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About the Author
Matt Ritchie is a part-time geek and full-time civil litigator who lives in Abilene
Texas. He is married, and has four adult children, two of whom are players in his
bi-weekly D&D campaign.

Matt fell in love with the original Torg in 1992 but never had a chance to get it to
the table. Then, Torg Eternity appeared in 2017, and he hasn’t stopped playing it
since. At the time of this publication, he is the author and manager of the Torg
Eternity Roll20 Character Sheet.

Matt is also a DM/GM in multiple other games, including D&D 5th Edition, FFG Star Wars, and The
Dresden Files Accelerated. You can find a few of his sessions at https//

Also an aspiring screenwriter, Matt is the author of Christmas Present, a feature-length holiday come-
dy/drama that is both a critique of and homage to the modern American Christmas.

The Riverside Heist

By Matt Ritchie

This product was created under license from Ulisses North America. Torg Eternity, its respective log-
os, as well as Torg, Infiniverse, Possibility Wars, Storm Knight, Aysle, Cyberpapacy, Living Land, Nile
Empire, Orrorsh, Pan-Pacifica, Tharkold, and their respective logos, are trademarks of Ulisses North
America. The title and contents of this book are protected under the copyright laws of the United States
of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted,
in any form or by any means, without written consent from Ulisses North America.

This publication includes material that was produced by Ulisses North America and/or other authors
and which is protected under applicable copyright laws. Use of such material is granted under the Com-
munity Content Agreement for the INFINIVERSE EXCHANGE.

All original content in this work is copyright 2018 by Matt Ritchie and published under the Communi-
ty Content Agreement for the INFINIVERSE EXCHANGE.


The Riverside Heist is a one-act adven- the story. The Key Beats section de-
ture for Torg Eternity. In this adventure, scribes the events that must happen in
the players find themselves hot on the order to move the adventure forward.
heels of a group of robbers who have sto-
• The next item in each scene's descrip-
len a mysterious hard drive from a safe
tion is the Setup, which is normally
deposit box. This pdf is for GM’s eyes only.
comprised of information that is given
Players should avoid reading it so that
to the players at the start of the scene to
their experience of the adventure will be
orient them to the situation and the
fresh and surprising.
challegnes they will face in the scene.
THE ADVENTURE FORMAT • Following the setup are the Develop-
This adventure is divided into two sec- ments for the scene. This section de-
tions. The first section contains the scenes scribes the various scene beats that will
that will take place during the adventure, likely take place as the players respond
and the second contains each of the NPCs to the environment. It also provides a
who appear in the adventure. description of some of the anticipated
skill rolls that may take place as the
The mechanics of Torg Eternity rely on
players attempt to resolve the challeng-
the GM to designate a clear beginning and
es of the scene.
ending of each scene. Accordingly, the
events of this adventure are organized as • The Variables section provides assis-
scenes. tance in handling additional sitiations
that the players may throw at the GM
• Each scene begins with a designation of
during the course of the scene.
whether it is standard or dramatic.
• Finally, the Cut To... section describes
• Next, the type of zone where the scene
what will happen once the scene is re-
takes place is described.
• Following these two items is an Over-
view of the action in this scene.
The focal point of this adventure is an
• Scenes can contain all kinds of action
that may not ultimately be relevant to

