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Oscar: Excuse me, sir. I'm new in this town, and I'm looking for some places. Can you help me
with some directions please?

Marco: Good morning sir. Of course! I can help you. What are you looking for?

Oscar: Great, thanks! First, can you tell me how to get to the movie?

Marco: Sure. Go straight down this street for two blocks, then turn right at the traffic lights.
The movie is just across from the park.

Oscar: Got it. Thanks! How about the museum (misiam)? Is it nearby?

Marco: Yes, it's not far from here. Walk two blocks in the opposite direction, then turn left at
the intersection. The museum is right next to the library.

Oscar: Perfect! And what about any touristic sites (saites)? Are there any around?

Marco: Yes, there are a couple. To get to the main one, walk to the end of this street, turn
right, and go straight. You'll find the archaeological site on your left, just behind the church.

Oscar: That sounds interesting. How about a good viewpoint? Somewhere to see the city from

Marco: Ah, for a great view, walk to the city square, and then head up the hill behind it. You'll
find a beautiful viewpoint at the top.

Oscar: Thank you! I'm also getting hungry. Is there a nice restaurant nearby(nerbai)?

Marco: Yes, there's a good one just around the corner. Walk to the end of this block, turn left,
and it's right there on your right, next to the post office.

Oscar: Excellent! Now, I hope I won't need it, but where's the nearest(nierst) hospital?

Marco: Don't worry, it's always good to know. To get to the hospital, go back to the city
square, then turn right and walk two blocks. You'll see it on the corner of Mariategui Street.

Oscar: Thanks, Marco, you've been a great help. Last thing, how can I get to the (er)airport
from here?

Marco: No problem, happy to help. To reach the airport, just head back to the main road, turn
left, and take the first right onto Airport Avenue. Follow that road, and you'll get there very

Oscar: Thank you so much, Marco. You've made exploring this to(a)wn a lot easier for me!

Marco: You're welcome, Oscar. Enjoy your time here, and if you need any more help, don't
hesitate to ask. Have a great day!

Oscar: Thank You, bye

Marco: Good bye

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