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Republic of the Philippines) S.S.

City of Talisay )


I, MA. VILLA J. GONZAGA, (the “Complainant"), of leal ae,

!ilipino an #esient of Tambis St. $illamonte, %acolo City, Philippines,
afte# ha&in been s'o#n to in acco#ance 'ith la', o he#eby epose an
say that

1. I am institutin this c#iminal complaint aainst MS. DETCHIE

ENTERINA BAGAPORO, (“Responent %*P+R+) sinle, of leal
ae, !ilipino citien, an #esient of %loc / Ca#mela Subi&ision, Talisay
City, fo# MALICIOUS MISCHIEF as efine an penalie une# #ticle
012 in #elation to #ticle 013 of the Re&ise Penal Coe of the Philippines,
to 'it

“Artic! "#$. Who are liable for malicious mischief. - ny pe#son
'ho shall elibe#ately cause the p#ope#ty of anothe# any amae not
fallin 'ithin the te#ms of the next p#ecein chapte# shall be uilty of
malicious mischief.


Artic! "#&. Other mischiefs. - The mischiefs not inclue in the next
p#ecein a#ticle shall be punishe

/. %y arresto mayor in its meium an maximum pe#ios, if the

&alue of the amae cause excees /,444 pesos5

1. %y arresto mayor in its minimum an meium pe#ios, if

such &alue is o&e# 144 pesos but oes not excee /,444 pesos5

0. %y arresto menor o# fine of not less than the &alue of the

amae cause an not mo#e than 144 pesos, if the amount
in&ol&e oes not excee 144 pesos o# cannot be estimate.

1. The c#iminal offense complaine of 'as committe as follo's

a. +n o# about /444 p.m. of 6ecembe# 1/, 14/7, Responent

%*P+R+, 'ith elibe#ate intent to cause amae, est#oye a
po#tion of the 'i#e fence of the p#ope#ty -- a house an lot --
belonin to the Complainant locate at St. 8atthe' St#eet, Ca#mela
9xecuti&e Subi&ision, Talisay City.

b. The#eafte#, Responent %*P+R+ p#oceee to elibe#ately cause

amae an est#oy the 'ino' sc#een of the bath#oom 'ino' of
amount spent in labo# an mate#ials fo# the #esto#ation an #epai# of
the p#ope#ty amae by Responent.
the abo&e-mentione house belonin to the Complainant.
. The &alue ofunla'ful
Responent:s the amae
act of cause by Responent
maliciously est#oyin the%*P+R+
p#ope#ty of
he#ein Complainant oes not constitute a#son o# othe#'as
to Th#ee Thousan Pesos (P0,444.44), 'hich the
in&ol&in est#uction.

e. Responent %*P+R+:s unla'ful act of est#oyin Complainant:s

p#ope#ty 'as committe me#ely fo# the sae of amain
Complainant:s p#ope#ty an 'as moti&ate by feelins of hate an
#e&ene to'a#s 8#. 6a&i ;ae, 'ho is the lessee of he#ein
Complainant p#esently #esiin at the afo#e-mentione p#ope#ty
belonin to Complainant, by #eason of thei# faile #elationship.

<. I am executin this affia&it to attest to the t#uth of the fo#eoin

a&e#ments an to suppo#t the c#iminal complaint fo# 8=ICI+>S
8ISC?I9! aainst Responent %*P+R+, 'ho shoul be cha#e

IN 'ITNESS 'HEREOF, I ha&e he#eunto affixe my sinatu#e

this@@@@ ay of @@@@@@@@@@14/< at Talisay City, Philippines.



SUBSCRIBED AND S'ORN to befo#e me this

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@at Talisay City. I he#eby ce#tify
that I ha&e pe#sonally examine the affiant an that I am fully satisfie that
she &olunta#ily execute an une#stoo the contents of the abo&e affia&it.

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