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TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ i
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................ ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1
A. Background ........................................................................................ 1
B. Problem Statement ............................................................................. 3
C. Objective of the Study ....................................................................... 3
D. Significance of the Study ................................................................... 3
E. Scope of the Study ............................................................................. 4
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE.................................... 5
A. Speaking ............................................................................................. 5
B. Mobile Game ...................................................................................... 12
C. Player Unknown Battle Ground Mobile (PUBGM) ........................... 15

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD................................................................ 17

A. Research Design ................................................................................. 17
B. Source of the Data .............................................................................. 17
C. Research Instrument ........................................................................... 18
D. Data Collection ................................................................................... 18
E. Data Analysis ...................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION................................................... 21
A. Findings .............................................................................................. 21
B. Discussion ........................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ........................................... 26
A. Conclusion .......................................................................................... 26
B. Suggestion........................................................................................... 26
BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................... 28


Figure 4.1 Responses of Question 3 ................................................................................. 21

Figure 4.2 Responses of Question 5 ................................................................................. 21

Figure 4.3 Responses of Question 4 ................................................................................. 22

Figure 4.4 Responses of Question 1 ................................................................................. 22

Figure 4.5 Responses of Question 8 ................................................................................. 23

Figure 4.6 Responses of Question 9 ................................................................................. 23



A. Background

An online game is a structured game that is played for fun and as a learning tool.

The most critical aspects of online games are the game's goals, rules, challenges, and

interactions, as well as the internet network's support. Client-based and web-based games

are the two types of online games available. Client-based, in which game developers have a

portal for users to download on their device or smart phone and use the game online without

having to reload the tab. Web-based is an online game that is accessed by first visiting the

website. When played, all types of online games use a person's mental and physical


Online game is a social activity which mostly the element within the activity

generates a negative behavior. Furthermore, it plays as a background of addiction among

gamers and influence their behavior (Ulfa, 2017). Meanwhile according to Lam (2003),

mobile game is a game that not only can be played via mobile phone and smart phone, but it

can be developed in a wide variety mobile handset such as PDAs, Symbian OS, Android OS,

and Microsoft.

Games may aid in the development of functional skills as well as serve educational,

simulation, or psychological functions. As game players, we will experience a variety of

positive and negative effects from our use of games. The the negative effects that can be

triggered, such as increased aggression, irritability, and ignoring all types of activities,

While the positive effects that the game can have on the user’s focus, language skill

specially speaking skill, and the desire to make new friends, are only a few examples.

Humans have the ability to communicate with one another. Information, views, thoughts,

desires, threats, orders, gratitude, promises, declarations, and feelings can all be exchanged

and only our imagination limits us. We can laugh to express enjoyment, happiness, or

disrespect, smile to express amusement, joy, approval, or bitter feelings, shriek to express

frustration, excitement, or fear, clench our fists to express resolve, anger, or a challenge,

raise our eyebrows to express surprise or disapproval, and so on, but language is our

primary mode of communication. We will cover a lot of ground in this study about

language, but to begin, we can describe it as a method of communication based on words

and the combination of words into sentences. Language-based communication is referred to

as linguistic communication, while non-linguistic communication involves things like

laughing, smiling, shrieking, and so on. Human life and language are inextricably linked.

We need language in every aspect of our lives because human nature is to socialize.

According to, Keraf in Smarapradipha (2005) provides two language

comprehension. The first definition of language as a stated means of communication by a

person. Second, language is a communication device that employs arbitrary vocal symbols.

Speaking as one of ways to communicate is crucial because it is the most

commonly used ability for conveying messages and exchanging information. Many

second-language or foreign-language learners, according to Richards, put a high emphasis

on mastering English speaking skills. As a result, learners also assess their language

learning achievement as well as the effectiveness of their English course based on how

much they believe their spoken language proficiency has improved.

In order to aid people who, learn English improve their speaking skills, they should

implement interesting, engaging and challenging activities. Playing communicative games

is one of the many activities available. Through this way, they are more able in producing

the target language. They will experience speaking English more in fun and communicative


However, on the other side, the reason why the writer chooses this topic, besides

the writer himself is a gamer also to prove that mobile games not only spend the time but

something which we can learn English from, moreover the writer wants to show the positive

impacts that public seldom know about, and last but not least providing alternative ways for

the readers to applied for the best of their speaking skills this the writer wants to elaborate.

