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Zebrafish Breeding in the Laboratory Environment

Andrzej Nasiadka and Matthew D. Clark

Abstract be accounted for by a number of attributes, including the

relative ease of rearing and breeding in captivity, high fecun-
The zebrafish, Danio rerio, has become a major model organism dity, rapid development, short generation time, and availabil-

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used in biomedical studies. The widespread use of Danio ity of genomic resources, including the complete zebrafish
rerio in research laboratories requires a comprehensive un- genome sequence. An additional attribute is the transparency
derstanding of the husbandry of this species to ensure effi- of the embryo, which allows for live imaging of transgenic
cient propagation and maintenance of healthy and genetically lines expressing products of fluorescent reporter genes in liv-
diverse colonies. Breeding is a key element in zebrafish hus- ing cells and developing tissues.
bandry. It is a complex process influenced by a number of The widespread use of D. rerio in research laboratories
factors. Mate choice and mating behavior depend, for ex- requires a solid knowledge of the husbandry of this species
ample, on olfactory cues, visual stimuli, and social interac- to ensure efficient propagation and maintenance of healthy
tions. Spawning is affected by the age and size of fish, interval and genetically diverse colonies. Investigation of D. rerio
at which fish are used for egg production, light cycle, diet, and reproduction in the wild as well as in the laboratory setting
fish health status. A number of breeding strategies, based on is of high importance for husbandry. In recent years, under-
either single-pair matings or group crosses, are commonly standing of zebrafish reproductive biology and behavior has
employed in the laboratory to propagate lines and to identify greatly increased. Advances have been made with regard
carriers of specific mutations and/or transgenes. Propagation to gonad development (Rodriguez-Mari et al. 2010;
of zebrafish lines, in particular wild-type-derived strains, is Siegfried and Nüsslein-Volhard 2008) and the role of olfac-
closely monitored to ensure that genetic diversity and vigor tory cues, visual stimuli, and social interactions in reproduc-
are maintained. A robust zebrafish line typically carries a tion, including mate choice and courtship (Gerlach 2006;
large number of polymorphic variations, which may inter- Gerlach and Lysiak 2006; Skinner and Watt 2007; Spence
fere with reproducibility of experiments. To get a better and Smith 2005, 2006).
insight into these variations, a wild-type hybrid Sanger AB Propagation of zebrafish wild-type-derived lines in the
Tübingen line has been generated from sequenced ho- laboratory is based on specific breeding schemes whose goal
mozygous founders. is to assure not only that next fish generations are produced
but also that the vigor of these strains is preserved. Because
Key Words: breeding; Danio rerio; hybrid line; inbreeding; decreased fertility and viability are often associated with
SAT; spawning; zebrafish inbreeding depression (Mrakovcic and Haley 1978, 1979),
sustaining line vigor may require maintaining genetic het-
erogeneity of these strains or generating genetically diverse
Introduction hybrid lines. Genetically diverse lines are often highly poly-
morphic, which may interfere with reproducibility of scien-

ebrafish, Danio rerio, is a tropical freshwater teleost tific experiments. To get a better insight into variability
belonging to the Cyprinidae family. The species has associated with polymorphisms, complete genomic se-
become a major research model used in biomedical quence information was obtained for homozygous wild-type
studies to investigate, for example, vertebrate development AB and Tübingen (TU1) individuals and a hybrid Sanger AB
genetics, physiology, and behavior (Grunwald and Eisen Tübingen (SAT1) line was generated by crossing them.
2002). The popularity of zebrafish as a model organism can In this article, we review some aspects of D. rerio breed-
ing in the laboratory environment. In particular, we describe
zebrafish sexual dimorphism and the effects of olfactory
Andrzej Nasiadka, PhD, is a research associate at the Zebrafish International
cues, visual stimuli, and social interactions on D. rerio re-
Resource Center, University of Oregon, Eugene. Matthew D. Clark, PhD, is
a staff scientist in the Vertebrate Development and Genetics Department, production. We also focus on factors influencing zebrafish
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, and is the Sequencing spawning. Then we describe breeding strategies commonly
Technology Development Team Leader, The Genome Analysis Centre, used in the laboratory environment and discuss the need and
Norwich, United Kingdom.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Andrzej Nasiadka,
Zebrafish International Resource Center, 5274 University of Oregon, 1307 1Abbreviationsthat appear ≥3x throughout this article: SAT, Sanger AB
Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, OR 97403 or email Tübingen; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; TU, Tübingen

