defense against COVID.”
People who get two doses of covid vaccines don’t seem to be very safe from getting Omicron infections. So, can
a third — and a potential fourth in Israel and Germany — dose stop COVID?

• According to the WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, “No country can boost its way
out of the pandemic.” Despite that, governments around the globe are still mandating people to have
a booster shot. In fact, in many countries COVID-19 vaccination boosters are being shortened from six
months to as little as three.

Two new studies, by separate groups of U.K. researchers, report that compared to previous coronavirus variants,
Omicron infections are much more likely to cause mild illness and far less likely to require hospitalization.

• The University of Edinburgh in Scotland evaluated COVID-19 cases reported in November and December
and classified them according to whether they were caused by Delta or Omicron. It found that “Omicron
is associated with a two-thirds reduction in the risk of COVID-19 hospitalization when compared to
• The second study, conducted in England by Imperial College London, discovered that Omicron had a
20-25 percent drop in hospital attendance when compared to Delta, and a 40-45 percent reduction in
hospitalizations lasting one night or more, or “admissions.”
The important issue is that our perspective should not shift from personal safeguards and a realistic assessment
of the situation – person by person – to a media-fueled communal hysteria over an imagined Black Plague. The
bottom line is that national and international leaders who should be promoting calm, confidence, realism, and
rational thought are instead selling fear — and doing so for their own financial gain.

• One such example is the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who is involved in
a serious conflict of interest: she’s pushing for vaccine mandates from which she and her family benefit
financially. Her husband, Heiko von der Leyen, is the medical director in the management team of
Orgenesis, an American biotechnology company specializing in cell and gene therapies — the very same
technologies involved in mRNA vaccines used in Big Pharma’s COVID vaccines.
• In fact, Ms. von der Leyen herself, spent over a month exchanging text messages and calls with Albert
Bourla, the chief executive of Pfizer. As a result, the European Union locked in 1.8 billion doses from Pfizer
and its smaller German partner, BioNTech.
• Ms. von der Leyen’s actions were reported to the European Ombudsman, Emily O’Reilly, who investigated
why her text messages with a pharmaceutical company chief were mysteriously deleted.
• The well-known French entrepreneur Francois Ducrocq tweeted,”In some way, the questions that European
readers ask themselves: “Ursula von der Leyen, our largest purchaser of vaccines in hundreds of millions
of units, has a husband, Heiko, who runs Orgenesis, a biotech company specializing in gene therapy.”
As the pandemic raged, at least 75 lawmakers bought and sold stock in companies that make COVID-19
vaccines, treatments, and tests

According to an Business Insider review of federal financial records, dozens of members of Congress have made
investments in corporations that have a direct stake in the nation’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak

• In 2020, at least 13 senators and 35 members of Congress owned stock in Johnson & Johnson, the Big
Pharma behemoth that developed the single-shot COVID-19 vaccination that has been administered to
more than 15 million Americans.

• Additionally, at least 11 senators and 34 representatives held stock in another COVID-19 vaccine
manufacturer, Pfizer, in 2020.
• New Jersey Democrat Josh Gottheimer was the only other member of Congress to own Moderna stock.
He sold shares valued up to $15,000 in May 2020.
• Republican Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama sold up to $50,000 worth of Pfizer stock in August 2021 and then
was nearly a month late filing his disclosure.
• Vivien Scott, the wife of Rep. Austin Scott, a Republican of Georgia, traded up to $50,000 worth of Johnson
& Johnson stock on two occasions in 2021.
Democratic lawmakers also invested in non-vaccine companies that profited greatly from the pandemic, such
as COVID-19 test providers or PPE (personal protective equipment) manufacturers — despite chastising anyone
seeking to profit from COVID-19-related therapies and defenses.

• Rep. John Yarmuth, a Democrat of Kentucky who chairs the House Budget Committee, sold up to $15,000
worth of stock in 3M, which creates and distributes personal protective equipment such as N95 masks, at
the end of March 2020.
• Archie Smith, the husband of Minnesota Democratic Sen. Tina Smith, held up to $250,000 in 3M shares,
according to her annual declaration.
• Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer of Oregon reported that his wife, Margaret Kirkpatrick, bought up to
$15,000 worth of stock in Quest Diagnostics, a leading COVID-19 test provider, in March 2020.
• Democratic Rep. Don Beyer of Virginia reported buying up to $15,000 worth of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
stock in May 2020, through a jointly held account.
• New Jersey Democrat Rep. Tom Malinowski told MSNBC in April 2020, “This is not the time for anybody to
be profiting off of selling ventilators, vaccines, drugs, treatments, PPE, anywhere in the world.” In contrast
to that, up to $15,000 worth of stock in Chembio Diagnostics, a company that makes COVID-19 test kits
and tests for infectious diseases, was sold by a lawmaker in the early days of the pandemic.
Sadly, the Biden administration is trying desperately to create as much
fear over Omicron as they can. Their never-ending narrative of “everyone
must get the booster,” is designed to scare Americans into putting fear
over hope, separation and isolation over Christmas and Hanukkah.

