Uniti 8

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Institution name: Universidad Ciudadana de Nuevo León

name of the race:_ Bachelor of Administrative Informatics

Student's name: Patricia Valeria Martinez Garcia


Subject: _ English II (C)

Teacher's name: _ Lorena Mayela Garza Treviño

Classroom: _ Uniti 8

Place: _ San Pedro Garza Garcia, Monterrey N.L

Date:_ 25 Janury 2021
EXERCISE 1: Change the form of the adjective to make it an adverb of manner (**

watch your spelling )

1. John plays happily (happy) in the garden

2. Mr. Brown drives badly (bad).

3. Pete runs fast (fast).

4. Jake does his homework slowly (slow).

5. They ran out of the cinema quickly (quick).

6. We went on holiday cheaply (cheap).

7. We did the test well (good).

8. The teacher shouted angrily (angry).

9. The children worked busily (busy).

10. Please work carefully (careful)

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