Volume 53, Number 2 2012 161

consequences of maintaining genetically diverse colonies. The Role of Olfactory Cues in D. rerio
This information can be used to maximize breeding effi- Reproduction
ciency in laboratory settings and, ultimately, make scientific
research more productive and successful. It is important to Zebrafish are oviparous organisms with external fertilization
emphasize that it may not always be possible to incorporate all and no parent care. They are asynchronous spawners (Breder
of the factors affecting zebrafish breeding into breeding proto- et al. 1966), scattering mature, nonadhesive eggs in batches.
cols performed in the laboratory. Deciding which factors Fecundity is typically high, and a single female may release
should be taken into account will depend, for example, on clutches of several hundred eggs in a single spawning ses-
whether the line needs to be outcrossed or incrossed, whether sion. The presence of males stimulates ovulation in females
single-pair matings or group crosses have to be set up, and and oviposition (Hisaoka and Firlit 1962; van den Hurk and
whether a large or limited number of fish are available. Thus, Resink 1992).
each breeding event should be individually evaluated with re- Olfactory cues have been shown to play a role in mediat-
gard to how embryo production can be optimized. Detailed ing zebrafish reproduction (van den Hurk and Lambert 1983;

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step-by-step protocols that describe zebrafish breeding are not van den Hurk and Resink 1992). One of their functions is to
provided in this article; such protocols can be found else- synchronize mating behavior. Females require several hours
where (Harper and Lawrence 2011; Nüsslein-Volhard and to come into spawning condition, and they typically ovulate
Dahm 2002; Westerfield 1993). overnight. It has been demonstrated that male gonad phero-
mones stimulate ovulation in females (van den Hurk and
Resink 1992). After ovulation, females release gonad phero-
Sexual Dimorphism in Zebrafish mones that consist of a mixture of steroid glucuronides pro-
duced in the ovaries to attract males, and they stimulate them
The mechanism of sex determination in D. rerio is unknown.
to perform courtship (van den Hurk and Lambert 1983).
Zebrafish have no apparent heteromorphic chromosomes,
Females exposed to male odors have been shown to
which indicates that no clear sex-determining chromosome
produce more eggs than nonexposed females (Gerlach
exists (Amores and Postlethwait 1999; Pijnacker and Ferwerda
2006). The eggs of exposed females were also of higher
1995; Schreeb et al. 1993; Traut and Winking 2001; Wallace
quality. Some pheromones released by females, in turn,
and Wallace 2003). It has been observed that sex ratios in
have been reported to inhibit spawning of other females,
propagated colonies are often variable, depending on rearing
therefore playing a crucial role in competitive interactions
density, hypoxia, or food availability (Lawrence et al. 2008;
between females (Gerlach 2006).
Shang et al. 2006). This demonstrates that, in addition to ge-
Olfactory cues have also been shown to mediate kin rec-
netic factors, sex determination in zebrafish is also influ-
ognition, with adult females preferring odor cues of unre-
enced by environmental inputs. Indeed, environmental changes
lated males to unfamiliar relatives (Gerlach and Lysiak
that involve hormones (Hill and Janz 2003; Westerfield
2006). The preference of adult females for nonkin males has
1993) and temperature (Uchida et al. 2004) have been shown
most likely developed to prevent mating with close relatives
to affect sex differentiation.
and thus avoid inbreeding, which can result in reduced
Zebrafish adults lack strong sexual dimorphism. Indi-
fertility and decreased survival (Mrakovcic and Haley 1978,
viduals of this species can be sexed by body shape and color.
1979). Interestingly, adult males appear to remain neutral
Females have a larger, light silver belly that protrudes from
when allowed to choose between kin females and nonkin
the body in the anterior region. Males typically lack a pro-
females (Gerlach and Lysiak 2006). Also, juvenile zebra-
truding belly and are therefore more streamlined in shape (a
fish differ significantly from adult females in that they
torpedo-like shape). Males also display a gold-reddish hue
show a strong preference for the olfactory cues of their rela-
between blue stripes, particularly in the anal and caudal fins.
tives (Gerlach and Lysiak 2006).
Female’s blue stripes alternate with silver stripes, and their
dorsal fin shows a stronger yellow hue.
Zebrafish secondary sex characteristics are driven by the Mate Choice
sex of the gonad. Interestingly, gonad development for both
females and males is preceeded by a juvenile ovary stage Although olfactory cues seem to play a role in induction of
(Maack and Segner 2003; Takahashi 1977). This juvenile breeding condition and kin recognition, additional factors
ovary develops into a mature ovary in females but degener- such as visual stimuli and behavior cues could participate in
ates in males by means of apoptosis (Rodriguez-Mari et al. selection of an individual mating partner.
2010; Uchida et al. 2004). The gonad in males is restructured Evidence has been presented that zebrafish females pre-
to form a testis. This transformation process is usually com- fer (Pyron 2003; Skinner 2004) and strategically allocate
pleted by the 3rd month of D. rerio development (Devlin and their eggs differentially toward larger males (Skinner and
Nagahama 2002; Maack and Segner 2003). The precise tim- Watt 2007). Pritchard (2001) has suggested that phenotypic
ing of stages of gonad development varies, depending on traits such as male carotenoid coloration, longitudinal melano-
husbandry conditions or type of analyzed strain (Maack and phore stripes, and symmetry of caudal fin pattern may influ-
Segner 2003; Takahashi 1977). ence mate choice (Pritchard 2001). The importance of visual

