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Comparative Analysis: Primary vs Secondary

Primary sources are direct, first-person accounts of a subject from individuals

who had a close relationship with it. While they commonly cite or otherwise make use of
primary sources, secondary sources are indeed a step down from them. The same
subject may be covered, but with a deeper level of evaluation and interpretation. In my
opinion, the primary resource contains more detailed information of the story. I can
come as close to the actual events of a historical event or time period as possible by
using the main source. They are the clearest representation of a period or event
because they were produced by individuals or objects present during that period or
event. These sources provide original ideas or brand-new information without any
interpretational changes.

Upon the reading the excerpt, it provides a very detailed information about the
story of Magellan’s voyage around the world. It uses first person pronoun which signifies
that the text is a primary resource. It provides a very detailed story of every even
happened in the history of Magellan’s voyage. The text is more like a journal of what the
author has experienced during the trip. This primary source is historical documentation
that aids in the discovery of patterns that would otherwise be challenging to ascertain
just from current happenings. History does seem to repeat itself, and primary sources
offer a crucial perspective that can help students understand how past events have
shaped the world we live in today.

A free and effective democracy requires excellent citizenship, which can be

promoted by studying this period of Philippine history. Through Antonio Pigafetta's work,
primary sources allowed me to investigate the documented evidence of Magellan's
expedition. I can gain a completely new perspective on the ideas, statements, and
deeds of the past thanks to this important resource. These resources give me important
historical background and enable me to connect personally with historical events.

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