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I would highlight my graduation and passion for electrical and computer engineering (computer

engineering) and my eagerness to learn and grow in this field. As a fresh graduate, I am excited to apply
my knowledge and skills to real-world projects and contribute to the advancement of technology. I am a
motivated and dedicated individual who values teamwork and collaboration, and I am always seeking
opportunities to expand my knowledge and expertise.

(Computer Engineering)

Design of school management system website for tepi

high school

•Abdulkerim Aragaw
mob: 0914085152

•programming languages c++,

java, react js php, python,c#

Language Skills Extra circular activities

Amharic -native, English - fluent Jan 2022 I were helping grade 8 students by giving tutorials

Aug 2019 I had been working with collection of data at

s/wollo women and children issues office

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