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**B1 French Exam**

**Section 1: Listening (10 points)**

**Part A (5 points):** Listen to the audio recording (you can use a separate
recording for this) and answer the questions that follow. The recording will
describe a daily routine.

1. À quelle heure la personne se lève-t-elle généralement ? (What time does
the person usually wake up?)
2. Que fait la personne en soirée ? (What does the person do in the evening?)

**Part B (5 points):** Listen to another audio recording and answer the

questions. This recording will involve a short conversation between two
people discussing their weekend plans.

3. Que prévoit de faire la première personne ce week-end ? (What does the
first person plan to do this weekend?)
4. Pourquoi la deuxième personne veut-elle travailler le week-end ? (Why does
the second person want to work on the weekend?)

**Section 2: Reading (10 points)**

**Part A (5 points):** Read the following passage and answer the questions.

La France est un pays riche en histoire, avec de nombreux châteaux et
monuments anciens. Le Mont Saint-Michel, situé en Normandie, est un site du
patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. La France est également célèbre pour sa
cuisine, notamment les croissants, le fromage, et le vin.

5. Où se trouve le Mont Saint-Michel ?
6. Pourquoi la France est-elle célèbre en ce qui concerne la cuisine ?

**Part B (5 points):** Read a short text about a person's hobbies and complete
the sentences.

Paul adore jouer au tennis. Il joue deux fois par semaine au club de tennis de
sa ville. Il est également passionné par la musique et joue de la guitare dans
un groupe local.

7. Paul adore jouer au _______.
8. En plus du tennis, Paul joue de la _______ dans un _______.

**Section 3: Writing (10 points)**

**Part A (5 points):** Write a short paragraph (about 70 words) about your last
vacation. Include where you went, what you did, and your overall experience.

**Part B (5 points):** Respond to an email from your friend, Marie, who is

asking about your plans for the upcoming weekend. Tell her about your plans
and ask if she would like to join you.

**Section 4: Speaking (10 points)**

**Part A (5 points):** Prepare a 2-minute speech on a topic of your choice. The

topic should be about something you are passionate about or have a strong
opinion on. You will be assessed on fluency, coherence, and vocabulary.

**Part B (5 points):** Have a conversation with the examiner about your

favorite French dishes. Answer questions and provide details about your
favorite dishes and where you like to eat them.

This sample B1 French exam assesses various language skills. You can
modify or expand on this exam to suit your specific requirements or use it as a
template for creating your own B1 French exam.

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