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Full Paper

Ionoskins: Nonvolatile, Highly Transparent, Ultrastretchable

Ionic Sensory Platforms for Wearable Electronics
Yong Min Kim and Hong Chul Moon*

(e.g., polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)) was

The primary technology of next-generation wearable electronics pursues the conventionally suggested. However, this
development of highly deformable and stable systems. Here, nonvolatile, strategy involves the intrinsic problem
highly transparent, and ultrastretchable ionic conductors based on polymeric arising from incompatibility between
gelators [poly(methyl methacrylate-ran-butyl acrylate), PMMA-r-PBA] and ionic soft matrix (elastomer) and hard addi-
tives (conductive fillers) unless surface
liquids (IL) are proposed. A crucial strategy in the molecular design of polymer
modification is performed, which pro-
gelators is copolymerization of PMMA and IL-insoluble low glass transition duces agglomerates of fillers and impedes
temperature (Tg) polymers that can be deformed and effectively dissipate uniform dispersion of conductors.[35,36]
applied strains. Highly stretchable (elongation limit ≈850%), mechanically As a result, a nonlinear response[37,38] in
robust (elastic modulus ≈3.1 × 105 Pa), and deformation durable (recovery accordance with applied strains and irre-
versible behaviors[27,39] during stretching/
ratio ≈96.1% after 500 stretching/releasing cycles) gels are obtained by judi-
releasing cycles can be observed.
ciously adjusting the molecular characteristics of polymer gelators and gel Recently, ionically conductive sensory
composition. An extremely simple “ionic” strain sensory platform is fabricated systems have been proposed as an alterna-
by directly connecting the stretchable gel and a digital multimeter, exhibiting tive. A representative system is a hydrogel
high sensitivity (gauge factor ≈2.73), stable operation (>13 000 cycles), and containing salts, exhibiting conductivity
nonvolatility (>10 d in air). Moreover, the skin-type strain sensor, referred to attributed to movement of ions.[40–42]
The hydrogel itself is not only deform-
as ionoskin, is demonstrated. The gels are attached to a part of the body (e.g.,
able but also conductive, so the variation
finger, elbow, knee, or ankle) and various human movements are successfully in resistance can be readily monitored by
monitored. The ionoskin renders the opportunity to achieve wearable ubiqui- directly connecting wires. The significant
tous electronics such as healthcare devices and smart textile systems. improvement of mechanical robustness
of hydrogels has been also achieved using
chemical and/or ionic crosslinking.[43–45]
Nonetheless, most hydrogels severely
1. Introduction suffer from drying in an open environment without specific
encapsulation or addition of humectants.[46] To overcome the
The advent of stretchable systems offers an opportunity drying issue, a few papers proposed utilization of nonvolatile
for realizing next-generation wearable electronics.[1–21] For ionic liquids. However, the fabrication of predesigned con-
example, high-strain sensory platforms with a detection limit tainers or channels is required to prevent leakage, in addition
exceeding the strain (≈55%[22]) produced by the movement to encapsulation.[47–49] Recently, solid-state gels comprised of
of human joints have been successfully applied to human ionic liquids and polymers have been used in wearable elec-
motion detection and personal healthcare monitoring.[23–26] tronics.[50–52] Most systems have focused on the demonstration
The fundamental principle of most strain sensors is based of pressure sensors that respond to compressive strain probably
on measurement of change in resistance (or conductivity) of due to the absence of suitable polymer gelators for obtaining
stretchable conductors with mechanical deformation. There- highly stretchable ionic materials. This implies that the devel-
fore, incorporation of electrically conductive materials, such as opment of effective polymer systems to achieve highly deform-
inorganic particles,[27,28] liquid metals,[29–31] and carbon mate- able ionic materials is very challenging but essentially required
rials (e.g., graphene or carbon nanotube),[32,33] into elastomers for wearable/stretchable sensory devices.
Herein, an extremely simple and innovative strategy for
achieving nonvolatile, ultrastretchable gel platforms for patch-
Y. M. Kim, Prof. H. C. Moon type strain sensors, referred to as ionoskin, is proposed. For
Department of Chemical Engineering this purpose, the approach involved molecular design of
University of Seoul polymer gelators considering that mechanical characteristics of
Seoul 02504, Republic of Korea ion gels strongly depend on those of polymer gelators.[17,53,54]
We revealed the design principle that copolymerization
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under
of low-glass transition temperature (Tg) components with
poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is crucial for achieving
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201907290 highly deformable ionic systems, and PMMA-ran-poly(butyl