That is why the topic is “Developing English Speaking Skill by Playing Mobile Game.”

B. Problem statement

Based on the background above, the writer composes two problem statement as follows:

1. How does mobile games affect English speaking skill?

2. How is the English-speaking skill development by playing mobile game?

C. Objective of the study

Based on problem statement the objective of the research as follows:

1. To find out how the mobile games affect English speaking skill

2. To identify development english speaking skill by playing mobile game

D. Significance of the Study

This study is expected to give contribution for all the readers. They are For Society

specially those who are currently exercising their speaking skill. For readers, the results of this

study are expected to be additional information for game users and other parties involved in the

development of online games in order to maximize the functions of these online games

correctly and can reduce the negative effects of using online game and for academic,

The results of this study are expected to increase knowledge for academics and

non-academics as well as provide scientific contributions in the field of Psychology, in the form

of an explanation of the effect of mobile games on one's English language proficiency.

E. Scope of the Study

Based on the problem above, the writer primarily determines in the scope of study

as the aim of this study is to investigate whether the activity of playing Player

Unknown’s Battlegrounds game could be considered to learning situations such building

up the players’ speaking skill and increase a player’s motivation for learning English.

The reason behind this study is that participation in Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds

game will engage the players, encourage players to communicate with each other and

work together to achieve common objectives. Developing English Speaking Skill by

Playing Mobile Games in this case is interested to choose Player Unknown Battle Ground

Mobile (PUBG Mobile) developed by PUBG Corporation, Krafton with Real time

multiplayer communication from around the world which exercise our speaking skills

unconsciously so that skills develop effortlessly.



A. Speaking

I. Definition

Speaking is characterized as the development of auditory signals that cause a

listener's verbal responses to differ. It is defined as the systematic formation of meaningful

utterances by combining sounds according to language-specific principles.

Audio-lingualism takes this approach. Finally, the bottom-up approach to teaching

speaking implies that we should begin with the smallest units-sounds-and progress

through mastery of words and sentences to discourse (Cornbleet & Carter, 2001).

Concept of speaking that is based on interactional abilities, which include

communication decision-making. This is referred to as a top-down approach to speaking.

Eckard & Kearny, Florez , and Howarth (2001) adopt this viewpoint and define

speaking as a two–way process involving true communication of ideas, knowledge, or

feelings. This top-down viewpoint considers spoken texts as the result of communication

between two or more interactants in shared time and space. As a result, advocates of this

viewpoint argue that, rather than teaching learners to construct well-formed sentences and

then using them in discourse, we should enable learners to participate in spoken discourse

from the start, and they will eventually acquire the smaller units.

Burns & Joyce and Luoma (2004) describe speaking as an interactive process of

constructing meaning that involves creating, obtaining, and processing information, in an

attempt to elaborate further on the interactive nature of speaking. Its shape and

interpretation are determined by the context in which it takes place, which includes the

participants, the physical environment, and the reasons for speaking. It is frequently

unscripted, open-ended, and changing. Expression, on the other hand, isn't always

predictable. It is possible to identify language functions (or patterns) that recur in specific

discourse situations.

Speaking is characterized as a learner's ability to express himself or herself orally,

coherently, fluently, and accurately in a given meaningful sense, and it is this latter

approach that is used in the current study.

II. Aspects of Speaking

Aspects of the speaking ability must eventually be scrutinized and taken into account.

These factors present some difficulties, prompting the development of standards for

comprehending this ability and, as a result, instructional exercises to train students to

interact effectively in real-life circumstances.

a. Speaking is face to face:

The majority of conversations are held face to face, allowing speakers to

receive direct feedback, such as, "Do listeners understand?" Is everybody on the

same page? Do they share our feelings? (Cornbleet &Carter, 2001). As a result,

facial expressions, gestures, and even body motions may be used to communicate

by speaking. The lot of the sample, speaking happens in circumstances where

participants or interlocutors are present. These elements make contact easier (El

Fayoumy, Widdowson, & Burns).

b. Speaking is interactive:

If we're speaking to one person or a small group, the wheels of discussion

normally turn smoothly, with participants making contributions at the appropriate

times with no unnecessary gaps. or a group of people talking over each other

(Bygate, and Cornbleet & Carter, 2001).

