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Assignment submission Date (E308): 29/10/23(Sunday).

Medium: Hand written/typed.

Word Limit: ja man sommoto mone hoi.


*How loyal Monier Choudhury was while translating Shakespeare's play The Taming of
the Shrew? Explain.


Munir Choudhury's translation of Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew" into

Bengali as "মুখরা রমনী বশীকরণ" is generally regarded as a loyal translation in terms
of maintaining the core themes, characters, and plot of the original play. However, it's
essential to remember that translations often involve some level of adaptation to suit
the target language and culture.

While evaluating the loyalty of a translation, it's important to consider factors such as
Faithfulness to the Original Text. A loyal translation should preserve the themes,
characters, and plot of the original work as closely as possible. Though translators often
need to adapt the text to the target culture, it should still capture the essence of the
original. Moreover, the translator's choice of words, phrasing, and style can impact the
fidelity to the original work. Then, understanding why a particular translation was
created can shed light on its loyalty. For example, a translator may prioritize
accessibility for a specific audience over strict adherence to the source material.

Munir Chowdhury's loyalty to the original Shakespearean text is evident in his efforts to
preserve the essence of the play. He maintains the central themes of gender roles,
marriage, and societal expectations, ensuring that the Bengali version captures the
essence of the Elizabethan-era play. Munir Chowdhury's translation retained the
underlying themes and social commentary present in Shakespeare's original work. The
exploration of power dynamics, gender roles, and societal expectations remained
central to the Bengali version.

While being faithful to Shakespeare, Munir Chowdhury adapts the themes and context
to make them relevant to the Bengali-speaking audience. He explores themes of
gender, power dynamics, and societal expectations just as Shakespeare did. In "মুখরা
রমনী বশীকরণ," the character of Katherine (Katharina) remains a strong-willed woman who
challenges traditional gender roles, and Petruchio's attempts to "tame" her are
portrayed in a way that is consistent with Shakespeare's exploration of power and
control in relationships.

Chowdhury's portrayal of the characters in "মুখরা রমনী বশীকরণ" remained true to

Shakespeare's intentions. For example, the character of Kate was retained as a
strong-willed and independent woman who is eventually tamed, and Petruchio's
methods of "taming" were presented faithfully.

Munir Chowdhury was highly sensitive to the cultural nuances of the original play and
ensured that these were accurately reflected in his Bengali translation. For instance, he
retained the Elizabethan era setting of the play while adapting it to the cultural context of
Bengal. Munir Chowdhury ensures that the translation remains culturally relevant by
infusing it with elements from Bengali culture. He uses local customs and traditions to
replace those of Shakespearean England.

Moreover, He skillfully incorporates local cultural references, idiomatic expressions, and

societal norms. For example, he replaces Elizabethan references with Bengali ones to
make it relatable. Choudhury creatively incorporates Bengali idiomatic expressions and
proverbs that resonate with the audience while remaining true to the spirit of
Shakespearean wit. This adaptation showcases a loyalty to both the source material
and the target culture.

Furthermore, Choudhury's translation reflects his deep understanding of Bengali culture.

He carefully adapts the play to resonate with the sensibilities of Bengali readers while
staying true to the source material. He introduces Bengali idioms and expressions that
make the text relatable to the local audience. This cultural adaptation demonstrates his
loyalty not only to Shakespeare but also to his Bengali readership.

However, it's important to note that Munir Chowdhury did take some creative liberties
to make the play more accessible to a Bengali-speaking audience. Some critics argue
that these changes, though necessary, may have diluted some of the original play's
nuances. Additionally, due to cultural differences and sensibilities, some of the themes
and actions in the play were interpreted differently in "মুখরা রমনী বশীকরণ," which led
to varying critiques.

Some critics also argue that Chowdhury's translation takes significant liberties with
Shakespeare's language and style. Shakespeare's iambic pentameter and poetic
language are not directly replicable in Bengali, leading to a loss of the original's poetic

In conclusion, Munir Choudhury's translation of "The Taming of the Shrew" into "মুখরা
রমনী বশীকরণ" exemplifies his loyalty to Shakespeare's original work by preserving the
plot, characters, and themes. Simultaneously, he displays his loyalty to Bengali culture
by skillfully adapting the play to the linguistic and cultural context of his readers.
Choudhury's translation stands as a testament to the enduring universality of
Shakespeare's themes and the power of faithful yet culturally sensitive translations.

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