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 1907290 1907290 (1 of 8) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Table 1. Molecular characteristics of synthetic polymers employed in this work. Figure 1a shows small-angle X-ray scat-
tering (SAXS) profiles of ion gels con-
Code Mna) Mwa) Ða) MMAb) MMAc) sisting of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium
[g mol−1] [g mol−1] [mol%] [mol%] bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([EMI]
PMMA 356 000 440 000 1.24 100 100 [TFSI]) (ionic liquid) and homo-PMMA
88-PMMA-r-PBA 405 000 502 000 1.24 88.1 88.4 or 88-PMMA-r-PBA (polymer gelator). By
57-PMMA-r-PBA 467 000 584 000 1.25 57.6 60.1
simultaneously fitting Guinier and Porod
regimes of the profiles using the Unified
34-PMMA-r-PBA 445 000 556 000 1.25 34.6 40.1
model,[57–59] the radii of gyration (Rg) of
17-PMMA-r-PBA 480 000 610 000 1.27 17.4 24.9 agglomerated (namely, insoluble in [EMI]
Poly(butyl acrylate) (PBA) 470 000 602 000 1.28 – – [TFSI]) domains were estimated to be ≈9.2
Poly(ethyl methacrylate) (PEMA) 340 000 435 000 1.28 – – and ≈7.8 Å for the gels based on 88-PMMA-
89-PMMA-r-PS d) 306 000 351 000 1.15 88.8 88.6
r-PBA and homo-PMMA, respectively.
Considering the random copolymeriza-
a)Measured by SEC calibrated with PS standards; b)Determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy; c)Calculated tion of 12 mol% [EMI][TFSI]-insoluble
by Mayo–Lewis equation; d)89-Poly(methyl methacrylate-ran-styrene). PBA, a slightly larger agglomeration size
in the 88-PMMA-r-PBA gel can be rational-
acrylate) (PMMA-r-PBA) copolymers were suggested. Simple ized. Both gels were highly transparent (see inset images of
blending of PMMA-r-PBA and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Figure 1a).
bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([EMI][TFSI]) produced Despite similar structure and appearance, the significant
physically cross-linked ionic conductors having ultrastretch- difference in mechanical properties (particularly in stretcha-
ability (elongation up to ≈850%), high mechanical robustness bility) was clearly observed in stress–strain curves (Figure 1b).
(elastic modulus ≈3.1 × 105 Pa), and good deformation dura- PMMA gels exhibited only ≈300% elongation, whereas the
bility (recovery ratio ≈96.1% after 500 stretching/releasing 88-PMMA-r-PBA gels could be stretched up to ≈850% (see
cycles) when judiciously optimized. This ionic sensory platform also Figure 1c). Elucidation of the origin of such ultras-
was applied in strain sensors and showed a high gauge factor tretchability is important for material design of stretchable/
of ≈2.73, stable operation over 13 000 cycles in air, and non- wearable electronics. One possible origin is indicated by the
volatility for more than 10 d without extra sealing. In addition different molecular characteristic of the gelators, for example,
to those features, high transparency (transmittance ≈98.5%) of glass transition temperature (Tg). Because Tg (≈89.3 °C) of
the gel allowed ionoskin to adhere to a body without heteroge- 88-PMMA-r-PBA was lower than that (≈130.1 °C) of PMMA
neity, which was used to successfully monitor various human (Figure S12, Supporting Information), higher chain mobility
movements. and flexible motions were anticipated.[60,61] To clarify this cor-
relation, we prepared an ion gel containing 40 wt% poly(ethyl
methacrylate) (PEMA) having Tg (≈80.2 °C) similar to that of
2. Results and Discussion 88-PMMA-r-PBA (Figure S12, Supporting Information). None-
theless, the stretchability of PEMA-based gels was still limited
2.1. Molecular Design Principle and Synthesis to ≈330% (Figure 1b and Figure S13, Supporting Informa-
of Novel Copolymer Gelators for Ultastretchable Ion Gels tion). These results suggest that the unusual stretchability
of 88-PMMA-r-PBA-based gels arises from synergistic effects
A series of PMMA-r-PBA having similar molecular weights was of “co”polymerization of PMMA with [EMI][TFSI]-insoluble,
synthesized at four different compositions (see Table 1). The sam- “low-Tg” PBA.
ples were denoted based on the content of PMMA in the copol- To demonstrate this hypothesis, we synthesized 89-PMMA-
ymer. For example, 88-PMMA-r-PBA corresponds to a copolymer r-PS with similar PMMA fraction but high Tg PS compared
composed of 88 mol% of PMMA and 12 mol% of PBA. The to 88-PMMA-r-PBA. The resulting gel of the same composi-
detailed synthetic process and molecular characterizations of syn- tion (i.e., 40 wt% 89-PMMA-r-PS and 60% [EMI][TFSI]) could
thesized polymers are given in the Supporting Information (see be elongated up to ≈530%, which is still less than that of the
also Figures S1–S9). The PMMA-r-PBA copolymers and homo- 88-PMMA-r-PBA gel. It is concluded that the stretchability of
PMMA successfully served as gelators. For example, storage gels is highly related to the nature of [EMI][TFSI]-insoluble
moduli (G′) of the resulting gels were larger than loss moduli (G″) components. Namely, when low-Tg polymers such as PBA
over the entire experimental frequency range when the PMMA are copolymerized with PMMA and used as gelators, low Tg
content in PMMA-r-PBA was higher than 34 mol% (Figure S10, agglomerates dispersed in the gel can be deformed and the
Supporting Information), which is a characteristic of elastic gels applied stress is effectively dissipated (Figure 1d). We note
having a stable network structure.[54–56] While homogeneous that the 57-PMMA-r-PBA- and 34-PMMA-r-PBA-based ion gels
phase was observed from the gels containing homo-PMMA or showed good stretchability of ≈630% and ≈430%, respectively
random copolymers (e.g., 88-PMMA-r-PBA), macrophase separa- (Figure S14, Supporting Information). However, both had
tion between PBA homopolymer and [EMI][TFSI] was observed lower elastic moduli and thus are not suitable for stretchable
due to their poor compatibility (see Figure S11, Supporting Infor- electronics. Therefore, the 88-PMMA-r-PBA was an optimal
mation). This result implies that PBA chains cannot effectively gelator in terms of high elastic moduli and stretchability and
form homogeneous ion gels due to low miscibility. was used in subsequent studies.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 1907290 1907290 (2 of 8) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 1. a) Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) profiles of ion gels based on homo-PMMA and 88-PMMA-r-PBA. The lines represent fit to the unified
model.[57–59] b) Stress–strain curves for ion gels composed of 60 wt% [EMI][TFSI] and 40 wt% PMMA, PEMA, 89-PMMA-r-PBA, or 88-PMMA-r-PBA.
c) Photographs of an ultrastretchable 88-PMMA-r-PBA ion gel at ε = 0%, 400%, and 850%. d) Schematic illustration of the stretchable ion gels in this
work before (left) and after stretching (right).