Turn taking, an essential element of interaction, is an unspoken part of

daily communication. Turn taking is done and signaled differently in different

cultures, which can lead to communication problems when people of different

cultures and languages converse (Mc Donough & Mackey, 2000).

c. Speaking happens in real time:

Responses are unplanned and unpredictable during conversations, and the

speakers think on their feet, producing vocabulary that represents this (Foster et al.,


The speaker's ability to prepare, coordinate, and monitor the vocabulary used is

hindered by the time constraints. A false start occurs when a speaker begins to say

something and then changes their mind halfway through. In addition, the speaker's

sentences cannot be as long or complex as they can be in writing. Speakers, too,

are prone to forgetting what they wanted to say, or even forgetting what they have

already said, causing them to repeat themselves (Miller, 2001).

This implies that while real-time speech production imposes constraints, it also

offers opportunities for compensating for these constraints. Formulaic phrases,

hesitation devices, self-correction, rephrasing, and repetition can all assist speakers

in being more fluent and dealing with real-time demands (Foster et al., 2000 and

Hughes, 2002).

Exposing students to these facets of spoken discourse actually helps them

develop their oral production and compensate for the difficulties they face. It also

makes them sound more natural when speaking the foreign language.

d. Speaking as interaction

Talk as interaction refers to what we often refer to as "conversation" and

defines interaction with a predominantly social intent. People exchange greetings,

engage in small talk, recount recent encounters, and so on when they meet because

they want to be polite and build a relaxed zone of contact with others. The

emphasis is on the speakers and how they want to show themselves to one another

rather than the message.

e. Speaking as Transaction

The word "speak as transaction" defines circumstances in which the emphasis

is on what is said or done. Participants and how they communicate socially with

one another are less important than the message and having oneself understood

clearly and accurately.

distinguishes between two forms of transactional chat. The first category

includes circumstances in which the participants are mainly concerned with what

is said or done and where the emphasis is on giving and receiving information.

Transactions that concentrate on purchasing products or services, such as checking

into a hotel or ordering food in a restaurant, are the second category.

III. Purpose of Speaking

It was argued that speaking can serve either a transactional or an interactive

function. There seem to be some distinctions in the spoken language used in

transactional and interactive discourse. Clearly, precise and concise

communication of the message, as well as assurance that the message has been

understood, are critical in this form of interaction. Newscasts, explanations,

narrations, and directions are all examples of language that is used mainly for

transactional purposes. Speaking turns for this reason are usually long and require

some previous material organization as well as the use of linguistic devices to

signal the organization or type of information to be delivered (Basturkmen, 2002).

Language is mainly used to communicate knowledge in transactional discourse.

The language used for this reason is geared toward the'message' rather than the

'listener'. Clearly, precise and concise communication of the message, as well as

assurance that the message has been understood, are critical in this form of

interaction. Newscasts, explanations, narrations, and directions are all examples of

language that is used mainly for transactional purposes. Speaking turns for this

reason are usually long and require some previous material organization as well as

the use of linguistic devices to signal the organization or type of information to be

delivered (Basturkmen, 2002).

Some conversations, on the other hand, are interactive with the aim of forming

or sustaining a relationship. Interpersonal language usage is a term used to

describe the latter form. It has a significant social effect. social intercourse's gears

are being greased. Greets, small talk, and compliments are examples of

interactional uses of language. The interactional mode's vocabulary tends to be

based on the listener. This style of speech is usually restricted to very short turns

by the speakers.

Despite the differences between the two forms of language, interactional and

transactional language are often mixed. By maintaining good social ties with

others, this helps to make transactional activities easier to complete. To put it

another way, speakers do one thing while doing another. As a result, all purposes

can be thought of as two dimensions of spoken communication.

