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Think Piece – Think About It …

The first thing i thought about, when I read the sentence, I had to complete “The most
important tool for success as an academic is …” was feedback. I don’t know why that just
popped into my mind. And then I thought about it after reading the common answers and the
teachers answer “writing”, and i changed my mind that actually it probably is writing,
because when you are writing with a goal to get better at it, you are not only improving your
writing, but also your thinking, coming up with new ideas, expressing yourself, and your
grammar and vocabulary get better, which you can use not only in writing but also in
presentations and answering teachers' questions, because you are expressing yourself better.

I never thought of myself as a professional writer, because that was a term when I only
thought of journalists, reporters, authors and so on. And I still don't think of myself as a
professional. Because I have it in my head all the time that to be a professional writer, I'd
have to make money from my writing too, or at least publish it and try to make some money
from it. But I do agree that I will consider myself a writer, I don't know if a professional one,
if I start practicing writing more and set some routines.

I want to get better at planning my time and setting a time to write. I believe that I will have a
better relationship with writing because of it.

And yes, I agree that we shouldn't have access to social media when we write.

for example now i have to write this think piece (right now it’s 7th of October and i am
sitting in my room in Olomouc), and i scheduled to write this think piece for the time when i
will be travelling home (9th of October) and also for tomorrow (8th of October) so by doing
that i am a one step closer to manage the contingencies better

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