2.2. Electrochemical and Mechanical Characteristics tensile tests (Figure 2b). In contrast to ionic conductivity, the
of Ultrastretchable Ion Gels Based on PMMA-r-PBA highest elastic modulus (≈5.4 × 105 Pa) was measured with
the 50 wt% copolymer-containing gel, which is predictable
In addition to large mechanical deformation, high ionic con- based on the tradeoff correlation between conductivity and
ductivity of gels is also necessary for high-performance human mechanical robustness.[53,54,56] Although a balanced property
motion sensors, achieved through high sensitivity based on is desired, such a high modulus hinders elongation of the
large changes in resistance even at small strains.[47,49] Figure 2a gel. For example, gels containing 50 wt% of 88-PMMA-r-PBA
displays variation of impedance (Z′) as a function of frequency were deformable to ≈350%. Overall, considering ionic conduc-
for ion gels at three representative compositions. The bulk gel tivity (≈0.31 mS cm−1), mechanical robustness (elastic mod-
conductivity was assessed based on Z′ values at high frequen- ulus ≈3.1 × 105), and stretchability (up to ≈850%), the ion gels
cies (>104 Hz), where the resistive component mainly contrib- containing 40 wt% of 88-PMMA-r-PBA are most suitable for
uted to impedance. The highest conductivity (≈1.33 mS cm−1) deformable strain sensors. The optimal ion gel showed excel-
was calculated for the gel containing the smallest amount lent reversibility at tensile strain (ε) ≈100%, whereas light
(30 wt%) of nonconducting 88-PMMA-r-PBA.[62] In general, distortion was observed at large ε (e.g., ≈600%) (Figure S15,
highly conductive gels can be obtained with a larger amount of Supporting Information). Accordingly, we further examined
[EMI][TFSI], but mechanical robustness is degraded. Therefore, the cyclic stretching/releasing stability at ε ≈ 100% (Figure 2c)
the ratio of 88-PMMA-r-PBA and [EMI][TFSI] should be care- in which similar stress–strain curves were still recorded after
fully chosen. 500 cycles. Mechanical reversibility was quantitatively charac-
To evaluate mechanical suitability of gels for wearable elec- terized in terms of recovery ratio and residual strain.[63] After
tronics, we recorded stress–strain curves during uniaxial 500 consecutive cycles, the recovery ratio was ≈96.1%, and a