encrypted hard drive that is sought by the
Kanawa Corporation and Pope Malreaux's
The Relics of Power trilogy of adventures,
Church. The hard drive contains notes that
which was published shortly after the origi-
were generated by Claude Brown, an
nal Torg was released in the early 1990s.
eighteenth century French explorer, who
These modules featured a plot in which the
purportedly discovered an ancient, mysti-
players became caught up in a struggle be-
cal archive under the sands of Alexandria,
tween the High Lords to capture and control
Egypt. The archives are believed to contain
mysterious and powerful eternity shards.
a relic that describes the nature and loca-
tion of virtually every eternity shard in This adventure is inspired by the Relics
Core Earth, and the balance of the Possibil- series. It is designed to be the first act in a se-
ity Wars would be instantly tipped in favor ries of stories, initiating the players into a race
of any High Lord who possesses it. to capture relics that might otherwise become
weapons that are used by the High Lords to
The lore relating to the archive is well-
subjugate Earth.
known to the High Lords. Indeed, even
now, agents of the Nile Empire are desper-
ately searching the desert around Alexan- Malreaux's cause after his sister was mirac-
dria in an effort to locate it. However, the ulously healed by one of his priests. Acting
archive has thus far eluded them. on orders from the Church, Barnes ar-
ranged for the murder of Coulter. He then
Until recently, Claude Brown's original
destroyed all copies of the photographs of
notes relating to the archive were believed
the materials, save one full set, which is
to be lost. Prior to Day One, they were lo-
now stored on the encrypted hard drive.
cated in a museum just outside of San
Francisco, and the High Lords have con- Barnes believes that the hard drive is
cluded they were lost in the axiom wash secure in a safe deposit box at the River-
that transformed the area into the Living side National Bank, but he is wrong. A dis-
Land. sident mole in the Church has sold infor-
mation about the hard drive and its con-
About a month ago, however, things
tents to the Kanawa Corporation. As the
changed. One of Malreaux's bishops dis-
adventure opens, a Kanawa strike team has
covered that an American scholar named
entered the Riverside National Bank, and -
Vince Coulter was in possession of photo-
unknown to the players - has already made
graphs of Barnes’ notes. Moving quickly,
off with the hard drive while several addi-
Malreaux contacted Vincent Barnes, a
tional team members remain behind to cre-
wealthy businessman in Austin who had
ate a distraction.
recently cast his lot as a true believer in

The adventure begins at the Riverside Nemesis
State Bank in Austin, where the players Although he appears in this adventure
intervene during a robbery in progress. only by means of his gruesome calling card
After dispatching a group of robbers who (see Scene 2), Akinari Ito, the leader of the
remained behind to create a distraction strike team, is an ideal subject for Nemesis.
while Akinari Ito escaped with the hard His presence looms large, especially after
drive, the players learn that the their sole the death of Monica Fletcher in Scene 2. He
is the perfect object of a vengeance quest.
objective was a single safe deposit box.
They will then likely move to interrogate The players may also choose Tatsu, one
Vincent Barnes, the owner of the box, of Ito's henchmen, as the target of a Neme-
about its contents. Barnes proves to be less sis card. If so, rather than fighting to the
death in Scene 4, Tatsu will instead flee,
than cooperative. He provides only a few
setting up further encounters in future ad-
clues before he is killed by a Kanawa snip-
er. The sniper, however, leaves a clue be-
hind that leads the players to nearby Cedar Romance
Office Park, where most of the strike team
Monica Fletcher, the party's local contact
remains behind, waiting for extraction. In with Delphi, and Vincent Barnes are both
the Act's climactic scene, the players con- potential subjects for the Romance card.
front the team in an abandoned building Any encounter with Barnes, however, will
and learn the truth: the team has stolen an not fundamentally change his distrustful
encrypted hard drive with information posture toward the party, as described in
about an eternity shard, and that hard Scene 2 and the Vincent Barnes topic.
drive is now at a top-secret Kanawa facility
Cosm Cards
in Nagoya, Japan.
Escalation, a Core Earth Cosm Card,
DESTINY AND causes reenforcements to arrive at a battle.

COSM CARDS If Escalation is played during Scenes 1 or 2,

one additional strike team member per
During the course of this adventure one Storm Knight will be present, and each
of more of the players may attempt to use Storm Knight receives two possibilities. If it
one of the narrative-changing cards from is played during Scene 4, one additional
the Destiny or Cosm deck. Following are strike team member, plus an additional 2
some suggestions for how those cards strike team members, will be present, and
might come into play. each Storm Knight receives three possibili-

• This afternoon, in the middle of a
SCENE 1 briefing, they were interrupted - there

RIVERSIDE STATE BANK is a robbery in progress at the Riverside

State Bank.

