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ANSWERS: Music and Its Effect on Our Wellbeing

1. What is the primary focus of the presentation?

Answer: The emotional impact of music (b)
2. True or False
Answer: False
3. Fill in the Blank
Answer: Music has been linked to improved mental health.
4. Matching
Pain Management - b. Reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation
Cognitive Enhancement - a. Boosting memory, attention, and cognitive performance
Emotional Expression - c. Helping individuals express feelings in therapy sessions
5. Short Answer
Answer: Improved concentration, memory retention, problem solving skills.
6. Multiple Select
Answer: a) Improved cardiovascular health, c) Reduced pain perception
7. Matching
Emotional Resonance - c. Connecting with deep emotions
Stress Reduction - a. Lowering cortisol levels and promoting relaxation
Cognitive Benefits - b. Enhancing memory and attention
8. True or False
Answer: False
9. Multiple Choice
Answer: c) As a source of comfort, inspiration, and self-discovery
10. Short Answer.
Answer: The personal connection we forge with music transforms it into a life

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