In order to more specifically evaluate speaking purposes, Kingen (2000)

groups both transactional and interpersonal purposes of speaking into the

following twelve categories:

a. Personal - expressing personal feelings, opinions, beliefs and ideas.

b. Descriptive - describing someone or something, real or imagined.

c. Narrative - creating and telling stories or chronologically sequenced events.

d. Instructive - giving instructions or providing directions designed to produce

an outcome.

e. Questioning - asking questions to obtain information.

f. Comparative - comparing two or more objects, people, ideas, or opinions to

make judgments about them.

g. Imaginative - expressing mental images of people, places, events, and


h. Predictive - predicting possible future events.

i. Interpretative - exploring meanings, creating hypothetical deductions, and

considering inferences.

j. Persuasive - changing others’ opinions, attitudes, or points of view, or

influencing the behavior of others in some way.

k. Explanatory - explaining, clarifying, and supporting ideas and opinions.

l. Informative - sharing information with others.

IV. Genres of Speaking

The genre theory assumes that various speech events generate different types of texts,

each with its own overall structure and collection of grammatical objects (Hughes, 2002).

Speaking extracts are categorized into the following genres as stated below:

a. Narrative: A series of everyday anecdotes told with active

listener participation.

b. Identifying: Extracts i n w h i c h p e o p l e t a l k a b o u t

t h e m s e l v e s , t h e i r biography, where they live, their jobs,

their likes and dislikes.

c. Language-in-action: Data recorded while people are doing

things such as cooking, packing, moving furniture… etc.

d. Comment-elaboration: People giving casual opinions and

commenting on things, other people, events and so on.

e. Debate and argument: Data, in which people

take up positions, pursue arguments and expound on their


f. Decision-making and negotiating outcomes: Data

illustrating ways in which people work towards

decisions/consensus or negotiate their way through

problems towards solutions.

V. Speaking Sub-Skill:

Many people assume that daily casual interaction is haphazard. Furthermore, most

ELT course books do not break down speaking into micro-skills, which is unfortunate.

Instead, they frequently have the nebulous goal of "improving learner fluency" (Sayer,


However, one of the most important aspects of comprehending the nature of speaking

is to examine it in terms of competencies, or underlying abilities, that characterize

speaking ability. It is commonly believed that such underlying abilities have some type of

structure, consisting of various components that communicate and interact with one

another. It's also believed that various performances rely on these underlying abilities in a

variety of ways that are understandable.

Identifying these competencies can, of course, assist in their instruction and, as a

result, in assessing how far they have been attained.

Some taxonomies used to describe speaking sub-skills eventually adopt a

communicative approach, assuming that speaking is primarily used for communication.

There are specifically general models of language skill that are used to determine speaking

abilities as well as other abilities. Other taxonomies, however, are considered

speaking-specific and focus on distinguishing characteristics of speaking. These

taxonomies are based on an examination of the competencies that underpin conversational


Both of the previous categories' models or taxonomies offer alternative frameworks

for defining speaking abilities. One model can be chosen or several can be combined to

provide a more complete picture of speaking ability (Luoma, 2004).

B. Mobile Game

I. Definition

The term Mobile Game refers to games that are designed to run on mobile or ‘cellular'

phones (Mencher, 2004). Mobile Game, on the other hand, is defined by IBM as games

created or adapted specifically for phones or other mobile devices. Mobile Games can also

refer to applications that allow users to play games on their mobile devices. Three broad

categories exist for mobile games (Chauhan, 2007).

The first are embedded games, which are games that are built into the operating

system of the mobile device: a good example is Snake, which comes standard with all

Nokia phones. The second category includes SMS games, which are frequently in the

form of live contests and polls. Last but not least, there are browser games, which can be

played online or offline using the built-in micro browser on a mobile phone. mGame

genres can be divided into the following categories in addition to the ones listed above:

a. arcade/action – for example Doom and Alien

b. sports – bowling, golf and football

c. skill, strategy and logic – for instance Sudoku

d. card and board – like monopoly

e. role playing game – for example Final.

Mobile games are also referred to as "power" or "casual" games. Casual games are

non-violent games that are easy to pick up but difficult to master. These are games that

players can easily leave and return to. The amount of time spent playing can range from a

few minutes to several hours. The polar opposite of casual is power.

