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Kawtar Ghafel


Assignment #2 – Learning Report Discussion

In the form of a report (essay), answer five of the following open-ended questions. Use APA
style to format your report, including in-text citations and references. The report should be
between 2-3 pages (spacing 1.5). Submit your report in Moodle no later than Sunday 29
January at 23:55pm (Finnish time).

1. Why is it so important for an engineer today to have knowledge of multiple disciplines

(cross-pollination) in addition to his field of expertise?

2. What are the different roles that an engineer needs to play in a firm in addition to the
traditional roles of design, development, and testing?

3. What are the similarities in the definitions of management quoted from authors of
management textbooks? Do the definitions provided by business executives differ in any
way? Synthesize your own definition of management.

4. How does the job of a top manager differ from those of the several levels of middle

5. From the 10 managerial roles provided by Mintzberg, choose three or four that you consider
most important for the first-line manager and explain your selection. Repeat for middle level
and top managers.

6. Is management both an art and a science? State your views on this using examples.

7. A manager’s role is highly challenging and dynamic as compared with those of other
employees (non-managers) in a company. Discuss the factors that make this so.
Kawtar Ghafel

8. Discuss your personality type results from the Enneagram test. What did you like/dislike? Do
you agree about the test results? Were results accurate with your profile/personality? How
do you think this test have helped you? What insights did you get?

9. How are Engineering Managers Distinguished from Other Managers? And why do you think
engineers are needed in management positions? Discuss from your own perspective and the
in-class discussion.

10. What did you learn from our first and second lectures? Were there new concepts to you?
What would you suggest for our next lectures? Discuss from your own opinion.

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