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Thaharah III ( Tayammum )

Compiled By Group 2 :
1. Bagas Alif Armando Nasution (F1E123030)
2. Raihan Dwi Cahyo ( F1E123042)
3.Dimas Satyo W (F1E123032)
4. Jaswita Amanda Sari (F1E123056)
5. Aldi (F1E123035)

Sistem Informasi
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Jamb
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1..........................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Problem Formulation...................................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives....................................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER II.........................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Definition.....................................................................................................................................3
2.2 Cause of Tayammum...................................................................................................................4
2.3 Rukun of Tayammum..................................................................................................................5
2.4 Sunah of Tayammum...................................................................................................................5
2.5 Things that make Tayamum invalid.............................................................................................6
CHAPTER III........................................................................................................................................7


1.1 Introduction
In Arabic, the word Tayammum literally means an ‘aim’ or ‘purpose.’ In Islamic
Law, it refers to: ‘Aiming for or seeking soil to wipe one’s face and hands with the intention
of purification and preparing oneself to pray, and so on.”

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. What is the meaning of tayaamum?
2. What are the reasons why tayamum is permitted?
3. What are the conditions for Tayammum?
4. What are the pillars / fardu tayamum?
5. What are the circumcisions in Tayammum?
6. What are the things that cancel Tayammum?
7. What are the problems related to tayamum?

1.3 Objectives
1. To know what tayammum means.
2. To find out the reasons why tayammum is permitted.
3. To find out the conditions for Tayammum.
4. To know the pillars / fardu-fardu tayammum.
5. To find out about Tayammum circumcisions.
6. To find out things that cancel Tayammum.
7. To find out some of the problems that we often encounter related to tayammum.


2.1 Definition
Tayammum is the Islamic term for “dry ablution”. This is the type of ablution
performed when clean water is not readily available, or it is not feasible for a person to
perform regular ghusl or wudhu because of medical reasons or similar issues. In such
circumstances, instead of water, the person wipes a small amount of sand, dust or dry earth
on his/her face and hands.
Tayammum, which is an example of ease and relief in hard times, was practiced by
Prophet Muhammad in his journey from Makka to Madinah during the 6 th year of hijrah. In
the same year, while travelling to carry out the ghazwa of Banu Mustalik, The prophet along
with his army rested the night at a place. When they woke up to pray Fajr, they could not find
any water. Tayamum is prescribed based on the words of Allah surah Al-Maidah verse 6;

‫َو ِإْن ُكْنُتْم َم ْر َض ى َأْو َع َلى َس َفٍر َأْو َج اَء َأَح ٌد ِم ْنُك ْم ِم َن اْلَغاِئِط َأْو اَل َم ْس ُتُم الِّنَس اَء َفَلْم َتِج ُد وا َم اًء‬
‫َفَتَيَّمُم وا َص ِع يًدا َطِّيًبا َفاْمَس ُحوا ِبُو ُجوِهُك ْم َو َأْيِد يُك ْم ِم ْنُه‬

“Dan jikalau kalian dalam keadaan sakit atau dalam perjalanan atau seseorang di antara
kalian baru saja buang hajat atau menggauli wanita, kemudian kalian tidak mendapatkan
air, maka kalian lakukanlah tayamum dengan tanah yang baik. Usaplah wajah kalian dan
tangan kalian dari tanah tersebut. Tidaklah Allah menghendaki untuk menjadikan beban
bagi kalian, melainkan Allah berkeinginan untuk membersihkan kalian dan
menyempurnakan nikmat-Nya bagi kalian, agar kalian bersyukur.”

Tayamum was also determined based on a hadith narrated by al-Imam Muslim from
Huzaifah, he said that the Prophet SAW. Said;

‫ ُج ِع َلْت ُص ُفْو ُفَنا َك ُص ُفْو ِف ْالَم اَل ِئَك ِة َو ُج ِع َلْت َلَنا ْاَألْر ُض ُك ُّلَه ا َم ْس ِج ًدا‬:‫َفِض ْلَنا َع َلى الَّناِس ِبَثاَل ٍث‬
‫َو َطُهْو ًرا َو ُج ِع َلْت ُتْر َبُتَها َطُهْو ًرا ِاَذ ا َلْم َيِج ِد ْالَم اَء‬

“Kami telah diutamakan atas seluruh manusia dengan tiga hal; shaf-shaf kami dijadikan
bagaikan shaf para malaikat, dan dijadikan bagi kami bumi sebagai masjid dan tanahnya
bagi kami sebagai alat bersuci apabila kami tidak mendapatkan air.”
2.2 Cause of Tayammum
Imam Al Ghazali in the book Ihya Ulumuddin explains the causes of tayammum in
more detail. He explained that "Anyone who has difficulty using water, either because:
1. Its absence after trying to find it,or because there are obstacles, such as fear of wild
animals, difficulties because of imprisonment,
2. There was only enough water for himself or his friends to drink,
3. The existing water belongs to someone else and is not sold except at a price that is
more expensive than the commensurate (normal) price, or
4. Due to injuries, due to diseases that cause damage to body parts or actually increase
pain due to exposure to water. So he should be patient until the time of fardhu

The scholars then explained the causes of tayamum. The things that make it permissible
for us to perform tayammum are:
1. When you can't find water either when traveling or staying.
2. There is water, but the amount is limited and there are other needs, for example for
cooking or drinking.
3. The location of the water is estimated to be more than half a farsakh or 2.5
kilometers away. This long distance results in difficult travel or insufficient prayer
4. Difficulty using water because there are conditions that make water inaccessible.
Like the water is close, but there are enemies, wild animals, or being imprisoned.
5. Tayamum is permitted when there is concern that it will aggravate or endanger the
condition of the body that is sick, or that the illness will take longer to heal if you
perform ablution with water.