Mobile Games can be played using the device's built-in communications technologies,

such as text messaging (SMS), multimedia messaging (MMS), or GPRS location

identification. Games that are downloaded to a mobile phone and played using a set of

game technologies on the device are more common. Mobile Games are typically

downloaded over a mobile operator's radio network and loaded into phones when

purchased, or via infrared, Bluetooth, or memory card. A successful Mobile Game,

according to Yuan, should have a number of characteristics, including:

a. providing rich social interactions to cater for the growing multiplayer games

b. interruptible so that children, teenagers or adults, who often have small chunks of free

time can switch smoothly between tasks

c. avoid explicit violent or sexual content.

Furthermore, Mobile Games are often played at odd moments, for example, on bed,

while waiting, travelling on a train, or even during ‘killing time’. Therefore, literatures

suggest that mobile games should be:

a. quick and easy to start, play and navigate (Forum Nokia, 2004)

b. easy to understand, where players should quickly grasp the procedures, concepts and

processes used in playing (Desurvire et al., 2004)

c. compelling and challenging, but not impossible to win (Korhonen and Koivisto,


II. History of Mobile Game

The history of mobile gaming dates back to the 1980s, when Nintendo released its

portable LCD game series ‘Games and Watch,' which featured characters such as Mario

(Pelkonen, 2004). Later, Nintendo introduced a new type of game console: the Gameboy,

which has replaceable cartridges. Nokia, on the other hand, developed a new type of game

that could be played with a mobile phone in 1997. Snake was the first game, and despite its

simplicity, it became surprisingly popular. Since then, Nokia has released a number of

similar games for their phones, which are either permanently installed or can be


New types of mobile gaming emerged in the late 1990s, allowing gamers to play

multiplayer games. These games were both WAP and SMS-based. Following that, Java

games were introduced to the market in 2001, when mobile phones were equipped with

color screens. Nokia introduced the N-Gage platform and wireless online gaming with

N-Gage Arena when more advanced phones (such as smart phones) became available that

could support 3D graphics and natural sounds (Pelkonen, 2004). Mobile gamers now have

access to a wider range of Mobile Games, including location-based games (Bell et al., 2006).

C. Player Unknown Battle Ground Mobile (PUBGM)

1.The PUBG Mobile game

PUBG, or Player Unknown's Battleground, is a Bluehole - developed competitive

survival shooter game. However, PUBG Mobile, a smart phone - based version of the game,

has recently become available. The only difference between these two games are the device

that is used to play them. Light speed and Quantum Studio are the game's distributors for the

mobile version or smart phones. PUBG Mobile is available in two versions, one for Android

and one for iOS. (2019, from

Brendan Greene designed PUBG Mobile, which is a Battle Royale genre of a game.

According to, with the genre of Battle Royale, it is essentially a game

concept in which a group of players are gathered within a relatively small area and forced to

eliminate each other until only one winner remains (Kevino, 2018;, 2018).

Even though it belongs to the battle royale genre, PUBG Mobile was not the originator of the

beginning game with the flow. Games with a similar genre have been made a few years

earlier but became famous for a moment the PUBG game was introduced (Usmanda, 2018;, 2018). However, as time passes and PUBG's platform evolves, the game has

successfully entered the smart phone gaming market.

Training Mode, Classic Mode, and Arcade Mode are among the game modes available

in PUBG Mobile. Training Mode is a mode in which players can learn how to use various

weapons, armor, and vehicles. This mode is specifically designed for players who want to

improve their PUBG Mobile skills.

Players in Classic Mode will be grouped with 100 other players in the same location.

The players will board planes and dive to determine the location where they wish to land.

Prior to the start of the war, players must be able to survive and search for weapons. To

survive, players must be able to eliminate other players and remain in the designated safe

zone. If a player stays out of the safe zone for too long, he or she will be eliminated and will

almost certainly lose the game.

Communication is one of the most important factors in achieving victory in this game;

there is a microphone and speaker feature that allows players in a team to communicate to

discuss strategy and information obtained from the battlefield in order to win.

Arcade Mode allows players to pit their skills against real-life opponents. Because there

is a play zone and more time limits, this mode is much shorter than Classic Mode. War,

Quick Match, Sniper Training, and Mini Zone are the four parts of the Arcade Mode.