162 ILAR Journal

determinants has also been investigated by Engeszer and Visual stimuli and social interactions will most likely
colleagues (2004), who analyzed aggregation preferences of have a more pronounced effect on group crosses than single-
wild-type and color-mutant zebrafish. This study demon- pair matings. These interactions may limit the number of fish
strated that zebrafish are able to distinguish visually between contributing to the progeny. Thus, if the goal is to maintain
alternative pigment pattern phenotypes and that the prefer- genetic diversity of the line, it may be more beneficial to set
ences for specific phenotypes are based on experience ac- up more small-group crosses rather than fewer big crosses.
quired during early development. Also, most of the experiments that have investigated effects
The effect of visual stimuli and morphology on mate of social interactions on zebrafish reproductive success were
choice can be potentially confounded by social interactions. carried out on fish obtained from commercial breeders.
These interactions in D. rerio result in the establishment of These fish might have displayed more robust social behavior
dominance hierarchies in which dominant individuals than stocks propagated for many generations in the labora-
generally behave aggressively toward subordinate individu- tory where the selection for specific behavior traits was not
als (Pritchard 2001). Mating behavior within zebrafish social applied. It therefore would be interesting to investigate

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hierarchies seems to be affected by both intrasexual compe- whether laboratory stocks have retained most of their social
tition and female mate preferences. Paull and colleagues behavior or whether the majority of these traits have been
(2010) have observed that, although social rank within dom- permanently lost.
inance hierarchies is established in a sex-independent man-
ner, dominant females appear less aggressive in the morning
whereas aggression of dominant males decreases in the Zebrafish Courtship and Oviposition
afternoon. Given that spawning in D. rerio typically takes
Courtship behavior in the zebrafish male is triggered by fe-
place at dawn, this temporal difference in behavior may sug-
male pheromones (van den Hurk and Lambert 1983; van den
gest that the function of dominance interactions in males is
Hurk et al. 1987). Initially, zebrafish courtship behavior was
to control access to spawning with females.
described as consisting of abrupt turns and an elliptical pat-
Dominant and subordinate individuals differ in gonad-
tern made by the male around the female (Guthrie and Muntz
specific expression of some genes (Filby et al. 2010). More-
1993). This description has been further broken down into
over, ovaries in dominant females are larger relative to the
three general phases: initiatory, receptive/appetitive, and
body mass in comparison with ovaries in subordinate fe-
spawning (Darrow and Harris 2004).
males (Filby et al. 2010). There are also gonad-specific dif-
At the initiatory stage, males follow or swim alongside
ferences between dominant and subordinate males. In
females, which, at that time, typically perform abrupt
particular, evidence has been presented that dominant males
swimming movements. The receptive/appetitive stage is
have a higher number of spermatids in their testes compared
characterized by males touching the female’s side or tail with
with subordinate males (Filby et al. 2010).
their noses or heads, circling around or in front of the female,
Dominant males have been reported to have greater re-
or tail sweeping and circling along the female’s body. Fe-
productive success than subordinate males (Paull et al. 2010;
males at this stage swim alongside males or remain still while
Spence et al. 2006). It is important to emphasize that repro-
being courted. Finally, at the spawning stage, a male and a
duction is not exclusive to dominant males and subordinate
female swim side by side in the same direction close to each
individuals also contribute to fertilization, although the de-
other so that their genital pores can be aligned. The male then
gree of this contribution is significantly lower (Paull et al.
performs rapid tail oscillations against the female’s side, trig-
2010; Spence et al. 2006). Interestingly, dominant females
gering oviposition in the female and simultaneously releasing
do not seem to have greater overall reproduction success
compared with subordinate females (Paull et al. 2010). How-
Females generally do not scatter all their eggs in a single
ever, dominant females have been found to monopolize
spawning (Skinner and Watt 2007). Typically, 5 to 20 eggs
spawnings with dominant males (Paull et al. 2010). This
are released at a time. Occasionally, a female couples to-
preference has been observed in the presence of male-male
gether in one spawning session with different males.
competition. When female mate preferences have been
tested in single-pair matings in which females are allowed
access to only one male during the spawning session, no Factors Affecting Spawning
correlation between female breeding success and male so-
cial rank has been found (Spence and Smith 2006). Thus, A number of factors affect egg production and spawning. They
zebrafish mate choice may be strictly determined by male- include the age and size of fish, interval at which fish are used
male competition, with dominant males excluding other for egg production, light cycle, diet, and fish health status.
males rather than females actively choosing mates. It is also Laboratory zebrafish typically attain sexual maturity at
possible that females’ preference for dominant males only the 3rd month of their development. Initial spawns can be
manifests itself when these males are presented simultane- observed in fish that are 2.5 months old. However, these
ously (Paull et al. 2010) or in sequence (Skinner and Watt early spawns may produce eggs that are of lower quality and
2007) with subordinate individuals during the same daily quantity. The use of fish younger than 2.5 months for repro-
mating period. duction may be possible through in vitro fertilization.

