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CQ-1. Identify 3 different dialects in the British language and analyze their
differences. What makes regional dialects of English distinctive?
CQ-2. How do people who come from different regions of your country speak
differently? What's the best way to learn a language?
CQ-3. What is received pronunciation? What attitudes do people have towards
speakers with received pronunciation?

CQ-1. What are taboo words? What about political correctness? Give examples.
CQ-2. Having considered some social aspects of language use in Britain, discuss the
following: (1) Which is the ‘correct’ or ‘prestige’ accent? (2) What attitudes do
people have towards speakers of regional accents and minority languages? (3) Are
regional varieties of the national language found in advertising, the mass media and
certain types of role in films and plays, and what connotations do they carry?
CQ-3. If your first language is not English, how has that language been affected by
English in recent years? Is diversity and change good for a language? What are the
possible advantages and disadvantages?

Course book: British culture, chapter 2 Language in culture

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