Scene Type: Standard • They immediately geared up and piled

into a van.
Cosm: Core Earth (Pure)
• Monica Fletcher, an eager Storm Knight
Overview in her mid-twenties has been driving.
The players are dropped into the middle of However, due to inexpecience, she will
the action when they intervene in a bank rob- wait behind in the van.
bery in process. After they confront the rob- • Having made their way down a narrow
bers who are threatening the public in the hallway, they are about to enter
main lobby, they learn that the robbers were through a door into the main lobby,
exclusively interested in a safe deposit box where some of the robbers are located.
that is owned by Vincent Barnes, an enigmat-
Alternatively, use the following read-
ic, but wealthy citizen of Austin.
aloud text:
Key Beats You are in Austin, Texas, one of the rare
Once the action winds down, you should metropolitan sites that - for the time being at
make sure that the characters are (a) made least - seem virtually untouched by the possi-
aware that a second group of robbers have bility wars. For the last three days, you have
escaped with the contents of a single safe de- sat through hour after hour of Delphi
posit box from the vault, and (b) pointed to- briefings regarding the state of the possibility
ward Barnes as the owner of the safe deposit wars. The picture is bleak, but not hopeless.
box. This information will likely be provided With the assistance of dedicated Storm
by Jeff Christiansen, the branch manager, but Knights such as yourselves, they hope to soon
if it is not, you should make sure it is con- turn the tide of the war.
veyed in some other manner. This afternoon, in the middle of a briefing, a
Setup junior agent entered the room and notified
the group that a bank robbery was in progress
To get this scene started, provide the fol- at the nearby Riverside State Bank. It is not a
lowing information to the players: run-of-the-mill robbery. Every indication is
• They are in Austin, Texas where, for the that the robbers are well-trained profession-
last three days, they have been participat- als. The local authorities have asked Delphi to
ing in briefings from Delphi regarding the intervene, and - since you were the only
advances that the various High Lords are Storm Knights that were immediately availa-
making in the possibility wars. ble - you quickly piled into a van and headed
to the bank, taking with you your standard

Players Enter Here

weapons and equipment. lating quickly.

After a short ride in an unmarked van that is Once the players have worked out a plan
driven by a young woman named Monica, of action, flip over a card from the Drama
you find yourselves inside the bank, at a door Deck to represent the first round of combat.
that will lead into the main lobby. On the Unless the players take actions that would
other side, you hear screaming from employ- obviously draw attention to their presence,
ees and civilians as they are terrorized by a they will have the element of surprise dur-
group of robbers. ing the first round.

Developments The situation in the lobby is as follows:

• The players enter the scene through a

Gunfight in the Lobby. Allow the play-
ers a few moments to plan their assault. It door that is behind the teller stations,
is difficult, through the door to tell how which are situated along a four and a
many robbers are inside, but they would half foot-tall counter that covers the
guess that there are at least four or five. length of the room.
There are also easily at least a dozen or so • The lobby features a series of glass-
employees and customers. There is no walled offices along the edge, with a
sound of gunfire, but the situation is esca-

counter on the opposite side.T Searching the remains of the robbers
• There is one robber for each of the player does not provide any clue about their iden-
characters, plus one additional robber. tity. An Average (DN 10) Evidence Analy-
They stand in the center of the public area sis or Survival check reveals that they are
of the lobby, threatening the crowd with wearing highly sophisticated tactical gear.
automatic weapons. The Vault. The bank vault is open. Two
• The robbers are NOT wearing masks. security guards stand beside the entrance.
Based on their accents and behavior, they All of the drawers inside the the vault are
do not appear to be Americans. Instead, closed except for one small box in the mid-
they appear to be a mixture of Europeans dle of the wall. An Easy (8) Evidence Anal-
and Asians. ysis test will reveal that it was expertly
picked, likely by a professional.
• About a dozen civilians sit on the floor
submissively, their hands on their heads. Christiansen, if present, is puzzled by
this. Why did the robbers take nothing
• Behind the teller stations, three bank em- else? Why wasn't the cash safe opened and
ployees squat, taking cover under the its contents emptied? The robbers had con-
counter. trol of the entire bank for at least ten
Use the Kanawa Operative stat blocks for minutes.
the robbers, but don't reveal that they are as- One way or the other, during the course
sociated with Kanawa at this point. They re- of inspecting the vault, the players should
spond by firing at the Storm Knights, and do learn that the owner of the safe deposit box
not attempt to take hostages. They mainly is a customer named Vincent Barnes.
want to pin them behind the counter, if possi-
ble, to provide as much time as they can for As the players are looking and asking
the main robbers to get away. around, the following information is also
Players that wish to cross over the counter
• Barnes is a wealthy citizen in Austin.
must spend an action to do so, using the Ma-
neuver skill. If an appropriate Drama card is He was once very active in civic affairs,
in play, this use counts as an approved ac- but during the last year or so he has
tion, but it is not treated as an interaction been very reclusive.
attack. A failed Maneuver attempt causes the • Barnes' address can be provided by the
character to fall prone on the public side of bank.
the counter.
• There are cameras in the vault. They
Once there are only one or two robbers left, have been spray-painted black.
they will attempt to flee out the doors in the
• Most of the recording was destroyed
front of the office.
when the cameras were spray painted,
but a faint image of one of the robbers