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 1907290 1907290 (3 of 8) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 2. a) Frequency dependence of the impedance (Z′) and b) stress–strain curves of ion gels based on 88-PMMA-r-PBA and [EMI][TFSI] at three
different weight compositions. Variations in c) stress–strain curves, and d) recovery ratio and residual strain as a function of stretching/releasing cycles
for stretchable gels containing 40 wt% 88-PMMA-r-PBA.

low residual strain level (≈3.2%) was maintained (Figure 2d). over the extended strain range, indicating that the possible
In contrast, the ion gels including 40 wt% of 88-PMMA-r-PS detection strain limit of 88-PMMA-r-PBA-based device is ≈850%
abruptly lost reversibility after 20 cycles, and severe degradation (Figure S18, Supporting Information).
of recovery ratio and relatively high residual strain were also We also demonstrated the stability of strain responsive-
extracted (Figure S16, Supporting Information). This difference ness of the gel. The system based on ionically conductive
indicates the importance and effectiveness of copolymerization 88-PMMA-r-PBA gels well-maintained the initial amplitude
of PMMA with PBA (i.e., low-Tg polymer) for achieving highly of resistance change even after ≈13 000 stretching/releasing
stretchable ion gels with excellent durability. cycles at ε ≈ 100% (Figure 3d). For example, the maximum
ΔR/R0 contrasts of the 1st and 13 000th cycle were ≈268% and
≈271%, respectively. This uniform performance also supports
2.3. Strain Sensory Performance of Ionic Platforms no leakage from the gel during the test (see also Figure S19,
Based on PMMA-r-PBA Supporting Information). In contrast to hydrogel-based sys-
tems, which suffer from drying that causes uneven device per-
Ion gels themselves are ionic conductors. Therefore, variations formance,[41] another remarkable characteristic of ion gels in
in resistance of ion gels in accordance with applied strains can this work is nonvolatility. The resistance variation at ε ≈ 100%
be tracked by directly connecting the gels to a digital multim- was tracked in ambient conditions without extra sealing
eter in a very simple system. Figure 3a shows the 88-PMMA- (Figure 3e), and no noticeable deterioration of device perfor-
r-PBA based ion gel connected to a closed circuit equipped with mance was detected over 10 d. The performance of PMMA-r-
an LED. As the gel was stretched, the brightness of the emitted PBA-based highly deformable ion gels was compared to those
light gradually decreased due to increase in resistance, indi- of previously reported various systems including electrical and
cating the feasibility of the deformable gel as a strain sensing ionic (both hydrogel-based volatile and ionic liquid-based non-
platform. Figure 3b shows the relative change in resistance volatile) systems, in terms of two crucial metrics for stretchable
(ΔR/R0) upon application of tensile strain up to ≈80%, in which strain sensors, gauge factor and available strain limit (Figure 3f
high sensitivity of the gel system based on the 88-PMMA-r-PBA and Table S1, Supporting Information). We comment that
was verified at various strain amplitudes. In particular, relatively the most electrical strain sensors indicated higher gauge fac-
small strains such as ε ≈ 0.5% could be detected (Figure S17, tors but their deformability was relatively poorer, compared to
Supporting Information). A linear response of changes in ionic sensory platforms.[22,32,34,64–68] A few ionic strain sensors
relative resistance (ΔR/R0) to the applied strain was observed based on hydrogels exhibited relatively larger gauge factors
(Figure 3c), which is an important feature for sensor appli- and wider deformation ranges, whereas their drying problem
cations. The gauge factor (GF), defined as GF = (ΔR/R0)/ε, in an open environment significantly limits practical applica-
reached ≈2.73. A similar level of GF value (≈2.72) was measured tions.[40–42,69–73] In addition, the most reported nonvolatile

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 1907290 1907290 (4 of 8) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 3. a) Photographs of circuits consisting of 88-PMMA-r-PBA based ion gel and LED in which the change in resistance of the gel upon application
of mechanical strains was observed through the light intensity of the LED. b) Relative resistance changes in accordance with strain. c) Plots of variations
in relative resistance versus strain. The slope of the linear fit corresponds to a gauge factor (GF) of ≈2.73. d) Device response during consecutive ≈13 000
stretching/releasing cyclic operation at ε ≈ 100%. The insets are the initial (left) and last six cycles (right) of the test. e) Long-term operation at ε ≈ 100%
of the 88-PMMA-r-PBA-based gel platform over 10 d in ambient condition without specific encapsulation. The range of ΔR/R0 (y-axis) for each figure
was fixed at 0–250%. f) Comparison of gauge factor and applicable strain limit of this work with previously reported electrical and ionic strain sensors.
Squares and circles correspond to the hydrogel-based volatile and ionic liquid-based nonvolatile ionic platforms, respectively, and triangles indicate
electrical sensory systems. The ionic platform based on nonvolatile ion gels (this work) is designated by an asterisk. The inset corresponds to an
enlarged plot of the ionic system regime.