Omicron’s symptoms, which are similar to the common cold, result in

milder infections and lead to fewer hospitalizations. In fact, Americans
catch more than a billion colds each year, an average of two to four
per person. When was the last time there was so much hysteria over
catching a cold?


Reclaiming Our Freedom:

Governments all over the world are mandating COVID vaccines, taking away the freedom and right of each
individual to choose what is best for them and their children. In response, millions are protesting against forced
vaccinations at Medical Freedom Rallies, fighting to protect their legal and human rights.

Tens of thousands of people with “My body, my choice” and “This Is America” signs are peacefully protesting the
Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, which forces all employees of federal contractors who work
for the government to be “fully vaccinated” — a definition, which is rapidly expanding to include (potentially
multiple) boosters.

Legal petitions for medical freedom have paid off, including a joint petition filed by several states, and numerous
businesses and advocacy groups that argued the Biden administration’s government overreach.

• A U.S. federal appeals court on Saturday, December 18, 2021 temporarily blocked the Biden administration
from requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to get workers vaccinated or have them tested
every week. The vaccine requirement would apply to about 84 million workers across the country and go
into effect January 4, 2022.
• In a tweet, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton pointed to the lawsuit and the court’s order, writing “WE
WON “ and vowing to continue fighting. Paxton is separately suing the Biden administration over its
coronavirus vaccine mandate for federal contractors.

• The Supreme Court is also considering Biden’s vaccine mandate for healthcare employees in Medicare and
Medicaid institutions, after federal appeals courts put this on hold in over 20 states.
• Thousands of medical professionals in ten states were exempted from the vaccine mandate on November
30, 2021 after Judge Matthew T. Schlep of the Eastern District of Missouri ruled it unconstitutional. “Because
this mandate significantly alters the balance between federal and state power, only a clear authorization
from Congress would empower CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid),” Schlep said in the order. “Given
the vast economic and political significance of this vaccine mandate, only a clear authorization from
Congress would empower CMS to act.
California Governor Gavin Newsom announced the nation’s first coronavirus vaccination mandate in October
but the Oakdale Joint Unified School District will not be enforcing the state’s vaccine mandate. “Oakdale Joint
Unified School District supports local control and decision making,” the document said. It went on to say it has
operated in-person learning in a safe way without vaccines this semester. About 35% of district employees are
unvaccinated, according to the document.

COVID-19 vaccines won’t be required in Virginia schools, as the Virginia Department of Health opted to take no
action after the petition to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for all students and school employees failed. The agency
said it lacked the “clear statutory authority” to mandate the shots for employees. This effectively ends forced
vaccinations in Virginia schools, as Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin has publicly rejected vaccine coercion.

Internationally, there have been thousands of protests in dozens of countries — many with tens of thousands of
people in attendance — protesting forced lockdowns, masks, and vaccines.


Big Brother:

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, public health officials have shifted from traditional public health surveillance
to innovative technology, such as tracking applications, to restrict the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

These new surveillance tools underscore long-standing public health issues between individual rights and
the common good. They are also at the core of a number of current issues, including the loss of privacy online,
the monetization of online data, and the abuse of online surveillance by governments. These tendencies are
seen as establishing “surveillance states” and new kinds of “surveillance capitalism” that have the potential to
degrade human rights and weaken democracy.

• During pandemics, public health surveillance is thought to be very important for preventing and stopping
the spread of a disease. These public health data, on the other hand, can be very personal and private,
and they can show a lot about a person’s lifestyle, habits, and health. It has always been a concern for
people’s rights when these kinds of surveillance technologies have grown.
• Digital health surveillance raises four main concerns for human rights, and these concerns risk
undermining the public health surveillance system. The efficacy of digital tools for global health surveillance
is questionable. Making digital surveillance tools contingent on downloading them could be discriminatory
toward already disadvantaged people. In India, for instance, contact tracing app Aarogya Setu has now
become mandatory for all employees.