was captured on the system. The Storm
Knights can be given a freeze frame of SCENE 2
this image for further analysis.

• Assessing the scene for evidence of the

identity of the robbers requires a Hard
(12) Evidence Analysis test. Success Scene Type: Standard
reveals that, based on the tactics de-
Cosm: Core Earth (Pure)
ployed and their appearance, these
were likely operatives from the Kana- Overview
wa Corporation.
In this scene, the PCs have an opportuni-
• According to bank logs, the sole con- ty to question Vincent Barnes regarding the
tent of this particular safe deposit box contents of the safe deposit box. While they
was an external USB hard drive which aren't successful in securing a full account
was labeled "Family Photos." of the situation from Barnes, the PCs do
Variables learn that the box contained a hard drive,
and that both the Cyberpapacy and Kana-
The players may attempt to capture one wa are willing to go to great lengths to se-
of the robbers. In that event, let the players cure it. At a dramatically appropriate mo-
begin an interrogation, but at the appropri- ment, a Kanawa sniper strikes, killing
ate moment in the interaction, the opera- Barnes before he can reveal the full truth
tive's kill switch (see description for Kana- about the hard drive. When the players
wa Operatives) is activated, instantly de- move to pursue the sniper, they also dis-
priving the players of any further intel. cover that Monica Fletcher, their driver, has
If the players begin to focus on locating been killed. Despite these setbacks, the
and chasing down the robbers, any efforts presence of the sniper also provides an op-
should turn up cold. The robbers managed portunity for the players to track down the
to escape without a trace, and there is no strike team, probably by way of a GPS de-
reliable trail to follow, at least for the time vice that is accidentally dropped during the
being. sniper’s escape.

Cut To… Key Beats

The characters will likely want to locate The following facts should be introduced
and interview Vincent Barnes. If they do in the scene, depending on how the players
not suggest it themselves, then Monica approach the interrogation of Barnes:
Fletcher will convey instructions from Del- • Barnes is a Cyberpapacy loyalist who
phi to talk to the owner of the safe deposit became a true believer when his sister's
box. Proceed to Scene 2: The Barnes Resi- ovarian cancer was cured by one of
dence. Malreaux's priests.