Volume 53, Number 2 2012 163

Once sexual maturity is reached, prime reproductive per- Given that zebrafish are continuous spawners, mainte-
formance is maintained for several months, and then it de- nance of a good breeding colony requires constant replace-
creases with age. The gametes in older fish start deteriorating, ment of nutrients used in reproduction. For this purpose, the
and animals that are, for example, older than 1.5 years spawn fish should be provided with a balanced diet consisting of a
fewer eggs that are also often of inferior quality (C. Carmichael, variety of foods (Westerfield 1993). Markovich and col-
Zebrafish International Resource Center (ZIRC), University leagues (2007) have evaluated the effect of different diets on
of Oregon, personal communication, 2012). It has also been spawning and embryo survival. The results of this study have
observed that the average sperm cell count peaks when males demonstrated that adult fish fed three times a day with
are 10 months old (C. Carmichael and J. Matthews, ZIRC, higher-fat diets, such as Artemia, laid significantly more
personal communication, 2012). These observations suggest eggs than those fed a flake diet. Interestingly, however, the fish
that the optimal zebrafish reproduction through natural mating fed a flake diet produced a higher percentage of viable
occurs when the fish are aged 6 months to 1 year. progeny than the fish fed higher-fat diets (Markovich et al.
Reproductive maturity and spawning efficiency also de- 2007). It has also been reported that fertilization rates are