stretchable sensors involving ionic liquids are not convenient 2.4. Demonstration of “Ionoskins” for Human
to fabricate wearable devices because the containers for ionic Motion Monitoring
liquids were required.[47–49] Therefore, considering the overall
performance and unique characteristics, PMMA-r-PBA-based In addition to excellent features such as nonvolatility, excellent
ion gels in this work are a promising candidate for realizing stretchability, strong elongation durability, and high opera-
wearable sensory systems. tional stability and sensitivity, the gel was highly transparent

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 1907290 1907290 (5 of 8) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

at a wide range of wavelengths (Figure S20, Supporting Infor- elbow were also tracked from variation in relative resistance
mation) and had little heterogeneity when applied to the skin. (Figure 4c). Detection of motions in different intervals was
Therefore, we employed the gel films for skin-type strain sen- successfully achieved using the ionoskin platform. Figure 4d
sors, referred to as “ionoskins.” We attached ionoskins to four shows transient changes in relative resistance originating
representative body parts, the finger, elbow, ankle, and knee, from three different motions (namely, squatting, jumping, and
to demonstrate their potential as human motion sensing landing) of the knee. As a person squatted, the resistance of
platforms (Figure 4a). We tested bending motion detection ionoskin remained high. When a human jumped up, the knee
with various frequencies and angular changes of a finger straightened to its original state, and the low resistance was
(Figure 4b). The bending behavior of the finger was distinctly recovered. Peak relative resistance was measured as the knee
monitored irrespective of bending speed, which is attributed was instantaneously bent again when landed (Figure 4d).
to the fast responsiveness of the gel to applied strains. In addi- The motion of the ankle was also monitored. For example,
tion, each finger motion, such as 0°, 45°, and 90° bending, whenever a human walked (either quickly or slowly) or
could be distinguished with a larger increase in resist- stopped, all movements were clearly captured based on the var-
ance of the ionoskin at a higher bending angle (i.e., under a iation in relative resistance induced by elongation/restoration
larger strain). Much larger strains induced by bending of the of the ionoskin (Figure 4e).

Figure 4. a) Schematic illustration of practical application of ionoskin. The insets display photographs of devices applied to finger, elbow, ankle, and
knee. Relative resistance changes of the ionoskin adhered to the b) finger, c) elbow, d) knee, and e) ankle for which various movements were success-
fully monitored.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 1907290 1907290 (6 of 8) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

3. Conclusion Supporting Information

Supporting Information is available from the Wiley Online Library or
In summary, we proposed a nonvolatile, transparent, ultras-
from the author.
tretchable gel-type ionic conductor consisting of polymer
gelators and ionic liquids for human motion sensors. The
molecular design principle of polymer gelators for highly
deformable gels includes co-polymerization of PMMA with Acknowledgements
IL-insoluble, low-Tg polymers such as PBA. The gels containing This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of
40 wt% of 88-PMMA-r-PBA were optimal in terms of good Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (NRF-
stretchability (up to ≈850%) and elongation/restoration cyclic 2019R1C1C1002435). The authors thank Dr. Hyungju Ahn for assistance
durability. The resulting deformable gels were exploited in wear- and helpful discussion on SAXS experiments (9A beamline, Pohang
able strain sensors for which in situ variation of relative resist- Accelerator Laboratory (PAL) (Korea)).
ance with applied strains was recorded. The remarkable features
of the PMMA-r-PBA gel-based sensory platform, referred to
as ionic skins, lie in 1) very convenient fabrication through a Conflict of Interest
simple connection between the gel film and two electrodes,
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
2) nonvolatility even in open environments without encapsula-
tion, in contrast to hydrogel-based systems, 3) a wide strain detec-
tion range (≈850%) with a gauge factor of ≈2.72, 4) high stability
(>13 000 stretching/releasing cycles), and 5) optical transparency Keywords
(transmittance > 98.5%) with no significant heterogeneity when copolymer gelator, human motion detection, ionic strain sensory
applied to the skin. The ionoskin in this work renders the oppor- platform, soft electronics, ultrastretchable gel
tunity to achieve wearable ubiquitous electronics such as human
motion detectors, health care devices, and smart textile systems. Received: September 4, 2019
Revised: October 11, 2019
Published online: November 20, 2019

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