• The box contained a hard drive with data again contacted by Delphi on a mobile device.
that was important to the Church. Delphi has undertaken a preliminary analysis
• Once these two things are established, of the digital recordings of the robbery. Based
and before the PCs can learn any more, on their weaponry and tactics, it is highly
the sniper should strike. likely that they were Kanawa operatives.
Their leader has been identified as Ankari Ito,
• The players should have some means of a ruthless special operations agent. Ito, you
tracking the sniper. If the players don’t are told, would not be assigned to this mis-
devise a means of their own, they will dis- sion unless it was of significant interest to
cover a GPS which has recently been used Kanawa.
to locate Cedar Office Park, which is just
South of Austin. As the briefing concludes, you find yourself
pulling up to a large home of at least 8000
Setup square feet set on an acre or two of suburban
land. A massive, circular driveway crosses
Provide the following information to the
around a fountain, allowing passengers such
players at the start of this scene:
as yourselves to be delivered to front door.
• Monica Fletcher is again the party's driv- Monica pulls the van up to the doorway.
er, transporting them to the Barnes' resi-
dence. Developments
• Delphi has analyzed the digital record- Monica will wait in the van while the
ings of the robbery and confirmed that characters approach the door. Vincent
the perpetrators were Kanawa operatives. Barnes himself will answer the door. He
lives alone and none of his domestic staff is
• Their leader appears to be Akinari Ito, a
present at the moment.
ruthless special operations agent that is
known to be assigned to only the most Barnes is a tall, brooding man with a
critical of missions. deep voice. He dresses in khakis and a sol-
id blue button-down shirt. He is already
• Vncent Barnes lives in a lavish home in
aware of the robbery, but does not know
the Austin suburbs. The home is sur-
the PC's purpose for being there. He be-
rounded by tall trees and has a wide, cir-
comes guarded the moment he is told that
cular drive.
they are interested in the safe deposit box.
• Barnes himself answers the door and
If asked about it, he openly admits that
greets them.
he is a Malreaux loyalist. He became a true
Alternatively, you can use the following believer when his only sibling was recently
read-aloud text: cured of ovarian cancer by one of Mal-
As Monica Fletcher drives you along a freeway reaux's priests. He is dismissive of any sus-
and into an affluent Austin suburb, you are picions that he or his sister are being
duped or used.

Barnes will not give up any information As they investigate outside, they spot
about the contents of the safe deposit box Tatsu about 100 feet away dropping out of
unless he is pressed. Use his statblock to a tree and running back toward the road.
set the difficulty of any interaction tests With the tires of the vehicle slashed, their
that are attempted by the PCs. The infor- only opportunity is to pursue on foot. A
mation yielded by the interactions should successful Maneuver test (Difficulty 15) al-
be parsed out as follows, based on the level lows the PCs to arrive at the roadway in
of success of the check: time to see him get into a black sedan and
speed away. Otherwise, there will be no
• The box contained a solid state hard
sign of him when they reach the road.
If the players come up with a plan for
• The hard drive contains information he
tracking the vehicle (for example, by noting
had procured for the Church.
its description and asking Delphi to find it
• He is not at liberty to say what infor- or by setting up a tracking spell), their plan
mation it contained. should prove to be successful. Otherwise,
• Agents of the Church were coming in while debating their next step, the players
the next few hours to secure it and take will locate a GPS that was apparently
it back to France. dropped by the sniper during his flight. It
shows the Barnes residence as its current
While the PCs have been interrogating
destination, but a quick review of its histo-
Barnes in his grand foyer, Tatsu, a Kanawa
ry reveals that it had previously been used
assassin, has tracked the PCs to this loca-
to get directions to a place called Cedar
tion. He has quietly slashed the tires of the
Office Park.
van and killed Monica Fletcher. Now he
waits, high in a tree, about 120 feet outside In the meantime, inside the van, Mon-
the residence. He has a sniper rifle with a ica's body lies on the floorboard of the vehi-
high-tech scope, and is waiting for the per- cle. She is dead, her throat slit by the same
fect opportunity to take out Barnes. assassin. Lying on top of her hand is a pen
that resembles a red drop of blood. A suc-
Once the PCs have Barnes cornered and
cessful Evidence Analysis (Difficulty 10)
are threatening in some way to obtain a
test reveals that it is a calling card for
description of the contents of the hard
Akinari Ito and his elite hit squad. This in-
drive, they will hear a glass breaking on
formation can also be obtained by asking
one of the windows in the front of the
any one at Delphi.
house. When they examine the window,
they will note that it has a shatter mark Variables
around what looks like a bullet hole. Turn-
Cautious players may leave someone at
ing back to Barnes, they will discover that
the van to stay with Monica. In that case,
he has been shot right betwen the eyes. He
Tatsu will instead position himself in the
falls over, dead.