Previously, there was a friend of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam who died after
taking a bath when his head was injured. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam who knew
about this then said, "In fact, it is enough for him to perform tayammum, bandage the wound
with a cloth, then wipe the cloth and wash the other parts of the body." (HR. Abu Dawud).

2.3 Rukun of Tayammum

Tayamum has four pillars that must be followed when we do tayammum. The following is
the ritual of Tayammum.
1. Niat, This intention is read when performing tayammum so that tayammum is done
legally and gets permission from Allah to worship.
2. Wipe your face, Use both palms of your hands to rub the dust all over your face. Use
your right hand to wipe your face on the left side, then use your left hand to wipe your
face on the right side.
3. Rub both hands up to the elbows, Wipe both of your hands using the dust that has
stuck to your palms. This rubbing is the same as when performing ablution. Use your
left hand to rub your right hand up to the elbow, and use your right hand to rub your
left hand up to the elbow.
4. Orderly, Perform tayammum in an orderly manner. Pay attention to the pillars and
procedures of Tayammum in the correct order, they must not be reversed or missed.

2.4 Sunah of Tayammum

The sunnah of tayammum is different from the pillars of tayamum. It is sunnah to do
tayammum when performing tayammum. However, this is only a recommendation so that
Tayammum is more perfect. The following is the sunnah of Tayammum.
1. Read Basmallah, When performing tayammum basmalah can also be recited before
reading the tayammum intention. But if not, that's okay.
2. Prioritize the Right over the Left, When doing something sacred like tayamum, it is
sunnah to put the right side first, such as the right hand. After that, it is followed by
wiping the left hand.
3. Thinning Dust, When performing Tayammum, it is recommended to thin out the dust
on your hands before rubbing it on your body. The dust used for tayammum does not
need to be too much. Tayamum is different from wudu which requires a lot of water.

2.5 Things that make Tayamum invalid

Like wudu, tayammum also has causes that can cancel tayammum. The following are things
that can cancel Tayammum.

1. Finding Water, Tayamum will immediately be canceled if you find water before
praying. If something is being replaced, it already exists, so the replacement will be
useless. Just like finding water before praying, you have to perform ablution.
However, if you find water after you have finished praying, this does not invalidate
tayammum or prayer. Salat and tayammum are still valid if you find water after
praying. Therefore,you should first make sure whether there is really no water.
2. Can use water, Water can be an obstacle to worship if someone who is sick cannot be
exposed to water during their treatment sessions. However, if the disease has healed,
tayamum can be cancelled. Even people who are sick without any restrictions on
water can also cancel tayamum.
3. Apostate,Tayamum will be canceled if you leave Islam or your religion is not Islam.
Tayamum is only permitted for Muslims. Apart from that, it certainly has its own
rules for worship.
4. Losing your sense of thinking, A person who loses his sanity will automatically have
his tayamum canceled. People who lose their minds are like crazy, drunk, and
unconscious due to fainting and so on.
5. Sleep, Sleep is an activity in which several body functions stop operating, such as the
ears and eyes. For people who have performed tayammum and then sleep so that the
ears and eyes do not function simultaneously, tayammum is declared invalid. But not
for people who have physical disabilities, one of which is not functional.
6. Urination, By urinating, Tayammum will automatically be cancelled. This is because
hadas appears due to small amounts of water. If you want to pray, first clean the hadas
on your body so you can pray validly.
7. Defecation, It is clear that if we defecate which causes hadas to appear then tayamum
is declared invalid. This is the same as urinating when you have done Tayammum.
8. Fart, Fart is a gas that comes out through the anus, this is the same as urinating and
defecating. When you have done tayammum and then fart then tayammum is declared
invalid. Likewise, when you pray, your prayer must be canceled too.
9. Menstruation, When a woman enters her period or menstruation while she has already
performed tayamum, tayammum is declared invalid. This is the same as urinating,
defecating, and farting. Anything that causes hadas to appear in parts of the body
means that worship activities will be invalidated. Hadas must be cleaned first before


Several things that we can conclude from the preparation of this paper are as follows:
1. Tayamum according to the language (etymology) is "deliberately", while according to
the term (terminology) it is "Sending the holy dust "to the face and both hands up to
the elbows with certain conditions and pillars".
2. Tayamum is a substitute for thaharah, when someone cannot bathe or perform
ablution because they are in a state of udzur, either sick, on a long journey or there is
no water when they want to performing ablution or bathing, or there is little water but
the water is used for drink from animals, even dogs.
3. Tayamum is permitted if conditions are met, such as having to use holy and dusty
land, and it is time for prayer and eliminate impurity
4. The pillars of tayammum are intention, wiping the face with dust, wiping both hands,
and being orderly.
5. Things that invalidate tayamum are: all things that invalidate ablution, the presence of
water (for people who perform tayammum because there is no water) and apostasy.

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