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pend on the size of the fish (Eaton and Farley 1974a). Fish affected by not only the percentage but also the types of fatty
reared under circumstances that result in lower growth rates acids in the diet (Meinelt et al. 1999).
may require more than 3 months to reach sexual maturity. It has Spawning and reproductive success are greatly influenced
been shown that large females spawn more frequently and pro- by the stress (Ramsay et al. 2009a) and health status of the fish
duce larger clutch sizes than small females (Paull et al. 2008; (Matthews 2004; Ramsay et al. 2009b). Unhealthy fish are less
Spence and Smith 2006). Interestingly, small females have been likely to produce viable offspring. Thus, any fish with signs of
reported to generate larger eggs in terms of egg diameter (Uusi- disease should not be bred but removed from the system.
Heikkila et al. 2010). However, eggs produced by small fish
show higher mortality rates and are of lower quality than the
eggs derived from large individuals (Uusi-Heikkila et al. 2010). Setting Up Mating Crosses
This suggests that size-dependent maternal effects contribute to
viability through egg matter composition rather than egg size. In the laboratory environment, crosses are set up in static
Thus, egg size may not be a good indicator of quality. water in plastic containers often referred to as crossing
Sexually mature zebrafish can spawn in the laboratory cages. Originally, breeding in these cages was performed
continuously all year at a frequency of two or three times a over marbles whose main function was to prevent the fish in
week (Eaton and Farley 1974b). When optimal conditions the tank from consuming freshly released eggs because the
are provided, females can even spawn daily for a limited pe- eggs would fall into spaces between marbles that are inac-
riod of time (Spence and Smith 2005). Overspawning, how- cessible to fish. Zebrafish females have been described as
ever, decreases the quantity and quality of eggs, and, if this choosy with respect to sites for oviposition (Spence et al.
is the case, fish should be given at least 1 week rest to restore 2008), preferring a gravel substrate to silt (Spence et al.
resources before they are used in the next spawning event. It 2007). Because marbles mimic gravel, they could, in addi-
has been reported that an optimal breeding frequency for tion to protecting the eggs, contribute to a higher number of
zebrafish is every 10 days (Niimi and LaHam 1974). If fish ovipositions.
are not spawned often, eggs are reabsorbed in the female Most laboratories have stopped using marbles. Instead,
fish. Females not exposed to males for a prolonged period of crossing cages have been designed with an additional plastic
time often develop a plug, consisting of necrotic clumped container that holds the fish and is inserted inside the cage.
eggs, which clogs the oviduct and prevents any further ovi- The bottom of this container is perforated, which allows
position (Spence et al. 2008). Such females are usually re- freshly released eggs to fall down into the outer cage and be
ferred to as “eggbound.” To maintain a good quality of eggs, protected from predation. Imitation plastic plants or green
females should be housed with males and spawned at least mesh are often placed in the inner container to provide ar-
once a month (Niimi and LaHam 1974). tificial spawning sites as well as places of refuge to decrease
Zebrafish reproduction depends strongly on photoperiod. the effects of aggression related to antagonistic social behav-
Mating is initiated at the onset of light, and spawning typi- ior. Compared with marbles, this breeding setup is more
cally takes place over a short period thereafter (Breder et al. convenient for egg collection.
1966; Spence et al. 2007; Westerfield 1993). Zebrafish in the Crossing cages are available in different sizes and designs
laboratory can occasionally breed throughout the day. If from a number of manufacturers (e.g., Aquaneering, Aquatic
a reliable egg production is required later during the day, Habitats, Thoren Aquatics, ZebTEC). Goolish and colleagues
several approaches can be used to circumvent this limita- (1998) have evaluated chamber volume requirements for
tion. For example, isolation cabinets with shifted light:dark zebrafish spawning. In their study, six adult zebrafish were
cycles could be used. Also, males and females could be tested in volumes ranging from 100 ml to 500 ml. The results
separated in crossing cages by dividers that are removed demonstrated that egg production is decreased in breeding
shortly before the eggs are required. Finally, eggs can be ob- volumes of 200 ml or less (Goolish et al. 1998). Thus,
tained by squeezing females, and the eggs can then be fertil- chamber volume needs to be considered an important factor
ized in vitro. affecting breeding.

164 ILAR Journal

Mating crosses are optimally set up in the afternoon or The reproductive success of territorial males has also been
early evening and left undisturbed until the following morn- shown to be density dependent (Spence et al. 2006). When
ing. If collected embryos need to be precisely synchronized adult fish were combined at low densities, territorial males
at the same development stage, a male and a female in the sired significantly more offspring than nonterritorial males.
crossing cage can be separated with a plastic divider that is In contrast, when fish were combined at high densities, ter-
removed in the morning before spawning. Sometimes, if no ritorial males were no more successful than nonterritorial
eggs are present on the first morning, the fish can be left in males. Based on these observations, it has been proposed
the crossing cage for one more day until the eggs are laid. that zebrafish males show two distinct mating strategies—
Spawning can be frequently initiated by placing mating fish territorial defense and active pursuit of females (Spence
in fresh and shallow water. et al. 2008). Population density seems to have an effect on
which of these two strategies is selected.
The density of the population also affects female repro-
Single-Pair Matings and Group Crosses ductive success. It has been reported that, at higher densities,