tree and kill both Barnes and Fletcher in turn.
He will then shoot out the tires before fleeing. SCENE 3
Likewise, the players may insist that Mon- CEDAR OFFICE PARK
ica come into the house. In that case, the snip-
er will slash the tires and then kill Barnes and
Monica in turn. Scene Type: Standard
Finally, if the players try to position Barnes Cosm: Core Earth (Pure)
in a way where he is not in front of any win-
dows (a truly paranoid move under these cir- Overview
cumstances—you should certainly not give Having tracked the assassin’s vehicle to
them any reason to think about a potential the area, the players arrive at Cedar Office
sniper yourself), the killer will instead slash Park. Once there, they must locate the spe-
the tires and kill Monica Fletcher. He will cific location where the Kanawa strike
then burst into the room at the dramatically team is hiding.
appropriate moment, using his surprise
round to shoot Fletcher and then flee. Key Beats
If, for some reason, the players are able to While it primarily consists of a dramatic
catch up with Tatsu and capture him, his kill skill resolution (see below), the details of
switch will be triggered (as described in Sce- how this scene plays out are fairly flexible.
ne 1). At the end, however, the players should be
aware of the building (#6) and floor (3rd)
Cut To… where the team is hiding, and they should
At the conclusion of the scene, the PCs' sole have completed a plan for approaching the
lead for tracking the strike team should be the building without being detected.
information on the GPS. Following that lead
will propel the players into Scene 3.
Provide the following information to the
players at the start of the scene:

• The office park is nestled into a wood-

ed area just outside Austin.

• Ample parking space surrounds a total

of nine buildings, each identical, with
three floors.

• At mid-evening, the office park appears

to be virtually vacant.

• The buildings seem to be fairly newly

constructed. of the team to one or two buildings. By
observing each building carefully, clues
• Most of the buildings don't seem to be
as to the location of the team will hope-
occupied by tenants.
fully emerge. (On success, the PCs will
• There is no immediately apparent indi- notice that there is evidence of large
cation as to where the strike team is groups repeatedly arriving and leaving
hiding. Building 6; tire marks on the pavement
Alternatively, use the following read- and scuff marks on the sidewalk).
aloud text: • Stage C: Identifying the particular floor
Darkness has fallen over Texas as you ar- where the team is located. Careful ob-
rive at the office park, which is nestled into servation of the building will eventual-
a wooded suburban area just South of ly reveal tell-tale clues of the presence
Austin. The empty parking lots glow with of the team, such as shadows that shift
illumination from dozens of light poles, as people walk across the room).
and there is no sign of any human activi- • Stage D: Approaching the building to
ty. confront the strike team without being
The park consists of a total of nine build- detected. The players must carefully
ings. Each of them are identical, rectangu- plan the most stealthy approach.
lar structures that are roughly three sto- This skill resolution will last for seven
ries tall. The marble facia and hardware on rounds. After that, the risk of detection by
the buildings show almost no signs of the strike team is high. Allow the players to
wear, suggesting that the buildings were suggest what their particular approach to
only recently constructed. There are only each problem might be, and establish an
a few scattered signs and corporate logos appropriately challenging skill test for the
on and around some of the buildings, sug- suggested approach. Barring suggestions
gesting that some buildings may be empty. from the players, you can use the following
Certainly none of them are at full occu- skill tests:
• Stage A (Setting Up Surveilance): Sur-
Developments vival (DN 14)

This scene will play out as a Dramatic • Stage B (Narrowing the Location): Evi-
Skill Resolution. The challenges to over- dence Analysis (DN 12)
come during this process are: • Stage C (Identifying the Floor): Find
• Stage A: Setting up a reasonable means (DN 15)
of surveiling the park. This is no easy • Stage D (The Approach): Stealth (Mind)
task, because of the amount of light (DN 14)
that surrounds the facility.

