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Perdone, ¿dónde está...?

– Excuse me, where is the…?

Perdone, ¿cómo llego a…? – Excuse me, how do I get to…?

Perdone, ¿hay algún/a ____ cerca? – Excuse me, is there a ______ near

¿Cómo llego hasta…? –  How do I get to…?

¿Cuál es el camino hasta…? – What’s the way to…?

¿Dónde se encuentra…? – Where is _____ located?


seguir recto: go straight

Sigue derecho en la calle principal – Go straight on Main Street

girar a la izquierda: turn left

Gira a la izquierda en el supermercado – Turn left on the supermarket

girar a la derecha: turn right

Gira a la derecha en la próxima esquina – Turn right on the next corner

pasar de largo: go past

Pasa el cine y encontrarás la biblioteca – Go past the cinema and you’ll find the

cruzar: cross

Si cruzas la calle, encontrarás la tienda de libros allí – If you cross the street, you’ll
find the bookstore there.
al cruzar la esquina – around the corner

El museo está al cruzar la esquina – The museum is just around the corner

entre: between

Encontrarás la cafetería entre el edificio de oficinas y el cine – You can find the
coffee shop between the office building and the movie theater

al lado: beside / next to

Mi escuela está al lado de un pequeño parque – My school is beside a small park

frente a/en frente de: in front of

El mercado está frente al Ayuntamiento – The market is in front of the City Hall
1. If I’m from the bank, how do I get to the police station?
 I’m going straight down Palm Street, turn right down the Queen Avenue, and the
hospital is next to the police station.
2. If I am from the hotel, how do I get to the church?
 I turn right and I go straight down the Queen Avenue, then I turn right and the
church is next to the club.
3. Excuse me, is the theater in front of the hotel or next to the hospital?
 The theatre is in front of the hotel.
4. Where is the Italian food restaurant?
 is located all along Lane Street, in front of the shopping center
5. what direction should I take to get to the vet?
 Must go straight on Lane Street, the vet is next to the aquarium.
Listening exercise. AUDIO DE 1:58
Study the map. Then, listen to each sentence and choose TRUE or FALSE. Review the
script to this listening activity at the bottom of the page.

1. The hotel is next to the ______.

a) True
b) False
2. The zoo is _____ the police station.
a) True
b) False
3. The ______ is between the post office and the supermarket.
a) True
b) False
4. The bowling alley is on _________ Street.
a) True
b) False
5. The ______ corner of ______ Street and ______ Street.
a) True
b) False
6. _________ front of ________.
a) True
b) False
7. _______________.
a) True
b) False
8. _______________.
a) True
b) False
9. _______________.
a) True
b) False
10. _______________.
a) True
b) False

Listening Script

1. The hotel is next to the bank (True).

2. The zoo is opposite the police station. (True)
3. The library is between the post office and the supermarket. (False)
4. The bowling alley is on East Street. (False)
5. The bar is on the corner of West Street and South Street. (True)
6. City hall is in front of the library. (False)
7. The hospital is near the bus station. (True)
8. The zoo is behind the post office. (False)
9. The bowling alley is behind the bookstore. (True)
10. The school is between the bus station and the police station. (False)

Listening-practice. AUDIO DE 1:27

Woman: Excuse me?

Man: Yeah?
Woman: I’m sorry to bother you1, but I’m completely lost. Are you from here?
Man: Where are you trying to get to3?
Woman: Well, I was looking for the art museum, but I think I’ve taken a wrong
turn4 somewhere.
Man: I think so! You’re miles away.
Woman: Really? This always happens to me. Directions are just not my thing, I suppose.
Man: I think the best thing is to take a bus. It’ll take ages if you walk from here.
Woman: That’s a shame… I wanted to walk around and get a feel for the city.
Man: I wouldn’t worry—there’s nothing to see around here, anyway. Take the bus into the
centre and walk around there—it’s much more interesting.
Woman: Oh, okay. Where can I take the bus?
Man: It’s about five minutes’ walk from here. You see that hotel, on the corner, there?
Woman: The one that says “Royal Hotel”?
Man: That’s right. Go down that street to the end, then turn right. Take the first left and go
on until you see a junction with traffic lights. Go over the junction, keep going straight, and
you’ll see a bus stop on your left.
Woman: Go to the end, first left, turn right at the traffic lights…
Man: No, no. Go straight on, past the traffic lights.
Woman: Oh! Yes, and then…
Man: It’ll be on your left.
Woman: Right! Got it, I think…
Man: Well, you can always ask someone else. Good luck!
Woman: Thanks!

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