• Mandatory requirements to download and use
such apps would mean that they have to buy new
models of smartphones. The long-term nature
of the COVID-19 crisis has led to fears that a
new extended regime of health surveillance
could entail permanent, intrusive surveillance.
Digital surveillance apps could be linked to
comprehensive medical records and used to
determine healthcare access. Data could also lead
to discriminatory exclusions (such as pre-existing
conditions) and differential pricing by insurance
• In Bucheon, South Korea, government officials are
planning to use over 10,000 surveillance cameras
to try out face-recognition technology to spy on
people who have been infected with the virus
so they can track their movements and make
sure they wear masks. The massive surveillance
scheme “harvests credit card records, cell phone
location data, and closed-circuit television (CCTV)
footage, among other personal information.”
• The availability and use of a large, publicly available database of personal images has prompted apparent
issues about privacy. “The subject of facial recognition software is particularly controversial, especially
when it comes to matters of privacy,” the Daily Wire noted.
• Moscow is using facial recognition technology to ensure that anyone told to remain at home or at their
hotels during a coronavirus quarantine comply. A freelance journalist, Andrey Kaganskikh, stated that “it
was possible to purchase access to the system.” Dealers on Russian internet forums offer to conduct
people searches similar to those conducted by law enforcement officers.
• Kaganskikh stated in a report for the independent Russian news organization MBKhMedia that he paid one
dealer to conduct a search for him using his photos. The dealer sent a dossier containing approximately
200 screenshots from cameras where the system believed it detected him. However, despite the fact that
several of the persons in the photographs resembled him, Kaganskikh stated that none of them were
truly him. While Kaganskikh believes the surveillance system has legitimate applications, he believes it
was introduced with little debate and few legal safeguards, making it ripe for abuse. He stated that the
epidemic was hastening the system’s spread.
• Epicenter, a Stockholm-based business, recently presented a new approach to carry a COVID vaccine
passport – in the form of a microchip inserted beneath the skin. The implant is readable by any device
that supports the near-field communication (NFC) protocol – the same technology that enables contactless

payments and keyless entry devices. ‘’In case your phone runs out of battery, it’s always accessible
to you. So of course, that’s how we use this technology today, next year we are going to use it for
something else,’’ said Hannes Sjöblad, Epicenter’s chief distribution officer.
• Mobile tracking’s underlying idea – that users are inextricably linked to their phones - conflicts with the
experience of those who share devices, cannot afford regular service, or face frequent internet outages.
• Human rights organizations argue that as surveillance capabilities improve, it may be difficult for
governments to draw back. Additionally, experts are concerned that surveillance methods such as a
person’s location data may be ineffective and that there may be no timeline for when governments will
cease collecting such data.
• According to Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a nonprofit digital privacy advocacy group, “one of the
big problems of this digital surveillance is that collection of certain data like phone location, hasn’t
been proven to be effective in tracking the spread of the virus.”
• “Because new government dragnet location surveillance powers are such a menace to our digital rights,
governments should not be granted these powers unless they can show the public how these powers
would actually help, in a significant manner, to contain COVID-19,” the EFF said.


Jonathan Otto is an investigative journalist, natural
health researcher, documentary filmmaker, and

He has created several highly-acclaimed,

groundbreaking docuseries — Vaccine Secrets,
Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Secrets,
Autoimmune Secrets, Natural Medicine Secrets,
Women’s Health Secrets, and Autoimmune
Answers — covering innovative, effective
natural remedies for autoimmune disease,
neurodegenerative disease, mental health, cancer,
and heart disease.

These docuseries — watched by millions around

the world — represent Jonathan’s unceasing quest
to discover the root causes of debilitating diseases
by interviewing over 100 world-renowned natural
medicine doctors, scientists, natural health experts,
and patients.

In response to this life-saving knowledge, Jonathan created Well of Life, a line of doctor-
formulated, 100% natural supplements specially designed to detox and fortify the body.

Jonathan’s greatest reward has been hearing the testimonials from people whose lives
have literally been saved with the protocols he developed.

His work has been featured in international TV broadcasts, print media, national news,
and radio broadcasts. He received the awards, Young Citizen of the Year and International
Volunteer of the Year, by the Australian government for international humanitarian
contributions, which he continues to support.

Jonathan and his wife, Lori, welcomed their first son, Asher, in January 2019 and their
second son, Arthur, in May 2021.


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