• Stage B: Narrowing down the location

Variables country with his prize. All is not lost, how-
ever. A careful interrogation of the strike
The players may want to vary their ap-
team and/or inspection of the scene will
proach for investigating the scene from the
reveal his destination, opening up the pos-
pattern that is laid out above. If they do, you
sibility that it could be recovered, and
should accommodate their requests as much
vengeance exacted, in future adventures.
as possible, shaping their own plan into an
appropriate dramatic skill resolution which Key Beats
may or may not be similar to the one outlined
This Dramatic scene begins with a com-
above. Ultimately, the goal of the skill resolu-
bat encounter, and will likely end with an
tion should be to identify the location of the
information-gathering process. During the
Kanawa strike team and prepare a plan for
aftermath, the players should learn that
approaching the team.
Akinari Ito has already escaped from US,
Some players may want to call for backup and that his ultimate destination is Nago-
at this stage. If they do, suggest that the strike ya, Japan.
team may not be here for much longer, and
provide orders from Delphi to proceed with
an assault. The Kanawa strike team is hiding on an

Cut To…
uninhabited floor of a vacant office build-
ing. The primary construction of of the
Once the players have completed the dra- building has recently been completed
matic skill resolution, the time has come to (outer walls, plumbing, electricity, elevator
confront the strike team in Scene 4. access). However, there are no interior
doors or walls, and the floor is bare con-
SCENE 4 crete. A few office chairs and assorted
items lie scattered around the interior.
When the players arrive on the scene,
they will have two choices for approaching
Scene Type: Dramatic the office floor. The first is to access it
through the starwell. The second is to ei-
Cosm: Core Earth (Pure)
ther arrive on the elevator or climb up the
Overview elevator shaft. In either (or both) events,
whether the players have surprise will de-
In this scene, the players confront the rem-
pend on whether they successfully com-
nants of the Kanawa strike team that is re-
pleted the dramatic skill resolution in Sce-
sponsible for the Riverside bank robbery and
ne 3. If they did, then they should be given
the death of Monica Fletcher, only to discover
an initial surprise round. If they did not,
that Akanari Ito has already escaped the
then the Kanawa operatives will have tak-

en cover and will be waiting for them. based on a DN 14 Intimidation and/or
Trick test. The strike team member will not
know anything else that is useful.
Once the battle is concluded, the players
will probably want to search the area for
clues and/or to interrogate any survivors. If the battle goes poorly for the players,
Items left behind by the strike team are but you don't want to end the adventure
largely void of any clues, consisting mostly with a total party kill, consider having Del-
of sleeping bags, a few items of clothes and phi reinforcements arrive should the play-
toiletries, and their weaponry and ammu- ers run out of possibilities and be close to
nition. However, a careful examination of their wound limit.
the pockets of one of the dead henchmen
reveals a piece of paper with a few words
Cut To…
scribbled in Japanese. A character who can Several hours after the dust has settled in
read Japanese and/or who passes a Stand- the office park, the players will learn that
ard (10) Languages test can discern its con- Delphi has intercepted intel from the God-
tents. It is an instruction to bring the hard Net confirming that an important
drive to Nagoya, Japan. "package" has just arrived in Nagoya. And
on that note, the players begin looking to
their next adventure...
If the characters instead opt to interro-
gate one of the strike team members who is
still alive, they will learn the same thing

an energetic twenty-something who is im-
NPCs patient to jump into the action. She is about
5’6”, and has dark hair and eyes. Monica

