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Step By Step Listening 2


Unit 23 Things I Did This Year

Date: Name: Excellent / Good / Poor

Listening Practice 2 (p.97)

Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks. (CD2 Track 43)

1. I went to the zoo with my family this year.

2. I bought a new bicycle this year.
3. I got a baby sister this year and took care of her.
4. I took swimming lessons every week this year.

Listening Practice 3 (p.98)

Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks. (CD2 Track 44)

1. Linda is happy with this year because she got a puppy.

2. Cathy is not happy with this year because she had lots of fights with her sister.
3. Joe is happy with this year because he helped his dad with gardening.
4. Julie is not happy with this year because she ate too much fast food.

Listening Practice 4 (p.98)

Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks. (CD2 Track 45)

Dad: This week is the last week of this year, Sarah.

Sarah: Yes, it is. I’m so happy with many things this year.
Dad: Like what?
Sarah: I got a baby brother, I learned to play the guitar and also I got a good
grade in English.
Dad: Yes, you do sound like your year was happy.
Sarah: What about you, Dad?
Dad: Well, I guess I was being lazy this year, but next year I am going to exercise
more and read more books.

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