PUBG Mobile is a game that is played all over the world, not just in certain regions. As

a result, meeting foreigners in a group is no longer an option. We should communicate with

our teammate even if we have no idea how to do so, which is the main point of developing

English speaking skills by playing this game, which directly and unconsciously triggers the

motivation and determination to practice the speaking skill without having to enroll in a

traditional speaking class to prepare English learners to speak confidently with native

English speakers.



A. Research Design

This study design is classified as a qualitative study based on the paradigm used. The

application of methodological principles related to data and sources of quotations that aims

to achieve scientific findings objectively characterizes the type of qualitative study.

This is a qualitative study. If the data is in the form of ideas, customs, or beliefs, it

should be measured qualitatively. Qualitative research is used to explore and understand the

meaning that is based on individual or group experience through some process. its defined

that qualitative as the use of words rather than numbers in an interview process, as well as

open-ended questions.

B. Sources of the Data

Purposive sampling is used to determine the sample size for this study. It is a sample

collection technique based on certain considerations. Because the chosen informants must

understand the issue, this method of participant selection is beneficial.

The naturalistic of purposive sampling, according, is temporary, serial selection of

sample unit it is dependent on necessity, and selection to the point of redundancy.

The colleagues who play PUBG Mobile will be used as a model. Informants can be

divided into two groups. The first is an online gamer who are new to the game. And then

there are those who have been playing for quite some time.

C. Research Instrument

According to the study's method, the data source is desired to be obtained from the

informants as part of the data of the study, with the reference to be obtained through a


In this study, the writer will spread a open questionnaire. It means that the informants

who will provide the data for the study are aware of the writer’s presence as a researcher.

The questionnaire is an instrument of gathering accurate primary data as an answer to

the study problem by spreading the questionnaire to the respondent. In this case, the writer

will share those question via WhatsApp with 5-8 people who play PUBG Mobile game.

If the informants provide unclear information, the interview session will be continued

directly through WA via voice or video call. The writer will get some ambiguous responses

to questions about the subject.

D. Data Collection Technique

The technique of collecting data in a way that is similar to how data is collected in

research to obtain the necessary data to solve the problems is required.

There the method for gathering data is as follows:

1. Questionnaire

The questionnaire will be a data collection method in which the respondent will be

given a written statement to respond to. The questionnaire that the researcher will use as a

research instrument.

The validity and data reliability of the questionnaire instrument will have to be

determined in order for the research to yield valid and reliable data.
Valid instrument refers to an instrument that can be used to measure what should be

measured, whereas a reliable instrument is one that produces consistent data when uses

multiple times to measure the same object.

This research variable will be measured using a 5-point scale instrument. The

respondent's response will be a selection from one of five options:

1. VA: Very Agree

2. A: Agree

3. N: Neutral

4. DA: Disagree

5. VDA: Very Disagree

The following values will apply to each answer:

1. VA: 5

2. A: 4

3. N: 3

4. DA: 2

5. VDA: 1

E. Data Analysis

The writer will gather the data from the field and analyze it qualitatively in this study.

1. The gathering of information. It will be due to the writer's procedure of data collection.

Furthermore, the will be used as a data collection procedure in this study.

2. Data reduction. The reduction will be started since the writer collects the data through

making precis, investigate the theme, and so on.

3. Display of data. The writer will provide a description of the data in this step so that the

summary could be created. The information is presented in the form of narrative text. It

can also be displayed as a table or a draft.

4. Drawing and verification of the final product. This will be the final step in the data

analysis process. After analyzing and explaining the data with words, the writer will use

the core to answer the study question.



A. Findings

1. How does mobile games affect English speaking skill?

Related to the first problem statement there are three answering questions which

are follows:

a. Mobile Game affects your English-Speaking skill

Figure 4.1 Responses of Question 3

By looking at this chart, it which is shown that 60% of the respondents agreed which

was 6 persons out of 10, and about 20% of the chart showed as neutral, 10% of the chart

disagreed, and 10% more strongly agreed.

b. To improve the speaking skill through mobile game is difficult

Figure 4.2 Responses of Question 5

As the chart displays it can be seen 60% of the respondents agreed which was 6 persons

out of 10, and about 20% of the respondents was neutral, 10% of the chart disagreed, and

10% more strongly agreed.

c. You often play mobile game and feel the need to activate the microphone feature to


Figure 4.3 Responses of Question 4

From the chart displays it is shown that 40% of the respondents agreed which was 4

persons out of 10, and about 30% of the respondents was neutral, 20% of the chart strongly

agreed, and the rest 10% disagreed.

