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How can we apply Dynamic Filipinism to the current Philippine situation (in
society and governance) give one or two examples and explain.

It is essential to continue advocating for social justice and addressing the root causes of
inequality in the country if dynamic Filipinism is to be implemented. This can be accomplished
by advancing comprehensive strategies, giving equivalent opportunity for education and
employment.It is important to foster and promote freedom of expression, and encourage critical
thinking among citizens. Through these acts, dynamic filipinism can create a more inclusive and
open society.

2. In your own way, how can you practice dynamic filipinism?

To practice dynamic filipinism, I would start by educating myself about the social, cultural, and
political issues affecting the Philippines. I would actively participate in advocacy and social
justice initiatives that address inequalities and promote inclusive policies. This may include
volunteering at local organizations, attending community events, and raising awareness about
pressing issues through social media platforms or other communication channels. By actively
participating in these efforts, I can contribute to the advancement of dynamic Filipinism and
make a positive impact in our communities.

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