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average egg production per capita decreases (Spence and
Although zebrafish are group spawners (Spence et al. 2008), Smith 2005). This decrease is apparently because, at higher
both single-pair matings and group crosses are used in the densities, rather than some females being excluded from
laboratory (Westerfield 1993). One application for single- spawning, females spawn smaller clutches (Spence and
pair breeding is to identify carriers of recessive mutations. Smith 2006). Spence and Smith (2006) have proposed that
An incross between two heterozygous fish gives rise to prog- this effect most likely results from increased aggression at
eny in which 25% of individuals show mutant phenotype. high density by territorial males toward rivals, which inter-
Pair-wise outcrosses are also common. They are used to iden- feres negatively with ovipositions by females.
tify carriers of dominant traits that are visible only during early
development, and thereby screening of the progeny is re-
quired for carrier identification. Examples of fish analyzed Propagation of Wild-Type-Derived Lines
this way are those carrying a transgene whose product is ex-
pressed and visually detected during early embryogenesis. A A variety of wild-type zebrafish lines is available (Johnson and
single-pair mating could also be used for embryo production Zon 1999; Trevarrow and Robison 2004; Westerfield 1993), in-
for experiments in which genetically homogenous individu- cluding the most commonly used laboratory strains: TU, AB,
als are needed. WIK, and Tupfel long fin. These and other wild-type lines can
Populations derived from group crosses are usually more be obtained from the Zebrafish International Resource Center
genetically diverse than those obtained from a single-pair (ZIRC). Because line propagation by incrossing can lead to
mating because, in such crosses, more than two individuals inbreeding depression that results in decreased fertility
contribute to the offspring. Maintaining genetically diverse and viability (Mrakovcic and Haley 1978, 1979), most lines
colonies and therefore avoiding inbreeding is crucial for fish are preserved as heterogeneous, either by maintaining large
line propagation (Mrakovcic and Haley 1978, 1979). For this populations propagated through small group matings or by
reason, group crosses are preferably used to establish next round robin matings2 and removal of early lethal carriers from
generations. To make sure that multiple individuals indeed the pool (Trevarrow and Robison 2004). To increase line hetero-
contribute to the offspring, a new generation of fish is estab- geneity and vigor, hybrid strains have been generated between
lished from embryos derived from a number of small group polymorphic wild-type lines (e.g., the Hopkins laboratory made
crosses (containing, for example, two females and three a hybrid line between TU and AB designated TAB [available
males) rather than from one large group cross. from ZIRC]).
Population density and sex ratio in group crosses have a Because maintenance of wild-type line heterogeneity
significant impact on mating behavior and reproductive suc- could require propagation of large populations through
cess (Paull et al. 2008; Pritchard 2001; Spence and Smith elaborate breeding techniques, such protocols may not be
2005). Some male zebrafish are territorial during mating, re- feasible for some zebrafish laboratories. These laboratories
stricting their activity to a few body lengths of a spawning may still use genetically diverse lines by ordering embryos
site (Spence and Smith 2005). Although both territorial and and/or adult fish from ZIRC, where all of the wild-type
nonterritorial males show the same courtship behavior, ter- lines are propagated with a goal to maintain line
ritorial males pursue females only within a specific territory, heterogeneity.
chasing other males away (Spence et al. 2008). The use of outbred lines with a high level of heterogeneity
A study analyzing the effects of density and sex ratio on can be advantageous because these lines may be viewed
the behavior of territorial males showed that aggression rates as more representative of the species and could, therefore,
increased with density (Spence and Smith 2005). Courtship give broader validity for experiments than a single inbred
behavior also increased in more dense populations, but only 2A detailed description of the round robin mating technique can be found
in those with a female-biased sex ratio. In populations with a on the Zebrafish Information Network website dedicated to the AB
male-biased sex ratio, courtship behavior decreased with wild-type line:
density. ZDB-GENO-960809-7 (accessed November 5, 2012).

Volume 53, Number 2 2012 165

line (Festing 1995). Still, outbred lines characterized by high heat shock. Both fish were sequenced using Illumina GA se-
genetic variability may affect reproducibility of experiments quencing technology to approximately ×40 coverage (M.D.
and pose a significant challenge for research in which sequence- Clark, unpublished results).
specific reagents such as primers, morpholinos, or even zinc The sequenced fish have been outcrossed to each other
finger nucleases are used. Before these reagents are designed, it and the resultant F1 individuals incrossed to generate
is strongly recommended that researchers examine how poly- F2 progeny for mapping using a custom SNP array of
morphic the region of interest is. This may even involve more than 200,000 SNPs. Adult F2 pairs were also
resequencing the region. Because of a high number of shipped to ZIRC, where they are available as F3 generation
polymorphisms, the zebrafish reference genomic sequence, onwards.
prepared based on the TU line, may not always serve as a reli- The AB and TU G0 sequences have been assembled into
able source of sequence for other wild-type lines or even other de novo contigs and can be searched for polymorphisms at
TU sublines. Indeed, comparison of different TU sequence the Sanger Institute’s Zebrafish BLAST server.3 Short
reads generated as part of the Zebrafish Sequencing Project at sequences, such as 25–base pair morpholino sequences, will