Kanawa Operative
exhibits a good working knowledge of Del-
phi procedures and wants to make a good
Kanawa dispatches small teams of these impression on the Storm Knights that are
highly trained paramilitary personnel around represented by the players.
the globe. They generally wear black tactical Quote: “Um...that’s not exactly proce-
gear and carry no identifying information. dure.”
It is not unusual for an operative to be Attributes: Charisma 10, Dexterity 9, Mind
equipped with a literal kill switch in his spi- 11, Spirit 6, Strength 7
nal cord. This kill switch allows a remote op-
erator to overload their nervous system, re- Move: 9; Tough: 9; Shock: 6; Wnd: -
sulting in immediate death. The kill switch Skills: Profession (Accountant) 3, dodge
system, which is virtually undetectable and 10, find 12, trick 12, unarmed combat 8,
unhackable, is normally triggered when an willpower 8
operative is inadvertently captured and at
Equipment: Beretta (Damage 10, Range
risk of giving away sensitive information.
10/20/30), cell phone, handbag
Attributes: Charisma 8, Dexterity 11, Mind 9,
Perks: -
Spirit 9, Strength 9
Possibilities: 1
Move: 11; Tough: 13 (4); Shock: 9; Wnd: -
Special Abilities: -
Skills: Dodge 13, Find 11, fire combat 13, in-
timidation 10, maneuver 12, melee weapons Vincent Barnes
14, stealth 14, unarmed combat 14.vehicles
Resident of Austin and believer in the
(Any) 12
Cyberpacy, whose agents "healed" his sis-
Equipment: Tactical body armor (+4), Semi- ter's ovarian cancer. He holds the key to a
Automatic SMG (Dmg 13, Short Burst, Range safe deposit box which he knows has an
25/50/75), Combat Knife (+2), Kill switch spi- encrypted SSD drive, but he does not know
nal implant what is on it. He is supposed to maintain it
Perks: - for safekeeping until Church representa-
tives arrive. He is acting under strict in-
Possibilities: Rare (1)
structions to avoid disclosure of the exist-
Special Abilities: - ence of the hard drive.

Monica Fletcher Quote: “I’m afraid that is a Church secret.”

A relatively new Storm Knight, Monica is Attributes: Charisma 10, Dexterity 7, Mind
12, Spirit 8, Strength 7

Move: 11; Tough: 13 (4); Shock: 9; Wnd: - Special Abilities: Ki Strike (spend a
shock to add 2 to damage total from melee
Skills: Profession (Securities Broker) 4,
or unarmed combat attack)
find 13, trick 14, willpower 10

Equipment: Cell phone Ankari Ito

Perks: - Ankari Ito is an Assistant Director of
Global Operations, employed directly by
Possibilities: None
Kanawa Enterprises. His responsibility is to
Special Abilities: - recruit, train, and command small groups
Tatsu of operatives who engage in paramilitary
strikes around the globe. Ankari and his
Recruited by Ankari Ito from a street team are based in Tokyo, but can be de-
gang, no one knows Tatsu's original name. ployed to any location on the globe within
To his fellow team members, and in the 24 hours, without any advance notice.
Kanawa organization, he is simply known
While Ito's team often uses stealth tactics,
as "The Dragon" because of the giant image
Kanawa does not try to hide its existence
of a Tatsu/dragon that is tatooed on his
from the High Lords or the global intelli-
gence communities. To the contrary, Ito
Tatsu is a silent, merciless killer, equally prefers to foster fear by developing his rep-
skilled with a sniper rifle as he is in close utation as a brutal and effective leader
quarters. He will follow orders from Anka- whose forces can bring swift destruction
ri Ito and/or any other Kanawa authority and chaos on Kanawa's enemies, wherever
without hesitation. they may be.
Quote: “Don’t worry. They’ll never see it Quote: “Consider it done.”
Attributes: Charisma 9, Dexterity 13, Mind
Attributes: Charisma 7, Dexterity 11, Mind 11, Spirit 12, Strength 12
9, Spirit 10, Strength 13
Move:13; Tough:15(3); Shock:12; Wnd: 3
Move:11; Tough:16(3); Shock:10; Wnd: 3
Skills: Dodge 17, Intimidation 16, Maneu-
Skills: Dodge 15, find 11, fire combat 16, ver 17, Reality 15, Stealth 18, Taunt 10,
intimidation 14, land vehicles 14, melee Trick 13, Unarmed Combat 15, Melee Com-
weapons 17, stealth 15, unarmed combat 17 bat 16, Fire Combat 16
Equipment: Custom body armor (+3), Kan- Equipment: Custom Body Armor +3, Kana-
awa S7 Sniper Rifle (Dmg 14, Range wa XT SMG (Dmg 13, Short Burst, Range
100/200/300) 20/40/60), Combat Knife (+2), secure digital
Perks: - device

Possibilities: 3 Perks: Ki Strike (in unarmed and melee

combat, spend one shock to increase dam-
age total by +2)

Possibilities: 3

Special Abilities: Minions (when injured

by a skill test, he may make a simple reali-
ty test to transfer the attack to a nearby


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