2. How is the English-speaking skill development by playing mobile game?

Related to the second problem statement there are three answering questions which are


a. Learning English through mobile games can develop your speaking skill.

Figure 4.4 Responses of Question 1

Based on the chart it is shown that 80% of the respondents strongly agreed which

were 8 persons out of 10, and about 20% of the chart was neutral consists of 2 persons.

b. The more you play mobile game, the more you talk to communicate.

Figure 4.5 Responses of Question 8

As can be seen from the chart that 40% of the respondents were disagreed which

was 4 persons out of 10, and about 40% of the chart was neutral, and the rest 20%


c. you are not ashamed to speaking English even a little when you are not playing mobile


Figure 4.6 Responses of Question 9

From the chart it can be seen that 60% respondents were agreed which was 6 persons

out of 10, and about 20% of chart strongly agreed, 10% of the chart neutral, and the rest

10% disagreed.

B. Discussion

As it was stated in second chapter, that the PUBG Game is designed to run on mobile or

‘cellular' phones (Mencher,2004). As game players, we will experience a variety of positive

and negative effects from our use of games. The positive effects that the game can have on

the user’s focus, language skill specially speaking skill, and the desire to make new friends,

are only a few examples. Humans have the ability to communicate with one another.

Information, views, thoughts, desires, threats, orders, gratitude, promises, declarations, and

feelings can all be exchanged and only our imagination limits us.

In order to aid people who, learn English improve their speaking skills, they should

implement interesting, engaging and challenging activities. Playing communicative games

is one of the many activities available. Through this way, they are more able in producing

the target language. They will experience speaking English more in fun and communicative

ways. Instead, they frequently have the nebulous goal of "improving learner fluency" (Sayer,


It was argued that speaking can serve either a transactional or an interactive function.

There seem to be some distinctions in the spoken language used in transactional and

interactive discourse. Clearly, precise and concise communication of the message, as well as

assurance that the message has been understood, are critical in this form of interaction.

Newscasts, explanations, narrations, and directions are all examples of language that is used

mainly for transactional purposes. Speaking turns for this reason are usually long and require

some previous material organization as well as the use of linguistic devices to signal the

organization or type of information to be delivered (Basturkmen, 2002).

This implies that while real-time speech production imposes constraints, it also offers

opportunities for compensating for these constraints. Formulaic phrases, hesitation

devices, self-correction, rephrasing, and repetition can all assist speakers in being more

fluent and dealing with real-time demands (Foster et al., 2000 and Hughes, 2002).

Exposing students to these facets of spoken discourse actually helps them develop their oral

production and compensate for the difficulties they face. It also makes them sound more

natural when speaking the foreign language.



A. Conclusion

Related to the first problem statement in the question if Mobile Game affects English

Speaking skill which is shown that 60% of the respondents agreed which was 6 persons out

of 10, and about 20% of the chart showed as neutral, 10% of the chart disagreed, and 10%

more strongly agreed. While how is the English-speaking skill development by playing

mobile game is shown that 80% of the respondents strongly agreed which were 8 persons out

of 10, and about 20% of the chart was neutral consists of 2 persons in the question if learning

English through mobile games can develop speaking skill.

Meanwhile, 40% of the respondents agreed which was 4 persons out of 10, and about 30% of

the respondents was neutral, 20% of the chart strongly agreed, and the rest 10% disagreed if

often play mobile game and feel the need to activate the microphone feature to

communicate. Moreover, 40% of the respondents were disagreed which was 4 persons out of

10, and about 40% of the chart was neutral, and the rest 20% agreed if the more you play

mobile game, the more you talk to communicate.

B. Suggestion

For readers, the results of this study are expected to be additional information for game

users and other parties involved in the development of online games in order to maximize

the functions of these online games correctly and can reduce the negative effects of using

online game and for academic. Moreover, the results of this study are expected to

increase knowledge for academics and non-academics as well as provide scientific

contributions in the field of Psychology, in the form of an explanation of the effect of

mobile games on one's English-speaking skill


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