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the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute revealed 645,088 single- not produce BLAST hits with default parameters. Longer
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs1) (Bradley et al. 2007). sequences (e.g., 50 base pairs around the start codon) will,
however, generate BLAST hits.
The SAT line should be largely free of embryonic lethal
Inbreeding mutations because these should have been selected against
during the doubled haploid process. Note that some of these
High sequence variability of a line can be decreased by in-
mutations might have been complemented by wild-type ma-
breeding. The Committee on Standardized Genetic Nomen-
ternal messenger RNA or protein. Similarly, trans-heterozygous
clature for Mice specified in 1952 that 20 generations of
lethal alleles should not prevail in the F1 individuals.
full-sibling (brother × sister) mating were necessary for a
The genome of the F2 progeny and subsequent generations
line to be referred to as inbred (Nomenclature Committee
can be reconstructed by dense genotyping and imputation of the
1952). It was amended later that other breeding schemes
intervening genotypes (Ellinghaus et al. 2009; Li et al. 2011)
were also acceptable provided that the inbreeding was equiv-
using, for example, a 200k SNP array, calculating the cross-
alent to 20 successive generations of sibling mating (i.e., a
overs, and identifying the pieces of sequenced AB and TU
coefficient of inbreeding [F] of 98.6%) (Doolittle 1983).
genomes present in a given fish. Once the genomes are recon-
Because zebrafish do not appear to have sex chromosomes
structed with high-density genotyping, low-density genotyping
(Wallace and Wallace 2003) and sex ratios in colonies vary
(e.g., 96 or 384 well-spaced SNPs) can be used for several
(Lawrence et al. 2008) (possibly under genetic influence;
subsequent generations. Thereafter, when a large proportion
Bradley et al. 2011) and because inbreeding significantly
of the sequence becomes ambiguous because of novel recombi-
reduces fertility and survival (Mrakovcic and Haley 1978,
nation sites, high-density genotyping will need to be reem-
1979), generation of zebrafish isogenic lines seems to be a
ployed to construct the genome sequence anew.
long and challenging project. Currently, there are no zebrafish
The SAT line is thus genetically defined, and individual
inbred lines in which all individuals are identical and homozy-
genomes can be reconstructed. It can be maintained and
gous, as has been described for mouse isogenic lines. Some
propagated as other wild-type strains (i.e., as a large popula-
near-homozygous zebrafish lines, such as C32 and SJD, have
tion with group or round robin matings). Importantly, the
been made using a combination of inbreeding and heat shock
line is largely free of lethal and deleterious alleles and should
(to generate homozygous gynogenetic diploids) and early
possess hybrid vigor, enabling it to be used as a wild-type
pressure (to generate heterozygous gynogenetic diploids), but
line and maintained as a strain. It is highly recommended
these lines were difficult to maintain and eventually had to be
that this line be used for experiments for which knowledge
outcrossed to increase viability (Johnson and Zon 1999).
of precise genome sequence is necessary. Examples include
It may yet be possible to generate true isogenic lines us-
morpholino and polymerase chain reaction primer design as
ing conventional sibling matings with a large starting popu-
well as reverse genetics techniques such as targeting induced
lation, especially if this population has already been partially
local lesions in genomes and zinc finger nuclease targeting.
inbred and cleared of some recessive lethal mutations. How-
ever, if gynogenetic techniques are not employed, it will take
a long time to complete this process. A better understanding Conclusion
of the genetic and environmental factors affecting sex determi-
nation would aid with inbreeding strategies. Breeding is an important part of zebrafish husbandry. Its un-
derstanding is crucial for optimizing scientific research in
which D. rerio is used as a model organism. Mate choice,
A Sequenced Hybrid Line courtship, and spawning are affected by a number of factors.
The SAT derives from two wild-type lines, AB and TU. A
male doubled haploid AB and a female doubled haploid TU 3Available
from (accessed
fish were generated in John Postlethwait’s laboratory using on September 26, 2012).

166 ILAR Journal

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