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The Princess and the Pig

By Amelia Tagney
Domestic violence is a serious issue experienced by many people worldwide.
There are a wide variety of different cases and situations this can happen in.
Anyone can experience abuse by people, and it generally happens in a
relationship. I have chosen to focus on this issue because it is a taboo topic
that is serious and must be discussed. I have chosen to transform the text The
Princess and the Pea into a sequel about a mistreated princess. I used the text
to represent a case of man to woman abuse against Lily, the princess from the
original story. She is experiencing domestic violence from prince Hans, a man
that only loved her for her looks and the fact she was a ‘proper princess,’ as
the original story entails. I have included a resolution at the end of the scene to
represent there is always a way to get out of things, although there is still room
for another complication. I have tried to create this script to produce a deeper
understanding of domestic violence, yet still make it entertaining and
enjoyable for the audience.


- Princess Lily- A young woman who leads a happy life, but is exposed to
many dangers after one cruel storm.

- Prince Hans- A cruel man who tortures others in an act of expressing his
anger and low self-esteem of himself

- Roxy- A close friend to the princess, who is slightly odd (she believes she
is a reincarnated fox) but extremely kind.

- Officer- A reasonably normal officer that may not actually be the hero…


A split stage-

Setting 1- An old living room with a tattered couch

Setting 2- A new, modern house with an iPhone laying on the bench
ACT 1, Scene 1:

Princess (Setting 2):

(Hides behind a couch, dials number, *sobs* Wipes away tears, clears
throat, brings the phone to ear.) Hello? Roxy, Hello? Please answer,
please, please, please answer.

Roxy (Setting 1):

(Is watching a computer screen with headphones, does not hear the
call, exits stage)

Prince (Setting 2):

(Bangs on door from offstage) Honey… Make sure you don’t spend any
more than 15 minutes in there! (bangs the door again) Alright?

Princess (Setting 2):

(Murmurs) Okay...

Footsteps from Prince offstage, signifying him leaving.

Princess (Setting 2):

(Sighs) Phew. (Dials phone again)

(Enters stage, picks up phone) Hello? Who is this?

Oh, I’m using an old phone, you can’t see my caller ID.

Oh, ok.
Princess (Setting 2):
Anyway, it’s your old friend, Lily.

Roxy (Setting 1):

Lily! It’s been ages! We’ve been distant lately, it’s like Hans has just
locked you away or something… At least you’re not Rapunzel!

Princess (Setting 2):

Oh, yeah um…

Roxy (Setting 1):

Yeah! Anyways… We should really get together sometime! Ariel would
really love to see you again! How have you been?

Princess (Setting 2):

Well, Hans really is locking me up. I just don’t like the way he’s been
treating me lately… He’s always out and when he’s here… It... um... it’s
just… (yells in frustration)

Roxy (Setting 1):

Oh my gosh, (awkwardly pauses) … I just don’t understand. You need to

Princess (Setting 2):

He threatens me, and yells at me… Sometimes he hits me. (Holds up a
bruised arm to the audience.) He only wants me because I was the only
proper princess he could find.

Roxy (Setting 1):

I’m contacting the police right now, don’t worry Lily. You’ll be fine.
(uses home phone to call police)

Sirens blare
Prince (Setting 2):
(Enters stage) Lily! What is going on here? Who are these people?

Princess (Setting 2):

Please, it’s not my fault…

Prince (Setting 2):

Send them back Lily…

Princess (Setting 2):

NO! PLEASE NO! (drops phone)

Roxy (Setting 1):

Hello? Hello? (Lily doesn’t answer, so she starts panicking and exits

Officer (Setting 2):

(Enters stage) Sir, as my job requires I am entitled to question you, even
if you are not guilty, so you can cooperate or I will have to cuff you.

Prince (Setting 2):

Please! It’s not my fault! She’s lying!! (attempts to run away)

Officer chases prince through house, Lily follows.

Officer (Setting 2):

(Hand-cuffs prince) Sir, I am going to need you to sit down.

Prince (Setting 2):

(Struggles against officer, officer glares and prince gives in to officer)
Everyone sits

Officer (Setting 2):

Ok, first question. What relationship are you in regarding your um…?
I’m sorry, but what is you name ma’am?

Princess (Setting 2):

(Speaks quietly) Uh... Lily

Officer (Setting 2):

Ok. Now sir, what relationship are you in regarding Lily?

Prince (Setting 2):

Um… well she’s my wife and I love her and treat her very well. (Starts
rambling about Lily)

Officer (Setting 2):

(Raises voice to interrupt prince) Lily, what is your take on this

Princess (Setting 2):

(Nervously fidgets) Uh... well… He isn’t nice… I just don’t know what to
do… (She starts crying)

Officer (Setting 2):

Don’t worry Lily. I’ve been in a lot of situations like this so you can be
comfortable with me.

Princess (Setting 2):

I don’t know how to talk about this now… Please, I need time. Can I talk
to my friend, Roxy?

Roxy (Setting 2):

(Enters stage)

Prince (Setting 2):

Speak of the devil! (puts on a fake smile) Roxy! How are you?

Roxy (Setting 2):

You have no right to speak!

Officer (Setting 2):

Yes, you’re correct. Now, as Lily would like some time, I must take you
in for questioning and get things sorted out.

Prince (Setting 2):


Officer (Setting 2):

Please sir, I’m sorry. (Drags prince away)

Roxy (Setting 2):

(Rushes over to Lily) Oh… Lilly… You should have told me sooner
(Cradles Lily in her arms)

Princess (Setting 2):

(Sobs) I just didn’t know what to do… (starts bawling)

Roxy (Setting 2):

(In a firm but reassuring tone) It’s OK… We’ll have everything sorted out
soon, it’ll be fine, we’ll all be safe. Everything’s OK.punctuation – use
capital letters for OK

Princess (Setting 2):

OK… OK… OK… I’m OK…

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