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Planning After Graduate

This report was conducted in order to find out students plans after graduate from school. This survey
was conducted in class 12 (tweleft) ATU and 12 (tweleft) PHT, SMK Muhammadiyah 01 Batu. We use
interview method to find out what the students plans are after graduate from school. Here we took 20
(twenty) samples, 10 (ten) students from 12 ATU and 10 (ten) students from 12 PHT.

The result of the survey as many as 15 (fivety) out of 20 (twenty) students who were surveyed said
that after graduate, they had plans to work, then four students said that after graduate they would
continue their studies at the University, and one student has desire to take part in training.

Students have many plans after graduate on which is going to work. As many as 15 students who
have plans to work after graduate, they have a desire to work in different fields, 7 students choose to
work as hotelier, three students want to become entrepreneur, two students choose to work in the food
and beverage sector, two people want to a framer, and the last person wanted to work in a factory.

Apart those who want to work, there are 4 students who have plans to continue to university. Among
of them 2 students want to study in veterinary, while 2 students want to study business management,
one student has a plan to take part in training, he hopes after taking part in the training he can become
a fasilitator.

Based on the result above, we can conducted that most of the students class 12 SMK Muhammadiyah
01 Batu have plans to work after graduate. Vacational schools themselves are intended for students who
have the prospect of working straight away after school.

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